$(document).ready(function() { // remove the url params like notice=message so they don't stick around window.history.replaceState( "object or string", "Coverband", window.location.href.replace(/notice=.*/, "") ); $(".notice") .delay(3000) .fadeOut("slow"); $(".del").click(function() { if (!confirm("Do you want to delete")) { return false; } }); // Configuration for fancy sortable tables for source file groups $(".file_list").dataTable({ aaSorting: [[1, "asc"]], bPaginate: false, bJQueryUI: true, aoColumns: [ null, { sType: "percent" }, { sType: "percent" }, null, null, null, null, null, null ] }); // TODO: add support for searching... // hmm should I just use manual paging? or load more... if ($(".file_list.unsorted").length == 1) { var current_rows = 0; var total_rows = 0; var page = 1; // write a function to get a page of data and add it to the table function get_page(page) { $.ajax({ url: `/coverage/report_json?page=${page}`, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { console.log(data); total_rows = data["iTotalRecords"]; // NOTE: we request 250 at a time, but we seem to have some files that we have as a list but 0 coverage, // so we don't get back 250 per page... to ensure we we need to account for filtered out and empty files // this 250 at the moment is synced to the 250 in the hash redis store current_rows += 250; //data["aaData"].length; console.log(current_rows); console.log(total_rows); $(".file_list.unsorted").dataTable().fnAddData(data["aaData"]); page += 1; // the page less than 100 is to stop infinite loop in case of folks never clearing out old coverage reports if (page < 100 && current_rows < total_rows) { get_page(page); } } }); } get_page(page); } // Syntax highlight all files up front - deactivated // $('.source_table pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e, ' ')}); // Syntax highlight source files on first toggle of the file view popup $("a.src_link").click(function() { // Get the source file element that corresponds to the clicked element var source_table = $($(this).attr("href")); var loader_url = $(source_table).attr("data-loader-url"); $(source_table).load(loader_url); // If not highlighted yet, do it! if (!source_table.hasClass("highlighted")) { source_table.find("pre code").each(function(i, e) { hljs.highlightBlock(e, " "); }); source_table.addClass("highlighted"); } }); var prev_anchor; var curr_anchor; // Set-up of popup for source file views $("a.src_link").colorbox({ transition: "none", inline: true, opacity: 1, width: "95%", height: "95%", onLoad: function() { prev_anchor = curr_anchor ? curr_anchor : jQuery.url.attr("anchor"); curr_anchor = this.href.split("#")[1]; window.location.hash = curr_anchor; }, onCleanup: function() { if (prev_anchor && prev_anchor != curr_anchor) { $('a[href="#' + prev_anchor + '"]').click(); curr_anchor = prev_anchor; } else { $(".group_tabs a:first").click(); prev_anchor = curr_anchor; curr_anchor = $(".group_tabs a:first").attr("href"); } window.location.hash = curr_anchor; } }); window.onpopstate = function(event) { if (location.hash.substring(0, 2) == "#_") { $.colorbox.close(); curr_anchor = jQuery.url.attr("anchor"); } else { if ($("#colorbox").is(":hidden")) { $('a.src_link[href="' + location.hash + '"]').colorbox({ open: true }); } } }; // Hide src files and file list container after load $(".source_files").hide(); $(".file_list_container").hide(); // Add tabs based upon existing file_list_containers $(".file_list_container h2").each(function() { var container_id = $(this) .parent() .attr("id"); var group_name = $(this) .find(".group_name") .first() .html(); var covered_percent = $(this) .find(".covered_percent") .first() .html(); $(".group_tabs").append( '