# Experiment to tweak source based on what rubocop wanted me to. I basically # gave up and made the following exceptions. Personally, I find the tool did # find many interesting/questionable code Qs in the project but it is soooo # opinionated in pretty unimportant ways (like who cares how I write my # comments, or why can't I use kind_of? or why give me a fail for a less # readable but more performant pattern). # # I can obviously tweak rules (like below) but I keep hearing of people pulling # their hair out over all the unimportant rules; I question why this project is # "all-in" on it's rules versus leaving most of the style rules as some preset # profiles people can opt in to. # # So I am committing this and I will try and run this every now and then to # see what it thinks about what I wrote but you will not see this as a # requirement for commits since I think by the time I configured it to my # liking I could have finished implementing this library. Perhaps if I # continue using this here and there I will end up with a profile I find # acceptable? I did find value but all the piddly shit just made me angry. # I will reflect on it some more... # This is a Java AWT call. It is not what the tool thinks it is...which # might be an issue for users interacting with Java from JRuby. Lint/UselessSetterCall: Exclude: - 'lib/image_voodoo/awt.rb' # This is just impossible for them to call properly. I am doing something # like rotate_impl and it is a bunch of reasonably simple math. If you look # for this transformation in a text book it will look like this code. Putting # a bunch of math within different methods would get the score down but # it would not help readability. (addendum: I did try and break it apart more # and never reached 15 but got closer. I felt this rule is neat but the # score really depends on what it is. Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 16.5 # This is triggered for correct_orientation_impl. I could put these transforms # in a table and then execute lambdas for each orientation but this is much # more clear. Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 10 # A bunch of fields in a hash are basically generated data. Correcting them # for column seems much too pedantic. I guess exclude is the right thing for # an unusual file? Layout/LineLength: Max: 132 Exclude: - 'lib/image_voodoo/metadata.rb' # Metadata classes have data in them. awt.rb is big and perhaps could be # shrunk but it is not a hard file to navigate and the cleaving points are # not super obvious. These sorts of rules feel very arbitrary and if I have # n highly related things and they do not fit into a more restrictive # taxonomy why would the file being longer matter? I do understand the # motivation here but as a default rule this feels wrong to me. Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 250 # I do not find this very useful. There is no performance difference and # sometimes I want to highlight this string does not involve interpolation. # Other times it is not worth pointing out. Style/StringLiterals: Enabled: false # require 'english' is a step too far for $! which is so baked into my # head I do not want to change :) Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Enabled: false # I am grouping math and using lack of whitespace for separation. Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Enabled: false # I prefer tight assignment for opt args. Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: Enabled: false # Java methods which override or implement Java method names cannot be switched # to snake case. Do we really need this as a rule anyways? I have never seen # a Rubyist do this as a preferred style? Naming/MethodName: Enabled: false # bin/image_voodoo main options block. Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - 'bin/image_voodoo' # Hash rocket looks much more natural in a rakefile for its deps. Style/HashSyntax: Exclude: - 'Rakefile' # Forget it. I do parallel assignment and you will have to peel it out of # my cold dead hands. Style/ParallelAssignment: Enabled: false # FIXME: consider keywords for shapes. # I might switch these to keyword args if I ever revisit shapes support. # In general lots of params do suck and are hard to remember. This library # still is supposed to work in 1.8 but I can probably soon major rev this # and switch over to keywords. Metrics/ParameterLists: Exclude: - 'lib/image_voodoo/awt/shapes.rb' # This is complaining that 'x' and 'y' are bad names because they are less # than 3 chars. Silly rule even if I appreciate what it is trying to # accomplish. Interestingly, in image_voodoo I do use h for height and # w for width. Those probably could be written out but they are so common # I am basically opting for short-hand. This is something I rarely do except # domain-driven code like this (x,y,h,w). Naming/MethodParameterName: Enabled: false # This represents one of those frustrating dogmatic rules where if I followed # this advice I would then violate the column length rule. I specifically # use traditional if indented block in cases where if_mod doesn't fit. # Gramatically, if_mod can be across two lines but I hate how that looks. The # second solution of logical &&/|| change for a raise is alien to for all but # assignment. Style/IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false # What the hell. Really telling people that encoding: utf-8 should not happen # because there are no multi-byte utf-8 characters in it? Why add this noise? Style/Encoding: Enabled: false # FIXME: # This is an unknown error which I should figure out. It must be some # StandardError (which is what nothing explicit means) but I should actually # be more explicit here. Style/RescueStandardError: Exclude: - 'lib/image_voodoo.rb' # This was complaining metadata_impl should use @metadata_impl instead of # @metadata. I disagree and am unsure why I need to follow this programs # opinion on what a good name is? What is commentable is if I change the # variable name to @gorgon it still tells me I need to use @metadata_impl. # So if I conditionally add any state in any method it will tell me I am # memoizing and have to use same ivar as the name of the method? Is it more # sophisticated than that? Should I have spent 2-3 minutes trying to figure # out how this rule was implemented? :) Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: Enabled: false # I have two modes of use for private. If it is a small number of individual # methods I am explicit and inline the private. If it is a large number of # methods especially when the name is fairly obvious that those will be private # (like render_impl) then I use block private. Not sure telling me I can only # use a single style is very useful. Style/AccessModifierDeclarations: Enabled: false # I feel for the tiny amount of generation here a better name would not help # me understand it better. This is one of those naming rules I feel is # probably helpful a minority of the time. Also I have never been confused # by what a heredoc text represents because of my heredoc terminator? Naming/HeredocDelimiterNaming: Enabled: false