# encoding: utf-8 require 'singleton' require 'libis-tools' require 'libis/tools/extend/hash' require 'libis/tools/extend/string' require 'libis/tools/extend/empty' require 'libis/format/type_database' require_relative 'config' require_relative 'fido' require_relative 'droid' require_relative 'file_tool' require_relative 'extension_identification' module Libis module Format class Identifier include ::Libis::Tools::Logger include Singleton public def self.add_xml_validation(mimetype, xsd_file) instance.xml_validations[mimetype] = xsd_file end def self.xml_validations instance.xml_validations end def self.get(file, options = {}) instance.get file, options end attr_reader :xml_validations def get(file, options = {}) options[:droid] = true unless options.keys.include?(:droid) and options[:tool] and options[:tool] != :droid options[:fido] = true unless options.keys.include?(:fido) and options[:tool] and options[:tool] != :fido options[:file] = true unless options.keys.include?(:file) and options[:tool] and options[:tool] != :file options[:xml_validation] = true unless options.keys.include?(:xml_validation) and !options[:xml_validation] result = {messages: [], output: {}, formats: {}} begin get_droid_identification(file, options[:recursive], result) if options[:droid] rescue => e log_msg(result, :error, "Error running Droid: #{e.message} @ #{e.backtrace.first}") end begin get_fido_identification(file, options[:recursive], result) if options[:fido] rescue => e log_msg(result, :error, "Error running Fido: #{e.message} @ #{e.backtrace.first}") end begin get_file_identification(file, options[:recursive], result) if options[:file] rescue => e log_msg(result, :error, "Error running File: #{e.message} @ #{e.backtrace.first}") end # Let's not waiste time on this. If not standard, it will fail in Rosetta anyway. # get_extension_identification(file, options[:recursive], result) # determine XML type. Add custom types at runtime with # Libis::Tools::Format::Identifier.add_xml_validation('my_type', '/path/to/my_type.xsd') begin validate_against_xml_schema(result) if options[:xml_validation] rescue => e log_msg(result, :error, "Error validating XML files: #{e.message} @ #{e.backtrace.first}") end process_results(result) result end protected def initialize @xml_validations = Libis::Format::Config[:xml_validations].to_h end def get_file_identification(file, recursive, result) output = ::Libis::Format::FileTool.run(file, recursive) process_tool_output(output, result) output end def get_fido_identification(file, recursive, result) output = ::Libis::Format::Fido.run(file, recursive) process_tool_output(output, result) output end def get_droid_identification(file, recursive, result) output = ::Libis::Format::Droid.run(file, recursive) process_tool_output(output, result) output end def get_extension_identification(file, recursive, result) output = ::Libis::Format::ExtensionIdentification.run(file, recursive) process_tool_output(output, result) output end def validate_against_xml_schema(result) result[:output].each do |file, file_results| file_results.each do |file_result| xml_validate(file, file_result, result) end end end def xml_validate(file, file_result, result) return unless file_result[:mimetype] =~ /^(text|application)\/xml$/ doc = ::Libis::Tools::XmlDocument.open file xml_validations.each do |mime, xsd_file| next unless xsd_file begin if doc.validates_against?(xsd_file) log_msg result, :debug, "XML file validated against XML Schema: #{xsd_file}" info = {mimetype: mime, tool: file_result[:source], source: :xsd_validation, match_type: 'xsd_validation', format_version: '', } file_result.merge! Libis::Format::TypeDatabase.enrich(info, PUID: :puid, MIME: :mimetype, NAME: :format_name) end rescue => e # Do nothing - probably Nokogiri chrashed during validation. Could have many causes # (remote schema (firewall, network, link rot, ...), schema syntax error, corrupt XML,...) # so we log and continue. log_msg(result, :warn, "Error during XML validation of file #{file} against #{File.basename(xsd_file)}: #{e.message}") end end rescue => e # Not much we can do. probably Nokogiri chrashed opening the XML file. What caused this? # (XML not parsable, false XML identification, ???) # so we log and continue. log_msg(result, :warn, "Error paring XML file #{file}: #{e.message} @ #{e.backtrace.first}") end def process_results(result) result[:output].keys.each do |file| output = result[:output].delete(file) file_result = result[:formats][file] = {} if output.empty? log_msg(result, :warn, "Could not identify format of '#{file}'.") file_result = { mimetype: 'application/octet-stream', puid: 'fmt/unknown', score: 0, source: nil } else format_matches = output.group_by {|x| [x[:mimetype], x[:puid]]} format_matches.each do |match, group| format_matches[match] = group.group_by {|x| x[:score]}.sort.reverse.to_h end case format_matches.count when 0 # No this really cannot happen. If there are not hits, there will be at least a format [nil,nil] when 1 # only one match, that's easy. The first of the highest score will be used file_result.merge!(get_best_result(output)) else process_multiple_formats(file_result, format_matches, output) end end end result.delete(:output) end def process_multiple_formats(file_result, format_matches, output) # multiple matches. Let's select the highest score matches file_result.merge!(get_best_result(output)) file_result[:alternatives] = [] format_matches.keys.each do |mime, puid| next if file_result[:mimetype] == mime && puid.nil? selection = output.select {|x| x[:mimetype] == mime && x[:puid] == puid} file_result[:alternatives] << get_best_result(selection) end file_result[:alternatives] = file_result[:alternatives].sort_by {|x| x[:score]}.reverse file_result.delete(:alternatives) if file_result[:alternatives].size <= 1 end private def process_tool_output(output, result) output.each do |file, file_output| result[:output][file] ||= [] result[:output][file] += file_output end end def log_msg(result, severity, text) result[:messages] << [severity, text] end def get_mimetype(puid) ::Libis::Format::TypeDatabase.puid_typeinfo(puid)[:MIME].first rescue nil end def get_best_result(results) score = results.map {|x| x[:score]}.max results.select {|x| x[:score] == score}.reduce(:apply_defaults) end end end end