# frozen_string_literal: true # test_via: ../object.rb require "graphql/schema/field/connection_extension" require "graphql/schema/field/scope_extension" module GraphQL class Schema class Field if !String.method_defined?(:-@) using GraphQL::StringDedupBackport end include GraphQL::Schema::Member::CachedGraphQLDefinition include GraphQL::Schema::Member::AcceptsDefinition include GraphQL::Schema::Member::HasArguments include GraphQL::Schema::Member::HasPath # @return [String] the GraphQL name for this field, camelized unless `camelize: false` is provided attr_reader :name alias :graphql_name :name attr_writer :description # @return [String, nil] If present, the field is marked as deprecated with this documentation attr_accessor :deprecation_reason # @return [Symbol] Method or hash key on the underlying object to look up attr_reader :method_sym # @return [String] Method or hash key on the underlying object to look up attr_reader :method_str # @return [Symbol] The method on the type to look up attr_reader :resolver_method # @return [Class] The type that this field belongs to attr_reader :owner # @return [Symobol] the original name of the field, passed in by the user attr_reader :original_name # @return [Class, nil] The {Schema::Resolver} this field was derived from, if there is one def resolver @resolver_class end alias :mutation :resolver # @return [Boolean] Apply tracing to this field? (Default: skip scalars, this is the override value) attr_reader :trace # @return [String, nil] attr_reader :subscription_scope # Create a field instance from a list of arguments, keyword arguments, and a block. # # This method implements prioritization between the `resolver` or `mutation` defaults # and the local overrides via other keywords. # # It also normalizes positional arguments into keywords for {Schema::Field#initialize}. # @param resolver [Class] A {GraphQL::Schema::Resolver} class to use for field configuration # @param mutation [Class] A {GraphQL::Schema::Mutation} class to use for field configuration # @param subscription [Class] A {GraphQL::Schema::Subscription} class to use for field configuration # @return [GraphQL::Schema:Field] an instance of `self # @see {.initialize} for other options def self.from_options(name = nil, type = nil, desc = nil, resolver: nil, mutation: nil, subscription: nil,**kwargs, &block) if kwargs[:field] if kwargs[:field] == GraphQL::Relay::Node.field warn("Legacy-style `GraphQL::Relay::Node.field` is being added to a class-based type. See `GraphQL::Types::Relay::NodeField` for a replacement.") return GraphQL::Types::Relay::NodeField elsif kwargs[:field] == GraphQL::Relay::Node.plural_field warn("Legacy-style `GraphQL::Relay::Node.plural_field` is being added to a class-based type. See `GraphQL::Types::Relay::NodesField` for a replacement.") return GraphQL::Types::Relay::NodesField end end if (parent_config = resolver || mutation || subscription) # Get the parent config, merge in local overrides kwargs = parent_config.field_options.merge(kwargs) # Add a reference to that parent class kwargs[:resolver_class] = parent_config end if name kwargs[:name] = name end if !type.nil? if type.is_a?(GraphQL::Field) raise ArgumentError, "A GraphQL::Field was passed as the second argument, use the `field:` keyword for this instead." end if desc if kwargs[:description] raise ArgumentError, "Provide description as a positional argument or `description:` keyword, but not both (#{desc.inspect}, #{kwargs[:description].inspect})" end kwargs[:description] = desc kwargs[:type] = type elsif (kwargs[:field] || kwargs[:function] || resolver || mutation) && type.is_a?(String) # The return type should be copied from `field` or `function`, and the second positional argument is the description kwargs[:description] = type else kwargs[:type] = type end end new(**kwargs, &block) end # Can be set with `connection: true|false` or inferred from a type name ending in `*Connection` # @return [Boolean] if true, this field will be wrapped with Relay connection behavior def connection? if @connection.nil? # Provide default based on type name return_type_name = if (contains_type = @field || @function) Member::BuildType.to_type_name(contains_type.type) elsif @return_type_expr Member::BuildType.to_type_name(@return_type_expr) else # As a last ditch, try to force loading the return type: type.unwrap.name end @connection = return_type_name.end_with?("Connection") else @connection end end # @return [Boolean] if true, the return type's `.scope_items` method will be applied to this field's return value def scoped? if !@scope.nil? # The default was overridden @scope else @return_type_expr && (@return_type_expr.is_a?(Array) || (@return_type_expr.is_a?(String) && @return_type_expr.include?("[")) || connection?) end end # @param name [Symbol] The underscore-cased version of this field name (will be camelized for the GraphQL API) # @param type [Class, GraphQL::BaseType, Array] The return type of this field # @param owner [Class] The type that this field belongs to # @param null [Boolean] `true` if this field may return `null`, `false` if it is never `null` # @param description [String] Field description # @param deprecation_reason [String] If present, the field is marked "deprecated" with this message # @param method [Symbol] The method to call on the underlying object to resolve this field (defaults to `name`) # @param hash_key [String, Symbol] The hash key to lookup on the underlying object (if its a Hash) to resolve this field (defaults to `name` or `name.to_s`) # @param resolver_method [Symbol] The method on the type to call to resolve this field (defaults to `name`) # @param connection [Boolean] `true` if this field should get automagic connection behavior; default is to infer by `*Connection` in the return type name # @param max_page_size [Integer] For connections, the maximum number of items to return from this field # @param introspection [Boolean] If true, this field will be marked as `#introspection?` and the name may begin with `__` # @param resolve [<#call(obj, args, ctx)>] **deprecated** for compatibility with <1.8.0 # @param field [GraphQL::Field, GraphQL::Schema::Field] **deprecated** for compatibility with <1.8.0 # @param function [GraphQL::Function] **deprecated** for compatibility with <1.8.0 # @param resolver_class [Class] (Private) A {Schema::Resolver} which this field was derived from. Use `resolver:` to create a field with a resolver. # @param arguments [{String=>GraphQL::Schema::Argument, Hash}] Arguments for this field (may be added in the block, also) # @param camelize [Boolean] If true, the field name will be camelized when building the schema # @param complexity [Numeric] When provided, set the complexity for this field # @param scope [Boolean] If true, the return type's `.scope_items` method will be called on the return value # @param subscription_scope [Symbol, String] A key in `context` which will be used to scope subscription payloads # @param extensions [Array Object>>] Named extensions to apply to this field (see also {#extension}) # @param trace [Boolean] If true, a {GraphQL::Tracing} tracer will measure this scalar field def initialize(type: nil, name: nil, owner: nil, null: nil, field: nil, function: nil, description: nil, deprecation_reason: nil, method: nil, hash_key: nil, resolver_method: nil, resolve: nil, connection: nil, max_page_size: nil, scope: nil, introspection: false, camelize: true, trace: nil, complexity: 1, extras: [], extensions: [], resolver_class: nil, subscription_scope: nil, relay_node_field: false, relay_nodes_field: false, arguments: {}, &definition_block) if name.nil? raise ArgumentError, "missing first `name` argument or keyword `name:`" end if !(field || function || resolver_class) if type.nil? raise ArgumentError, "missing second `type` argument or keyword `type:`" end if null.nil? raise ArgumentError, "missing keyword argument null:" end end if (field || function || resolve) && extras.any? raise ArgumentError, "keyword `extras:` may only be used with method-based resolve and class-based field such as mutation class, please remove `field:`, `function:` or `resolve:`" end @original_name = name @underscored_name = -Member::BuildType.underscore(name.to_s) @name = -(camelize ? Member::BuildType.camelize(name.to_s) : name.to_s) @description = description if field.is_a?(GraphQL::Schema::Field) raise ArgumentError, "Instead of passing a field as `field:`, use `add_field(field)` to add an already-defined field." else @field = field end @function = function @resolve = resolve @deprecation_reason = deprecation_reason if method && hash_key raise ArgumentError, "Provide `method:` _or_ `hash_key:`, not both. (called with: `method: #{method.inspect}, hash_key: #{hash_key.inspect}`)" end if resolver_method if method raise ArgumentError, "Provide `method:` _or_ `resolver_method:`, not both. (called with: `method: #{method.inspect}, resolver_method: #{resolver_method.inspect}`)" end if hash_key raise ArgumentError, "Provide `hash_key:` _or_ `resolver_method:`, not both. (called with: `hash_key: #{hash_key.inspect}, resolver_method: #{resolver_method.inspect}`)" end end # TODO: I think non-string/symbol hash keys are wrongly normalized (eg `1` will not work) method_name = method || hash_key || @underscored_name resolver_method ||= @underscored_name.to_sym @method_str = method_name.to_s @method_sym = method_name.to_sym @resolver_method = resolver_method @complexity = complexity @return_type_expr = type @return_type_null = null @connection = connection @max_page_size = max_page_size @introspection = introspection @extras = extras @resolver_class = resolver_class @scope = scope @trace = trace @relay_node_field = relay_node_field @relay_nodes_field = relay_nodes_field # Override the default from HasArguments @own_arguments = {} arguments.each do |name, arg| if arg.is_a?(Hash) argument(name: name, **arg) else @own_arguments[name] = arg end end @owner = owner @subscription_scope = subscription_scope # Do this last so we have as much context as possible when initializing them: @extensions = [] if extensions.any? self.extensions(extensions) end # This should run before connection extension, # but should it run after the definition block? if scoped? self.extension(ScopeExtension) end # The problem with putting this after the definition_block # is that it would override arguments if connection? self.extension(ConnectionExtension) end if definition_block if definition_block.arity == 1 yield self else instance_eval(&definition_block) end end end # @param text [String] # @return [String] def description(text = nil) if text @description = text else @description end end # Read extension instances from this field, # or add new classes/options to be initialized on this field. # Extensions are executed in the order they are added. # # @example adding an extension # extensions([MyExtensionClass]) # # @example adding multiple extensions # extensions([MyExtensionClass, AnotherExtensionClass]) # # @example adding an extension with options # extensions([MyExtensionClass, { AnotherExtensionClass => { filter: true } }]) # # @param extensions [Array Object>>] Add extensions to this field. For hash elements, only the first key/value is used. # @return [Array] extensions to apply to this field def extensions(new_extensions = nil) if new_extensions.nil? # Read the value @extensions else new_extensions.each do |extension| if extension.is_a?(Hash) extension = extension.to_a[0] extension_class, options = *extension @extensions << extension_class.new(field: self, options: options) else extension_class = extension @extensions << extension_class.new(field: self, options: nil) end end end end # Add `extension` to this field, initialized with `options` if provided. # # @example adding an extension # extension(MyExtensionClass) # # @example adding an extension with options # extension(MyExtensionClass, filter: true) # # @param extension [Class] subclass of {Schema::Fieldextension} # @param options [Object] if provided, given as `options:` when initializing `extension`. def extension(extension, options = nil) extensions([{extension => options}]) end # Read extras (as symbols) from this field, # or add new extras to be opted into by this field's resolver. # # @param new_extras [Array] Add extras to this field # @return [Array] def extras(new_extras = nil) if new_extras.nil? # Read the value @extras else # Append to the set of extras on this field @extras.concat(new_extras) end end def complexity(new_complexity) case new_complexity when Proc if new_complexity.parameters.size != 3 fail( "A complexity proc should always accept 3 parameters: ctx, args, child_complexity. "\ "E.g.: complexity ->(ctx, args, child_complexity) { child_complexity * args[:limit] }" ) else @complexity = new_complexity end when Numeric @complexity = new_complexity else raise("Invalid complexity: #{new_complexity.inspect} on #{@name}") end end # @return [Integer, nil] Applied to connections if present attr_reader :max_page_size # @return [GraphQL::Field] def to_graphql field_defn = if @field @field.dup elsif @function GraphQL::Function.build_field(@function) else GraphQL::Field.new end field_defn.name = @name if @return_type_expr field_defn.type = -> { type } end if @description field_defn.description = @description end if @deprecation_reason field_defn.deprecation_reason = @deprecation_reason end if @resolver_class if @resolver_class < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation field_defn.mutation = @resolver_class end field_defn.metadata[:resolver] = @resolver_class end if !@trace.nil? field_defn.trace = @trace end if @relay_node_field field_defn.relay_node_field = @relay_node_field end if @relay_nodes_field field_defn.relay_nodes_field = @relay_nodes_field end field_defn.resolve = self.method(:resolve_field) field_defn.connection = connection? field_defn.connection_max_page_size = max_page_size field_defn.introspection = @introspection field_defn.complexity = @complexity field_defn.subscription_scope = @subscription_scope arguments.each do |name, defn| arg_graphql = defn.to_graphql field_defn.arguments[arg_graphql.name] = arg_graphql end # Support a passed-in proc, one way or another @resolve_proc = if @resolve @resolve elsif @function @function elsif @field @field.resolve_proc end # Ok, `self` isn't a class, but this is for consistency with the classes field_defn.metadata[:type_class] = self field_defn end def type @type ||= Member::BuildType.parse_type(@return_type_expr, null: @return_type_null) rescue raise ArgumentError, "Failed to build return type for #{@owner.graphql_name}.#{name} from #{@return_type_expr.inspect}: #{$!.message}", $!.backtrace end def visible?(context) if @resolver_class @resolver_class.visible?(context) else true end end def accessible?(context) if @resolver_class @resolver_class.accessible?(context) else true end end def authorized?(object, context) if @resolver_class # The resolver will check itself during `resolve()` @resolver_class.authorized?(object, context) else # Faster than `.any?` arguments.each_value do |arg| if !arg.authorized?(object, context) return false end end true end end # Implement {GraphQL::Field}'s resolve API. # # Eventually, we might hook up field instances to execution in another way. TBD. # @see #resolve for how the interpreter hooks up to it def resolve_field(obj, args, ctx) ctx.schema.after_lazy(obj) do |after_obj| # First, apply auth ... query_ctx = ctx.query.context # Some legacy fields can have `nil` here, not exactly sure why. # @see https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby/issues/1990 before removing inner_obj = after_obj && after_obj.object if authorized?(inner_obj, query_ctx) ruby_args = to_ruby_args(after_obj, args, ctx) # Then if it passed, resolve the field if @resolve_proc # Might be nil, still want to call the func in that case with_extensions(inner_obj, ruby_args, query_ctx) do |extended_obj, extended_args| # Pass the GraphQL args here for compatibility: @resolve_proc.call(extended_obj, args, ctx) end else public_send_field(after_obj, ruby_args, ctx) end else err = GraphQL::UnauthorizedFieldError.new(object: inner_obj, type: obj.class, context: ctx, field: self) query_ctx.schema.unauthorized_field(err) end end end # This method is called by the interpreter for each field. # You can extend it in your base field classes. # @param object [GraphQL::Schema::Object] An instance of some type class, wrapping an application object # @param args [Hash] A symbol-keyed hash of Ruby keyword arguments. (Empty if no args) # @param ctx [GraphQL::Query::Context] def resolve(object, args, ctx) if @resolve_proc raise "Can't run resolve proc for #{path} when using GraphQL::Execution::Interpreter" end begin # Unwrap the GraphQL object to get the application object. application_object = object.object if self.authorized?(application_object, ctx) # Apply field extensions with_extensions(object, args, ctx) do |extended_obj, extended_args| field_receiver = if @resolver_class resolver_obj = if extended_obj.is_a?(GraphQL::Schema::Object) extended_obj.object else extended_obj end @resolver_class.new(object: resolver_obj, context: ctx) else extended_obj end if field_receiver.respond_to?(@resolver_method) # Call the method with kwargs, if there are any if extended_args.any? field_receiver.public_send(@resolver_method, **extended_args) else field_receiver.public_send(@resolver_method) end else resolve_field_method(field_receiver, extended_args, ctx) end end else err = GraphQL::UnauthorizedFieldError.new(object: application_object, type: object.class, context: ctx, field: self) ctx.schema.unauthorized_field(err) end rescue GraphQL::UnauthorizedFieldError => err err.field ||= self ctx.schema.unauthorized_field(err) rescue GraphQL::UnauthorizedError => err ctx.schema.unauthorized_object(err) end rescue GraphQL::ExecutionError => err err end # Find a way to resolve this field, checking: # # - Hash keys, if the wrapped object is a hash; # - A method on the wrapped object; # - Or, raise not implemented. # # This can be overridden by defining a method on the object type. # @param obj [GraphQL::Schema::Object] # @param ruby_kwargs [Hash Object>] # @param ctx [GraphQL::Query::Context] def resolve_field_method(obj, ruby_kwargs, ctx) if obj.object.is_a?(Hash) inner_object = obj.object if inner_object.key?(@method_sym) inner_object[@method_sym] else inner_object[@method_str] end elsif obj.object.respond_to?(@method_sym) if ruby_kwargs.any? obj.object.public_send(@method_sym, **ruby_kwargs) else obj.object.public_send(@method_sym) end else raise <<-ERR Failed to implement #{@owner.graphql_name}.#{@name}, tried: - `#{obj.class}##{@resolver_method}`, which did not exist - `#{obj.object.class}##{@method_sym}`, which did not exist - Looking up hash key `#{@method_sym.inspect}` or `#{@method_str.inspect}` on `#{obj.object}`, but it wasn't a Hash To implement this field, define one of the methods above (and check for typos) ERR end end # @param ctx [GraphQL::Query::Context::FieldResolutionContext] def fetch_extra(extra_name, ctx) if extra_name != :path && respond_to?(extra_name) self.public_send(extra_name) elsif ctx.respond_to?(extra_name) ctx.public_send(extra_name) else raise NotImplementedError, "Unknown field extra for #{self.path}: #{extra_name.inspect}" end end private NO_ARGS = {}.freeze # Convert a GraphQL arguments instance into a Ruby-style hash. # # @param obj [GraphQL::Schema::Object] The object where this field is being resolved # @param graphql_args [GraphQL::Query::Arguments] # @param field_ctx [GraphQL::Query::Context::FieldResolutionContext] # @return [Hash Any>] def to_ruby_args(obj, graphql_args, field_ctx) if graphql_args.any? || @extras.any? # Splat the GraphQL::Arguments to Ruby keyword arguments ruby_kwargs = graphql_args.to_kwargs # Apply any `prepare` methods. Not great code organization, can this go somewhere better? arguments.each do |name, arg_defn| ruby_kwargs_key = arg_defn.keyword if ruby_kwargs.key?(ruby_kwargs_key) && arg_defn.prepare ruby_kwargs[ruby_kwargs_key] = arg_defn.prepare_value(obj, ruby_kwargs[ruby_kwargs_key]) end end @extras.each do |extra_arg| ruby_kwargs[extra_arg] = fetch_extra(extra_arg, field_ctx) end ruby_kwargs else NO_ARGS end end def public_send_field(obj, ruby_kwargs, field_ctx) query_ctx = field_ctx.query.context with_extensions(obj, ruby_kwargs, query_ctx) do |extended_obj, extended_args| if @resolver_class if extended_obj.is_a?(GraphQL::Schema::Object) extended_obj = extended_obj.object end extended_obj = @resolver_class.new(object: extended_obj, context: query_ctx) end if extended_obj.respond_to?(@resolver_method) if extended_args.any? extended_obj.public_send(@resolver_method, **extended_args) else extended_obj.public_send(@resolver_method) end else resolve_field_method(extended_obj, extended_args, query_ctx) end end end # Wrap execution with hooks. # Written iteratively to avoid big stack traces. # @return [Object] Whatever the def with_extensions(obj, args, ctx) if @extensions.empty? yield(obj, args) else # Save these so that the originals can be re-given to `after_resolve` handlers. original_args = args original_obj = obj memos = [] value = run_extensions_before_resolve(memos, obj, args, ctx) do |extended_obj, extended_args| yield(extended_obj, extended_args) end ctx.schema.after_lazy(value) do |resolved_value| @extensions.each_with_index do |ext, idx| memo = memos[idx] # TODO after_lazy? resolved_value = ext.after_resolve(object: original_obj, arguments: original_args, context: ctx, value: resolved_value, memo: memo) end resolved_value end end end def run_extensions_before_resolve(memos, obj, args, ctx, idx: 0) extension = @extensions[idx] if extension extension.resolve(object: obj, arguments: args, context: ctx) do |extended_obj, extended_args, memo| memos << memo run_extensions_before_resolve(memos, extended_obj, extended_args, ctx, idx: idx + 1) { |o, a| yield(o, a) } end else yield(obj, args) end end end end end