require 'marty/permissions' require 'marty/scripting' require 'marty/reporting' require 'marty/posting_window' require 'marty/new_posting_window' require 'marty/import_type_view' require 'marty/data_import_view' require 'marty/user_view' require 'marty/promise_view' require 'marty/api_auth_view' class Marty::MainAuthApp < Marty::AuthApp extend ::Marty::Permissions # set of posting types user is allowed to post with def self.has_posting_perm? Marty::NewPostingForm.has_any_perm? end def self.has_data_import_perm? self.class.has_admin_perm? end def self.has_scripting_perm? self.class.has_admin_perm? end def sep { xtype: 'tbseparator' } end def icon_hack(name) # There's a Netzke bug whereby, using icon names in hashes # doesn't generate the proper URL. "#{Netzke::Core.ext_uri}/../images/icons/#{name}.png" end def posting_menu warped = Marty::Util.get_posting_time != Float::INFINITY wtext = warped ? " [#{}" : '' { text: I18n.t("postings") + wtext, icon: icon_hack(:time), style: (warped ? "background-color: lightGrey;" : ""), menu: [ :new_posting, :select_posting, :select_now, ], } end def system_menu { text: I18n.t("system"), icon: icon_hack(:wrench), style: "", menu: [ :import_type_view, :user_view, :api_auth_view, ], } end def applications_menu { text: I18n.t("applications"), icon: icon_hack(:application_cascade), menu: [ :reporting, :scripting, :data_import_view, :promise_view, ], } end def ident_menu '' + 'Marty' end def data_menus [] end def menu return super unless self.class.has_any_perm? [ident_menu, sep] + (self.class.has_admin_perm? || self.class.has_user_manager_perm? ? [system_menu, sep] : []) + data_menus + [ applications_menu, sep, posting_menu, sep, ] + super end ###################################################################### action :import_type_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("import_type") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? a.icon = :table_go end action :scripting do |a| a.text = I18n.t("scripting") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon = :script a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :reporting do |a| a.text = I18n.t("reports") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon = :page_lightning a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :promise_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("jobs.promise_view") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon = :report_magnify a.disabled = !self.class.has_any_perm? end action :data_import_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("data_import_view.import_data") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon = :database_go a.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? || !self.class.has_data_import_perm? end action :user_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("user_view") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon = :group a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? && !self.class.has_user_manager_perm? end action :api_auth_view do |a| a.text = I18n.t("api_auth_view", default: "API Authorization") a.handler = :netzke_load_component_by_action a.icon = :script_key a.disabled = !self.class.has_admin_perm? end ###################################################################### # Postings action :new_posting do |a| a.text = I18n.t('new_posting') a.tooltip = I18n.t('new_posting') a.icon = :time_add a.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? || !self.class.has_posting_perm? end js_configure do |c| c.on_new_posting = <<-JS function(params) { this.netzkeLoadComponent({ name: "new_posting_window", callback: function(w) {; }, }); } JS c.on_select_posting = <<-JS function(params) { this.netzkeLoadComponent({ name: "posting_window", callback: function(w) {; }, }); } JS c.on_reload = <<-JS function(params) { window.location.reload(); } JS c.on_select_now = <<-JS function(params) { this.serverSelectPosting({}); } JS end action :select_posting do |a| a.text = I18n.t('select_posting') a.tooltip = I18n.t('select_posting') a.icon = :timeline_marker end endpoint :server_select_posting do |params, this| sid = params && params[0] Marty::Util.set_posting_id(sid) posting = sid && Marty::Posting.find(sid) this.netzke_feedback "Selected '#{posting ? : 'NOW'}'" this.on_reload 1 end action :select_now do |a| a.text = I18n.t('go_to_now') a.icon = :arrow_in a.disabled = Marty::Util.get_posting_time == Float::INFINITY end ###################################################################### component :scripting do |c| c.allow_edit = self.class.has_scripting_perm? end component :reporting component :promise_view component :posting_window component :new_posting_window do |c| c.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? || !self.class.has_posting_perm? end component :import_type_view component :data_import_view do |c| c.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? || !self.class.has_data_import_perm? end component :user_view component :api_auth_view do |c| c.disabled = Marty::Util.warped? end end MainAuthApp = Marty::MainAuthApp