%div.authform %h1 Simple Milia App .block#block-signup %h2 New Organizational Sign up .content %span.description %i If you're a member of an existing group in our system, click the activate link in the invitation email from your organization's admin. You should not sign up for a new organizational account. %br .flash - flash.each do |type, message| %div{ :class => "message #{type}" } %p= message - flash.clear # clear contents so we won't see it again = form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => registration_path(resource_name), :html => { :class => "form" }) do |f| = devise_error_messages! .group = f.label :email, :class => "label" = f.text_field :email, :class => "text_field" %span.description Ex. test@example.com .group = f.label :password, :class => "label" = f.password_field :password, :class => "text_field" %span.description must be at least 8 characters .group = f.label :password_confirmation, "Re-enter Password", :class => "label" = f.password_field :password_confirmation, :class => "text_field" %span.description to confirm your password .group = fields_for( :tenant ) do |w| = w.label( :name, 'Organization', :class => "label" ) = w.text_field( :name, :class => "text_field") %span.description unique name for your group or organization for the new account - if ::Milia.use_coupon - @coupon ||= {} .group = label_tag( 'coupon', 'Coupon code', :class => "label" ) = text_field_tag( "coupon[coupon]", @coupon['coupon'].to_s, :size => 8, :class => "text_field" ) %span.description optional promotional code, if any - if ::Milia.use_recaptcha = recaptcha_tags( :display => { :theme => 'clean', :tabindex => 0 } ) .group.navform.wat-cf %button.button{ :type => "submit" } Sign up = render :partial => "devise/shared/links"