# frozen_string_literal: true # This file is part of packetgen-plugin-smb. # See https://github.com/sdaubert/packetgen-plugin-smb for more informations # Copyright (C) 2018 Sylvain Daubert # This program is published under MIT license. module PacketGen::Plugin # Server Message Block (SMB) header. # @author Sylvain Daubert class SMB < PacketGen::Header::Base # Known commands COMMANDS = { 'delete_dir' => 0x01, 'close' => 0x04, 'delete' => 0x06, 'query_info2' => 0x23, 'trans' => 0x25, 'echo' => 0x2b, 'open_and_x' => 0x2d, 'read_and_x' => 0x2e, 'write_and_x' => 0x2f, 'trans2' => 0x32, 'tree_disconnect' => 0x71, 'negotiate' => 0x72, 'session_setup_and_x' => 0x73, 'tree_connect_and_x' => 0x75, 'nt_trans' => 0xa0, 'nt_create_and_x' => 0xa2 }.freeze # SMB marker, on start of header MARKER = PacketGen.force_binary("\xffSMB") # @!attribute protocol # This field must contain {MARKER SMB marker} # @return [String] define_field :protocol, PacketGen::Types::String, static_length: 4, default: MARKER # @!attribute command # 8-bit SMB command # @return [Integer] define_field :command, PacketGen::Types::Int8Enum, enum: COMMANDS # @!attribute status # 32-bit status field. Used to communicate errors from server to client. # @return [Integer] define_field :status, PacketGen::Types::Int32le # @!attribute flags # 8-bit flags field # @return [Integer] define_field :flags, PacketGen::Types::Int8 # @!attribute flags2 # 16-bit flags field # @return [Integer] define_field :flags2, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute pid_high # 16 high order bits of a process identifier (PID) # @return [Integer] define_field :pid_high, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute sec_features # 64-bit field. May be: # * a 64-bit cryptographic message signature if signature was negotiated, # * a SecurityFeatures structure, only over connectionless transport, # composed of: # * a 16-bit sequence number, # * a 16-bit connection identifier (CID), # * a 32-bit key to validate message, # * a reserved field in all others cases. # @return [Integer] define_field :sec_features, PacketGen::Types::Int64le # @!attribute reserved # 16-bit reserved field # @return [Integer] define_field :reserved, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute tid # 16-bit tree identifier (TID) define_field :tid, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute pid # 16 low order bits of a process identifier (PID) # @return [Integer] define_field :pid, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute uid # 16-bit user identifier (UID) define_field :uid, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute mid # 16-bit multiplex identifier (MID) define_field :mid, PacketGen::Types::Int16le # @!attribute body # @return [String] define_field :body, PacketGen::Types::String # @!attribute flags_reply? # When set, the message is a reply from server to client. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_opbatch? # Obsolescent. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_oplock? # Obsolescent. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_canon_paths? # Obsolescent. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_case_insensitive? # Obsolete. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_reserved? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_rbuf_avail? # Obsolete. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags_locknread # When set in SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE response, the server supports # SMB_COM_LOCK_AND_READ and SNB_COM_WRITE_AND_UNLOCK commands. # @return [Boolean] define_bit_fields_on :flags, :flags_reply, :flags_opbatch, :flags_oplock, :flags_canon_paths, :flags_case_insensitive, :flags_reserved, :flags_buf_avail, :flags_locknread # @!attribute flags2_unicode? # If set, each field that contains a string in this message is encoded # as UTF-16. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_ntstatus? # If set in a client request, server must return errors as NTSTATUS, else # as SMBSTATUS. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_paging_io? # Client may read a file if it does not have read permission but have # execute one. # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_dfs? # If set, any pathnames should be resolved in the Distributed File System # (DFS). # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_extended_security? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_reparse_path? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_reserved # 3-bit reserved field # @return [Integer] # @!attribute flags2_is_long_name? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_rsv? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_security_signature_required? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_compressed? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_signature? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_eas? # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute flags2_long_names? # If unset, file names must adhere to the 8.3 naming convention. # @return [Boolean] define_bit_fields_on :flags2, :flags2_unicode, :flags2_ntstatus, :flags2_paging_io, :flags2_dfs, :flags2_extended_security, :flags2_reparse_path, :flags2_reserved, 3, :flags2_is_long_name, :flags2_rsv, :flags2_security_signature_required, :flags2_compresses, :flags2_signature, :flags2_eas, :flags2_long_names # Helper to bind a SMB command to {SMB} header. # @param [String] command name # @return [void] def self.bind_command(command) contantized = command.capitalize.gsub(/_(\w)/) { $1.upcase } krequest = self.const_get("#{contantized}::Request") kresponse = self.const_get("#{contantized}::Response") PacketGen::Header.add_class krequest self.bind krequest, command: SMB::COMMANDS[command], flags: ->(v) { v.nil? ? 0 : (v & 0x80).zero? } PacketGen::Header.add_class kresponse self.bind kresponse, command: SMB::COMMANDS[command], flags: ->(v) { v.nil? ? 0 : (v & 0x80 == 0x80) } end # Check if this is really a SMB2 header. Check {#protocol} has value {MARKER}. # @return [Boolean] def parse? protocol == MARKER end # @return [String] def inspect super do |attr| case attr when :flags, :flags2 value = bits_on(attr).reject { |_, v| v > 1 } .keys .select { |b| send("#{b}?") } .map(&:to_s) .join(',') .gsub!(/#{attr}_/, '') value = '%-16s (0x%02x)' % [value, self[attr].to_i] str = PacketGen::Inspect.shift_level str << PacketGen::Inspect::FMT_ATTR % [self[attr].class.to_s.sub(/.*::/, ''), attr, value] end end end end PacketGen::Header.add_class SMB NetBIOS::Session.bind SMB, body: ->(val) { val.nil? ? SMB::MARKER : val[0..3] == SMB::MARKER } NetBIOS::Datagram.bind SMB, body: ->(val) { val.nil? ? SMB::MARKER : val[0..3] == SMB::MARKER } end require_relative 'smb/string' require_relative 'smb/filetime' require_relative 'smb/blocks' require_relative 'smb/close' require_relative 'smb/trans' require_relative 'smb/nt_create_and_x' require_relative 'smb/negotiate' require_relative 'smb/browser' # If unknown command, bind SMB blocks PacketGen::Header.add_class PacketGen::Plugin::SMB::Blocks PacketGen::Plugin::SMB.bind PacketGen::Plugin::SMB::Blocks