require 'hamlit/concerns/attribute_builder' require 'hamlit/concerns/balanceable' require 'hamlit/concerns/ripperable' # This module compiles only old-style attribute, which is # surrounded by brackets. module Hamlit # This error is raised when hamlit copmiler decide to # copmile the attributes on runtime. class RuntimeBuild < StandardError; end module Compilers module OldAttribute include Concerns::AttributeBuilder include Concerns::Balanceable include Concerns::Ripperable # Only data can be nested for performance. NESTABLE_ATTRIBUTES = %w[data].freeze IGNORED_EXPRESSIONS = %w[false nil].freeze # Only boolean attributes can be deleted for performance. BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = %w[ autofocus checked data disabled formnovalidate multiple readonly ].freeze def compile_old_attribute(str) raise RuntimeBuild unless Ripper.sexp(str) attrs = parse_old_attributes(str) assert_no_boolean_attributes!(attrs) format_attributes(attrs).map do |key, value| next true_attribute(key) if value == 'true' assert_static_value!(value) if NESTABLE_ATTRIBUTES.include?(key) [:html, :attr, key, [:dynamic, value]] end rescue RuntimeBuild # Give up static compilation when given string is invalid as ruby hash [[:runtime, str]] end private def format_attributes(attributes) attributes = flatten_attributes(attributes) ignore_falsy_values(attributes) end def ignore_falsy_values(attributes) attributes = attributes.dup attributes.each do |key, value| attributes.delete(key) if IGNORED_EXPRESSIONS.include?(value) end end # Give up static compilation when variables are detected. def assert_static_value!(value) tokens = Ripper.lex(value) tokens.each do |(row, col), type, str| raise RuntimeBuild if type == :on_ident end end # Give up static compilation when attributes have deletable # attributes, such as 'checked'. def assert_no_boolean_attributes!(attrs) if BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.any? { |key| attrs.keys.include?(key) } raise RuntimeBuild end end # Parse brace-balanced string and return the result as hash def parse_old_attributes(str) attributes = {} split_hash(str).each do |attr| tokens = Ripper.lex("{#{attr}") tokens = tokens.drop(1) key = read_hash_key!(tokens) val = skip_tokens!(tokens, :on_sp) if type_of(tokens.first) == :on_lbrace val = parse_old_attributes(val) end attributes[key] = val if key end attributes end def read_hash_key!(tokens) skip_tokens!(tokens, :on_sp) (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift case type when :on_label str.gsub!(/:\Z/, '') when :on_symbeg if %w[:" :'].include?(str) str = read_string!(tokens) else (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift end assert_rocket!(tokens) when :on_tstring_beg str = read_string!(tokens) assert_rocket!(tokens) end str end def read_string!(tokens) (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift return '' if type == :on_tstring_end raise SyntaxError if type_of(tokens.shift) != :on_tstring_end str end def assert_rocket!(tokens, *types) skip_tokens!(tokens, :on_sp) (row, col), type, str = tokens.shift raise SyntaxError unless type == :on_op && str == '=>' end def split_hash(str) columns = HashParser.assoc_columns(str) columns = reject_nested_columns(str, columns) splitted = [] start_pos = 1 columns.each do |end_pos| if str.ascii_only? splitted << str[start_pos..(end_pos - 1)] else splitted << str.unpack("C*")[start_pos..(end_pos - 1)].pack("C*").force_encoding('utf-8') end start_pos = end_pos + 1 end splitted end def reject_nested_columns(str, columns) result = [] open_count = 0 count = { emb: 0, paren: 0, bracket: 0, } Ripper.lex(str).each do |(row, col), type, str| if columns.include?(col) && open_count == 1 && count.values.all?(&:zero?) result << col end case type when :on_lbrace open_count += 1 when :on_rbrace open_count -= 1 when :on_embexpr_beg count[:emb] += 1 when :on_embexpr_end count[:emb] -= 1 when :on_lparen count[:paren] += 1 when :on_rparen count[:paren] -= 1 when :on_lbracket count[:bracket] += 1 when :on_rbracket count[:bracket] -= 1 end end result end class HashParser < Ripper attr_reader :columns def self.assoc_columns(src) parser = new(src) parser.parse parser.columns end def initialize(src) super(src) @columns = [] end private def on_assoc_new(*args) @columns << column - 1 end end end end end