module FitbitAPI class Client ACTIVITY_RESOURCES = %w(calories caloriesBMR steps distance floors elevation minutesSedentary minutesLightlyActive minutesFairlyActive minutesVeryActive activityCalories tracker/calories tracker/steps tracker/distance tracker/floors tracker/elevation tracker/minutesSedentary tracker/minutesLightlyActive tracker/minutesFairlyActive tracker/minutesVeryActive tracker/activityCalories) ACTIVITY_INTRADAY_RESOURCES = %w(calories steps distance floors elevation) # GET Activities # ============== # Retrieves a summary and list of a user's activities and activity log entries for a given day # in the format requested using units in the unit system which corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided. def daily_activity_summary(, opts={}) get("user/#{user_id}/activities/date/#{format_date(date)}.json", opts) end # Retrieves a list of a user's frequent activities in the format requested using units # in the unit system which corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided. def frequent_activities(opts={}) get("user/#{user_id}/activities/frequent.json", opts) end def recent_activities(opts={}) get("user/#{user_id}/activities/recent.json", opts) end # Returns a list of a user's favorite activities. def favorite_activities(opts={}) get("user/#{user_id}/activities/favorite.json", opts) end # Gets a tree of all valid Fitbit public activities from # the activities catalog as well as private custom activities the user created. def all_activities(opts={}) get('activities.json', opts) end # Retrieves a list of a user's activity log entries before or after a given day with # offset and limit using units in the unit system which corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided. # ==== URL Parameters # * +:beforeDate+ - the date; formatted in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss # * +:afterDate+ - the date; formatted in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss # * +:sort+ - the sort order of entries by date (asc or desc) # * +:offset+ - the offset number of entries. Must always be 0 # * +:limit+ - the max of the number of entries returned (max: 20) def activity_logs_list(opts={}) opts[:params] = {} param_defaults = { before_date:, after_date: nil, sort: 'desc', limit: 20, offset: 0 } # move param values from top-level opts into :params sub-hash param_defaults.each do |key, default_val| opts[:params][key] = opts.delete(key) || default_val end get("user/#{user_id}/activities/list.json", opts) end # Returns the details of a specific activity in the Fitbit activities database in the format requested. # If activity has levels, also returns a list of activity level details. def activity(activity_id) get("activities/#{activity_id}.json") end # Retrieves the user's activity statistics in the format requested using units # in the unit system which corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided. # Activity statistics includes Lifetime and Best achievement values from the # My Achievements tile on the website dashboard. def lifetime_stats(opts={}) get("user/#{user_id}/activities.json", opts) end def activity_time_series(resource, opts={}) start_date = opts[:start_date] end_date = opts[:end_date] || period = opts[:period] unless ACTIVITY_RESOURCES.include?(resource) raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, "Invalid resource: \"#{resource}\". Please provide one of the following: #{ACTIVITY_RESOURCES}." end if [start_date, period].none? raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, 'A start_date or period is required.' end if period && !PERIODS.include?(period) raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, "Invalid period: \"#{period}\". Please provide one of the following: #{PERIODS}." end if period result = get("user/#{user_id}/activities/#{resource}/date/#{format_date(end_date)}/#{period}.json", opts) else result = get("user/#{user_id}/activities/#{resource}/date/#{format_date(start_date)}/#{format_date(end_date)}.json", opts) end # remove root key from response result.values[0] end def activity_intraday_time_series(resource, opts={}) date = opts[:date] || detail_level = opts[:detail_level] start_time = opts[:start_time] end_time = opts[:end_time] unless ACTIVITY_INTRADAY_RESOURCES.include?(resource) raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, "Invalid resource: \"#{resource}\". Please provide one of the following: #{ACTIVITY_RESOURCES}." end if [date, detail_level].any?(&:nil?) raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, 'A date and detail_level are required.' end unless %(1min 15min).include? detail_level raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, "Invalid detail_level: \"#{detail_level}\". Please provide one of the following: \"1min\" or \"15min\"." end if (start_time || end_time) && !(start_time && end_time) raise FitbitAPI::InvalidArgumentError, 'Both start_time and end_time are required if time is being specified.' end if (start_time && end_time) get("user/-/activities/#{resource}/date/#{format_date(date)}/1d/#{detail_level}/time/#{format_time(start_time)}/#{format_time(end_time)}.json") else get("user/-/activities/#{resource}/date/#{format_date(date)}/1d/#{detail_level}.json") end end # POST Activities # =============== # Creates log entry for an activity or user's private custom activity using units # in the unit system which corresponds to the Accept-Language header provided. # ==== POST Parameters # * +:activityId+ - activity id # * +:activityName+ - custom activity name. Either activity ID or activityName must be provided # * +:manualCalories+ - calories burned, specified manually. Required with activityName, otherwise optional # * +:startTime+ - activity start time; formatted in HH:mm:ss # * +:durationMillis+ - duration in milliseconds # * +:date+ - log entry date; formatted in yyyy-MM-dd # * +:distance+ - distance; required for logging directory activity; formatted in X.XX # * +:distanceUnit+ - distance measurement unit def log_activity(opts) post("user/#{user_id}/activities.json", opts) end # Adds the activity with the given ID to user's list of favorite activities. def add_favorite_activity(activity_id) post("user/#{user_id}/activities/favorite/#{activity_id}.json") end # DELETE Activities # ================= # Deletes a user's activity log entry with the given ID. def delete_activity(activity_log_id) delete("user/#{user_id}/activities/#{activity_log_id}.json") end # Removes the activity with the given ID from a user's list of favorite activities. def delete_favorite_activity(activity_id) delete("user/#{user_id}/activities/favorite/#{activity_id}.json") end end end