# MultiSync.configure do |config| # config.verbose = true # turn on verbose logging (defaults to false) # config.force = true # force syncing of outdated_files (defaults to false) # # config.run_on_build = true # when within a framework which `builds` assets, whether to sync afterwards (defaults to true) # # config.sync_outdated_files = true # when an outdated file is found whether to replace it (defaults to true) # # config.delete_abandoned_files = true # when an abondoned file is found whether to remove it (defaults to true) # # config.upload_missing_files = true # when a missing file is found whether to upload it (defaults to true) # # config.target_pool_size = 8 # how many threads you would like to open for each target (defaults to the amount of CPU core's your machine has) # # config.max_sync_attempts = 1 # how many times a file should be retried if there was an error during sync (defaults to 3) # end # MultiSync.prepare do # source :public, { # :type => :manifest, # :source_dir => MultiSync::Extensions::Rails.source_dir, # } # target :assets, { # :type => :aws, # :target_dir => "multi_sync", # :credentials => { # :region => "us-east-1", # :aws_access_key_id => "AKIAJXMAC4YJEHPBYSHQ", # :aws_secret_access_key => "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" # } # } # end