# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Metrics module Utils # > ABC is .. a software size metric .. computed by counting the number # > of assignments, branches and conditions for a section of code. # > http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AbcMetric # # We separate the *calculator* from the *cop* so that the calculation, # the formula itself, is easier to test. class AbcSizeCalculator # > Branch -- an explicit forward program branch out of scope -- a # > function call, class method call .. # > http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AbcMetric BRANCH_NODES = %i[send csend].freeze # > Condition -- a logical/Boolean test, == != <= >= < > else case # > default try catch ? and unary conditionals. # > http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AbcMetric CONDITION_NODES = (CyclomaticComplexity::COUNTED_NODES - %i[block block_pass]).freeze def self.calculate(node) new(node).calculate end def initialize(node) @assignment = 0 @branch = 0 @condition = 0 @node = node end def calculate @node.each_node do |child| if child.assignment? @assignment += 1 elsif branch?(child) evaluate_branch_nodes(child) elsif condition?(child) evaluate_condition_node(child) end end [ Math.sqrt(@assignment**2 + @branch**2 + @condition**2).round(2), "<#{@assignment}, #{@branch}, #{@condition}>" ] end def evaluate_branch_nodes(node) if node.comparison_method? @condition += 1 else @branch += 1 end end def evaluate_condition_node(node) @condition += 1 if else_branch?(node) @condition += 1 end def else_branch?(node) %i[case if].include?(node.type) && node.else? && node.loc.else.is?('else') end private def branch?(node) BRANCH_NODES.include?(node.type) end def condition?(node) CONDITION_NODES.include?(node.type) end end end end end end