describe HybridPlatformsConductor::ActionsExecutor do context 'when checking connector plugin ssh' do context 'when checking remote actions' do it 'executes bash commands remotely' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [[%r{.+/ssh hpc\.node /bin/bash <<'HPC_EOF'\nbash_cmd.bash\nHPC_EOF}, proc { [0, 'Bash commands executed on node', ''] }]], expected_stdout: 'Bash commands executed on node' ) do test_connector.remote_bash('bash_cmd.bash') end end it 'executes bash commands remotely with timeout' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{.+/ssh hpc\.node /bin/bash <<'HPC_EOF'\nbash_cmd.bash\nHPC_EOF}, proc do |_cmd, log_to_file: nil, log_to_stdout: true, log_stdout_to_io: nil, log_stderr_to_io: nil, expected_code: 0, timeout: nil, no_exception: false| expect(timeout).to eq 5 [0, '', ''] end ] ], timeout: 5 ) do test_connector.remote_bash('bash_cmd.bash') end end it 'executes interactive commands remotely' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing do expect(test_connector).to receive(:system) do |cmd| expect(cmd).to match(%r{^.+/ssh hpc\.node$}) end test_connector.remote_interactive end end it 'copies files remotely' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{cd /path/to && tar\s+--create\s+--gzip\s+--file -\s+src.file \| /.+/ssh\s+hpc\.node\s+"tar\s+--extract\s+--gunzip\s+--file -\s+--directory /remote_path/to/dst.dir\s+--owner root\s+"}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] ] ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir') end end it 'copies files remotely with timeout' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{cd /path/to && tar\s+--create\s+--gzip\s+--file -\s+src.file \| /.+/ssh\s+hpc\.node\s+"tar\s+--extract\s+--gunzip\s+--file -\s+--directory /remote_path/to/dst.dir\s+--owner root\s+"}, proc do |_cmd, log_to_file: nil, log_to_stdout: true, log_stdout_to_io: nil, log_stderr_to_io: nil, expected_code: 0, timeout: nil, no_exception: false| expect(timeout).to eq 5 [0, '', ''] end ] ], timeout: 5 ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir') end end it 'executes really big bash commands remotely' do cmd = "echo #{'1' * 131_060}" with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{.+/hpc_temp_cmds_.+\.sh$}, proc do |received_cmd| expect( match(%r{.+/ssh hpc\.node /bin/bash <<'HPC_EOF'\n#{Regexp.escape(cmd)}\nHPC_EOF}) [0, 'Bash commands executed on node', ''] end ] ], expected_stdout: 'Bash commands executed on node' ) do # Use an argument that exceeds the max arg length limit test_connector.remote_bash(cmd) end end it 'copies files remotely with sudo' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{cd /path/to && tar\s+--create\s+--gzip\s+--file -\s+src.file \| /.+/ssh\s+hpc\.node\s+"sudo -u root tar\s+--extract\s+--gunzip\s+--file -\s+--directory /remote_path/to/dst.dir\s+--owner root\s+"}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] ] ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir', sudo: true) end end it 'copies files remotely with a different sudo' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{cd /path/to && tar\s+--create\s+--gzip\s+--file -\s+src.file \| /.+/ssh\s+hpc\.node\s+"other_sudo --user root tar\s+--extract\s+--gunzip\s+--file -\s+--directory /remote_path/to/dst.dir\s+--owner root\s+"}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] ], additional_config: <<~'EO_CONFIG' sudo_for { |user| "other_sudo --user #{user}" } EO_CONFIG ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir', sudo: true) end end it 'copies files remotely with a different owner' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{cd /path/to && tar\s+--create\s+--gzip\s+--file -\s+--owner remote_user\s+src.file \| /.+/ssh\s+hpc\.node\s+"tar\s+--extract\s+--gunzip\s+--file -\s+--directory /remote_path/to/dst.dir\s+--owner root\s+"}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] ] ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir', owner: 'remote_user') end end it 'copies files remotely with a different group' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{cd /path/to && tar\s+--create\s+--gzip\s+--file -\s+--group remote_group\s+src.file \| /.+/ssh\s+hpc\.node\s+"tar\s+--extract\s+--gunzip\s+--file -\s+--directory /remote_path/to/dst.dir\s+--owner root\s+"}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] ] ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir', group: 'remote_group') end end it 'executes bash commands remotely without Session Exec capabilities' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [[%r{^\{ cat \| .+/ssh hpc\.node -T; \} <<'HPC_EOF'\nbash_cmd.bash\nHPC_EOF$}, proc { [0, 'Bash commands executed on node', ''] }]], expected_stdout: 'Bash commands executed on node', session_exec: false ) do test_connector.remote_bash('bash_cmd.bash') end end it 'copies files remotely without Session Exec capabilities' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [ %r{^scp -S .+/ssh /path/to/src.file hpc\.node:/remote_path/to/dst.dir$}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ] ], session_exec: false ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir') end end it 'copies files remotely without Session Exec capabilities and with sudo' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [%r{^\{ cat \| .+/ssh hpc\.node -T; \} <<'HPC_EOF'\nmkdir -p hpc_tmp_scp\nHPC_EOF$}, proc { [0, '', ''] }], [ %r{^scp -S .+/ssh /path/to/src.file hpc\.node:\./hpc_tmp_scp$}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ], [%r{^\{ cat \| .+/ssh hpc\.node -T; \} <<'HPC_EOF'\nsudo -u root mv \./hpc_tmp_scp/src\.file /remote_path/to/dst\.dir\nHPC_EOF$}, proc { [0, '', ''] }] ], session_exec: false ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir', sudo: true) end end it 'copies files remotely without Session Exec capabilities and with a different sudo' do with_test_platform_for_remote_testing( expected_cmds: [ [%r{^\{ cat \| .+/ssh hpc\.node -T; \} <<'HPC_EOF'\nmkdir -p hpc_tmp_scp\nHPC_EOF$}, proc { [0, '', ''] }], [ %r{^scp -S .+/ssh /path/to/src.file hpc\.node:\./hpc_tmp_scp$}, proc { [0, '', ''] } ], [%r{^\{ cat \| .+/ssh hpc\.node -T; \} <<'HPC_EOF'\nother_sudo --user root mv \./hpc_tmp_scp/src\.file /remote_path/to/dst\.dir\nHPC_EOF$}, proc { [0, '', ''] }] ], additional_config: <<~'EO_CONFIG', sudo_for { |user| "other_sudo --user #{user}" } EO_CONFIG session_exec: false ) do test_connector.remote_copy('/path/to/src.file', '/remote_path/to/dst.dir', sudo: true) end end end end end