# Change Log ## 1.5.1 - `counts` returns a hash of counts of every element in the array, performed in linear time (running time of O(n)). - `duplicates` returns a single occurrence of all elements that repeated in an array - `array_difference_indices`/`array_difference_indexes` aliases for `array_diff_indices`/`array_diff_indexes` - `array_diff`/`array_difference` (return elements of `array_diff_indexes`) - `array_intersection` (returns elements of `array_intersection_indexes`) ## 1.5.0 - Add RubyMotion compatibility - Ensure Opal compatibility happens through RUBY_ENGINE instead of RUBY_PLATFORM ## 1.4.0 - `array_diff_indexes(other_array)` (alias: `array_diff_indices`) - `array_intersection_indexes(other_array)` (alias: `array_intersection_indices`) ## 1.3.0 - [API Breaking] Separate between operations `include_any?(*array)` and `include_any?(array)` to avoid confusion (remove support for the latter as it is not necessary) - [API Breaking] Separate between operations `include_all?(*array)` and `include_all?(array)` to avoid confusion (rename the latter to `include_array?(array)`) - `Array#include_all?(*other_array, same_sort: true)` accepts `same_sort` option (default: `false`) ## 1.2.0 - Add `Array#array_index(array)` method to determine start array index of other array ## 1.1.0 - Perform contiguous-element `include_all?([...])` check against an array argument (not splatted) - Perform sorted `include_all?([...])` check against an array argument (not splatted) - Perform non-repetition `include_all?([...])` check against an array argument (not splatted) ## 1.0.4 - Support splat args (e.g. `include_any?(1, 2, 3)` instead of `include_any?([1, 2, 3])`) ## 1.0.3 - Opal compatibility through monkey-patching and providing a `using` method shim so that existing gems that used the refinement in Ruby work ## 1.0.2 - Handled case of two arrays with elements of unsortable object types (e.g. Hash) ## 1.0.1 - Handled case of two arrays with different ordering of common elements ## 1.0.0 - Initial implementation of Array#include_all? & Array#include_any?