module CapistranoGitFlow module Helper def gitflow_stage original_stage = fetch(:stage) original_stage.to_s.include?(":") ? original_stage.split(':').reverse[0] : original_stage end def gitflow_using_cap3? defined?(Capistrano::VERSION) && Capistrano::VERSION.to_s.split('.').first.to_i >= 3 end def gitflow_callbacks if gitflow_using_cap3? before "deploy", "gitflow:verify_up_to_date" else before "deploy:update_code", "gitflow:verify_up_to_date" end after "gitflow:verify_up_to_date", "gitflow:calculate_tag" end def gitflow_find_task(name) defined?(::Rake) ? ::Rake::Task[name] : exists?(name) rescue nil end def gitflow_execute_task(name) defined?(::Rake) ? gitflow_find_task(name).invoke : find_and_execute_task(name) end def gitflow_capistrano_tag defined?(capistrano_configuration) ? capistrano_configuration[:tag] : ENV['TAG'] end def gitflow_last_tag_matching(pattern) # search for most recent (chronologically) tag matching the passed pattern, then get the name of that tag. last_tag = `git describe --exact-match --tags --match='#{pattern}' $(git log --tags='#{pattern}*' -n1 --pretty='%h')`.chomp last_tag == '' ? nil : last_tag end def gitflow_last_staging_tag gitflow_last_tag_matching('staging-*') end def gitflow_ask_confirm(message) if gitflow_using_cap3? $stdout.print "#{message}" $stdin.gets.to_s.chomp else Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask("#{message}") end end def gitflow_next_staging_tag hwhen = who = `whoami`.chomp.to_url what = ENV['TAG_NAME'] ? ENV['TAG_NAME'] : gitflow_ask_confirm("What does this release introduce? (this will be normalized and used in the tag for this release) ") abort "No tag has been provided: #{what.inspect}" if what == '' last_staging_tag = gitflow_last_tag_matching("staging-#{hwhen}-*") new_tag_serial = if last_staging_tag && last_staging_tag =~ /staging-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\-([0-9]*)/ $1.to_i + 1 else 1 end "#{gitflow_stage}-#{hwhen}-#{new_tag_serial}-#{who}-#{what.to_url}" end def gitflow_last_production_tag() gitflow_last_tag_matching('production-*') end def gitflow_using_git? fetch(:scm, :git).to_sym == :git end def gitflow_verify_up_to_date if gitflow_using_git? set :local_branch, `git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d'`.gsub(/\* /, '').chomp set :local_sha, `git log --pretty=format:%H HEAD -1`.chomp set :origin_sha, `git log --pretty=format:%H #{fetch(:local_branch)} -1` unless fetch(:local_sha) == fetch(:origin_sha) abort """ Your #{fetch(:local_branch)} branch is not up to date with origin/#{fetch(:local_branch)}. Please make sure you have pulled and pushed all code before deploying: git pull origin #{fetch(:local_branch)} # run tests, etc git push origin #{fetch(:local_branch)} """ end end end def gitflow_calculate_tag if gitflow_using_git? # make sure we have any other deployment tags that have been pushed by others so our auto-increment code doesn't create conflicting tags `git fetch` rake_task_name = "gitflow:tag_#{gitflow_stage}" task_exists = gitflow_find_task(rake_task_name) if !task_exists.nil? && task_exists!= false gitflow_execute_task(rake_task_name) system "git push --tags origin #{fetch(:local_branch)}" if $? != 0 abort "git push failed" end else puts "Will deploy tag: #{fetch(:local_branch)}" set :branch, fetch(:local_branch) end end end def gitflow_commit_log from_tag = if gitflow_stage.to_s == 'production' gitflow_last_production_tag elsif gitflow_stage.to_s == 'staging' gitflow_last_staging_tag else abort "Unsupported stage #{gitflow_stage}" end # no idea how to properly test for an optional cap argument a la '-s tag=x' to_tag = gitflow_capistrano_tag to_tag ||= begin puts "Calculating 'end' tag for :commit_log for '#{gitflow_stage}'" to_tag = if gitflow_stage.to_s == 'production' gitflow_last_staging_tag elsif gitflow_stage.to_s == 'staging' 'master' else abort "Unsupported stage #{gitflow_stage}" end end # use custom compare command if set if ENV['git_log_command'] && ENV['git_log_command'].strip != '' command = "git #{ENV['git_log_command']} #{from_tag}..#{to_tag}" else # default compare command # be awesome for github if `git config remote.origin.url` =~ /*)\/(.*).git/ command = "open{$1}/#{$2}/compare/#{from_tag}...#{to_tag}" else command = "git log #{from_tag}..#{to_tag}" end end puts "Displaying commits from #{from_tag} to #{to_tag} via:\n#{command}" system command puts "" end def gitflow_tag_staging current_sha = `git log --pretty=format:%H HEAD -1` last_staging_tag_sha = if gitflow_last_staging_tag `git log --pretty=format:%H #{gitflow_last_staging_tag} -1` end if last_staging_tag_sha == current_sha puts "Not re-tagging staging because latest tag (#{gitflow_last_staging_tag}) already points to HEAD" new_staging_tag = gitflow_last_staging_tag else new_staging_tag = gitflow_next_staging_tag puts "Tagging current branch for deployment to staging as '#{new_staging_tag}'" system "git tag -a -m 'tagging current code for deployment to staging' #{new_staging_tag}" end set :branch, new_staging_tag end def gitflow_tag_production promote_to_production_tag = gitflow_capistrano_tag || gitflow_last_staging_tag unless promote_to_production_tag && promote_to_production_tag =~ /staging-.*/ abort "Couldn't find a staging tag to deploy; use '-s tag=staging-YYYY-MM-DD.X'" end unless gitflow_last_tag_matching(promote_to_production_tag) abort "Staging tag #{promote_to_production_tag} does not exist." end promote_to_production_tag =~ /^staging-(.*)$/ new_production_tag = "production-#{$1}" if new_production_tag == gitflow_last_production_tag puts "Not re-tagging #{gitflow_last_production_tag} because it already exists" really_deploy = gitflow_ask_confirm("Do you really want to deploy #{gitflow_last_production_tag}? [y/N]") exit(1) unless really_deploy.to_url =~ /^[Yy]$/ else puts "Preparing to promote staging tag '#{promote_to_production_tag}' to '#{new_production_tag}'" gitflow_commit_log unless gitflow_capistrano_tag really_deploy = gitflow_ask_confirm("Do you really want to deploy #{new_production_tag}? [y/N]") exit(1) unless really_deploy.to_url =~ /^[Yy]$/ end puts "Promoting staging tag #{promote_to_production_tag} to production as '#{new_production_tag}'" system "git tag -a -m 'tagging current code for deployment to production' #{new_production_tag} #{promote_to_production_tag}" end set :branch, new_production_tag end end end