require File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper] ) ) require 'ostruct' require 'mongo' describe Mongo3::Zone do before( :each ) do @zones = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. configs landscape.yml] ) ) end describe "#connect_for" do it "should connect to a zone correctly" do @zones.send( :connect_for, "home|test" ) do |con| con.should_not be_nil end end it "should connect to an admin zone correctly" do @zones.send( :connect_for, "home|admin" ) do |con| con.should_not be_nil end end end describe "#zone_for" do it "should find a zone correctly" do @zones.send( :zone_for, "localhost", "12345" ).should == "admin" end it "should fail if a zone does not exist" do @zones.send( :zone_for, "ghost", 27017 ).should be_nil @zones.send( :zone_for, "localhost", 8888 ).should be_nil end end describe "configs" do before( :all ) do @crapola = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. configs crap.yml]) ) end it "should raise an error on bogus yml" do lambda { con = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. configs hosed.yml]) ) con.send( :config ) }.should raise_error( /Unable to grok yaml landscape file/ ) end it "should crap out if the zone host is missing correctly" do lambda { @crapola.send( :connect_for, "home|bozo" ) }.should raise_error( /Unable to find `host/ ) end it "should crap out if the zone port is missing correctly" do lambda { @crapola.send( :connect_for, "home|blee" ) }.should raise_error( /Unable to find `port/ ) end it "should crap out if the zone is not correctly configured" do lambda { @crapola.send( :connect_for, "home|nowhere" ) }.should raise_error( /MongoDB connection failed for `funky_town/ ) end end end