module Scribd_fu def self.included(base) base.extend ActsAsScribdObject end module ActsAsScribdObject def acts_as_scribd_document(options = {}) class_eval <<-END include Scribd_fu::InstanceMethods END end end module ClassMethods def self.extended(base) base.class_inheritable_accessor :scribd_options base.before_destroy :destroy_scribd_document base.after_save :upload_to_scribd end def validates_as_scribd_document validates_presence_of :scribd_id, :scribd_access_id, :content_type validate :scribd_attributes_valid? end end module InstanceMethods @@content_types = ['application/pdf', 'application/msword', 'application/mspowerpoint', 'application/', 'application/excel', 'application/', 'application/postscript', 'text/plain', 'application/rtf', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc'] mattr_reader :content_types def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods mattr_reader :scribd_config, :scribd_login begin require 'rscribd' rescue LoadError raise'rscribd could not be loaded') end begin unless @@scribd_login @@scribd_config = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/scribd.yml").symbolize_keys # Ensure we can connect to the Service Scribd::API.instance.key = @@scribd_config[:scribd]['key'].to_s.strip Scribd::API.instance.secret = @@scribd_config[:scribd]['secret'].to_s.strip @@scribd_login = Scribd::User.login @@scribd_config[:scribd]['user'].to_s.strip, @@scribd_config[:scribd]['password'].to_s.strip end rescue raise "config/scribd.yml file not found, or your credentials are incorrect." end end def scribd_attributes_valid? [:scribd_id, :scribd_access_id].each do |attr_name| enum = scribd_options[attr_name] errors.add attr_name, ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[:inclusion] unless enum.nil? || enum.include?(send(attr_name)) end end def scribdable? content_types.include?(content_type) end def scribd_id=(id) write_attribute :scribd_id, id.to_s.strip end def scribd_access_key=(key) write_attribute :scribd_access_key, key.to_s.strip end def destroy_scribd_document if scribd_document if scribd_document.destroy "[Scribd_fu] #{}: Removing Object #{id} successful" else "[Scribd_fu] #{}: Removing Object #{id} failed!" end end end def access_level if self.respond_to?(:is_public) && self.is_public != nil scribd_access = self.is_public ? 'public' : 'private' else scribd_access = scribd_config[:scribd]['access'] end scribd_access end def final_path if scribd_config[:scribd]['storage'].eql?('s3') file_path = s3_url else file_path = full_filename end file_path end def upload_to_scribd if scribdable? and self.scribd_id.blank? if resource = scribd_login.upload(:file => "#{final_path}", :access => access_level) "[Scribd_fu] #{}: Object #{id} successfully uploaded for conversion to iPaper." self.scribd_id = resource.doc_id self.scribd_access_key = resource.access_key save else "[Scribd_fu] #{}: Object #{id} upload failed!" end end end # Sample of use in a view: # image_tag(@attachment).thumbnail_url, :alt => def thumbnail_url scribd_document ? scribd_document.thumbnail_url : nil end # Sample of use in a controller: # render :inline => @attachment.thumbnail_file, :content_type => 'image/jpeg' def thumbnail_file scribd_document ? open(scribd_document.thumbnail_url).read : nil end # Responds true if the conversion is complete -- note that this gives no # indication as to whether the conversion had an error or was succesful, # just that the conversion completed. # # Note that this method still returns false if the model does not refer to a # valid document. scribd_attributes_valid? should be used to determine the # validity of the document. def conversion_complete? scribd_document && scribd_document.conversion_status != 'PROCESSING' end # Responds true if the document has been converted. # # Note that this method still returns false if the model does not refer to a # valid document. scribd_attributes_valid? should be used to determine the # validity of the document. def conversion_successful? scribd_document && scribd_document.conversion_status =~ /^DISPLAYABLE|DONE$/ end # Responds true if there was a conversion error while converting # to iPaper. # # Note that this method still returns false if the model does not refer to a # valid document. scribd_attributes_valid? should be used to determine the # validity of the document. def conversion_error? scribd_document && scribd_document.conversion_status == 'ERROR' end # Responds the Scribd::Document associated with this model, or nil if it # does not exist. def scribd_document @scribd_document ||= scribd_login.find_document(scribd_id) rescue Scribd::ResponseError # at minimum, the document was not found nil end end end