# Copyright (C) 2011 Cornelius Schumacher # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. class Cli < Thor default_task :global class_option :version, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show version" class_option :offline, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Work offline" class_option :manifest_dir, :type => :string, :desc => "Manifest directory" def self.settings= s @@settings = s end def self.distro @@distro if @@distro @@distro = Distro.detect if !@@distro STDERR.puts "Warning: unable to detect distro." end end desc "global", "Global options", :hide => true def global if options[:version] puts "Inqlude: #{@@settings.version}" qmake_out = `qmake -v` qmake_out =~ /Qt version (.*) in/ puts "Qt: #{$1}" if self.distro puts "OS: #{self.distro.name} #{self.distro.version}" else puts "OS: unknown" end else Cli.help shell end end desc "list", "List libraries" method_option :remote, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-r", :desc => "List remote libraries" def list process_global_options options handler = ManifestHandler.new @@settings handler.read_remote if options[:remote] handler.libraries.each do |library| puts library.name + " (" + library.versions.join(", ") + ")" end else manifests = self.distro.installed handler manifests.each do |manifest| puts manifest["name"] end end end desc "view", "Create view" method_option :output_dir, :type => :string, :aliases => "-o", :desc => "Output directory", :required => true method_option :manifest_dir, :type => :string, :aliases => "-m", :desc => "Manifest directory", :required => false method_option :enable_disqus, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Enable Disqus based comments on generate web pages. Works only on actual domain." method_option :disable_search, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Disable Google based search." def view process_global_options options if options[:manifest_dir] @@settings.manifest_path = options[:manifest_dir] end manifest_handler = ManifestHandler.new(@@settings) manifest_handler.read_remote view = View.new(manifest_handler) view.enable_disqus = options[:enable_disqus] view.enable_search = !options[:disable_search] view.create options[:output_dir] end desc "show ", "Show library details" def show name Upstream.get_involved "Add command for showing library details", 1 end desc "verify [filename]", "Verify all manifests or specific file if filename is given" method_option :check_links, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Check links for reachability." def verify filename=nil process_global_options options v = Verifier.new @@settings if options[:check_links] Upstream.get_involved "Implement --check-links option", 11 exit 1 end errors = [] if filename result = v.verify_file filename result.print_result else handler = ManifestHandler.new @@settings handler.read_remote count_ok = 0 count_warning = 0 handler.libraries.each do |library| library.manifests.each do |manifest| result = v.verify manifest result.print_result if result.valid? count_ok += 1 else errors.push result end if result.has_warnings? count_warning +=1 end end end puts puts "#{handler.manifests.count} manifests checked. #{count_ok} ok, " + "#{errors.count} with error, " + "#{count_warning} #{count_warning == 1 ? "has warning." : "have warnings."}" if !errors.empty? puts puts "Errors:" errors.each do |error| puts " #{error.name}" error.errors.each do |e| puts " #{e}" end end exit 1 end end end desc "review ", "Review pull requests on GitHub. Use 'username:branch' as repo parameter." def review repo, action = nil if !action GitHubTool.review repo elsif action == "accept" GitHubTool.accept repo else STDERR.puts "Unknown review action: '#{action}'" exit 1 end end desc "system_scan", "Scan system for installed Qt libraries and create manifests" method_option :dry_run, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Dry run. Don't write files." method_option :recreate_source_cache, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Recreate cache with meta data of installed RPMs" method_option :recreate_qt_source_cache, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Recreate cache with meta data of Qt library RPMs" def system_scan m = RpmManifestizer.new @@settings m.dry_run = options[:dry_run] if options[:recreate_source_cache] m.create_source_cache end if options[:recreate_qt_source_cache] m.create_qt_source_cache end m.process_all_rpms end desc "create [version] [release_date]", "Create new or updated manifest" method_option :kf5, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Create KDE Framworks 5 template", :required => false def create name, version=nil, release_date=nil @@settings.manifest_path = "." creator = Creator.new @@settings, name if creator.is_new? if !version && release_date || version && !release_date STDERR.puts "You need to specify both, version and release date" exit 1 end if version && release_date if options[:kf5] creator.create_kf5 version, release_date else creator.create version, release_date end else creator.create_generic end else if !version || !release_date STDERR.puts "Updating manifest requires version and release_date" exit 1 end creator.validate_directory creator.update version, release_date end end desc "create_kde_frameworks ", "Create manifests from git checkout of KDE frameworks module in given directory" method_option "show-warnings", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show warnings about missing data", :required => false method_option "ignore-errors-homepage", :type => :boolean, :desc => "Ignore errors about missing home page", :required => false def create_kde_frameworks checkout_dir, output_dir k = KdeFrameworksCreator.new if options["ignore-errors-homepage"] k.parse_checkout checkout_dir, :ignore_errors => [ "link_home_page" ] else k.parse_checkout checkout_dir end k.create_manifests output_dir k.errors.each do |error| puts "#{error[:name]}: #{error[:issue]}" end if options["show-warnings"] k.warnings.each do |warning| puts "#{warning[:name]}: #{warning[:issue]} (#{warning[:details]})" end end end desc "release_kde_frameworks ", "Create release manifests for KDE frameworks release" def release_kde_frameworks release_date, version process_global_options options handler = ManifestHandler.new @@settings k = KdeFrameworksRelease.new handler k.read_generic_manifests k.write_release_manifests release_date, version end desc "get_involved", "Information about how to get involved" def get_involved Upstream.print_info end desc "uninstall", "Uninstall library" def uninstall name handler = ManifestHandler.new @@settings manifest = handler.manifest name if !manifest STDERR.puts "Manifest for '#{name}' not found" else self.distro.uninstall manifest end end desc "install", "Install library" method_option :dry_run, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Only show what would happen, don't install anything." def install name handler = ManifestHandler.new @@settings manifest = handler.manifest name if !manifest STDERR.puts "Manifest for '#{name}' not found" else self.distro.install manifest, :dry_run => options[:dry_run] end end desc "download", "Download source code archive" def download(name) handler = ManifestHandler.new(@@settings) handler.read_remote manifest = handler.manifest(name) if !manifest STDERR.outs "Manifest for '#{name}' not found" exit 1 else Downloader.new(handler, STDOUT).download(name, Dir.pwd) end end private def process_global_options options @@settings.offline = options[:offline] if options[:manifest_dir] @@settings.manifest_path = options[:manifest_dir] end end end