require 'spec_helper' include Plaza describe Request do context 'when Thread.current[:x_user_id] is set' do before do Thread.current[:x_user_id] = 4242 end after do Thread.current[:x_user_id] = nil end %i(get post put delete).each do |method| it "##{method} should add X-User-Id to headers" do stub_request(method, ""). with(:headers => { 'Accept'=>'application/json', 'X-User-Id'=>'4242'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}), '/foobar') end end end context 'when Thread.current[:x_user_id] is not set' do %i(get post put delete).each do |method| it "##{method} should now add X-User-Id to headers" do stub_request(method, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {}), '/foobar') end end end context "when service is down" do let(:request){ exception = do |stub| %i(get put post delete).each do |method| stub.send(method, '/failblog') {raise'Connection Failed')} end end request = do |conn| conn.adapter :test, exception end request } %i(get put post delete).each do |method| describe "#{method}" do before do stub_request(method, ""). to_raise('Connection Failed')) end let(:response){, '/failblog')} it 'response code should be 503' do expect{response}.to raise_error(Plaza::ConnectionError) end it 'should have error message' do expect{response}.to raise_error { |error| error.should be_a(Plaza::ConnectionError) error.message.should == "Service is not available." } end end end end end