# Object `array?` ------ Returns if an object is an array. ```ruby [].array? #=> true 'test'.array? #=> false ``` `blank?` ------ Returns if an object is empty or nil. ```ruby ''.blank? #=> true 'test'.blank? #=> false ``` `bool?` ------ Returns if an object is a `true` or `false` class. ```ruby true.bool? #=> true 1.bool? #=> false 'false'.bool? #=> false ``` `boolean?` ------ Returns if an object is an boolean. ```ruby true.boolean? #=> true 1.boolean? #=> true 'false'.boolean? #=> true 'foo'.boolean? #=> false ``` `date?` ------ Returns if an object is a `date`. ```ruby Date.today.date? #=> true 'foo'.date? #=> false ``` `false?` ------ Returns if an object is `false`. ```ruby false.false? #=> true true.false? #=> false ``` `falsey?` ------ Returns if an object is `0 f false n no off`. ```ruby false.falsey? #=> true true.falsey? #=> false 0.falsey? #=> true ``` `float?` ------ Returns if an object is a `float`. ```ruby 1.0.float? #=> true 1.float? #=> false ``` `hash?` ------ Returns if an object is a `hash`. ```ruby {}.hash? #=> true [].hash? #=> false ``` `integer?` ------ Returns if an object is an `integer`. ```ruby 1.integer? #=> true 1.0.integer? #=> false ``` `is_any?` ------ Returns if an object is of any class type supplied. ```ruby 1.is_any?(String, Integer) #=> true 0.is_any?(String, Symbol) #=> false ``` `numeric?` ------ Returns if an object is `numeric`. ```ruby 1.numeric? #=> true 1.0.numeric? #=> true '1.0'.numeric? #=> false ``` `numeral?` ------ Returns if an object's string value is `numeric`. ```ruby '-32.50'.numeral? #=> true '$2.55'.numeral? #=> false ``` `open_struct?` ------ Returns if an object is a `open_struct`. ```ruby OpenStruct.new.open_struct? #=> true 1.open_struct? #=> false ``` `palindrome?` ------ Returns if an object is equal when reversed. ```ruby 'racecar'.palindrome? #=> true 'example'.palindrome? #=> false 12321.palindrome? #=> true 12345.palindrome? #=> false ``` `present?` ------ Returns if an object is not empty or `nil`. ```ruby 'test'.present? #=> true ''.present? #=> false ``` `presence` ------ Returns object if it's `present?`. ```ruby 'bar'.presence || 'foo' #=> 'bar' nil.presence || 'foo' #=> 'foo' ``` `range?` ------ Returns if an object is a `range`. ```ruby (1..2).range? #=> true 1.range? #=> false ``` `safe_call` ------ Executes the caller to an object and rescues with self. ```ruby callr = ->(x) { 3 * x } 3.safe_call #=> 3 callr.safe_call(3) #=> 9 callr.safe_call #=> raises ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments ``` `safe_send` ------ Executes the object method and rescues with self. ```ruby 3.safe_send(:fake) #=> 3 3.safe_send(:to_s) #=> '3' 3.safe_send(:+, 2) #=> 5 ``` `safe_try` ------ Similar to the try method but returns self instead of `nil`. ```ruby 'example'.safe_try(:upcase) #=> 'EXAMPLE' 'example'.safe_try(:fake_method) #=> 'example' ``` `salvage` ------ Returns a placeholder if object is blank?. ```ruby ' '.salvage #=> '---' nil.salvage('bar') #=> 'bar' 123.salvage #=> 123 ``` `send_chain` ------ Chains multiple callers to an object. ```ruby 3.send_chain(:factorial) #=> 6 3.send_chain([:add, 4]) #=> 7 3.send_chain(:factorial, [:add, 4]) #=> 10 ``` `send_chain_if` ------ Chains multiple callers to an object if it responds to the result. ```ruby 3.send_chain_if(:test) #=> 3 3.send_chain_if(:factorial) #=> 6 3.send_chain_if([:add, 4]) #=> 7 3.send_chain_if(:factorial, [:add, 4], :test) #=> 10 ``` `send_if` ------ Sends a caller to an object if it responds to it. ```ruby 3.send_if(:test) #=> 3 3.send_if(:factorial) #=> 6 3.send_if(:add, 4) #=> 7 ``` `set?` ------ Returns if an object is a `set`. ```ruby Set[1, 2].set? #=> true 1.set? #=> false ``` `string?` ------ Returns if an object is a `string`. ```ruby 'foo'.string? #=> true 1.string? #=> false ``` `struct?` ------ Returns if an object is a `struct`. ```ruby person = Struct.new(:name) person.new('john').struct? #=> true 1.set? #=> false ``` `symbol?` ------ Returns if an object is a `symbol`. ```ruby :foo.time? #=> true 'foo'.time? #=> false ``` `time?` ------ Returns if an object is a `time`. ```ruby Time.now.time? #=> true 'foo'.time? #=> false ``` `to_bool` aka `to_b` ------ Returns a `true` or `false` value if it can be converted to a boolean, else nil. ```ruby true.to_bool #=> true '0'.to_bool #=> false 'A'.to_bool #=> nil ``` `true?` ------ Returns if an object is `true`. ```ruby true.true? #=> true false.true? #=> false ``` `truthy?` ------ Returns if an object is `1 t true y yes on`. ```ruby true.truthy? #=> true false.truthy? #=> false 1.truthy? #=> true ``` `try(!)` ------ Invokes the public method whose name goes as first argument just like public_send does, except that if the receiver does not respond to it the call returns nil rather than raising an exception. ```ruby 'example'.try(:upcase) #=> 'EXAMPLE' 'example'.try(:fake_method) #=> nil ``` `try_call` ------ Executes the caller to an object and rescues with `nil`. ```ruby callr = ->(x) { 3 * x } 3.try_call #=> nil callr.try_call(3) #=> 9 callr.try_call #=> raises ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments ``` `try_send` ------ Executes the object method and rescues with `nil`. ```ruby 3.try_send(:fake) #=> 3 3.try_send(:to_s) #=> '3' 3.try_send(:+, 2) #=> 5 ```