CIDE-EXEC 1 "FEBRUARY 2016" cide-exec "Cide Manual"


cide-exec - Builds an image and executes the run script


*cide exec*  [`--export`|`--no-export`] [`-o`|`--export-dir`=<*path*>]
             [`--guest_export_dir`=<*path*>] [`-r`|`--run`=<*command*>]
             [`--pull`|`--no-pull`] [`-s`|`--ssh-key`=<*path*>]


This is the default command that does most of the work and is invoked most of
the time.

When invoked it will read the `cide.yml` file, generate a temporary
`Dockerfile.cide` file, build it with *docker build*, start all the linked
containers and finally run the selected script. When that script exits all the
running containers are torn down. This loop guarantees a blank slate for every
CI run with isolated dependencies.


`-n`, `-t`, `--name`=<*name*>
  Name of the built image. This can be used to differentiate between branches
  or others in a CI environment. By default the name is the basename(1) of the
  current directory.

`--export`, `--no-export`
  Whether to export artifacts. If `--export` is passed and the directory to
  be exported is set (either with `export_dir:` in the `cide.yml` file, or by
  specifying `--guest-export-dir` on the command line) artifacts from that
  directory are transfered back outside of the container (see `--export-dir`
  and `--guest-export-dir`)

`-o`, `--export-dir`=<*path*>
  Where the directory extracted from the container should be placed on the
  host.  By default the export directory is the same as the one given in the
  `export_dir:` directive in the `cide.yml` file. It is possible to change that
  target folder outside of the container.

  Which directory from the container should be extracted.  By default the
  export directory is the same as the one specified with `--export-dir` if any,
  or in the `export_dir:` directive in the `cide.yml` file otherwise.

`-r`, `--run`=<*command*>
  Override the script to run. Usually the `run:` directive in the `cide.yml`
  is defining what to run but this could be used for a quick one-off.

`--pull`, `--no-pull`
  Whenever to pull for new images on build. If set it will try to fetch new
  versions of the `from:` directive. It can be useful to get new versions of
  an image but also invalidates all the cache.

`-s`, `--ssh-key`=<*path*>
  When the `use_ssh:` directive is set to true, where to get the ssh key to
  inject into the container. Defaults to `~/.ssh/id_rsa`.


cide(1), cide.yml(1)