class _Sound format: if $.browser.webkit then ".mp3" else ".wav" soundPath: "/assets/s/" sound: [] environmentSound: null maxChannels: 8 constructor: () -> @sound.size = 8 for i in [0..7] @sound[i] = null loadSoundChannel: (name) -> snd = new Audio( @soundPath + name + @format ) snd.preload = false snd.load() snd enableDesktopLoop: ( env ) -> if typeof env.loop == 'boolean' env.loop = true else env.addEventListener( 'ended', () -> this.currentTime = 0 false ) playDesktop: (name, options = {}) -> if options.environmentSound @environmentSound.stop() if @environmentSound @environmentSound = @loadSoundChannel( name ) @enableDesktopLoop( @environmentSound ) if options.environmentSound return aChannel = false for i in [0..8] if @sound[i] == null aChannel = i break else if @sound[i] and (@sound[i].currentTime == @sound[i].duration || @sound[i].currentTime == 0) aChannel = i break @sound[ aChannel ] = @loadSoundChannel( name ) @enableDesktopLoop( @sound[ aChannel ] ) if options.environmentSound @sound[ aChannel ].play() stopDesktop: (channel) -> @sound[channel].stop() if @sound[channel] and (@sound[channel].currentTime == @sound[channel].duration || @sound[channel].currentTime == 0) stopEnvironmentDesktop: -> @environmentSound.stop() if @environmentSound # SUPPORT CORDOVA play: (name, options = {}) -> @playDesktop name, options unless IS_MOBILE stop: (channel) -> @stopDesktop channel unless IS_MOBILE stopEnvironment: -> @stopEnvironmentDesktop() unless IS_MOBILE window.Sound = new _Sound()