# = Complex Numbers
# Contents:
# 1. {Class methods}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#1]
# 1. {Properties of Complex Numbers}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#2]
# 1. {Complex Arithmetic Operators}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#3]
# 1. {Elementary Complex Functions}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#4]
# 1. {Complex Trigonometric Functions}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#5]
# 1. {Inverse Complex Trigonometric Functions}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#6]
# 1. {Complex Hyperbolic Functions}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#7]
# 1. {Inverse Complex Hyperbolic Functions}[link:files/rdoc/complex_rdoc.html#8]
# == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Class Methods
# ---
# * GSL::Complex.alloc(re, im)
# * GSL::Complex.rect(re, im)
# * GSL::Complex[re, im]
# These create a GSL::Complex object with real and imaginary part re, im.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex.polar(r, theta)
# This returns a GSL::Complex object in polar representation, with the amplitude r and the phase (argument) theta.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Properties of complex numbers
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#real
# * GSL::Complex#re
# * GSL::Complex#REAL
# Returns the real part
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#imag
# * GSL::Complex#im
# * GSL::Complex#IMAG
# Returns the imaginary part
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#arg
# * GSL::Complex#angle
# * GSL::Complex#phase
# Returns the argument (i.e. phase angle in radians) of self.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#abs, abs2, logabs
# Returns the magnitude, squared magnitude, and the logarithm of the magnitude
# == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Complex arithmetic operators
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#add(b)
# * GSL::Complex#+(b)
# Return the sum of the complex numbers self and b.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#sub(b)
# * GSL::Complex#-(b)
# Return the difference of the complex numbers self and b.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#mul(b)
# * GSL::Complex#*(b)
# Returns the product of the complex numbers self and b.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#div(b)
# * GSL::Complex#/(b)
# Returns the quotient of the complex numbers self and b.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#add_real
# * GSL::Complex#sub_real
# * GSL::Complex#mul_real
# * GSL::Complex#div_real
# * GSL::Complex#add_imag
# * GSL::Complex#sub_imag
# * GSL::Complex#mul_imag
# * GSL::Complex#div_imag
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#conjugate
# * GSL::Complex#conj
# Returns the complex conjugate of the complex number self.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#inverse
# Returns the inverse of the complex number self.
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#negative
# Returns the negative of the complex number self.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Elementary Complex Functions
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#sqrt
# * GSL::Complex#pow(az)
# * GSL::Complex#pow_real(a)
# * GSL::Complex#exp
# * GSL::Complex#log
# * GSL::Complex#log10
# * GSL::Complex#log_b(b)
# ---
# * GSL::Complex.sqrt(z)
# * GSL::Complex.sqrt_real(a)
# * GSL::Complex.pow(z, za)
# * GSL::Complex.pow_real(z, a)
# * GSL::Complex.exp(z)
# * GSL::Complex.log(z)
# * GSL::Complex.log10(z)
# * GSL::Complex.log_b(z, b)
# == {}[link:index.html"name="5] Complex Trigonometric Functions
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#sin
# * GSL::Complex#cos
# * GSL::Complex#tan
# * GSL::Complex#sec
# * GSL::Complex#csc
# * GSL::Complex#cot
# ---
# * GSL::Complex.sin(z)
# * GSL::Complex.cos(z)
# * GSL::Complex.tan(z)
# * GSL::Complex.sec(z)
# * GSL::Complex.csc(z)
# * GSL::Complex.cot(z)
# == {}[link:index.html"name="6] Inverse Complex Trigonometric Functions
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#arcsin
# * GSL::Complex#arccos
# * GSL::Complex#arctan
# * GSL::Complex#arcsec
# * GSL::Complex#arccsc
# * GSL::Complex#arccot
# ---
# * GSL::Complex.arcsin(z)
# * GSL::Complex.arcsin_real(a)
# * GSL::Complex.arccos(z)
# * GSL::Complex.arccos_real(a)
# * GSL::Complex.arctan(z)
# * GSL::Complex.arcsec(z)
# * GSL::Complex.arcsec_real(a)
# * GSL::Complex.arccsc(z)
# * GSL::Complex.arccsc_real(z)
# * GSL::Complex.arccot(z)
# == {}[link:index.html"name="7] Complex Hyperbolic Functions
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#sinh
# * GSL::Complex#cosh
# * GSL::Complex#tanh
# * GSL::Complex#sech
# * GSL::Complex#csch
# * GSL::Complex#coth
# ---
# * GSL::Complex.sinh(z)
# * GSL::Complex.cosh(z)
# * GSL::Complex.tanh(z)
# * GSL::Complex.sech(z)
# * GSL::Complex.csch(z)
# * GSL::Complex.coth(z)
# == {}[link:index.html"name="8] Inverse Complex Hyperbolic Functions
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#arcsinh
# * GSL::Complex#arccosh
# * GSL::Complex#arctanh
# * GSL::Complex#arcsech
# * GSL::Complex#arccsch
# * GSL::Complex#arccoth
# ---
# * GSL::Complex#arcsinh(z)
# * GSL::Complex#arccosh(z)
# * GSL::Complex#arccosh_real(a)
# * GSL::Complex#arctanh(z)
# * GSL::Complex#arctanh_real(z)
# * GSL::Complex#arcsech(z)
# * GSL::Complex#arccsch(z)
# * GSL::Complex#arccoth(z)
# {prev}[link:files/rdoc/math_rdoc.html]
# {next}[link:files/rdoc/poly_rdoc.html]
# {Reference index}[link:files/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html]
# {top}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html]