module Azure module Armrest class ResourceGroupService < ArmrestService # The provider used in http requests. The default is 'Microsoft.Resources' attr_reader :provider # Creates and returns a new ResourceGroupService object. # def initialize(_armrest_configuration, options = {}) super @provider = options[:provider] || 'Microsoft.Resources' set_service_api_version(options, 'resourceGroups') end # List all the resources for the current subscription. You can optionally # pass :top or :filter options as well to restrict returned results. The # :filter option only applies to tags. # # Examples: # # rgs = # rgs.list(:top => 2) # rgs.list(:filter => "sometag=value") # def list(options = {}) url = build_url url << "&$top=#{options[:top]}" if options[:top] url << "&$filter=#{options[:filter]}" if options[:filter] response = rest_get(URI.escape(url)) JSON.parse(response)["value"].map{ |hash| } end # Creates a new +group+ in +location+ for the current subscription. # You may optionally apply +tags+. # def create(group, location, tags = nil) body = {:location => location, :tags => tags}.to_json url = build_url(group) response = rest_put(url, body) end # Delete a resource group from the current subscription. # def delete(group) url = build_url(group) response = rest_delete(url) response.return! end # Returns information for the given resource group. # def get(group) url = build_url(group) response = rest_get(url) end # Updates the tags for the given resource group. # def update(group, tags) body = {:tags => tags}.to_json url = build_url(group) response = rest_patch(url, body) response.return! end private def build_url(group = nil, *args) id = armrest_configuration.subscription_id url = File.join(Azure::Armrest::COMMON_URI, id, 'resourcegroups') url = File.join(url, group) if group url = File.join(url, *args) unless args.empty? url << "?api-version=#{@api_version}" end end # ResourceGroupService end # Armrest end # Azure