# Vendored files and directories are excluded from language
# statistics.
# Lines in this file are Regexps that are matched against the file
# pathname.
# Please add additional test coverage to
# `test/test_blob.rb#test_vendored` if you make any changes.

## Vendor Conventions ##

# Caches
- (^|/)cache/

# Dependencies
- ^[Dd]ependencies/

# C deps
#  https://github.com/joyent/node
- ^deps/
- ^tools/
- (^|/)configure$
- (^|/)configure.ac$
- (^|/)config.guess$
- (^|/)config.sub$

# Node dependencies
- node_modules/

# Bower Components
- bower_components/

# Erlang bundles
- ^rebar$

# Bootstrap minified css and js
- (^|/)bootstrap([^.]*)(\.min)?\.(js|css)$

# Foundation css
- foundation.min.css
- foundation.css

# Vendored dependencies
- thirdparty/
- vendors?/

# Debian packaging
- ^debian/

# Haxelib projects often contain a neko bytecode file named run.n
- run.n$

## Commonly Bundled JavaScript frameworks ##

# jQuery
- (^|/)jquery([^.]*)(\.min)?\.js$
- (^|/)jquery\-\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?(\.min)?\.js$

# jQuery UI
- (^|/)jquery\-ui(\-\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?)?(\.\w+)?(\.min)?\.(js|css)$
- (^|/)jquery\.(ui|effects)\.([^.]*)(\.min)?\.(js|css)$

# Prototype
- (^|/)prototype(.*)\.js$
- (^|/)effects\.js$
- (^|/)controls\.js$
- (^|/)dragdrop\.js$

# Typescript definition files
- (.*?)\.d\.ts$

# MooTools
- (^|/)mootools([^.]*)\d+\.\d+.\d+([^.]*)\.js$

# Dojo
- (^|/)dojo\.js$

# MochiKit
- (^|/)MochiKit\.js$

- (^|/)yahoo-([^.]*)\.js$
- (^|/)yui([^.]*)\.js$

# WYS editors
- (^|/)ckeditor\.js$
- (^|/)tiny_mce([^.]*)\.js$
- (^|/)tiny_mce/(langs|plugins|themes|utils)

# MathJax
- (^|/)MathJax/

# SyntaxHighlighter - http://alexgorbatchev.com/
- (^|/)shBrush([^.]*)\.js$
- (^|/)shCore\.js$
- (^|/)shLegacy\.js$

# AngularJS
- (^|/)angular([^.]*)(\.min)?\.js$

# D3.js
- (^|\/)d3(\.v\d+)?([^.]*)(\.min)?\.js$

# React
- (^|/)react(-[^.]*)?(\.min)?\.js$

# Modernizr
- (^|/)modernizr\-\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?(\.min)?\.js$
- (^|/)modernizr\.custom\.\d+\.js$

## Python ##

# django
- (^|/)admin_media/

# Fabric
- ^fabfile\.py$

- ^waf$

# .osx
- ^.osx$

## Obj-C ##

# Sparkle
- (^|/)Sparkle/

## Groovy ##

# Gradle
- (^|/)gradlew$
- (^|/)gradlew\.bat$
- (^|/)gradle/wrapper/

## .NET ##

# Visual Studio IntelliSense
- -vsdoc\.js$
- \.intellisense\.js$

# jQuery validation plugin (MS bundles this with asp.net mvc)
- (^|/)jquery([^.]*)\.validate(\.unobtrusive)?(\.min)?\.js$
- (^|/)jquery([^.]*)\.unobtrusive\-ajax(\.min)?\.js$

# Microsoft Ajax
- (^|/)[Mm]icrosoft([Mm]vc)?([Aa]jax|[Vv]alidation)(\.debug)?\.js$

# NuGet
- ^[Pp]ackages/

# ExtJS
- (^|/)extjs/.*?\.js$
- (^|/)extjs/.*?\.xml$
- (^|/)extjs/.*?\.txt$
- (^|/)extjs/.*?\.html$
- (^|/)extjs/.*?\.properties$
- (^|/)extjs/.sencha/
- (^|/)extjs/docs/
- (^|/)extjs/builds/
- (^|/)extjs/cmd/
- (^|/)extjs/examples/
- (^|/)extjs/locale/
- (^|/)extjs/packages/
- (^|/)extjs/plugins/
- (^|/)extjs/resources/
- (^|/)extjs/src/
- (^|/)extjs/welcome/

# Samples folders
- ^[Ss]amples/

# LICENSE, README, git config files
- License$
- gitattributes$
- gitignore$
- gitmodules$
- ^readme$

# Test fixtures
- ^[Tt]est/fixtures/

# PhoneGap/Cordova
- (^|/)cordova([^.]*)(\.min)?\.js$
- (^|/)cordova\-\d\.\d(\.\d)?(\.min)?\.js$

# Vagrant
- ^Vagrantfile$

# .DS_Store's
- .[Dd][Ss]_[Ss]tore$

# Mercury --use-subdirs
- Mercury/