# frozen_string_literal: true module Faker class Omniauth < Base require 'time' attr_reader :name, :first_name, :last_name, :email def initialize(name: nil, email: nil) super() @name = name || "#{Name.first_name} #{Name.last_name}" @email = email || Internet.email(name: self.name) @first_name, @last_name = self.name.split end class << self ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from Google. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param email [String] A specific email to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-google. # # @faker.version 1.8.0 def google(name: nil, email: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 9).to_s) auth = Omniauth.new(name: name, email: email) { provider: 'google_oauth2', uid: uid, info: { name: auth.name, first_name: auth.first_name, last_name: auth.last_name, email: auth.email, image: image }, credentials: { token: Crypto.md5, refresh_token: Crypto.md5, expires_at: Time.forward.to_i, expires: true }, extra: { raw_info: { sub: uid, email: auth.email, email_verified: random_boolean.to_s, name: auth.name, given_name: auth.first_name, family_name: auth.last_name, profile: "https://plus.google.com/#{uid}", picture: image, gender: gender, birthday: Date.backward(days: 36_400).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), locale: 'en', hd: "#{Company.name.downcase}.com" }, id_info: { iss: 'accounts.google.com', at_hash: Crypto.md5, email_verified: true, sub: Number.number(digits: 28).to_s, azp: 'APP_ID', email: auth.email, aud: 'APP_ID', iat: Time.forward.to_i, exp: Time.forward.to_i, openid_id: "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=#{uid}" } } } end ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from Facebook. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param email [String] A specific email to return in the response. # @param username [String] A specific username to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-facebook. # # @faker.version 1.8.0 def facebook(name: nil, email: nil, username: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 7).to_s) auth = Omniauth.new(name: name, email: email) username ||= "#{auth.first_name.downcase[0]}#{auth.last_name.downcase}" { provider: 'facebook', uid: uid, info: { email: auth.email, name: auth.name, first_name: auth.first_name, last_name: auth.last_name, image: image, verified: random_boolean }, credentials: { token: Crypto.md5, expires_at: Time.forward.to_i, expires: true }, extra: { raw_info: { id: uid, name: auth.name, first_name: auth.first_name, last_name: auth.last_name, link: "http://www.facebook.com/#{username}", username: username, location: { id: Number.number(digits: 9).to_s, name: city_state }, gender: gender, email: auth.email, timezone: timezone, locale: 'en_US', verified: random_boolean, updated_time: Time.backward.iso8601 } } } end ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from Twitter. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param nickname [String] A specific nickname to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-twitter. # # @faker.version 1.8.0 def twitter(name: nil, nickname: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 6).to_s) auth = Omniauth.new(name: name) nickname ||= auth.name.downcase.delete(' ') location = city_state description = Lorem.sentence { provider: 'twitter', uid: uid, info: { nickname: nickname, name: auth.name, location: location, image: image, description: description, urls: { Website: nil, Twitter: "https://twitter.com/#{nickname}" } }, credentials: { token: Crypto.md5, secret: Crypto.md5 }, extra: { access_token: '', raw_info: { name: auth.name, listed_count: random_number_from_range(1..10), profile_sidebar_border_color: Color.hex_color, url: nil, lang: 'en', statuses_count: random_number_from_range(1..1000), profile_image_url: image, profile_background_image_url_https: image, location: location, time_zone: Address.city, follow_request_sent: random_boolean, id: uid, profile_background_tile: random_boolean, profile_sidebar_fill_color: Color.hex_color, followers_count: random_number_from_range(1..10_000), default_profile_image: random_boolean, screen_name: '', following: random_boolean, utc_offset: timezone, verified: random_boolean, favourites_count: random_number_from_range(1..10), profile_background_color: Color.hex_color, is_translator: random_boolean, friends_count: random_number_from_range(1..10_000), notifications: random_boolean, geo_enabled: random_boolean, profile_background_image_url: image, protected: random_boolean, description: description, profile_link_color: Color.hex_color, created_at: Time.backward.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y'), id_str: uid, profile_image_url_https: image, default_profile: random_boolean, profile_use_background_image: random_boolean, entities: { description: { urls: [] } }, profile_text_color: Color.hex_color, contributors_enabled: random_boolean } } } end ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from LinkedIn. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param email [String] A specific email to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-linkedin. # # @faker.version 1.8.0 def linkedin(name: nil, email: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 6).to_s) auth = Omniauth.new(name: name, email: email) first_name = auth.first_name.downcase last_name = auth.last_name.downcase location = city_state description = Lorem.sentence token = Crypto.md5 secret = Crypto.md5 industry = Commerce.department url = "http://www.linkedin.com/in/#{first_name}#{last_name}" { provider: 'linkedin', uid: uid, info: { name: auth.name, email: auth.email, nickname: auth.name, first_name: auth.first_name, last_name: auth.last_name, location: location, description: description, image: image, phone: PhoneNumber.phone_number, headline: description, industry: industry, urls: { public_profile: url } }, credentials: { token: token, secret: secret }, extra: { access_token: { token: token, secret: secret, consumer: nil, params: { oauth_token: token, oauth_token_secret: secret, oauth_expires_in: Time.forward.to_i, oauth_authorization_expires_in: Time.forward.to_i }, response: nil }, raw_info: { firstName: auth.first_name, headline: description, id: uid, industry: industry, lastName: auth.last_name, location: { country: { code: Address.country_code.downcase }, name: city_state.split(', ').first }, pictureUrl: image, publicProfileUrl: url } } } end ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from Github. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param email [String] A specific email to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-github. # # @faker.version 1.8.0 def github(name: nil, email: nil, uid: Number.number(digits: 8).to_s) auth = Omniauth.new(name: name, email: email) login = auth.name.downcase.tr(' ', '-') html_url = "https://github.com/#{login}" api_url = "https://api.github.com/users/#{login}" { provider: 'github', uid: uid, info: { nickname: login, email: auth.email, name: auth.name, image: image, urls: { GitHub: html_url } }, credentials: { token: Crypto.md5, expires: false }, extra: { raw_info: { login: login, id: uid, avatar_url: image, gravatar_id: '', url: api_url, html_url: html_url, followers_url: "#{api_url}/followers", following_url: "#{api_url}/following{/other_user}", gists_url: "#{api_url}/gists{/gist_id}", starred_url: "#{api_url}/starred{/owner}{/repo}", subscriptions_url: "#{api_url}/subscriptions", organizations_url: "#{api_url}/orgs", repos_url: "#{api_url}/repos", events_url: "#{api_url}/events{/privacy}", received_events_url: "#{api_url}/received_events", type: 'User', site_admin: random_boolean, name: auth.name, company: nil, blog: nil, location: city_state, email: auth.email, hireable: nil, bio: nil, public_repos: random_number_from_range(1..1000), public_gists: random_number_from_range(1..1000), followers: random_number_from_range(1..1000), following: random_number_from_range(1..1000), created_at: Time.backward(days: 36_400).iso8601, updated_at: Time.backward(days: 2).iso8601 } } } end ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from Apple. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param email [String] A specific email to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-apple. # # @faker.version 2.3.0 def apple(name: nil, email: nil, uid: nil) uid ||= "#{Number.number(digits: 6)}.#{Number.hexadecimal(digits: 32)}.#{Number.number(digits: 4)}" auth = Omniauth.new(name: name, email: email) { provider: 'apple', uid: uid, info: { sub: uid, email: auth.email, first_name: auth.first_name, last_name: auth.last_name }, credentials: { token: Crypto.md5, refresh_token: Crypto.md5, expires_at: Time.forward.to_i, expires: true }, extra: { raw_info: { iss: 'https://appleid.apple.com', aud: 'CLIENT_ID', exp: Time.forward.to_i, iat: Time.forward.to_i, sub: uid, at_hash: Crypto.md5, auth_time: Time.forward.to_i, email: auth.email, email_verified: true } } } end ## # Generate a mock Omniauth response from Auth0. # # @param name [String] A specific name to return in the response. # @param email [String] A specific email to return in the response. # @param uid [String] A specific UID to return in the response. # # @return [Hash] An auth hash in the format provided by omniauth-auth0. # # @faker.version next def auth0(name: nil, email: nil, uid: nil) uid ||= "auth0|#{Number.hexadecimal(digits: 24)}" auth = Omniauth.new(name: name, email: email) { provider: 'auth0', uid: uid, info: { name: uid, nickname: auth.name, email: auth.email, image: image }, credentials: { expires_at: Time.forward.to_i, expires: true, token_type: 'Bearer', id_token: Crypto.sha256, token: Crypto.md5, refresh_token: Crypto.md5 }, extra: { raw_info: { email: auth.email, email_verified: true, iss: 'https://auth0.com/', sub: uid, aud: 'Auth012345', iat: Time.forward.to_i, exp: Time.forward.to_i } } } end private def gender shuffle(%w[male female]).pop end def timezone shuffle((-12..12).to_a).pop end def image Placeholdit.image end def city_state "#{Address.city}, #{Address.state}" end def random_number_from_range(range) shuffle(range.to_a).pop end def random_boolean shuffle([true, false]).pop end end end end