require 'thor' require 'awesome_print' require 'inifile' require 'colorize' require 'dldinternet/aws/ec2/instance_types/aws-pricing-api-client' module DLDInternet module AWS module EC2 module Instance_Types module MixIns module EC2_Instance_Types def get_file_format(path) format = case File.extname(File.basename(path)).downcase when /json|js/ 'json' when /yaml|yml/ 'yaml' else raise"Unsupported file type: #{path}") end end def save_ec2_instance_types(path, it) format = get_file_format(path) begin path, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644 do |f| case format when /yaml/ f.write it.to_yaml line_width: 1024, indentation: 4, canonical: false when /json/ f.write JSON.pretty_generate(it, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) else f.write YAML::dump(it) # abort! "Unsupported save format #{format}!" end f.close end rescue abort! "!!! Could not write file #{path}: \nException: #{$!}\nParent directory exists? #{}\n" end 0 end def load_ec2_instance_types(path) format = get_file_format(path) spec = case format when /json/ JSON.parse(spec) #when /yaml/ else begin YAML.load(spec) rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e abort! "Error in the template specification: #{e.message}\n#{spec.split(/\n/).map{|l| "#{i+=1}: #{l}"}.join("\n")}" end # else # abort! "Unsupported file type: #{path}" end end # noinspection RubyDefParenthesesInspection def get_ec2_instance_types() client = begin # noinspection RubyParenthesesAfterMethodCallInspection return client.get_instance_types() rescue Exception => e puts "Unable to retrieve instance type details. Giving up ...".light_red return nil end end def abort!(msg) raise msg end end end end end end end