require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) class AClassThatUsesSubshells include Executioner executable :sh executable :doesnotexistforsure executable 'executable-with-dash' executable :with_path, :path => '/path/to/executable' end describe "Executioner, the module" do it "should assign an optional logger" do begin logger = Executioner.logger = logger logger ensure Executioner.logger = nil end end end describe "Executioner, instance methods" do before do @object = end it "should raise a Executioner::ProcessError if a command could not be executed" do proc = lambda { @object.send(:execute, "/bin/sh -M") } proc.should.raise Executioner::ProcessError begin rescue Executioner::ProcessError => error error.message.should =~ %r%Command: "/bin/sh -M"% error.message.should =~ %r%Output: "/bin/sh: -M: invalid option% end end it "should be able to switch stdout and stderr, for instance for ffmpeg" do lambda { @object.send(:execute, "/bin/sh -M", :switch_stdout_and_stderr => true) }.should.not.raise Executioner::ProcessError end it "should help concat arguments" do @object.send(:concat_args, [[:foo, 'foo'], [:bar, 'bar']]).should == "-foo foo -bar bar" end it "should queue one command" do @object.send(:queue, 'ls') @object.send(:queued_commands).should == 'ls' end it "should queue multiple commands" do @object.send(:queue, 'ls') @object.send(:queue, 'cat') @object.send(:queued_commands).should == 'ls && cat' end it "should execute queued commands" do @object.send(:queue, 'ls') @object.send(:queue, 'ls') @object.expects(:execute).with(@object.send(:queued_commands), {}) @object.send(:execute_queued) @object.send(:queued_commands).should == '' end end describe "Executioner, class methods" do before do @object = end it "should define an instance method for the specified binary that's needed" do AClassThatUsesSubshells.instance_methods.should.include 'sh' end it "should define an instance method which calls #execute with the correct path to the executable" do @object.expects(:execute).with('/bin/sh with some args', {:switch_stdout_and_stderr => false}) 'with some args' end it "should define an instance method for an executable with dashes replaced by underscores" do @object.should.respond_to :executable_with_dash end it "should be possible to switch stdin and stderr" do AClassThatUsesSubshells.class_eval { executable(:sh, {:switch_stdout_and_stderr => true}) } @object.expects(:execute).with('/bin/sh with some args', {:switch_stdout_and_stderr => true}) 'with some args' end it "should be possible to use the queue by default" do AClassThatUsesSubshells.class_eval { executable(:sh, {:use_queue => true}) } @object.expects(:execute).with('/bin/sh arg1 && /bin/sh arg2', {}) 'arg1' 'arg2' @object.execute_queued end it "should be possible to specify the path to the executable" do @object.expects(:execute).with { |command, options| command == "/path/to/executable arg1" } @object.with_path 'arg1' end it "should be possible to find an executable" do File.stubs(:exist?).with('/bin/sh').returns(true) Executioner::ClassMethods.find_executable('sh').should == '/bin/sh' end it "should be possible to find an executable advancing from a given path" do File.stubs(:exist?).with('/usr/bin/sh').returns(true) Executioner::ClassMethods.find_executable('sh', '/bin').should == '/usr/bin/sh' end it "should yield all found executables, but use the one for which the proc returns a truthful value" do File.stubs(:exist?).with('/bin/with_selection_proc').returns(true) File.stubs(:exist?).with('/usr/bin/with_selection_proc').returns(true) File.stubs(:exist?).with('/usr/local/bin/with_selection_proc').returns(true) File.stubs(:exist?).with('/opt/local/bin/with_selection_proc').returns(true) AClassThatUsesSubshells.executable(:with_selection_proc, :select_if => lambda { |executable| nil }) lambda { @object.with_selection_proc('foo') }.should.raise Executioner::ExecutableNotFoundError AClassThatUsesSubshells.executable(:with_selection_proc, :select_if => lambda { |executable| executable == '/usr/bin/with_selection_proc' }) @object.expects(:execute).with("/usr/bin/with_selection_proc foo", {:switch_stdout_and_stderr => false}) @object.with_selection_proc('foo') AClassThatUsesSubshells.executable(:with_selection_proc, :select_if => lambda { |executable| executable == '/opt/local/bin/with_selection_proc' }) @object.expects(:execute).with("/opt/local/bin/with_selection_proc foo", {:switch_stdout_and_stderr => false}) @object.with_selection_proc('foo') end it "should define an instance method which raises a Executioner::ExecutableNotFoundError error if the executable could not be found" do lambda { @object.doesnotexistforsure 'right?' }.should.raise Executioner::ExecutableNotFoundError end end