require 'json' # JSON models that will get converted appropriately when sent to or # received by actors. # JsonEntity messages always get converted. JsonStorage messages # are a special case for the object database and are left untouched # by the tell/ask/on_receive filters require 'ostruct' module GameMachine class Model < OpenStruct include GameMachine::Commands class << self def attribute(*args) end def delete(id) commands.datastore.delete(id) end def delete!(id) commands.datastore.delete!(id) end def find!(id) scoped_id = scope_for(id) if entity = Commands::Base.commands.datastore.get!(scoped_id) from_entity(entity,:json_storage) else nil end end def find(id,timeout=1000) scoped_id = scope_for(id) if entity = Commands::Base.commands.datastore.get(scoped_id,timeout) from_entity(entity,:json_storage) else nil end end # TODO cache klass names in hash to avoid constantize def from_entity(entity,type=:json_entity) if type == :json_storage json = entity.json_storage.json else json = entity.json_entity.json end self.from_hash(JSON.parse(json)) end def scope_for(id) if id_scope "#{id_scope}|#{id}" else id end end def set_id_scope(scope) @id_scope = scope end def id_scope @id_scope end def from_hash(attributes) if klass = attributes.delete('klass') attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| if v.kind_of?(Hash) h[k] = from_hash(v) elsif v.kind_of?(Array) h[k] = v.collect do |e| e.kind_of?(Hash) ? from_hash(e) : e end else h[k] = v end end model = = model.unscoped_id model else end end end def as_json attributes['id'] = scoped_id attributes.merge!(:klass => attributes.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| if v.kind_of?(OpenStruct) h[k] = v.as_json elsif v.is_a?(Array) h[k] = v.collect do |e| e.kind_of?(OpenStruct) ? e.as_json : e end else h[k] = v end end end def to_json JSON.generate(as_json) end def attributes self.marshal_dump end def scoped_id if self.class.id_scope self.class.scope_for(id) else id end end def unscoped_id if self.class.id_scope id.sub(/^#{self.class.id_scope}\|/,'') else id end end def to_entity end def to_json_entity end def to_storage_entity end def to_json_storage end def save commands.datastore.put(to_storage_entity) end def save! commands.datastore.put!(to_storage_entity) end def destroy commands.datastore.delete(scoped_id) end def destroy! commands.datastore.delete!(scoped_id) end end end