title: Reference
class: guide
side_content: >
Version 1.0.5
## Basic Usage
@import 'susy';
- **Container**: The root element of a _Grid_.
- **Layout**: The total number of _Columns_ in a grid.
- **Grid Padding**: Padding on the sides of the _Grid_.
- **Context**: The number of _Columns_ spanned by the parent element.
- **Omega**: Any _Grid Element_ spanning the last _Column_ in its _Context_.
### Basic Settings
#### Total Columns
The number of Columns in your default Grid Layout.
// $total-columns: ;
$total-columns: 12;
- ``: Unitless number.
#### Column Width
The width of a single Column in your Grid.
// $column-width: ;
$column-width: 4em;
- ``: Length in any unit of measurement (em, px, %, etc).
#### Gutter Width
The space between Columns.
// $gutter-width: ;
$gutter-width: 1em;
- ``: Units must match `$column-width`.
#### Grid Padding
Padding on the left and right of a Grid Container.
// $grid-padding: ;
$grid-padding: $gutter-width; // 1em
- ``: Units should match the container width
(`$column-width` unless `$container-width` is set directly).
### Basic Mixins
#### Container
Establish the outer grid-containing element.
// container([$]*)
.page { @include container; }
- `<$media-layout>`: Optional media-layout shortcuts
(see '[Responsive Grids][responsive]' below).
Default: `$total-columns`.
[responsive]: #ref-responsive
#### Span Columns
Align an element to the Susy Grid.
// span-columns(<$columns> [ , <$context>, <$padding>, <$from>])
nav { @include span-columns(3,12); }
article { @include span-columns(9 omega,12); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to span.
- ``: Optional flag to signal the last element in a row.
- `<$context>`: Current nesting _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$padding>`: Optional padding applied inside an individual grid element.
Given as a length (same units as the grid)
or a list of lengths (from-direction to-direction).
Default: `false`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Omega
Apply to any omega element as an override.
// omega([<$from>])
.gallery-image {
@include span-columns(3,9); // each gallery-image is 3 of 9 cols.
&:nth-child(3n) { @include omega; } // every third image completes a row.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Nth-Omega
Apply to any element as an nth-child omega shortcut.
Defaults to `:last-child`.
// nth-omega([<$n>, <$selector>, <$from>])
.gallery-image {
@include span-columns(3,9); // each gallery-image is 3 of 9 cols.
@include nth-omega(3n); // same as omega example above.
- `<$n>`: The keyword or equation to select: `[first | only | last | ]`.
An equation could be e.g. `3` or `3n` or `'3n+1'`.
Note that quotes are needed to keep complex equations
from being simplified by Compass.
Default: `last`.
- `<$selector>`: The type of element, and direction to count from:
`[child | last-child | of-type | last-of-type ]`.
Default: `child`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
## Responsive Grids
- **Breakpoint**: A min- or max- viewport width at which to change _Layouts_.
- **Media-Layout**: Shortcut for declaring _Breakpoints_ and _Layouts_ in Susy.
### Media-Layouts
// $media-layout: ;
// - You must supply either or .
$media-layout: 12; // Use 12-col layout at matching min-width.
$media-layout: 30em; // At min 30em, use closest fitting layout.
$media-layout: 30em 12; // At min 30em, use 12-col layout.
$media-layout: 12 60em; // Use 12 cols up to max 60em.
$media-layout: 30em 60em; // Between min 30em & max 60em, use closest layout.
$media-layout: 30em 12 60em;// Use 12 cols between min 30em & max 60em.
$media-layout: 60em 12 30em;// Same. Larger length will always be max-width.
$media-layout : 12 lt-ie9; // Output is included under `.lt-ie9` class,
// for use with IE conditional comments
// on the tag.
- `<$min/max-width>`: Any length with units, used to set media breakpoints.
- `<$layout>`: Any (unitless) number of columns to use for the grid
at a given breakpoint.
- `<$ie-fallback>`: Any string to use as a fallback class
when mediaqueries are not available.
Do not include a leading "`.`" class-signifier,
simply the class name ("`lt-ie9`", not "`.lt-ie9`").
This can be anything you want:
"`no-mediaqueries`", "`ie8`", "`popcorn`", etc.
### Responsive Mixins
#### At-Breakpoint
At a given min- or max-width Breakpoint, use a given Layout.
// at-breakpoint(<$media-layout> [, <$font-size>]) { <@content> }
@include at-breakpoint(30em 12) {
.page { @include container; }
- `<$media-layout>`: The _Breakpoint/Layout_ combo to use (see above).
- `<$font-size>`: Browsers interpret em-based media-queries
using the browser default font size (`16px` in most cases).
If you have a different base font size for your site,
we have to adjust for the difference.
Tell us your base font size, and we'll do the conversion.
Default: `$base-font-size`.
- `<@content>`: Nested `@content` block will use the given _Layout_.
#### Layout
Set an arbitrary Layout to use with any block of content.
// layout(<$layout-cols>) { <@content> }
@include layout(6) {
.narrow-page { @include container; }
- `<$layout-cols>`: The number of _Columns_ to use in the _Layout_.
- `<@content>`: Nested `@content` block will use the given _Layout_.
#### Set Container Width
Reset the width of a Container for a new Layout context.
Can be used when `container()` has already been applied to an element,
for DRYer output than simply using `container` again.
// set-container-width([<$columns>])
@include container;
@include at-breakpoint(8) {
@include set-container-width;
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to be contained.
Default: Current value of `$total-columns` depending on _Layout_.
#### With Grid Settings
Use different grid settings for a block of code -
whether the same grid at a different breakpoint,
or a different grid altogether.
// with-grid-settings([, , , ]) { <@content> }
@include with-grid-settings(12,4em,1.5em,1em) {
.new-grid { @include container; }
- `<$columns>`: Overrides the `$total-columns` setting for all contained elements.
- `<$width>`: Overrides the `$column-width` setting for all contained elements.
- `<$gutter>`: Overrides the `$gutter-width` setting for all contained elements.
- `<$padding>`: Overrides the `$grid-padding` setting for all contained elements.
- `<@content>`: Nested `@content` block will use the given grid settings.
## Grid Helpers
### Box Sizing
#### Border-Box Sizing
Set the default box-model to `border-box`,
and adjust the grid math accordingly.
// border-box-sizing()
@include border-box-sizing;
This will apply border-box model to all elements
(using the star selector)
and set `$border-box-sizing` to `true`.
You can use the variable on it's own to adjust the grid math,
in cases where you want to apply the box-model separately.
### Padding Mixins
#### Prefix
Add Columns of empty space as `padding` before an element.
// prefix(<$columns> [, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include prefix(3); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `padding` before.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Suffix
Add columns of empty space as padding after an element.
// suffix(<$columns> [, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include suffix(2); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `padding` after.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Pad
Shortcut for adding both Prefix and Suffix `padding`.
// pad([<$prefix>, <$suffix>, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include pad(3,2); }
- `<$prefix>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `padding` before.
- `<$suffix>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `padding` after.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
### Margin Mixins
#### Pre
Add columns of empty space as margin before an element.
// pre(<$columns> [, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include pre(2); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `margin` before.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Post
Add columns of empty space as margin after an element.
// post(<$columns> [, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include post(3); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `margin` after.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Squish
Shortcut to add empty space as margin before and after an element.
// squish([<$pre>, <$post>, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include squish(2,3); }
- `<$pre>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `margin` before.
- `<$post>`: The number of _Columns_ to be added as `margin` after.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Push
Identical to [pre](#ref-pre).
// push(<$columns> [, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include push(3); }
#### Pull
Add negative margins before an element, to pull it against the flow.
// pull(<$columns> [, <$context>, <$from>])
.box { @include pull(2); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to be subtracted as `margin` before.
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
### Reset Mixins
#### Reset Columns
Resets an element to default block behaviour.
// reset-columns([<$from>])
article { @include span-columns(6); } // articles are 6 cols wide
#news article { @include reset-columns; } // but news span the full width
// of their container
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Remove-Omega
Apply to any previously-omega element
to reset it's float direction and margins
to match non-omega grid elements.
Note that unlike omega,
this requires a context when nested.
// remove-omega([<$context>, <$from>])
.gallery-image {
&:nth-child(3n) { @include remove-omega; } // 3rd images no longer complete rows.
- `<$context>`: Current nesting _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
#### Remove Nth-Omega
Apply to any previously nth-omega element
to reset it's float direction and margins
to match non-omega grid elements.
Note that unlike omega,
this requires a context when nested.
// remove-nth-omega([<$n>, <$selector>, <$context>, <$from>])
.gallery-image {
@include remove-nth-omega(3n); // same as remove-omega example above.
- `<$n>`: The keyword or equation to select: `[first | only | last | ]`.
An equation could be e.g. `3` or `3n` or `'3n+1'`.
Note that quotes are needed to keep a complex equation from being simplified by Compass.
Default: `last`.
- `<$selector>`: The type of element, and direction to count from:
`[child | last-child | of-type | last-of-type ]`.
Default: `child`.
- `<$context>`: Current nesting _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
- `<$from>`: The origin direction of your document flow.
Default: `$from-direction`.
### Other Mixins
#### Susy Grid Background
Show the Susy Grid as a background-image on any container.
// susy-grid-background();
.page { @include susy-grid-background; }
- If you are using the `` element as your _Container_,
you need to apply a background to the `` element
in order for this grid-background to size properly.
- Some browsers have trouble with sub-pixel rounding on background images.
Use this for checking general spacing, not pixel-exact alignment.
Susy columns tend to be more accurate than gradient grid-backgrounds.
### Functions
Where a mixin returns property/value pairs, functions return simple values
that you can put where you want, and use for advanced math.
#### Columns
Similar to [span-columns](#ref-span-columns) mixin,
but returns the math-ready `%` multiplier.
// columns(<$columns> [, <$context>])
.item { width: columns(3,6); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to span,
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
#### Gutter
The `%` width of one gutter in any given context.
// gutter([<$context>])
.item { margin-right: gutter(6) + columns(3,6); }
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
#### Space
Total `%` space taken by Columns, including internal AND external gutters.
// space(<$columns> [, <$context>])
.item { margin-right: space(3,6); }
- `<$columns>`: The number of _Columns_ to span,
- `<$context>`: The _Context_.
Default: `$total-columns`.
### Container Override Settings
#### Container Width
Override the total width of your grid with an arbitrary length.
// $container-width: | ;
$container-width: false;
- ``: Length in em, px, %, etc.
- ``: True or false.
#### Container Style
Override the type of shell containing your grid.
// $container-style: