# Cloudster ### The fastest way to provision your AWS stack ! [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/cloudster.png)](https://rubygems.org/gems/cloudster) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/emilsoman/cloudster.png)](https://travis-ci.org/emilsoman/cloudster) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/emilsoman/cloudster/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/emilsoman/cloudster) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/emilsoman/cloudster.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/emilsoman/cloudster) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/emilsoman/cloudster.png)](https://gemnasium.com/emilsoman/cloudster) [![still maintained](http://stillmaintained.com/emilsoman/cloudster.png)](http://stillmaintained.com/emilsoman/cloudster) Cloudster is a Ruby gem that was born to cut the learning curve involved in writing your own CloudFormation templates. If you don't know what a CloudFormation template is, but know about the AWS Cloud, you can still use cloudster to provision your stack like a boss. Checkout the Usage section. ##Installation gem install cloudster ## Usage Create AWS resources : ```ruby app_server = Cloudster::Ec2.new(:name => 'AppServer', :key_name => 'mykey', :image_id => 'ami_image_id', :instance_type => 't1.micro', :security_groups => ["DevSecurityGroup"] ) #Well I wanted to add chef clients to my app servers , so .. chef_client = Cloudster::ChefClient.new( :validation_key => 'asd3e33880889098asdnmnnasd8900890a8sdmasdjna9s880808asdnmnasd90-a', :server_url => '', :node_name => 'project.environment.appserver_1', :interval => 1800 ) chef_client.add_to(app_server) elastic_ip = Cloudster::ElasticIp.new(:name => 'AppServerElasticIp') elastic_ip.add_to(app_server) app_server_2 = Cloudster::Ec2.new(:name => 'AppServer2', :key_name => 'mykey', :image_id => 'ami_image_id' ) #Add your app servers to the ElasticLoadBalancer load_balancer = Cloudster::Elb.new(:name => 'LoadBalancer', :instance_names => ['AppServer', 'AppServer2'], :listeners => [{:port => 80, :instance_port => 8080, :protocol => 'HTTP'}] ) database = Cloudster::Rds.new( :name => 'MySqlDB', :instance_class => 'db.t1.micro', :storage_class => '100', :username => 'admin', :password => 'admin123', :engine => 'MySQL', :multi_az => true ) storage = Cloudster::S3.new( :name => 'MyBucket' ) cloud_front = Cloudster::CloudFront.new(:name => 'CloudFrontResource') cloud_front.add_to storage elasticache = Cloudster::ElastiCache.new( :name => 'CacheResource', :node_type => 'cache.t1.micro', :cache_security_group_names => ['default'], :engine => 'memcached', :node_count => 3 ) ``` Create an instance for your cloud : ```ruby cloud = Cloudster::Cloud.new(:access_key_id => 'accesskeyid', :secret_access_key => 'topsecretaccesskey', :region => 'us-west-1') ``` Provision the stack : ```ruby cloud.provision(:resources => [app_server, app_server_2, load_balancer, database], :stack_name => 'TestStack', :description => 'Description of the stack') ``` Get the CloudFormation template for the stack : ```ruby cloud.template(:resources => [app_server, app_server_2, load_balancer, database, storage, elasticache], :description => 'Description of the stack') ``` Get the CloudFormation template for a resource as a Ruby Hash : ```ruby app_server.template ``` Cloudster can also interact with the provisioned AWS Cloud : - Update the stack : ```ruby cloud.update(:resources => [app_server, app_server_2], :stack_name => 'TestStack', :description => 'Description of the stack') ``` - Delete the stack and it's attached resources : ```ruby cloud.delete(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Get the output attributes of each resource in the stack : ```ruby cloud.outputs(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Describe the events of a stack : ```ruby cloud.events(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Describe the attributes of a stack : ```ruby cloud.describe(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Describe all resources of a stack : ```ruby cloud.resources(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Get the status of a stack : ```ruby cloud.status(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Describe the RDS endpoints in a stack : ```ruby cloud.get_database_endpoints(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Get the details of all EC2 intances in a stack : ```ruby cloud.get_ec2_details(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Get the details of all RDS intances in a stack : ```ruby cloud.get_rds_details(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Get the details of all ELB intances in a stack : ```ruby cloud.get_elb_details(:stack_name => 'TestStack') ``` - Get details of all keypairs created in the AWS account : ```ruby cloud.get_key_pairs ``` - Get details of all Security Groups created in the AWS account : ```ruby cloud.get_security_groups ``` ### More coming soon .. I'm trying to add every AWS resource to cloudster, one by one. If you don't find what you need, let me know and I'll try to get the feature included ASAP, or you can submit a pull request with the feature - that would be awesome! ---------------- # Contribute Got some love for Cloudster? Sweet! ## Found a bug? Log the bug in the [issue tracker](https://github.com/emilsoman/cloudster/issues). Be sure to include all relevant information, like the versions of Cloudster and Ruby you're using. A [gist](http://gist.github.com/) of the code that caused the issue as well as any error messages are also very helpful. ## Need help? You can use the [Issues](https://github.com/emilsoman/cloudster/issues) page to ask a new question for now. This is how you do it: 1. Click on New Issue. 2. Type in your question and submit. ## Have a patch? Bugs and feature requests that include patches are much more likely to get attention. Here are some guidelines that will help ensure your patch can be applied as quickly as possible: 1. **Use [Git](http://git-scm.com) and [GitHub](http://github.com):** The easiest way to get setup is to fork the [cloudster repo](http://github.com/emilsoman/cloudster/). 2. **Write unit tests:** If you add or modify functionality, it must include unit tests. I use RSpec to test cloudster. If you are not an RSpec expert, if you let me know, I can help you write the specs. 3. **Update the `README`:** If the patch adds or modifies a major feature, modify the `README.md` file to reflect that. Again if you're not an expert with Markdown syntax, it's really easy to learn. Check out [Prose.io](http://prose.io/) to try it out. 4. **Push it:** Once you're ready, push your changes to a topic branch and add a note to the ticket with the URL to your branch. Or, say something like, "you can find the patch on johndoe/foobranch". I also gladly accept Github [pull requests](http://help.github.com/pull-requests/). __NOTE:__ _I will take in whatever I can get._ If you prefer to attach diffs in comments on issues, that's fine; but do know that _someone_ will need to take the diff through the process described above and this can hold things up considerably. ##License MIT *Free Software, Forever . YEAH !* ## Thanks To [Fog](https://github.com/fog/fog) for making AWS APIs simple To Sinatra README for having a nice 'Contribute' section which I'm using(with minor changes) for Cloudster.