# Utility methods for handling network calls and interactions module Pkg::Util::Net class << self # This simple method does an HTTP get of a URI and writes it to a file # in a slightly more platform agnostic way than curl/wget def fetch_uri(uri, target) require 'open-uri' if Pkg::Util::File.file_writable?(File.dirname(target)) File.open(target, 'w') { |f| f.puts(open(uri).read) } end end # Get the hostname of the current host def hostname require 'socket' Socket.gethostname end # Check that the current host matches the one we think it should def check_host(host, options = { required: true }) return true if hostname == host fail "Error: #{hostname} does not match #{host}" if options[:required] return nil end # @param hosts - An array of hosts to try ssh-ing into # If the host needs a special username it should be passed # in as user@host # @return an array of hosts where ssh access failed. Empty array if # successful def check_host_ssh(hosts) errs = [] Array(hosts).flatten.each do |host| begin remote_execute(host, 'exit', { extra_options: '-oBatchMode=yes' }) rescue errs << host end end return errs end # @param hosts - An array of hosts to check for gpg keys # If the host needs a special username it should be passed # in as user@host # @param gpg - The gpg secret key to look for # @return an array of hosts where ssh access failed. Empty array if # successful def check_host_gpg(hosts, gpg) errs = [] Array(hosts).flatten.each do |host| begin remote_execute(host, "gpg --list-secret-keys #{gpg} > /dev/null 2&>1", { extra_options: '-oBatchMode=yes' }) rescue errs << host end end return errs end def remote_execute(target_host, command, user_options = {}) option_defaults = { capture_output: false, extra_options: '', fail_fast: true, trace: false } options = option_defaults.merge(user_options) ssh = Pkg::Util::Tool.check_tool('ssh') # we pass some pretty complicated commands in via ssh. We need this to fail # if any part of the remote ssh command fails. shell_flags = '' shell_flags += 'set -e;' if options[:fail_fast] shell_flags += 'set -x;' if options[:trace] shell_commands = "#{shell_flags}#{command}" remote_command = "#{ssh} #{options[:extra_options]} -t #{target_host} " + "'#{shell_commands.gsub("'", "'\\\\''")}'" # This is NOT a good way to support this functionality. if ENV['DRYRUN'] puts "[DRY-RUN] Executing '#{command}' on #{target}" puts "[DRY-RUN] #{cmd}" return '' end # We're forced to make different calls depending on the capture_output option # because something about our #capture3 method screws up gpg. This should # be untangled. if options[:capture_output] stdout, stderr, exitstatus = Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(remote_command) Pkg::Util::Execution.success?(exitstatus) or raise "Remote ssh command (\"#{remote_command}\") failed." return stdout, stderr end # Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3 reports its command but Kernel.system does not # Let's print it out for some amount of consistency. puts "Remote Execute: '#{remote_command}'" Kernel.system(remote_command) Pkg::Util::Execution.success? or raise "Remote ssh command (\"#{remote_command}\") failed." end ### ### Deprecated method implemented as a shim to the new `remote_execute` method ### def remote_ssh_cmd(target, command, capture_output = false, extra_options = '', fail_fast = true, trace = false) # rubocop:disable Style/ParameterLists puts "Warn: \"remote_ssh_cmd\" call in packaging is deprecated. Use \"remote_execute\" instead." remote_execute(target, command, { capture_output: capture_output, extra_options: extra_options, fail_fast: fail_fast, trace: trace }) end # Construct a valid rsync command # @return [String] a rsync command that can be used in shell or ssh methods # @param [String, Pathname] origin_path the path to sync from; if opts[:target_path] # is not passed, then the parent directory of `origin_path` will be used to # construct a target path to sync to. # @param [Hash] opts additional options that can be used to construct # the rsync command. # @option opts [String] :bin ('rsync') the path to rsync # (can be relative or fully qualified). # @option opts [String] :origin_host the remote host to sync data from; cannot # be specified alongside :target_host # @option opts [String] :target_host the remote host to sync data to; cannot # be specified alongside :origin_host. # @option opts [String] :extra_flags (["--ignore-existing"]) extra flags to # use when constructing an rsync command # @option opts [String] :dryrun (false) tell rsync to perform a trial run # with no changes made. # @raise [ArgumentError] if opts[:origin_host] and opts[:target_host] names # are both defined. # @raise [ArgumentError] if :origin_path exists without opts[:target_path], # opts[:origin_host], remote target is defined. def rsync_cmd(origin_path, opts = {}) options = { bin: 'rsync', origin_host: nil, target_path: nil, target_host: nil, extra_flags: nil, dryrun: false }.merge(opts) origin = Pathname.new(origin_path) target = options[:target_path] || origin.parent raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot sync between two remote hosts") if options[:origin_host] && options[:target_host] raise(ArgumentError, "Cannot sync path '#{origin}' because both origin_host and target_host are nil. Perhaps you need to set TEAM=release ?") unless options[:origin_host] || options[:target_host] cmd = %W[ #{options[:bin]} --recursive --hard-links --links --verbose --omit-dir-times --no-perms --no-owner --no-group ] + [*options[:extra_flags]] cmd << '--dry-run' if options[:dryrun] cmd << Pkg::Util.pseudo_uri(path: origin, host: options[:origin_host]) cmd << Pkg::Util.pseudo_uri(path: target, host: options[:target_host]) cmd.uniq.compact.join("\s") end # A generic rsync execution method that wraps rsync_cmd in a # call to Pkg::Util::Execution#capture3() def rsync_exec(source, opts = {}) options = { bin: Pkg::Util::Tool.check_tool('rsync'), origin_host: nil, target_path: nil, target_host: nil, extra_flags: nil, dryrun: ENV['DRYRUN'] }.merge(opts.delete_if { |_, value| value.nil? }) stdout, _, _ = Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(rsync_cmd(source, options), true) stdout end # A wrapper method to maintain the existing interface for executing # outbound rsync commands with minimal changes to existing code. def rsync_to(source, target_host, dest, opts = { extra_flags: ["--ignore-existing"] }) rsync_exec( source, target_host: target_host, target_path: dest, extra_flags: opts[:extra_flags], dryrun: opts[:dryrun], bin: opts[:bin], ) end # A wrapper method to maintain the existing interface for executing # incoming rsync commands with minimal changes to existing code. def rsync_from(source, origin_host, dest, opts = {}) rsync_exec( source, origin_host: origin_host, target_path: dest, extra_flags: opts[:extra_flags], dryrun: opts[:dryrun], bin: opts[:bin], ) end def s3sync_to(source, target_bucket, target_directory = "", flags = []) s3cmd = Pkg::Util::Tool.check_tool('s3cmd') if Pkg::Util::File.file_exists?(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.s3cfg')) stdout, _, _ = Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3("#{s3cmd} sync #{flags.join(' ')} '#{source}' s3://#{target_bucket}/#{target_directory}/") stdout else fail "#{File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.s3cfg')} does not exist. It is required to ship files using s3cmd." end end # This is fairly absurd. We're implementing curl by shelling out. What do I # wish we were doing? Using a sweet ruby wrapper around curl, such as Curb or # Curb-fu. However, because we're using clean build systems and trying to # make this portable with minimal system requirements, we can't very well # depend on libraries that aren't in the ruby standard libaries. We could # also do this using Net::HTTP but that set of libraries is a rabbit hole to # go down when what we're trying to accomplish is posting multi-part form # data that includes file uploads to jenkins. It gets hairy fairly quickly, # but, as they say, pull requests accepted. # # This method takes three arguments # 1) String - the URL to post to # 2) Array - Ordered array of name=VALUE curl form parameters # 3) Hash - Options to be set def curl_form_data(uri, form_data = [], options = {}) curl = Pkg::Util::Tool.check_tool("curl") # # Begin constructing the post string. # First, assemble the form_data arguments # post_string = "-i " form_data.each do |param| post_string << "#{param} " end # Add the uri post_string << "'#{uri}'" # If this is quiet, we're going to silence all output begin stdout, _, retval = Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3("#{curl} #{post_string}") if options[:quiet] stdout = '' end return stdout, retval rescue RuntimeError => e puts e return false end end def uri_status_code(uri) data = [ '--request GET', '--silent', '--location', '--write-out "%{http_code}"', '--output /dev/null' ] stdout, _ = Pkg::Util::Net.curl_form_data(uri, data) stdout end # Use the provided URL string to print important information with # ASCII emphasis def print_url_info(url_string) puts "\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n Build submitted. To view your build progress, go to\n#{url_string}\n\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n" end def remote_set_ownership(host, owner, group, files) remote_cmd = "for file in #{files.join(" ")}; do if [[ -d $file ]] || ! `lsattr $file | grep -q '\\-i\\-'`; then sudo chown #{owner}:#{group} $file; else echo \"$file is immutable\"; fi; done" Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(host, remote_cmd) end def remote_set_permissions(host, permissions, files) remote_cmd = "for file in #{files.join(" ")}; do if [[ -d $file ]] || ! `lsattr $file | grep -q '\\-i\\-'`; then sudo chmod #{permissions} $file; else echo \"$file is immutable\"; fi; done" Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(host, remote_cmd) end # Remotely set the immutable bit on a list of files def remote_set_immutable(host, files) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(host, "sudo chattr +i #{files.join(" ")}") end # Create a symlink indicating the latest version of a package # # @param package_name [String] The name of the package you want to symlink # to, e.g. 'puppet-agent', 'facter', etc. # @param dir [String] The directory you want to find the latest package and # create the symlink in. # @param platform_ext [String] The type of files you want to consider, e.g. # 'dmg', 'msi', etc. # @param options [Hash] Additional optional params: # @option :arch [String] Architecture you want to narrow your search by. # @option :excludes [Array] Strings you want to exclude from your search, # e.g. 'agent' if only searching for 'puppet'. def remote_create_latest_symlink(package_name, dir, platform_ext, options = {}) ls_cmd = "ls -1 *.#{platform_ext} | grep -v latest | grep -v rc | grep -P '#{package_name}-\\d' " # store this in a separate var to avoid side affects full_package_name = String.new(package_name) if options[:arch] ls_cmd << "| grep #{options[:arch]}" full_package_name << "-#{options[:arch]}" end if options[:excludes] options[:excludes].each do |excl| ls_cmd << "| grep -v #{excl} " end end ls_cmd << '| sort --version-sort | tail -1' cmd = <<-CMD if [ ! -d '#{dir}' ] ; then echo "directory '#{dir}' does not exist, not creating latest package link" exit 0 fi pushd '#{dir}' link_target=$(#{ls_cmd}) if [ -z "$link_target" ] ; then echo "Unable to find a link target for '#{full_package_name}' in '#{dir}'; skipping link creation" exit 0 fi echo "creating link to '$link_target'" ln -sf "$link_target" #{full_package_name}-latest.#{platform_ext} CMD _, err = Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute( Pkg::Config.staging_server, cmd, { capture_output: true }) $stderr.puts err end def escape_html(uri) require 'cgi' CGI.escapeHTML(uri) end # Add a parameter to a given uri. If we were sane we'd use # encode_www_form(params) of URI, but because we're not, because that will http # encode it, which isn't what we want since we're require the encoding provided # by escapeHTML of CGI, since this is being transfered in the xml of a jenkins # job via curl and DEAR JEEBUS WHAT HAVE WE DONE. def add_param_to_uri(uri, param) require 'uri' uri = URI.parse(uri) uri.query = [uri.query, param].compact.join('&') uri.to_s end # We take a tar argument for cases where `tar` isn't best, e.g. Solaris. We # also take an optional argument of the tarball containing the git bundle to # use. def remote_unpack_git_bundle(host, treeish, tar_cmd = nil, tarball = nil) unless tar = tar_cmd tar = 'tar' end tarball ||= Pkg::Util::Git.bundle(treeish) tarball_name = File.basename(tarball).gsub('.tar.gz', '') Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to(tarball, host, '/tmp') appendix = Pkg::Util.rand_string git_bundle_directory = File.join('/tmp', "#{Pkg::Config.project}-#{appendix}") command = <<-DOC #{tar} -zxvf /tmp/#{tarball_name}.tar.gz -C /tmp/ ; git clone --recursive /tmp/#{tarball_name} #{git_bundle_directory} ; DOC Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(host, command) return git_bundle_directory end def remote_bundle_install_command export_packaging_location = "export PACKAGING_LOCATION='#{ENV['PACKAGING_LOCATION']}';" if ENV['PACKAGING_LOCATION'] && !ENV['PACKAGING_LOCATION'].empty? "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm; rvm use ruby-2.5.1; #{export_packaging_location} bundle install --path .bundle/gems ;" end # Given a BuildInstance object and a host, send its params to the host. Return # the remote path to the params. def remote_buildparams(host, build) params_file = build.config_to_yaml params_file_name = File.basename(params_file) params_dir = Pkg::Util.rand_string Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to(params_file, host, "/tmp/#{params_dir}/") "/tmp/#{params_dir}/#{params_file_name}" end end end