module RakeScript module Logging # RakeScript::Logging helper allows to print useful and colorized output. # @see PROMPT_STYLES = { normal: 0, bold: 1, dim: 2, underlined: 4, blink: 5, inverted: 7, hidden: 8 } PROMPT_COLORS = { default: 39, black: 30, red: 31, green: 32, yellow: 33, blue: 34, magenta: 35, cyan: 36, light_grey: 37, dark_grey: 90, light_red: 91, light_green: 92, light_yellow: 93, light_blue: 94, light_magenta: 95, light_cyan: 96, white: 97 } RESET_PROMPT = "\e[0m".freeze def format_text(text, color: :default, background: :default, style: :normal) fg = PROMPT_COLORS.fetch(color) bg = PROMPT_COLORS.fetch(background) + 10 fmt = PROMPT_STYLES.fetch(style) format = "\e[#{fmt};#{fg};#{bg}m" "#{format}#{text}#{RESET_PROMPT}" end def puts_colored(*lines) options = lines.pop raise ArgumentError, 'last argument must be options hash'.freeze unless options.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'provide at least one line'.freeze if lines.empty? formatted_lines = { |line| format_text(line, **options) } puts(*formatted_lines) end def puts_time(prefix: nil, color: :yellow, style: :bold) time ='%F %T %Z'.freeze) puts_colored("#{prefix}[#{time}]", color: color, style: style) end def puts_info(text, color: :blue, style: :bold) puts_colored(">>> #{text}", color: color, style: style) end def with_puts_benchmark(title, show_time: true) puts_info title puts_time(prefix: "[#{title} begin]") if show_time time = begin yield took = - time puts_time(prefix: "[#{title} completed]") if show_time puts_colored("[#{title}] took #{took} seconds.", color: :yellow, style: :bold) rescue StandardError => e took = - time puts_time(prefix: "[#{title} failed]") if show_time puts_colored("[#{title}] failed after #{took} seconds.", color: :yellow, style: :bold) raise e end end end end