$:.unshift File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) Gem::Specification.new do |spec| excludes = [/lib.wmq.constants\.rb/, /lib.wmq.constants_admin\.rb/, /ext.wmq_structs\.c/, /ext.wmq_reason\.c/, /ext.Makefile/, /ext.*\.o/, /ext.wmq\.so/, /\.gem$/, /\.log$/, /nbproject/] spec.name = 'ferocia-rubywmq' spec.version = "1.1.3" spec.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY spec.authors = ['Reid Morrison', 'Edwin Fine'] spec.email = ['reidmo@gmail.com'] spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/reidmorrison/rubywmq' spec.date = Date.today.to_s spec.summary = "Native Ruby interface into WebSphere MQ" spec.description = "RubyWMQ is a high performance native Ruby interface into WebSphere MQ." spec.files = Dir.glob("./**/*").reject {|p| excludes.any? {|e| p[e] } }.map {|f| f.sub(/^\.\//, '')} + ['.document'] spec.license = "Apache License V2.0" spec.extensions << 'ext/extconf.rb' spec.rubyforge_project = 'rubywmq' spec.test_file = 'tests/test.rb' spec.has_rdoc = true spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.8.4' spec.add_development_dependency 'shoulda' spec.requirements << 'WebSphere MQ v5.3, v6 or v7 Client or Server with Development Kit' spec.post_install_message = <<-MESSAGE * ferocia-rubywmq builds against the WMQ libs, which aren't available for OS X. * The gem will still install, but the build will be skipped, producing a * non-functional gem, so you'll need stubs. (You can skip the build elsewhere by * setting the DISABLE_RUBYWMQ environment variable.) MESSAGE end