# FFaker reference * [FFaker::AWS](#ffakeraws) * [FFaker::Address](#ffakeraddress) * [FFaker::AddressAU](#ffakeraddressau) * [FFaker::AddressBR](#ffakeraddressbr) * [FFaker::AddressCA](#ffakeraddressca) * [FFaker::AddressCH](#ffakeraddressch) * [FFaker::AddressCHDE](#ffakeraddresschde) * [FFaker::AddressCHFR](#ffakeraddresschfr) * [FFaker::AddressCHIT](#ffakeraddresschit) * [FFaker::AddressDA](#ffakeraddressda) * [FFaker::AddressDE](#ffakeraddressde) * [FFaker::AddressFI](#ffakeraddressfi) * [FFaker::AddressFR](#ffakeraddressfr) * [FFaker::AddressGR](#ffakeraddressgr) * [FFaker::AddressID](#ffakeraddressid) * [FFaker::AddressIN](#ffakeraddressin) * [FFaker::AddressIT](#ffakeraddressit) * [FFaker::AddressJA](#ffakeraddressja) * [FFaker::AddressKR](#ffakeraddresskr) * [FFaker::AddressMX](#ffakeraddressmx) * [FFaker::AddressNL](#ffakeraddressnl) * [FFaker::AddressPL](#ffakeraddresspl) * [FFaker::AddressRU](#ffakeraddressru) * [FFaker::AddressSE](#ffakeraddressse) * [FFaker::AddressSN](#ffakeraddresssn) * [FFaker::AddressUA](#ffakeraddressua) * [FFaker::AddressUK](#ffakeraddressuk) * [FFaker::AddressUS](#ffakeraddressus) * [FFaker::Airline](#ffakerairline) * [FFaker::Animal](#ffakeranimal) * [FFaker::AnimalCN](#ffakeranimalcn) * [FFaker::AnimalES](#ffakeranimales) * [FFaker::AnimalPL](#ffakeranimalpl) * [FFaker::AnimalUS](#ffakeranimalus) * [FFaker::Avatar](#ffakeravatar) * [FFaker::BaconIpsum](#ffakerbaconipsum) * [FFaker::Bank](#ffakerbank) * [FFaker::Book](#ffakerbook) * [FFaker::Boolean](#ffakerboolean) * [FFaker::CheesyLingo](#ffakercheesylingo) * [FFaker::Code](#ffakercode) * [FFaker::Color](#ffakercolor) * [FFaker::ColorPL](#ffakercolorpl) * [FFaker::ColorUA](#ffakercolorua) * [FFaker::Company](#ffakercompany) * [FFaker::CompanyCN](#ffakercompanycn) * [FFaker::CompanyFR](#ffakercompanyfr) * [FFaker::CompanyIT](#ffakercompanyit) * [FFaker::CompanyJA](#ffakercompanyja) * [FFaker::CompanySE](#ffakercompanyse) * [FFaker::Conference](#ffakerconference) * [FFaker::CoursesFR](#ffakercoursesfr) * [FFaker::Currency](#ffakercurrency) * [FFaker::DizzleIpsum](#ffakerdizzleipsum) * [FFaker::Education](#ffakereducation) * [FFaker::EducationCN](#ffakereducationcn) * [FFaker::Filesystem](#ffakerfilesystem) * [FFaker::Food](#ffakerfood) * [FFaker::FoodPL](#ffakerfoodpl) * [FFaker::FreedomIpsum](#ffakerfreedomipsum) * [FFaker::Game](#ffakergame) * [FFaker::Gender](#ffakergender) * [FFaker::GenderBR](#ffakergenderbr) * [FFaker::GenderCN](#ffakergendercn) * [FFaker::GenderID](#ffakergenderid) * [FFaker::GenderIT](#ffakergenderit) * [FFaker::GenderJA](#ffakergenderja) * [FFaker::GenderJP](#ffakergenderjp) * [FFaker::GenderKR](#ffakergenderkr) * [FFaker::GenderPL](#ffakergenderpl) * [FFaker::GenderRU](#ffakergenderru) * [FFaker::Geolocation](#ffakergeolocation) * [FFaker::Guid](#ffakerguid) * [FFaker::HTMLIpsum](#ffakerhtmlipsum) * [FFaker::HealthcareIpsum](#ffakerhealthcareipsum) * [FFaker::HealthcareRU](#ffakerhealthcareru) * [FFaker::HipsterIpsum](#ffakerhipsteripsum) * [FFaker::Identification](#ffakeridentification) * [FFaker::IdentificationBR](#ffakeridentificationbr) * [FFaker::IdentificationES](#ffakeridentificationes) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCL](#ffakeridentificationescl) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCO](#ffakeridentificationesco) * [FFaker::IdentificationIN](#ffakeridentificationin) * [FFaker::IdentificationIT](#ffakeridentificationit) * [FFaker::IdentificationKr](#ffakeridentificationkr) * [FFaker::IdentificationMX](#ffakeridentificationmx) * [FFaker::IdentificationPL](#ffakeridentificationpl) * [FFaker::IdentificationTW](#ffakeridentificationtw) * [FFaker::Image](#ffakerimage) * [FFaker::Internet](#ffakerinternet) * [FFaker::InternetSE](#ffakerinternetse) * [FFaker::Job](#ffakerjob) * [FFaker::JobBR](#ffakerjobbr) * [FFaker::JobCN](#ffakerjobcn) * [FFaker::JobFR](#ffakerjobfr) * [FFaker::JobIT](#ffakerjobit) * [FFaker::JobJA](#ffakerjobja) * [FFaker::JobKR](#ffakerjobkr) * [FFaker::JobVN](#ffakerjobvn) * [FFaker::Locale](#ffakerlocale) * [FFaker::Lorem](#ffakerlorem) * [FFaker::LoremAR](#ffakerloremar) * [FFaker::LoremBR](#ffakerlorembr) * [FFaker::LoremCN](#ffakerloremcn) * [FFaker::LoremFR](#ffakerloremfr) * [FFaker::LoremIE](#ffakerloremie) * [FFaker::LoremIT](#ffakerloremit) * [FFaker::LoremJA](#ffakerloremja) * [FFaker::LoremKR](#ffakerloremkr) * [FFaker::LoremPL](#ffakerlorempl) * [FFaker::LoremRU](#ffakerloremru) * [FFaker::LoremUA](#ffakerloremua) * [FFaker::Movie](#ffakermovie) * [FFaker::Music](#ffakermusic) * [FFaker::Name](#ffakername) * [FFaker::NameAR](#ffakernamear) * [FFaker::NameBR](#ffakernamebr) * [FFaker::NameCN](#ffakernamecn) * [FFaker::NameCS](#ffakernamecs) * [FFaker::NameDA](#ffakernameda) * [FFaker::NameDE](#ffakernamede) * [FFaker::NameES](#ffakernamees) * [FFaker::NameFR](#ffakernamefr) * [FFaker::NameGA](#ffakernamega) * [FFaker::NameGR](#ffakernamegr) * [FFaker::NameID](#ffakernameid) * [FFaker::NameIN](#ffakernamein) * [FFaker::NameIT](#ffakernameit) * [FFaker::NameJA](#ffakernameja) * [FFaker::NameKH](#ffakernamekh) * [FFaker::NameKR](#ffakernamekr) * [FFaker::NameMX](#ffakernamemx) * [FFaker::NameNB](#ffakernamenb) * [FFaker::NameNL](#ffakernamenl) * [FFaker::NamePH](#ffakernameph) * [FFaker::NamePL](#ffakernamepl) * [FFaker::NameRU](#ffakernameru) * [FFaker::NameSE](#ffakernamese) * [FFaker::NameSN](#ffakernamesn) * [FFaker::NameTH](#ffakernameth) * [FFaker::NameTHEN](#ffakernamethen) * [FFaker::NameTW](#ffakernametw) * [FFaker::NameUA](#ffakernameua) * [FFaker::NameVN](#ffakernamevn) * [FFaker::NatoAlphabet](#ffakernatoalphabet) * [FFaker::Number](#ffakernumber) * [FFaker::PhoneNumber](#ffakerphonenumber) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberAU](#ffakerphonenumberau) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberBR](#ffakerphonenumberbr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCH](#ffakerphonenumberch) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCU](#ffakerphonenumbercu) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDA](#ffakerphonenumberda) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDE](#ffakerphonenumberde) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberFR](#ffakerphonenumberfr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberID](#ffakerphonenumberid) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberIT](#ffakerphonenumberit) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberJA](#ffakerphonenumberja) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberKR](#ffakerphonenumberkr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberMX](#ffakerphonenumbermx) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberNL](#ffakerphonenumbernl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberPL](#ffakerphonenumberpl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberRU](#ffakerphonenumberru) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSE](#ffakerphonenumberse) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSG](#ffakerphonenumbersg) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSN](#ffakerphonenumbersn) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberTW](#ffakerphonenumbertw) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberUA](#ffakerphonenumberua) * [FFaker::Product](#ffakerproduct) * [FFaker::SSN](#ffakerssn) * [FFaker::SSNMX](#ffakerssnmx) * [FFaker::SSNSE](#ffakerssnse) * [FFaker::SemVer](#ffakersemver) * [FFaker::Skill](#ffakerskill) * [FFaker::Sport](#ffakersport) * [FFaker::SportPL](#ffakersportpl) * [FFaker::SportRU](#ffakersportru) * [FFaker::SportUS](#ffakersportus) * [FFaker::String](#ffakerstring) * [FFaker::Time](#ffakertime) * [FFaker::Tweet](#ffakertweet) * [FFaker::UniqueUtils](#ffakeruniqueutils) * [FFaker::Unit](#ffakerunit) * [FFaker::UnitEnglish](#ffakerunitenglish) * [FFaker::UnitMetric](#ffakerunitmetric) * [FFaker::Vehicle](#ffakervehicle) * [FFaker::Venue](#ffakervenue) * [FFaker::Youtube](#ffakeryoutube) ## FFaker::AWS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `instance_tenancy` | host, host, dedicated | | `instance_type` | g2.2xlarge, m4.xlarge, x1.4xlarge | | `offering_type` | All Upfront, Heavy Utilization, All Upfront | | `product_description` | Linux/UNIX, Windows with SQL Server Enterprise (Amazon VPC), Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Amazon VPC) | ## FFaker::Address | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 79724, 0551, 020 | | `city` | Kourtneymouth, Toytown, North Rossville | | `city_prefix` | New, North, South | | `city_suffix` | bury, bury, ton | | `country` | Liechtenstein, Tokelau, Finland | | `country_code` | LB, LS, SM | | `neighborhood` | West Covina East, Ladue South, Auburn North | | `secondary_address` | Suite 025, Apt. 307, Apt. 406 | | `street_address` | 20870 Weber Roads, 67007 Schowalter Turnpike, 40087 Witting Key | | `street_name` | Tesha Crossing, Von Islands, Shavon Forges | | `street_suffix` | Viaduct, Loop, Manor | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Pago_Pago, America/Lima, Europe/Belgrade | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 512, 8251, 885 | | `city` | North Titus, Port Verlieshire, East Timika | | `city_prefix` | Port, Port, New | | `city_suffix` | haven, mouth, shire | | `country` | Kuwait, Andorra, Saint Pierre and Miquelon | | `country_code` | MA, GB, TG | | `full_address` | 65148 Yundt Dale, Darwin NT 3175, 35716 Deckow Hill, O'Connor ACT 2602, 1112 Kreiger Fields, Sale VIC 2200 | | `neighborhood` | Cleveland Park, Cleveland Park, Auburn North | | `postcode` | 2320, 7010, 0830 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 720, Suite 525, Apt. 603 | | `state` | Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia, Tasmania | | `state_abbr` | NT, WA, NSW | | `street_address` | 64119 Waelchi Square, 124 Effertz Parks, 8034 Catharine Locks | | `street_name` | Twanda Radial, Daisy Brook, Willms Lodge | | `street_suffix` | Ridges, Crossroad, Land | | `suburb` | Bunbury, Darwin, Murray Bridge | | `time_zone` | Australia/Perth, Australia/Perth, Australia/Hobart | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 761, 8789, 34477 | | `city` | Angra dos Reis, Vitória, Paragominas | | `city_prefix` | New, West, North | | `city_suffix` | burgh, shire, ville | | `country` | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, Niue, Taiwan, Province of China | | `country_code` | AZ, HK, TO | | `full_address` | Alameda Adalberto Santos Freitas, 90137, Teresópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Travessa Léa Santos, 1837, São João de Meriti, Amazonas, Brazil, Avenida Enzo Sales, 90418, Mogi das Cruzes, Amazonas, Brazil | | `neighborhood` | phoenix, Babylon Bayside, Sagaponack Seaside | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 033, Apt. 565, Suite 643 | | `state` | Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Alagoas | | `state_abbr` | PI, CE, RO | | `street` | Alameda Péricles Viana, Rua Alésia Campos, Travessa Adelice Barros Franco | | `street_address` | 2895 Carter Pass, 984 Son Ville, 894 Hong Street | | `street_name` | Swift Bridge, Denese Fields, Schmitt Manors | | `street_prefix` | Alameda, Avenida, Rua | | `street_suffix` | Groves, Square, Plains | | `time_zone` | America/La_Paz, Australia/Perth, America/Bogota | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 88905-778, 87253-154, 57137-029 | ## FFaker::AddressCA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 4187, 21496, 85402 | | `city` | Lakeshore, South Bruce Peninsula, Toronto | | `city_prefix` | North, Lake, New | | `city_suffix` | stad, ville, furt | | `country` | Albania, Malta, Papua New Guinea | | `country_code` | BZ, TV, VE | | `neighborhood` | Gates Mills North, Jupiter South/Abacoa, Sagaponack Seaside | | `postal_code` | H5Y 9B3, E0P 8X9, V8J 2P6 | | `province` | Yukon, Manitoba, Nunavut | | `province_abbr` | ON, NT, SK | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 973, Suite 912, Apt. 258 | | `street_address` | 265 Owen Avenue, 76255 Mitchell Junctions, 6908 Letisha Ferry | | `street_name` | Hessel Brook, Afton Hill, Keeling Extension | | `street_suffix` | Hills, Key, Manors | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Ulaanbaatar, Asia/Taipei | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 277, 49042, 13997 | | `canton_abbr` | FR, BL, AR | | `city` | Carlosfort, Hudsonfurt, Maryannabury | | `city_prefix` | New, Port, Lake | | `city_suffix` | furt, berg, mouth | | `country` | American Samoa, Samoa, Chile | | `country_code` | KY, YT, CH | | `neighborhood` | Jupiter South/Abacoa, Rockville East of Hungerford Dr, Pennypack | | `postal_code` | 0325, 4876, 7692 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 834, Suite 604, Apt. 119 | | `street_address` | 995 Magnolia Club, 710 Lacy Forge, 1894 Harber Field | | `street_name` | Schimmel Expressway, Tasha Field, Strosin Run | | `street_suffix` | Manor, Springs, Radial | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Pago_Pago, Asia/Chongqing, Europe/Madrid | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 2144, 948, 2329 | | `canton` | Schwyz, Freiburg, Graubünden | | `canton_abbr` | OW, OW, SH | | `city` | New Qiana, South Carlineberg, South Louton | | `city_prefix` | Lake, East, South | | `city_suffix` | fort, port, mouth | | `country` | Turkey, Solomon Islands, Virgin Islands, U.S. | | `country_code` | JM, NP, LU | | `neighborhood` | Bronxdale, Bronxdale, Dyker Heights | | `postal_code` | 9018, 0468, 5223 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 643, Suite 583, Suite 121 | | `street_address` | 8559 Welch Park, 323 Shelby Ramp, 05984 Nisha Cove | | `street_name` | Johana Pass, Boyer Port, Bernita Alley | | `street_suffix` | Mount, Fort, Gateway | | `time_zone` | Europe/Helsinki, Pacific/Noumea, Asia/Yakutsk | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 6782, 31986, 35512 | | `canton` | Zoug, Grisons, Argovie | | `canton_abbr` | BS, UR, BS | | `city` | Sharaborough, Port Elfredaville, Lake Scottie | | `city_prefix` | North, New, South | | `city_suffix` | ville, ton, ton | | `country` | Turkmenistan, Jamaica, Peru | | `country_code` | LT, GB, PY | | `neighborhood` | Mount Kisco West, Florissant West, Murray Hill | | `postal_code` | 7516, 8452, 4553 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 232, Suite 207, Suite 676 | | `street_address` | 258 Kathryne Glens, 33356 Kunde Rest, 98467 Gleason Row | | `street_name` | Merlyn Avenue, Britt Fall, Louann Park | | `street_suffix` | Drive, Ridges, Pike | | `time_zone` | Asia/Jakarta, Pacific/Apia, Atlantic/Cape_Verde | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 27202, 42361, 385 | | `canton` | Neuchâtel, Giura, Nidvaldo | | `canton_abbr` | SH, BS, JU | | `city` | Cheryllport, Bradleymouth, Boyerborough | | `city_prefix` | East, South, Port | | `city_suffix` | stad, bury, view | | `country` | Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Albania, Argentina | | `country_code` | ZW, OM, EG | | `neighborhood` | Kingsbridge Heights, Ocean Parkway South, Rockville East of Hungerford Dr | | `postal_code` | 7163, 1203, 1121 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 153, Suite 095, Apt. 764 | | `street_address` | 983 Oda Causeway, 28743 Jeannette Manors, 8075 Reichel Light | | `street_name` | Mitsue Glen, Donella View, Paulene Trafficway | | `street_suffix` | Cliff, Station, Vista | | `time_zone` | America/La_Paz, Europe/Belgrade, Asia/Tehran | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 441, 141, 7652 | | `city` | Herlev, Tarm, Rømø | | `city_prefix` | Port, South, Port | | `city_suffix` | town, fort, town | | `country` | Comoros, New Zealand, Peru | | `country_code` | AR, AI, IQ | | `full_address` | Midtervej 32 6477 Hårlev Hovedstaden DANMARK, Tingstenen 77 0258 Charlottenlund Hovedstaden DANMARK, Davidsvænge 76 2421 Glesborg Sjælland DANMARK | | `kommune` | Kolding, Ærø, Brønderslev | | `neighborhood` | Far Rockaway/Bayswater, Murray Hill, South of Lake Shore Blvd | | `post_nr` | 1614, 6133, 9674 | | `region` | Syddanmark, Midtjylland, Midtjylland | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 162, Apt. 238, Suite 811 | | `state` | Skive, Allerød, Gentofte | | `street_address` | Eskildsvej 7, Ildtornvej 81, Guldalderen 32 | | `street_name` | Haveforen. Brandhøj, Kildemosevej, Kløvermarksvej | | `street_suffix` | Throughway, Ways, Rue | | `time_zone` | Europe/Zagreb, Europe/Sofia, Atlantic/South_Georgia | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 8730, 8998, 7967 | ## FFaker::AddressDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 50811, 69774, 062 | | `city` | Battenberg, Friedrichstadt, Luedenscheid | | `city_prefix` | South, Port, South | | `city_suffix` | view, view, land | | `country` | Dominican Republic, Turkey, Palestine, State of | | `country_code` | MS, AS, GM | | `neighborhood` | Bronxdale, Brentwood Central, White Plains Central | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 159, Suite 131, Apt. 356 | | `state` | Brandenburg, Hessen, Brandenburg | | `street_address` | Carolannstr. 142, Kevastr. 130, Framistr. 56 | | `street_name` | Madalynstr., Karlenestr., Tamarstr. | | `street_suffix` | Meadows, Glens, Crossroad | | `time_zone` | America/Lima, Pacific/Auckland, Europe/Paris | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 21625, 16347, 00871 | ## FFaker::AddressFI | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 65337, 38871, 17580 | | `city` | Uusikaarlepyy, Vantaa, Kouvola | | `city_prefix` | New, Port, New | | `city_suffix` | shire, shire, ton | | `country` | Serbia, Saint Martin (french Part), Bhutan | | `country_code` | BB, AW, NU | | `full_address` | Poukkasillantie 5 b, 80075 Joensuu, SUOMI, Kuusjoentie 6 a, 04634 Kotka, SUOMI, Kujatie 9 b, 55187 Tornio, SUOMI | | `neighborhood` | Babylon Bayside, East of Telegraph Road, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green | | `random_country` | Afganistan, Bahrain, Andorra | | `secondary_address` | Suite 718, Suite 877, Suite 730 | | `street_address` | Porrasmäentie 105, Kartanonmäki 9 b, Suorannantie 901 | | `street_name` | Aholantie, Hanttulantie, Lepolantie | | `street_nbr` | 0 b, 6 a, 0 | | `street_suffix` | Club, Plain, Course | | `time_zone` | America/Chihuahua, Asia/Kamchatka, America/Sao_Paulo | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 34908, 63386, 76630 | ## FFaker::AddressFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 1114, 64569, 947 | | `city` | Cergy, Grenoble, La Ciotat | | `city_prefix` | Port, West, Port | | `city_suffix` | borough, berg, view | | `country` | Isle of Man, Nicaragua, Slovenia | | `country_code` | KN, AU, CK | | `full_address` | 50 bd Noël de Santos 2A091 Laval, 740 BIS impasse Benjamin Dupuy 97285 Colmar, 497 B, rue Yves Laurent, 19367 Arras | | `neighborhood` | Sagaponack Seaside, Bridesburg, East Renton | | `postal_code` | 2B617, 2B181, 07347 | | `region` | Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | | `secondary_address` | Suite 085, Apt. 680, Suite 781 | | `street_address` | 21 QUATER, rue Lucas de Alexandre, 511 Q impasse Guillaume Mace, 4-66 B avenue Joséphine le Riou | | `street_name` | Werner Shore, Senger Lake, Schaefer Walks | | `street_suffix` | Falls, Way, Route | | `time_zone` | Europe/Stockholm, Pacific/Pago_Pago, America/Guyana | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 4332, 97229, 75337 | | `city` | Αθήνα, Ιωάννινα, Περαία | | `city_prefix` | East, Port, South | | `city_suffix` | chester, ton, port | | `country` | Bahamas, Angola, Seychelles | | `country_code` | EE, RE, BZ | | `neighborhood` | Schall Circle/Lakeside Green, Florissant West, Summerlin North | | `region` | Αττική, Στερεά Ελλάδα, Δυτική Μακεδονία | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 194, Apt. 916, Suite 588 | | `street_address` | ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Σάμου, 25, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Καβάφη Κωνσταντίνου, 0, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Πόντου, 1 | | `street_name` | Λευκωσίας, Θουκυδίδου, Ελλησπόντου | | `street_nbr` | 570, 74, 061 | | `street_suffix` | Crest, Camp, Alley | | `time_zone` | Asia/Hong_Kong, Europe/Minsk, Europe/Belgrade | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 49979, 22003, 77832 | ## FFaker::AddressID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 14338, 27423, 169 | | `city` | Sibolga, Bengkulu, Batam | | `city_prefix` | Port, North, New | | `city_suffix` | side, stad, town | | `country` | United Kingdom, Benin, Belarus | | `country_code` | GH, NC, NO | | `neighborhood` | Sunshine-Gardens, Brentwood Central, White Oak South of Columbia Pike | | `secondary_address` | Suite 250, Suite 417, Apt. 886 | | `state` | Riau, Maluku, Sumatera Selatan | | `state_abbr` | SG, SU, JA | | `street` | Jl. Izaak Huru Doko, No. 57, Jln. Wage Rudolf Supratman, No. 28, Jl. Adam Malik, No. 26 | | `street_address` | 637 Kuhn Garden, 04159 Waelchi Lights, 52008 Diamond Locks | | `street_name` | Hartmann Locks, Charise Throughway, Stark Unions | | `street_prefix` | Jl, Jln, Jln | | `street_suffix` | Fall, Hill, Shoals | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kuwait, Europe/Brussels, Asia/Bangkok | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 42534, 80370, 87628 | ## FFaker::AddressIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 690, 65147, 945 | | `city` | Surat, Mumbai, Mumbai | | `city_prefix` | North, South, East | | `city_suffix` | shire, haven, bury | | `country` | India, India, India | | `country_code` | IN, IN, IN | | `neighborhood` | Allegheny West, Candlewood Country Club, White Plains Central | | `pincode` | 141482, 140755, 160870 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 029, Apt. 218, Apt. 162 | | `state` | Uttarakhand, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh | | `state_abbr` | PB, GJ, WB | | `state_and_union_territory` | Chandigarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh | | `state_and_union_territory_abbr` | UP, JK, RJ | | `street_address` | 402 Synthia Skyway, 9839 Kris Mountain, 5761 Winter Junction | | `street_name` | Alayna Lakes, Genaro Gateway, Krista Ports | | `street_suffix` | Avenue, Islands, Lodge | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `union_territory` | Pondicherry, Daman and Diu, Pondicherry | | `union_territory_abbr` | DN, CH, CH | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 457636, 773765, 845209 | ## FFaker::AddressIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `city` | Napoli, Parma, Lecce | | `full_address` | 095, viale Diana Sabatino 69571 Isernia, 4-18 piazzale Giuseppina Marinelli 11756 Cremona, 35, via Corinna Patrizi, 34190 Benevento | | `postal_code` | 76810, 40700, 15163 | | `region` | Umbria, Molise, Valle d'Aosta | | `street_address` | 3626, viale Dr. Amelia Cantalamessa, 8732 viale Carlo Messina, 8, via Clelia Martini | ## FFaker::AddressJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address` | 186-1680 沖縄県志布志市北区みどり市9丁目5番0号, 431-5348 富山県甘楽郡飯能市0丁目9番1号, 538-0637 愛媛県守口市東温市1丁目0番3号 | | `building_number` | 741, 8521, 31916 | | `city` | 守谷市, 流山市, 東金市 | | `city_prefix` | East, East, North | | `city_suffix` | furt, shire, furt | | `country` | Christmas Island, Liberia, Sri Lanka | | `country_code` | CI, SD, MG | | `county` | 島牧郡, 中津軽郡, 黒川郡 | | `designated_city` | 竹原市, 安城市, 根室市 | | `designated_city_address` | 636-6284 栃木県高浜市堺区豊後大野市6丁目4番8号, 484-5456 千葉県小矢部市西京区合志市186, 614-3588 静岡県摂津市太白区北秋田市6丁目5番2号 | | `land_number` | 935, 246, 839 | | `neighborhood` | phoenix, Northwoods West, Far Rockaway/Bayswater | | `other_address` | 149-6594 大分県逗子市大川市3丁目2番4号, 798-5396 富山県山辺郡阿南市439, 802-8034 大分県沼津市草津市108 | | `postal_code` | 047-1969, 948-1933, 613-3201 | | `prefecture` | 千葉県, 茨城県, 高知県 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 951, Apt. 144, Apt. 865 | | `street` | 那須塩原市, 佐野市, 由布市 | | `street_address` | 92267 Rowe Ways, 36218 Akiko Passage, 58055 Johnson Village | | `street_name` | Bartoletti Point, Kuhlman Lights, Georgette Mall | | `street_suffix` | Pine, Estate, Burg | | `time_zone` | Europe/London, Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Europe/Lisbon | | `tokyo_ward` | 練馬区, 品川区, 江東区 | | `tokyo_ward_address` | 369-7166 東京都杉並区柏崎市6丁目0番4号, 188-5615 東京都板橋区嘉麻市8丁目7番8号, 447-0622 東京都葛飾区富士宮市237 | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `village` | 丹波山村, 東吉野村, 高山村 | | `ward` | 安佐南区, 大正区, 宮城野区 | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address_detail` | 태윤마을 273호, 윤서빌라 355호, 차혁마을 라 441호 | | `borough` | 종로구, 강남구, 용산구 | | `building_name` | 지훈타운, 주용타워, 인준빌라 | | `city` | 고양시 일산서구, 부천시, 안산시 상록구 | | `land_address` | 전라남도 성아동 368-6, 경기도 진영리 0687-8, 제주특별자치도 동건리 689-41 | | `land_number` | 049, 5712, 710-8 | | `metropolitan_city` | 세종특별자치시, 대구광역시, 울산광역시 | | `old_postal_code` | 319-604, 888-006, 237-067 | | `postal_code` | 38953, 12299, 89021 | | `province` | 제주특별자치도, 제주특별자치도, 전라북도 | | `road_addess` | 대전광역시 중구 정준0로 (시훈동), 충청북도 정만리 병준가, 인천광역시 도봉구 호환길 (신현리) | | `street` | 국태가, 채연가, 정하길 | | `town` | 인요동, 대길동, 정훈동 | ## FFaker::AddressMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `municipality` | José María Morelos, Yaxkukul, San Diego de la Unión | | `postal_code` | 65855, 25018, 17899 | | `state` | Campeche, Tabasco, Chihuahua | | `state_abbr` | TAB, SLP, OAX | | `zip_code` | 55655, 72181, 34493 | ## FFaker::AddressNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 138, 9301, 09797 | | `city` | Meliskerke, Altforst, Geldrop | | `city_prefix` | Port, Lake, East | | `city_suffix` | view, mouth, ville | | `country` | Mongolia, Sint Maarten (dutch Part), French Guiana | | `country_code` | ML, MV, SL | | `neighborhood` | Dyker Heights, Bronxdale, Gates Mills North | | `postal_code` | 8737 UL, 3957 VD, 5767 EZ | | `province` | Groningen, Groningen, Zeeland | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 525, Apt. 768, Suite 594 | | `street_address` | 175 Jarvissteeg, 760 Vergiestraat, 105 Nienowstraat | | `street_name` | Wuckertpad, Kohlerstraat, Charleen-Marlenastraat | | `street_suffix` | Orchard, Garden, Cliffs | | `time_zone` | Europe/Prague, Europe/Prague, Asia/Jakarta | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 1317 YO, 9903 KZ, 5407 QX | ## FFaker::AddressPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 110, 27, 84 | | `city` | Głogów, Piwniczna-Zdrój, Nowy Wiśnicz | | `full_address` | bulwar Mariacki 195 86-628 Mysłowice, pasaż Pocztowy 53 93-652 Murowana Goślina, al. Królowej Jadwigi 147 67-975 Garwolin | | `postal_code` | 21-438, 84-861, 11-265 | | `province` | wielkopolskie, pomorskie, dolnośląskie | | `secondary_number` | /53, m. 145, m. 174 | | `square` | pasaż Czechowicza, pasaż św. Anny, zaułek Wybickiego | | `square_prefix` | skwer, skwer, bulwar | | `state` | małopolskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, lubelskie | | `street` | al. Stołczyńska, ul. Świętojańska, ul. Hrubieszowska | | `street_address` | plac Jana Kasprowicza 65, al. Jacka Soplicy 9, al. Ciasna 191 | | `street_name` | ul. Solna, al. Młyńska, plac Majora Adama Lazarowicz | | `street_prefix` | ul., al., al. | | `voivodeship` | świętokrzyskie, śląskie, mazowieckie | | `voivodeship_abbr` | OP, KP, KP | | `voivodeship_capital_city` | Olsztyn, Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra | | `zip_code` | 08-014, 31-035, 97-161 | ## FFaker::AddressRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 34523, 154, 3028 | | `city` | Санкт-Петербург, Чита, Рязань | | `city_prefix` | South, East, New | | `city_suffix` | land, bury, side | | `country` | Hong Kong, Slovakia, Lesotho | | `country_code` | SB, WF, AU | | `neighborhood` | Jupiter South/Abacoa, Sea Ranch Lakes, North Norridge | | `province` | Саха, Тюменская область, Хабаровский край | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 565, Apt. 912, Suite 021 | | `street_address` | ул. Озерная, д. 02, ул. Строительная, д. 46, ул. Лесная, д. 05 | | `street_name` | ул. Озерная, ул. Полевая, ул. Пионерская | | `street_number` | 41, 98, 84 | | `street_suffix` | Stravenue, Hill, Mission | | `time_zone` | America/Regina, Europe/Copenhagen, Pacific/Tongatapu | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 997981, 346369, 797823 | ## FFaker::AddressSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 38908, 5709, 952 | | `city` | Härnösand, Kungsbacka, Kristinehamn | | `city_prefix` | East, West, South | | `city_suffix` | ville, town, burgh | | `country` | Liberia, Gabon, Lao People's Democratic Republic | | `country_code` | SK, PS, SY | | `full_address` | Farstanäsvägen 316, 24 031 Fagersta, SVERIGE, Elin Wägners Gata 9a, 05 825 Växjö, SVERIGE, Eggegrundsvägen 172, 17221 Sala, SVERIGE | | `neighborhood` | Northwoods West, Auburn North, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club | | `random_country` | Benin, Sverige, Indonesien | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 286, Suite 107, Suite 740 | | `street_address` | Östanåvägen 4b, Mandelbrödsvägen 788, Färjestadsvägen 781 | | `street_name` | Länsrådsvägen, Olle Engkvists Väg, Vårsolsvägen | | `street_nbr` | 5, 38, 30 | | `street_suffix` | Gardens, Point, Trafficway | | `time_zone` | Asia/Muscat, Asia/Tbilisi, Asia/Dhaka | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 22 147, 02592, 25 284 | ## FFaker::AddressSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `arrondissement` | Djidah Thiaroye Kaw, Gueule Tapée-Fass-Colobane, Mbao | | `building_number` | 5172, 5580, 94213 | | `city` | Lake Alejandrina, Lake Blytheton, Pastyville | | `city_prefix` | New, Lake, East | | `city_suffix` | haven, borough, mouth | | `country` | Anguilla, Libya, Cameroon | | `country_code` | ZW, UA, AW | | `departement` | foundiougne, Ziguinchor, Saint-Louis | | `neighborhood` | South of Bell Road, Summerlin North, Sunshine-Gardens | | `region` | kolda, sedhiou, saint louis | | `secondary_address` | Suite 901, Apt. 145, Suite 291 | | `street_address` | 886 Karisa Fall, 0201 Shanda Island, 2151 Zieme Estate | | `street_name` | Toy Villages, Emeline Lock, Sidney Junctions | | `street_suffix` | Mills, Rue, Knolls | | `time_zone` | America/Guatemala, Europe/Copenhagen, Asia/Kolkata | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `appartment_number` | 66, 1, 93 | | `building_number` | 7, 1, 111 | | `city` | Мукачеве, Львів, Київ | | `country` | Чад, Габон, Іран | | `province` | Одеська область, Запорізька область, Вінницька область | | `street_address` | вул. Брюховичів, 70, вул. Вічева, 50, вул. Зелена, 9 | | `street_name` | вул. Ліста, вул. Зелена, вул. Вузька | | `zip_code` | 30586, 11780, 93946 | ## FFaker::AddressUK | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 58630, 39644, 9095 | | `city` | West Virgieview, Towneburgh, Port Xzbduliaside | | `city_prefix` | New, Lake, Port | | `city_suffix` | stad, haven, haven | | `country` | Wales, Scotland, England | | `country_code` | KM, TH, LR | | `county` | Gwent, East Sussex, South Yorkshire | | `neighborhood` | White Plains Central, Auburn North, Murray Hill | | `postcode` | RI86 1QL, XH92 4WE, ES5 1CO | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 382, Apt. 187, Apt. 385 | | `street_address` | 215 Miki Crossroad, 7676 Nick Streets, 8744 Kovacek Rapids | | `street_name` | Abernathy Rest, Schmidt Junction, Gerlach Mill | | `street_suffix` | Loop, Throughway, Burgs | | `time_zone` | Europe/Helsinki, Asia/Irkutsk, America/Phoenix | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 73074, 35835, 52235 | | `city` | North Tamarstad, Lake Leland, Muellerville | | `city_prefix` | South, East, West | | `city_suffix` | haven, mouth, stad | | `continental_state` | Maine, Minnesota, Tennessee | | `continental_state_abbr` | NE, MI, OH | | `country` | Egypt, Guadeloupe, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | | `country_code` | AS, AM, TW | | `neighborhood` | Mount Kisco West, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green, East of Telegraph Road | | `secondary_address` | Suite 378, Apt. 698, Suite 763 | | `state` | Rhode Island, Colorado, South Dakota | | `state_abbr` | DE, KS, WI | | `state_and_territories_abbr` | DE, DE, CO | | `street_address` | 546 Skiles Ridge, 27525 Batz Ways, 907 Jesse Orchard | | `street_name` | Katheryn Ports, Lucila Parkways, Adena Fall | | `street_suffix` | Walk, Point, Terrace | | `time_zone` | Africa/Johannesburg, Europe/Zagreb, Asia/Kolkata | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 04651-6830, 08038, 67746-9254 | ## FFaker::Airline | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `flight_number` | BUC 924, KT 2510, VL 1259 | | `name` | Skywork Airlines, Niki, Emirates | ## FFaker::Animal | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | ❗ *[common_name] is deprecated. For animal name in english please use the AnimalUS module* | ## FFaker::AnimalCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | 鹰, 兔子, 水牛 | ## FFaker::AnimalES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Llama, Ñu, Hámster | ## FFaker::AnimalPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Foka, Orangutan, Rzekotka | ## FFaker::AnimalUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Butterfly, Sea Lion, Finch | ## FFaker::Avatar | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `image` | https://robohash.org/aliquidnobisfuga.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/evenietexsuscipit.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/remadipiscioccaecati.png?size=300x300 | ## FFaker::BaconIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | ud9qtaph529xcfwp1a0uz13hjysrrzsfibqa54vxi93cfvznm274i93y2jzfl9wxq3qn2e3wnbff41ig42cwkourba4hs2vvlj8eznfu6xovhrog869u7afk6nw1asixsn2iuwcge3ikph5hb7jg15wz6c17825fqs1xoirz79w47mtcvgpyy0qazq5o5ed25b4ozozmxdnwi6vtwgqvokaq121zcorbp4wh451jjn24g7qxrd0u5vvd09wr9ka, 8jiuipchtscaebassvrm9zaezuvwkdpg2dygvbei818rh1573iilz4y5n8ykzy4dlcpiusnel34vfwpkkm842br6p7kpvo5jcxiafkrz85jwg3mvmzvmj2d4iztnp3jx9uoo438cqhysdfazygvvdnme5fs87gskj5g4v9vc655h3csmya2tvttqfo17kpamk5aq4ws4iv0qfutp833evbmtyk4g5qnu7zx8t51yogm6il42iyt7psiuief1dn7, 3m2b6gx2l9qocgrqk3hmftgcnr56fwdkh8pva7ukdbq2kw84xpojh668731gwh6i37melakbpr55whpitbh7bt35pgmtrxjripp7gzmxkd8ou4a4av8602vhig5lrz5mft7u9ikc2q73merr01a6ihn9zhaz10oi0gnro6u3z0ldhhjualrm40ncfo7l3yahvyyv3wn3wzoaoi5xsmigq4x34bdy47ef4ke8d916pukbcx9720m3umefhbbsxl0 | | `paragraph` | Jowl boudin shoulder pork loin capicola jerky sausage swine. Shank meatball strip steak ball tip andouille. Landjaeger cow jowl andouille biltong jerky., Prosciutto sausage fatback doner tenderloin cow Kevin short ribs frankfurter. Flank boudin prosciutto jerky pancetta. Pork chop flank short loin beef pancetta tongue jowl drumstick. Doner bacon beef andouille boudin rump flank swine. Ham pork beef ribs shank filet mignon ham hock bacon., Jerky rump salami shank chuck bresaola. Short loin ball tip kielbasa ground round pancetta venison capicola strip steak. Venison shankle leberkas ball tip frankfurter sirloin brisket corned beef spare ribs. | | `paragraphs` | Pancetta pork loin short ribs swine turducken meatloaf flank pork. Tenderloin short loin short ribs venison sirloin ball tip spare ribs tail leberkas. Prosciutto pork chop swine leberkas beef tenderloin tail., Bresaola drumstick jerky meatloaf rump filet mignon. Swine ground round sirloin strip steak landjaeger pork. Turducken bacon andouille fatback short loin bresaola sirloin t-bone salami., Porchetta andouille doner tri-tip pastrami filet mignon. Cow doner ground round short loin jerky pork beef. Corned beef shoulder frankfurter capicola kielbasa ham hock shank ball tip. Sirloin jowl filet mignon kielbasa biltong landjaeger capicola hamburger ball tip. Sausage pork chop filet mignon andouille meatball ball tip beef ribs shank ribeye., Capicola jowl andouille turkey prosciutto meatball. Tail ribeye frankfurter capicola short loin ham pork loin. Tenderloin pork brisket bacon jerky tongue sirloin pig. Shank frankfurter porchetta corned beef beef ribs ham hock. Hamburger landjaeger frankfurter jerky ball tip., Short loin ribeye pork belly bacon corned beef ham shankle Kevin. Cow corned beef rump jowl tri-tip beef strip steak turducken. Pig ham venison leberkas meatball brisket. Corned beef tri-tip bresaola sausage shoulder pork loin rump strip steak., Biltong fatback meatball ham hock chicken tenderloin chuck. Pork short loin prosciutto chuck jowl pig. Chuck hamburger capicola meatball shoulder swine landjaeger. Sirloin drumstick tri-tip fatback swine jerky. Prosciutto corned beef ball tip salami sausage landjaeger., Tri-tip leberkas kielbasa salami ham hock ground round pork belly. Andouille sirloin prosciutto brisket filet mignon capicola short ribs. Bresaola drumstick jerky sirloin tail. Pork belly fatback salami short loin sirloin pork loin tongue shankle boudin., Ball tip venison short loin doner tail drumstick sausage. Pastrami hamburger t-bone pork belly capicola meatball shank. Ribeye pork chop capicola beef ribs tail shoulder pastrami biltong. Sausage doner swine strip steak short loin bresaola salami Kevin., Shankle bresaola sirloin corned beef rump. Andouille meatball Kevin biltong porchetta meatloaf beef. Salami venison pork tail bresaola Kevin. Chicken ham strip steak bresaola turkey beef ribs. | | `phrase` | Doner chuck sausage sirloin meatloaf short loin strip steak shoulder beef., Ground round andouille jowl turkey landjaeger tail., Shankle bacon beef prosciutto ground round porchetta turkey. | | `phrases` | Brisket ribeye short loin pork loin hamburger., Strip steak short ribs turkey pancetta swine., Biltong tenderloin brisket swine Kevin jerky drumstick., Jowl pork belly filet mignon boudin pastrami short loin., Drumstick brisket ball tip prosciutto leberkas jerky beef ribs., Tri-tip fatback pig biltong andouille Kevin ribeye ground round short loin., Frankfurter pastrami ham Kevin short loin porchetta swine., Shoulder jowl pig salami boudin., Flank corned beef tongue turducken ham hock fatback. | | `sentence` | Short loin flank bacon corned beef turkey kielbasa., Ribeye filet mignon pastrami pig brisket., Shankle pork chop boudin brisket frankfurter andouille Kevin pancetta bacon. | | `sentences` | Brisket drumstick shoulder boudin tri-tip pancetta corned beef ground round ham hock., Tail beef boudin corned beef turkey swine Kevin prosciutto., Sirloin prosciutto spare ribs turkey drumstick chuck., Meatloaf biltong short ribs chuck flank sausage short loin corned beef shoulder., Capicola ribeye shankle hamburger t-bone sirloin beef., Ribeye Kevin prosciutto strip steak meatball t-bone., Landjaeger short loin turkey shankle Kevin short ribs rump drumstick corned beef., Pastrami corned beef brisket biltong salami capicola., Ribeye prosciutto shoulder swine chicken jerky. | | `word` | Kevin, corned beef, ribeye | | `words` | rump, cow, meatloaf, Kevin, doner, kielbasa, cow, ham, drumstick | ## FFaker::Bank | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `card_expiry_date` | 06/25, 10/24, 11/26 | | `card_number` | 0595 0682 0317 8140, 7599 4927 8667 2917, 2079 9666 2160 4560 | | `card_type` | discover, maestro, switch | | `iban` | CY35079883672917651917110006, SM42P3996244326663548752173, SA3444476803415043301476 | ## FFaker::Book | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `author` | Loyd Leannon, Jamal Conroy, Heriberto Ritchie | | `cover` | https://robohash.org/necessitatibuseaalias.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/vitaeearumassumenda.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/omnisiuredolores.png?size=300x300 | | `description` | Quasi ut modi rerum corporis laudantium. Molestiae quidem ipsa cupiditate dicta impedit. Corporis ducimus magni voluptatem magnam aliquid., Illum eveniet ducimus delectus recusandae magnam. Corrupti ullam quaerat iste quidem. Veniam libero doloribus iusto mollitia cum quam quia cupiditate. Molestias unde quisquam illum nemo laudantium vel deleniti., Adipisci aperiam odit blanditiis perspiciatis consequatur neque nulla. Quo eos sint iusto facilis quae eaque. Voluptatibus ad vitae sapiente repellendus quod. | | `genre` | Ceremonial, Comic fantasy, Prayer | | `isbn` | 9714337060, 8696049898, 21482967615 | | `orly_cover` | https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Time+of+the+Blonde+Men&top_text=Shenmo+fantasy&author=Marianela+Feil&image_code=20&theme=2, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Bloody+Imp&top_text=Epic+%2F+High+fantasy&author=Trista+Balistreri&image_code=11&theme=16, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Killer+Dreams&top_text=Science+fantasy&author=Scot+O%27Hara&image_code=18&theme=6 | | `title` | Return of the American Tears, Electric Tears, Return of the Danger Imp | ## FFaker::Boolean | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | false, false, true | | `random` | true, false, false | | `sample` | false, false, true | ## FFaker::CheesyLingo | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Cheeseparing - tongue in cheek of the Friesian herd is like chalk and cheese washed curd cheese processed cheese has several technical advantages over traditional cheese garlic cheese biscuits harmful secondary metabolites applewood smoked soft ripening cheese for., Washed curd cheese soft ripening cheese for wash, rinse, repeat a good alternative to cheesecloth cut to size blessed are the cheesemakers Sheridans Cheesemongers harmful secondary metabolites the moon is made of green cheese and but round cheeses are to be cut in wedges, like a cake., Of cheesy business lingo he old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic site salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar dutch sandwich until the wheels form a white coat of penicillium moulds 10 grilled cheese sandwiches you should try immediately with they can also age quite well in ripening cellars where soft ripening cheese for until the wheels form a white coat of penicillium moulds harmful secondary metabolites. | | `sentence` | But poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheesesoft ripening cheese forin an artisan farmerhouse., In an artisan farmerhousecut the cheesetaste and texture in all colours., The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trapuntil the wheels form a white coat of penicillium mouldssay cheese. | | `title` | Smokey Coulommiers, Soft Cows, Nutty Gouda | | `word` | smoked, DOC, sharp | | `words` | sticky, cheesy, fat, dairy, affinage, blue, cottage cheese, fluffy, cheesecake, melting, Emmentaler, cottage cheese, toast!, affinage, soft | ## FFaker::Code | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ean` | 7422847329244, 1015045291688, 3899319693020 | | `npi` | 6251311315, 1231201769, 4254423351 | ## FFaker::Color | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `hex_code` | 8a7247, 78a74d, f553b8 | | `hsl_array` | 265, 90%, 50%, 54, 53%, 14%, 224, 1%, 93% | | `hsl_list` | 237,86%,1%, 352,41%,45%, 34,69%,57% | | `hsla_array` | 43, 28%, 7%, 0.71, 174, 49%, 37%, 0.36, 132, 97%, 60%, 0.33 | | `hsla_list` | 260,39%,11%,0.63, 17,82%,25%,0.73, 9,51%,45%,0.38 | | `name` | greenyellow, honeydew, greenyellow | | `rgb_array` | 18, 51, 73, 106, 228, 186, 88, 245, 52 | | `rgb_list` | 117,202,38, 182,250,114, 188,212,21 | | `rgba_array` | 73, 170, 131, 0.19, 242, 62, 132, 0.4, 82, 141, 128, 0.92 | | `rgba_list` | 78,154,37,0.28, 94,226,39,0.71, 45,178,146,0.43 | ## FFaker::ColorPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | modry, stalowy, herbaciany | ## FFaker::ColorUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | жовто-коричневий, лазурово-синій, абрикосовий | ## FFaker::Company | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `bs` | mesh scalable portals, matrix virtual deliverables, recontextualize 24/365 partnerships | | `catch_phrase` | Realigned well-modulated open system, Enhanced methodical hub, Programmable optimizing open system | | `name` | Walsh, Runolfsdottir and Hamill, Blanda, Ferry and Marvin, Hirthe-Fahey | | `position` | General Sales Director, Operations Consultant, General IT Secretary | | `suffix` | and Sons, Group, Inc | ## FFaker::CompanyCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 东人电器公司, 丰如食品有限公司, 思睿科技有限公司 | | `suffix` | 有限公司, 有限公司, 有限公司 | | `type` | 教育, 网络, 食品 | ## FFaker::CompanyFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Loiseau, Camus and Guyon, Techer, Regnier and Herve, Lefebvre, Hamon and Maillet | | `siren` | 731304770, 269003170, 104033870 | | `siret` | 14344984000560, 99885337000390, 62436130000920 | | `suffix` | Groupe, SARL, et fils | ## FFaker::CompanyIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Canella e Lionetti S.p.a., Piccolomini e Gelsomino Architetti, Laboratorio Coppola | | `partita_iva` | 62090040775, 85137800059, 35907690602 | | `prefix` | Laboratorio, Studio Tecnico, Studio Legale | | `suffix` | Ingegneri, s.r.l., Avvocati | ## FFaker::CompanyJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 株式会社外崎, 福田ホールディングス, 有限会社久野 | | `position` | 社員, 課長, 社員 | ## FFaker::CompanySE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Abernathy-Wisozk AB, Kerluke-Lowe AB, Goyette Aktiebolag | | `suffix` | Aktiebolag, Aktiebolag, Aktiebolag | ## FFaker::Conference | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Oxford Latin American Studies Conference, BioPharm America 2011, International Real Estate Expo Puerto Rico | ## FFaker::CoursesFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | ## FFaker::Currency | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | AWG, ISK, BMD | | `name` | Peso Uruguayo Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas, Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar), Won | | `symbol` | €, ¥, ₺ | ## FFaker::DizzleIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | ngbheb3dwcirmko5ond14uaqf4t7tuy9ymtxif5x7f3yif7qt8he1fnvkyk9ta2grbaxo4sesrj3l1gsjnrhwh3qn7t58qzrrwbvwa85u2tymzfkvsla2hdlm76yevemph82uni9o2k4wd50yer0p6h4q9vmxfp581n7gysftliqwkd7fadc5xhdwr7nk6400jedf3ezdg2akr7ycnze5wjc8vt8ql1skly4boymdlolabjms6155r0ddvce6qi, iuzbmrf9sw03f5w2w23blp1df1xzvpte5oz2rq10vsg44cy4nok8fxvwintjgve44s7nn46vboeadp5c0w4ly3lrca4so2yyncfcr7mm2szdia7axzf6n2rqg63kzlhikyol1pr7y1v8bg0mmhs2ax9xbk4nhni2cyq0q2vl5r2i1a7u5w0ljdc6jd4hv4ym1roefprsj8wewp02gi8t7jd18h9qfanvzakowyosfzc278msfl1lofm3qe9rsal, 9a5bp5l6hr30n72320c7rmy7yovqgy3m0oyj76n43jkgaxnt81wg2wnz4gqg0a1ydihvbticzdfxjo5jg38nl1l9v282o41xu16bdpxhsb6sr8j5tmcnilqzlsw46tave1sro8sey78rpx7ygxo95qbv1nrydkrilp6i7qdfnjim3at8muq9s1v10lmttw2zy4ot102lxxfcxpm41gp3swtvfd1v42bkeuxzx2zb5h409ll3enn8brw2ga82xu1 | | `paragraph` | For the gs it's 1993 Mr. Buckwort for the hustlers zig zag smoke nasty. Smokin' weed feel the breeze every single one guess what? I love my momma make a few ends now I'm on parole recognize in tha hizzle. Gold chain may I fo rizzle why is you now I'm on parole laid back it's 1993 tha shiznit Coupe de Ville. In tha hizzle bubbles in the tub rizzide every single one roll with plizzay rizzoad rolling down the street. It's 1993 now I'm on parole for the Gs pizzle Snoopy fizzle the Magic Johnson of rap waddup., And my money on my mind sippin' on gin and juice the Magic Johnson of rap Snoopy rizzoad. Doggfada fo shizzle Long Beach roll with Snoopy put ya choppers up realer realness gizzo. Feel the breeze tha shiznit zig zag smoke recognize televizzle every single one nothing can save ya in tha hizzle. Roll with eighty degrees fo shizzle in tha hizzle the S oh yes Coupe de Ville why is you gizzo., The magic johnson of rap smokin' indo drop it like it's hot the LBC gold chain hizzouse make a few ends realer bionic. Laid back waddup feel the breeze for the Gs if you was me and I was you. Realer now I'm on parole make a few ends guess what? waddup. And my money on my mind everybody got they cups through all the drama like every single day real deal Holyfield laid back now I'm on parole rolling down the street. | | `paragraphs` | Snoopy drizzle I love my momma realness smokin' weed realer for the hustlers. It's 1993 smokin' indo if the ride is more fly, then you must buy tha shiznit if you was me and I was you for the Gs hizzouse the Dogg Pound the dopest. Now i'm on parole you talk too much smokin' indo Doggfada Snoop the S oh yes at ease. Rizzoad the dopest how we do it real deal Holyfield hizzouse guess what? now I'm on parole Long Beach., Snoop your chrome realness if the ride is more fly, then you must buy and my money on my mind drizzle rolling down the street Long Beach how we do it. Like every single day your chrome it's 1993 waddup the diggy the Magic Johnson of rap plizzay. Pizzle gold chain every single one rizzoad your chrome bubbles in the tub. Bionic and my money on my mind waddup it's 1993 realer smokin' weed hizzouse put ya choppers up., Snoop like every single day Coupe de Ville put ya choppers up real deal Holyfield tha dizzle realer televizzle. Mr. buckwort roll with nasty for the Gs the LBC waddup. Realness televizzle may I pizzle you talk too much through all the drama., In tha hizzle laid back it's 1993 the LBC gizzo nasty zig zag smoke smokin' indo gold chain. How we do it used to sell loot sippin' on gin and juice you talk too much gizzo pizzle the LBC televizzle hizzouse. How we do it Doggfada gizzo Snoopy the LBC. Rizzide how we do it the Dogg Pound everybody got they cups realness realer in tha hizzle every single one Long Beach. Recognize eighty degrees fo shizzle fo rizzle now I'm on parole for the Gs sippin' on gin and juice with my mind on my money smokin' weed., Rizzide drizzle nasty smokin' weed plizzay. Smokin' weed Snoop feel the breeze if the ride is more fly, then you must buy you talk too much fo rizzle the LBC every single one. Real deal holyfield you talk too much realness Long Beach now I'm on parole gizzo drizzle. May i the S oh yes hizzouse for the hustlers recognize fizzle. Like every single day everybody got they cups bionic nasty the dopest zig zag smoke pizzle realness., Bubbles in the tub everybody got they cups tha shiznit may I in tha hizzle the dopest hizzouse why is you. Why is you realness nothing can save ya pizzle nasty Coupe de Ville Snoopy. Gizzo your chrome if the ride is more fly, then you must buy rizzoad if you was me and I was you may I. If the ride is more fly, then you must buy now I'm on parole it's 1993 your chrome eighty degrees and my money on my mind. I love my momma the Dogg Pound the dopest for the hustlers real deal Holyfield drop it like it's hot., If you was me and i was you feel the breeze hizzouse guess what? used to sell loot plizzay through all the drama tha dizzle. At ease bubbles in the tub bionic zig zag smoke the diggy waddup hizzouse for the Gs. Snoopy feel the breeze Mr. Buckwort gizzo Doggfada roll with the LBC., Gold chain rizzide roll with guess what? the Dogg Pound put ya choppers up. How we do it at ease put ya choppers up for the Gs the dopest every single one the LBC smokin' indo. Fo rizzle and my money on my mind put ya choppers up sippin' on gin and juice I love my momma the LBC., Put ya choppers up may I hizzouse televizzle Mr. Buckwort laid back for the hustlers. Gizzo it's 1993 through all the drama for the Gs rolling down the street. I love my momma your chrome rizzoad nasty with my mind on my money bubbles in the tub Snoopy smokin' weed fizzle. | | `phrase` | Now i'm on parole smokin' indo tha dizzle Mr. Buckwort rizzide through all the drama sippin' on gin and juice every single one zig zag smoke., Rizzide roll with Coupe de Ville for the hustlers everybody got they cups zig zag smoke Snoop the Dogg Pound., Fizzle Long Beach why is you bionic smokin' indo rizzoad if you was me and I was you real deal Holyfield used to sell loot. | | `phrases` | Televizzle tha shiznit drop it like it's hot the diggy it's 1993 every single one make a few ends bubbles in the tub drizzle., Bionic nothing can save ya recognize waddup televizzle fizzle in tha hizzle the dopest Long Beach., For the hustlers it's 1993 in tha hizzle rolling down the street and my money on my mind at ease., Bubbles in the tub bionic your chrome for the hustlers feel the breeze., Drop it like it's hot for the hustlers I love my momma Snoopy everybody got they cups nothing can save ya., For the hustlers hizzouse sippin' on gin and juice your chrome Coupe de Ville nasty real deal Holyfield drizzle., Recognize now I'm on parole Mr. Buckwort rizzoad I love my momma bubbles in the tub tha dizzle., Through all the drama drizzle bubbles in the tub roll with I love my momma the Magic Johnson of rap., If the ride is more fly, then you must buy in tha hizzle you talk too much Coupe de Ville now I'm on parole Snoopy. | | `sentence` | Pizzle realer Coupe de Ville real deal Holyfield tha dizzle smokin' indo Doggfada drop it like it's hot., Through all the drama realer at ease Snoopy pizzle like every single day roll with., Drop it like it's hot guess what? nasty pizzle roll with the diggy in tha hizzle now I'm on parole. | | `sentences` | The dogg pound put ya choppers up for the Gs Long Beach fo rizzle realer., Used to sell loot if you was me and I was you your chrome how we do it you talk too much at ease why is you laid back., The diggy fo shizzle and my money on my mind realer the LBC Snoopy., Put ya choppers up real deal Holyfield roll with like every single day feel the breeze why is you if you was me and I was you the LBC for the Gs., With my mind on my money Coupe de Ville now I'm on parole tha dizzle roll with., At ease drop it like it's hot you talk too much nothing can save ya fo rizzle sippin' on gin and juice gizzo for the hustlers fizzle., Like every single day tha shiznit Long Beach used to sell loot nothing can save ya waddup with my mind on my money Snoop laid back., Put ya choppers up fo rizzle if you was me and I was you used to sell loot how we do it pizzle., Realness Doggfada bubbles in the tub it's 1993 tha dizzle the Dogg Pound. | | `word` | the dopest, bubbles in the tub, pizzle | | `words` | waddup, and my money on my mind, Snoop, waddup, everybody got they cups, rizzoad, for the Gs, at ease, the Dogg Pound | ## FFaker::Education | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | Master of Public Affairs in Financial Studies, Bachelor of Biomedical Science in Human Resource Arts, Master of Landscape Architecture in Social Architecture | | `degree_short` | BEd in Systems Administration, DPhil in Marketing Arts, MD in Industrial Science | | `major` | Social Education, Human Resource Administration, Political Economics | | `school` | Windshire University, University of Lakeshire, Windside College | | `school_generic_name` | South Dakota, Larkpoint, Tennessee | | `school_name` | Redfield, Riverwood, Whitedale | ## FFaker::EducationCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | 农学硕士, 历史学硕士, 农学学士 | | `location` | 河北, 巩义, 中国 | | `major` | 假肢矫形工程, 世界史, 微机电系统工程 | | `school` | 安徽体育学院, 山东石油大学临沧分校, 华北大学 | ## FFaker::Filesystem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `directory` | blanditiis/ipsum/ducimus, facilis/expedita/reprehenderit, illum/vero/aliquam | | `extension` | json, csv, wav | | `file_name` | fugiat/architecto/officiis/dolorum.doc, commodi/ut/sunt/deleniti.odt, accusamus/quibusdam/illo/culpa.webm | | `mime_type` | application/rdf+xml, model/vrml, message/imdn+xml | ## FFaker::Food | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `fruit` | Apricot, Watermelon, Miracle fruit | | `herb_or_spice` | Garlic, Salt, Arrowroot | | `ingredient` | Bay Leaf, Salad Herbs, Camas | | `meat` | Beef liver, Calf liver, Chicken | | `vegetable` | Water chestnut, Florence fennel, Canna | ## FFaker::FoodPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `diary` | ser topiony, śmietanka, jogurt | | `fermented` | kimchi, miód pitny, kapusta kiszona | | `food` | drób, maniok, wino | | `fruit` | grejpfrut, brzoskwinia, truskawka | | `herb` | piołun, estragon, piołun | | `meat` | baranina, wołowina, cielęcina | | `preserves` | keczup, pesto, powidła | | `processed` | sok, mleko zagęszczone, powidła | | `spice` | kozieradka, tatarak, lukrecja | | `unprocessed` | rzodkiew, kakao, kminek | | `vegetable` | ziemniak, cebula, ciecierzyca | ## FFaker::FreedomIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | pfdiha41ijbwkihpo82b8tfqyak54hb9i6sgsigff4qzwkzfhs75ckansydlxsoif4kmoiyn81l0uvla7rd954vsn9fm2phptnheasbjirckujh2c5d5v8pfydujlntz9zd4tj2np560qkex6yhdhhod4wmysoshi0uns3qxeozgjw0sx53a5oogy0klzll1wnsj27cxap8mn51wj6mdjfeijoub6ed6jxa4cz6msplh3lvbv79vsgw1uoxi51j, 7zdjsmwkcmcw95ffh2ihitswufjsm5i975hv855n8akabhyt1knc82wmimd3u28wnxi8mbft05weluqtey58e8ojb4fl6cdnm7r2a1exq72nuzakpuatwjikuv2gidel6rfxii0bw84j1pk3jd6gq1c4vu73u838bngs5phinjxkjzykva31bnmkd3wyl12ppriag57ajvwtmizxg2wvh0t53n46qsmu68qz94ww19wv3h9k2rsb2tc0gwn4gnk, fsa6z0mi0tg3mrtcvw2flac3nn2r3peaijx0k0ipqx2nqc8mkym08nf2f933p4ymx3z2xk1bcxom9s87074f54w6928ooa8kftg7kxjhlh809nxs6uwg1wsrhyf9c8lyixa22dey5d40q15b293xolmra1s813b1v7dirbozu0wk8vx9uuora7ypa57cw6s1m2qta7peiqgeirackw8bmj07vj74kgmsq679gnag8m8vqf1605dkjklak0wnqu9 | | `paragraph` | Juicy flame-grilled mud flaps democracy God Bless America chili cheese fries. Espn2 Bud heavy tall-boy crunch-tastic supreme court ruling extra value meal weekends lunchables Proud To Be An American. Taco night John Cena chili cheese fries southwest breakfast burrito television TGIF cholesterol super-size., Bald eagles John Cena anti-metric system apple pie Hanes boxer briefs Checkers. Condiments Nashville extra value meal border wall national security. The government automatic rifle Checkers 1776 apple pie better dead than red explosions I only speak American Hanes boxer briefs. Nashville mud flaps better dead than red no-terrorist-zone wanted dead or alive liberty commies get out of my country country-fried DVD., Low taxes supreme court ruling freedom fries hot dogs Die Hard 2: Die Harder border wall. Tomahawk cruise missile liberty twinkies RoboCop Chuck Norris. Harley davidson the economy lunchables extra pulled pork 74-inch HDTV Branson Missouri. Southwest breakfast burrito extra pulled pork freedom BBQ 18-wheeler drive-thru. Marlboro reds truthers NASA twinkies 7-Eleven. | | `paragraphs` | Nashville DVD exploding commies get out of my country Dallas Cowboys lunchables. Mega-stuf oreos 7-Eleven 1776 television patriotic commies get out of my country explosive online multiplayer 74-inch HDTV. Branson missouri NASCAR slurpees Mountain Dew drone strike elections. The economy apple pie voting 3D Blu-Ray liberty microwaved. Garth brooks weekends 74-inch HDTV 18-wheeler sweatpants., Stock market XXXL extra beef milkshakes drive-thru wanted dead or alive. Propane tanks explosions CSI: Miami weekends FBI CIA NSA. Super bowl television Home Depot Dallas Cowboys foreign policy independence MOPAR slurpees. Stars and stripes monster truck rally extra pulled pork Branson Missouri boneless buffalo wings Starbucks twinkies enemies of freedom. 1776 Wal-Mart Home Depot constitutional rights freedom fries., Huge I only speak American Marlboro reds Wal-Mart Chuck Norris Philly cheesesteak super bowl. Consumerism Dale Earnhardt Jr Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast super bowl TGIF low gas prices official sponsor. Marlboro reds drive-thru Texas drone strike lunchables consumerism CSI: Miami., Fireworks low taxes juicy flame-grilled chili cheese fries drive-thru drone strike USA-4-Life-Bro Medal of Honor God Bless America. Extra pulled pork 85oz soda freedom fries supreme court ruling drive-thru consumerism 18-wheeler twinkies. Foreign policy huge Texas constitutional rights Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast 7-Eleven. Shopping TGIF stars and stripes Costco NASCAR truthers. Philly cheesesteak microwaved capitalism elections God Bless America the economy better dead than red mission accomplished., 3d blu-ray microwaved bigfoot BBQ commies get out of my country. Espn2 chili cheese fries shopping better dead than red shock and awe extra pulled pork the media Die Hard 2: Die Harder hot dogs. Liberty automatic rifle Lynyrd Skynyrd country-fried microwaved Wal-Mart. Congress no-terrorist-zone Philly cheesesteak WMD 3D Blu-Ray Checkers Wal-Mart., Stock market monster truck rally controversial 3D Blu-Ray enemies of freedom. Congress super bowl sweatpants velcro democracy truthers stars and stripes fighter jets redwood. Denny's grand slam breakfast Garth Brooks Nashville Mega-Stuf Oreos nuclear-powered aircraft carrier potato salad velcro supreme court ruling. Huge 1776 John Wayne potato salad more bullets Championship Pro Bass Fishing cheese-stuffed. Slurpees USA-4-Life-Bro DiGiorno anti-metric system low gas prices Uncle Sam automatic rifle independence., Potato salad Dallas Cowboys bigger taco night Hanes boxer briefs fireworks Wal-Mart Mountain Dew Proud To Be An American. Redwood patriotic Checkers Uncle Sam cheese-stuffed Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast Costco exploding second amendment rights. Proud to be an american the economy drone strike God Bless America Van Halen. Capitalism CNN commies get out of my country Arnold Schwarzenegger stock market shopping foreign policy no-terrorist-zone drone strike. 74-inch hdtv mission accomplished 7-Eleven freedom low gas prices pro-wrestling the government., Bigger 18-wheeler microwaved low gas prices NASCAR patriotic nuclear-powered aircraft carrier lunchables cheese-stuffed. Tgif Marlboro reds drive-thru extra beef patriotic wanted dead or alive pickup trucks congress national security. Red white and blue apple pie pro-wrestling FBI CIA NSA WMD explosive., Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Hot Pockets tomahawk cruise missile extra-large redwood XXXL Arnold Schwarzenegger. Elections mud flaps MGD freedom low gas prices Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast pro-wrestling. Freedom fries juicy flame-grilled Hot Pockets foreign policy explosions voting. | | `phrase` | Microwaved Medal of Honor 7-Eleven Hanes boxer briefs southwest breakfast burrito Arnold Schwarzenegger CSI: Miami Call of Duty Garth Brooks., Arnold schwarzenegger truck nuts crunch-tastic 7-Eleven DiGiorno anti-metric system explosions Philly cheesesteak., Nascar Dallas Cowboys the media corporations low taxes chili cheese fries better dead than red. | | `phrases` | More bullets Fox News Starbucks USA-4-Life-Bro DirecTV extra pulled pork bigger Chuck Norris TGIF., Consumerism Checkers Dale Earnhardt Jr potato salad voting controversial chili cheese fries corporations., Constitutional rights redwood Arnold Schwarzenegger the media God Bless America Checkers television extra value meal., Robocop Marlboro reds weekends more bullets Applebee's fighter jets propane tanks USA-4-Life-Bro twinkies., Southwest breakfast burrito ESPN2 NASCAR stock market Star-Spangled Banner., Denny's grand slam breakfast low taxes sweatpants Hot Pockets extra beef monster truck rally 3D Blu-Ray., John wayne super bowl Call of Duty independence crispy chicken strips extra value meal more bullets Applebee's automatic rifle., Fireworks CSI: Miami bigfoot redwood corporations., I only speak american online multiplayer Bud heavy tall-boy velcro controversial Star-Spangled Banner microwaved fireworks. | | `sentence` | Propane tanks constitutional rights sweatpants explosive NASCAR more bullets MGD exploding., The economy propane tanks shock and awe border wall 7-Eleven extra-large shopping MGD., Tgif Hanes boxer briefs MGD WMD bigfoot bacon cheeseburgers Branson Missouri wanted dead or alive. | | `sentences` | Marlboro reds stars and stripes NASA extra beef crunch-tastic Lynyrd Skynyrd Garth Brooks., Super-size congress freedom fries foreign policy Marlboro reds constitutional rights supreme court ruling 1776., Stock market bald eagles explosive television automatic rifle USA-4-Life-Bro official sponsor Mega-Stuf Oreos., Arnold schwarzenegger truthers cholesterol John Cena independence 74-inch HDTV super bowl weekends stars and stripes., Bacon cheeseburgers low gas prices John Cena Garth Brooks 7-Eleven exploding DVD., Star-spangled banner WMD low gas prices shock and awe Dale Earnhardt Jr Branson Missouri., Arnold schwarzenegger crispy chicken strips cholesterol extra beef gigantic official sponsor pro-wrestling., Credit cards 85oz soda CNN consumerism Mountain Dew monster truck rally SUVs truck nuts crispy chicken strips., Super bowl huge Mount Rushmore John Cena Garth Brooks twinkies Hanes boxer briefs. | | `word` | Bud heavy tall-boy, cholesterol, malls | | `words` | exploding, microwaved, RoboCop, taco night, online multiplayer, God Bless America, TGIF, freedom, commies get out of my country | ## FFaker::Game | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `category` | Number, Abstract Strategy, Fantasy | | `mechanic` | Crayon Rail System, Hidden Victory Points, Bias | | `title` | Codename: Bad Cat, Big Mutant, Black Clash | ## FFaker::Gender | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `binary` | male, female, male | | `maybe` | androgyne, pan-gender, non-binary | | `random` | male, female, pan-gender | | `sample` | non-binary, female, bi-gender | ## FFaker::GenderBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | masculino, masculino, feminino | | `random` | feminino, feminino, masculino | | `sample` | feminino, masculino, feminino | ## FFaker::GenderCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 男, 女 | | `random` | 女, 女, 女 | | `sample` | 男, 男, 女 | ## FFaker::GenderID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | perempuan, laki-laki, laki-laki | | `random` | laki-laki, laki-laki, perempuan | | `sample` | perempuan, perempuan, perempuan | ## FFaker::GenderIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | maschio, maschio, femmina | | `random` | maschio, femmina, femmina | | `sample` | femmina, maschio, maschio | ## FFaker::GenderJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 女, 女 | | `random` | 女, 男, 男 | | `sample` | 男, 女, 女 | ## FFaker::GenderJP | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 女, 男 | | `random` | 男, 男, 男 | | `sample` | 男, 女, 女 | ## FFaker::GenderKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 녀, 남, 녀 | | `random` | 녀, 녀, 남 | | `sample` | 남, 녀, 녀 | ## FFaker::GenderPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | kobieta, mężczyzna, mężczyzna | | `random` | kobieta, kobieta, mężczyzna | | `sample` | kobieta, mężczyzna, mężczyzna | ## FFaker::GenderRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `binary` | мужчина, мужчина, женщина | | `maybe` | женщина, мужчина, нонбайнари | | `random` | агендер, агендер, мужчина | | `sample` | мужчина, женщина, агендер | ## FFaker::Geolocation | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `boxed_coords`(..., ...) | | | `lat` | 39.9760149034563, 40.6609944585817, 25.4804286236799 | | `lng` | -111.602125919385, -73.8618025934729, -73.8618025934729 | ## FFaker::Guid | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `guid` | ED8EA644-E74E-D842-81E8-D4EAC13261E4, 4497F3B7-3F59-F46E-F375-CA2FB2B1B69C, FC118EE9-0CF7-36FB-A95D-B0E99349DBAD | ## FFaker::HTMLIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `a` | <a href="#illo" title="Id eum">Odit architecto</a>, <a href="#facilis" title="Saepe eaque">Consectetur nemo</a>, <a href="#optio" title="Culpa ex">Veritatis voluptas</a> | | `body` | <h1>Reprehenderit ut</h1><p><strong>Et facere</strong> Architecto impedit dolores placeat totam similique cupiditate quos suscipit. Veritatis iure voluptatibus blanditiis sed dolorem deserunt iste. Illum corporis id numquam quos minus. Labore pariatur aliquam neque ut. Libero provident optio sequi laborum. Similique fugiat ad enim autem. Temporibus reprehenderit enim ipsum unde placeat voluptates.</p><p><em>Voluptas odio quisquam officia dolore aperiam. Commodi amet id aliquid repudiandae et nemo voluptates possimus. Eius illum et eum iusto.</em> Expedita beatae hic soluta aliquid tempore. Sunt ipsum numquam odio a quidem laborum. Incidunt molestias quidem aliquam earum itaque qui. Voluptatibus suscipit quidem nesciunt consequatur facere a accusamus iure. Architecto ipsum dolor debitis laboriosam quasi quaerat praesentium sapiente. <strong>Inventore aliquid</strong></p><table><thead><tr><th>Pariatur</th><th>Adipisci</th><th>Sequi</th><th>Reprehenderit</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Pariatur</td><td>Voluptatem</td><td>Ullam</td><td><a href="#numquam" title="Magnam accusantium">Blanditiis in</a></td></tr><tr><td>Ut</td><td>Deleniti</td><td>Commodi</td><td><a href="#omnis" title="Inventore minima">Harum similique</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Numquam quam</h2><ol><li>Earum sit consequatur vero officiis inventore odit. Fuga reprehenderit consequatur rem modi.</li><li>Nulla occaecati excepturi impedit ipsa. Quo quas in laboriosam iusto quibusdam deleniti odio. Illo distinctio omnis inventore in error repellat.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Maxime itaque esse illum ut saepe. Nihil dolores distinctio totam animi delectus mollitia dolor. Sequi nam possimus inventore soluta eligendi quasi laboriosam.<br>Distinctio maxime illo cum molestiae maiores. Omnis veniam fuga velit voluptate cum rerum. Non debitis deleniti earum soluta dicta. Non eius tempora quaerat fugit corporis eligendi repellat. Praesentium veritatis voluptate nulla modi eum ipsam autem blanditiis.<br>Rem nihil voluptatibus itaque numquam expedita illo. Tempore corrupti sed libero sequi fuga expedita. Optio eum excepturi cumque cupiditate repellendus quae deleniti. Esse dolor animi inventore corrupti quibusdam ipsum eligendi temporibus. Aperiam ut ipsum a totam natus.</p></blockquote><h3>Itaque soluta</h3><ul><li>Illo vitae molestias necessitatibus officia at. Laboriosam occaecati ab dicta voluptatem debitis quibusdam praesentium at.</li><li>Minus nemo asperiores doloremque occaecati perferendis.</li><li>Aspernatur totam voluptates blanditiis occaecati. Excepturi eaque vero omnis ipsum laborum.</li></ul><pre><code> #numquam h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Eligendi doloribus</h1><p><em>Illum praesentium nulla quisquam animi ex. Unde deleniti quas tempore nisi. Consequatur iure vitae voluptate tempora est error et voluptates. Odio cupiditate sunt officia eaque deserunt nobis soluta dignissimos.</em> <a href="#doloribus" title="Repellat iure">At esse</a> <code>eius molestiae</code></p><p><strong>Laborum laudantium</strong> Hic aliquid porro molestiae maiores. Architecto earum repellat tenetur omnis nesciunt. Similique architecto aliquid id amet officiis impedit. <a href="#molestias" title="Rerum debitis">Voluptatum unde</a></p><p><strong>Aut culpa</strong> Eos velit suscipit quam ipsam laborum. Qui deserunt repudiandae labore blanditiis eaque excepturi ipsa ex. Alias sapiente sint assumenda laudantium eligendi rerum omnis. Omnis molestias ex quasi in perferendis odit quas. <code>totam iure</code></p><table><thead><tr><th>Ducimus</th><th>Modi</th><th>Aliquam</th><th>Optio</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Recusandae</td><td>Facilis</td><td>Maxime</td><td><a href="#quos" title="Aperiam magni">Quibusdam molestias</a></td></tr><tr><td>Dolorum</td><td>Voluptate</td><td>Quod</td><td><a href="#facere" title="Similique consequatur">Repudiandae inventore</a></td></tr><tr><td>Tempora</td><td>Voluptatibus</td><td>Nihil</td><td><a href="#provident" title="Autem sapiente">Reprehenderit assumenda</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Pariatur quia</h2><ol></ol><blockquote><p>Id distinctio quisquam dicta maiores accusamus recusandae. Veritatis doloremque amet quisquam accusantium dolorem. Accusamus sunt eligendi amet labore perspiciatis.<br>Quas recusandae maiores soluta quos cum ipsum. Illo quo eligendi nemo ut unde minus asperiores facilis. Voluptate laborum cumque tempora sit tenetur officia laboriosam. Labore autem voluptate perspiciatis nostrum iure. Officia quisquam odit ipsum modi voluptatibus.<br>Ex eos laborum perspiciatis fugiat. Iure culpa veritatis ea corrupti ab alias non. Est possimus error perspiciatis consectetur libero praesentium perferendis. Mollitia quis rerum consectetur dicta tenetur recusandae laudantium at.</p></blockquote><h3>Blanditiis vitae</h3><ul><li>Delectus earum quod fugiat voluptatum. Molestiae nemo vero reiciendis tenetur at.</li><li>Neque fuga reprehenderit sunt quis.</li><li>Quas necessitatibus exercitationem quasi harum consectetur voluptatibus sit at. Explicabo beatae ullam eveniet perferendis eos quod molestias.</li></ul><pre><code> #voluptatum h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Tempore iste</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Sequi</th><th>Libero</th><th>A</th><th>Expedita</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Dolores</td><td>Perspiciatis</td><td>Occaecati</td><td><a href="#accusantium" title="Eveniet temporibus">Sunt incidunt</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Voluptate aliquid</h2><ol><li>Incidunt velit alias praesentium fugit ipsum doloremque ab. Commodi recusandae molestiae sed facilis doloremque ipsa ex itaque.</li><li>Nulla tempore labore cumque veritatis quidem ab. Nostrum ab veniam deleniti doloribus consectetur aspernatur.</li><li>Enim possimus accusamus temporibus molestiae. Placeat fugit voluptatem qui saepe mollitia consequuntur ipsam.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Sapiente quaerat amet placeat a. Suscipit molestiae maxime laboriosam ea nesciunt repellat. Commodi maxime illo vel ipsam impedit neque ut.<br>Vel dolorem non id deserunt maiores cum. Atque odit saepe itaque quasi veniam debitis. Dolor enim quas sunt illo.<br>Dolorem ipsam nemo expedita repudiandae minus vel. Deleniti autem voluptate suscipit culpa eligendi quod expedita. Incidunt harum nihil totam iusto dolore accusantium. Inventore molestias ad assumenda numquam nemo.</p></blockquote><h3>Voluptatem dolores</h3><ul><li>Sequi explicabo impedit perferendis hic architecto culpa possimus.</li><li>Perferendis perspiciatis impedit earum itaque.</li></ul><pre><code> #ipsa h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre> | | `dl` | <dl><dt>Optio</dt><dd>Unde voluptatum dolorem animi quidem consectetur. Ex quod neque quo nihil dignissimos. Modi ratione voluptate quos in placeat. Facere praesentium tempora illo quisquam nihil in laborum.</dd><dt>Labore</dt><dd>Libero voluptatem quas accusantium maiores deleniti. Molestias non dolore minima amet magnam delectus numquam corrupti.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Debitis</dt><dd>Sint dolore rem iure modi laborum. Accusamus laudantium iste ipsa quos. Aliquid veniam illum debitis est.</dd><dt>Repudiandae</dt><dd>Optio aliquid sapiente eligendi quasi sunt illo. Libero provident sapiente distinctio minima.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Maiores</dt><dd>Facilis enim dolores earum magni. Beatae consequatur dolore praesentium occaecati pariatur. Corrupti officia placeat pariatur minus.</dd><dt>Quas</dt><dd>Praesentium quos reprehenderit similique aliquid. Consequuntur error dolores inventore laudantium ipsum reprehenderit quo.</dd></dl> | | `fancy_string` | Animi labore aliquam hic doloremque. Aspernatur ab sunt hic modi dolore. Ad rerum at sunt earum ut alias quis soluta. Fugiat nobis at eligendi expedita libero. Accusamus voluptatem accusantium dicta nemo et tenetur voluptate dolores. <em>Inventore porro ipsum quidem expedita libero. Sequi suscipit in dolores quidem alias asperiores debitis mollitia. Eum provident earum vitae molestiae. Sequi ducimus occaecati quos voluptatem. Animi modi cum sint ad perspiciatis adipisci dolorum temporibus.</em> <a href="#mollitia" title="Quae accusamus">Occaecati ex</a>, Dolor nam magni facere rerum quae distinctio reiciendis. Quasi magnam eos hic facilis repudiandae asperiores omnis. Laboriosam vitae explicabo consectetur excepturi at dolorem aliquam eveniet. <a href="#vel" title="Impedit placeat">Necessitatibus atque</a> Quasi magni veritatis aut esse nihil delectus ea. Fuga maiores reiciendis veniam laboriosam eligendi soluta ab. Ipsum eveniet architecto ad ut illum laboriosam cupiditate. Laborum nobis quas porro vitae maxime soluta vel. Omnis quo sequi totam ad dolor laborum necessitatibus., <em>Ab necessitatibus occaecati minus earum impedit dolor. Natus distinctio placeat eum a quaerat incidunt. Ab asperiores nulla vitae officia. Occaecati perspiciatis maxime facilis sunt animi explicabo nostrum. Aliquam atque rerum dolor cum.</em> Natus tempora similique provident quibusdam distinctio rerum numquam qui. Dicta ullam incidunt magnam impedit. Necessitatibus expedita totam beatae ducimus. Cum debitis fuga repellat beatae reiciendis eum nostrum natus. Nobis quas vitae alias dolor. <code>ad alias</code> | | `ol_long` | <ol><li>Nemo provident unde magnam et ipsa eius debitis. Quia cupiditate eaque quam dolorum.</li><li>Perspiciatis officiis quasi autem suscipit minus assumenda excepturi natus. Hic iure nobis repellat similique dolorem. Vitae ea aperiam odio eius sequi ipsam facilis fugit.</li><li>Soluta deleniti exercitationem libero facere quaerat. Aspernatur pariatur voluptatibus rerum eius deleniti illo delectus. Veritatis adipisci commodi at nulla aspernatur tempora laborum. Rerum veniam necessitatibus tenetur accusamus nobis.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Sunt consequuntur rerum quidem impedit delectus quibusdam. Voluptates deleniti iusto in magnam minus.</li><li>Ea id dolore ipsum nulla. Quam dolorum quisquam perferendis nobis soluta illo eaque.</li><li>Sunt consequuntur cum natus ex fuga ipsum. Neque assumenda quia velit earum sequi repellat quas ipsa.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Possimus reprehenderit velit sed neque dolore. Vero repellat laborum impedit error.</li><li>Exercitationem mollitia odio vel accusamus nostrum molestias. Tempore reprehenderit sequi accusamus nobis. Dolore possimus quas eveniet soluta quis necessitatibus minus praesentium. Sit ex quam dolor iure at.</li><li>Iure amet veniam dolorem dignissimos velit nobis. Asperiores quis nobis repellat veritatis explicabo aliquam repudiandae. Distinctio maxime omnis voluptates enim sequi impedit. Quo cum natus laborum rem dicta eligendi.</li></ol> | | `ol_short` | <ol><li>Officia perferendis accusamus error sunt.</li><li>Iusto ab aperiam aut.</li><li>Reiciendis voluptatem possimus provident.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Libero iure vel deserunt.</li><li>Labore quod pariatur cupiditate unde animi.</li><li>Assumenda inventore placeat.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Voluptatum perferendis architecto quia commodi ducimus quam.</li><li>Iste quos error nobis et itaque.</li><li>Necessitatibus cupiditate recusandae.</li></ol> | | `p` | <p>Non aut unde doloremque tempora. Atque facere labore tenetur perspiciatis necessitatibus blanditiis. Perspiciatis beatae eum architecto magnam molestias voluptas omnis. Amet repellendus laborum libero animi.</p>, <p>Quia voluptates iure quis ut. Suscipit commodi laborum nemo est at voluptas reprehenderit culpa. Consectetur odit placeat tempora vitae ullam expedita ut. Quia eligendi velit nisi sed aspernatur. Sed molestias asperiores rerum facilis eius inventore ratione.</p>, <p>Delectus fuga accusantium ut vero placeat. Odit reprehenderit incidunt autem totam. Earum architecto ad porro minus tempora error unde accusantium. Ipsam officiis sequi vitae sunt.</p> | | `table` | <table><thead><tr><th>Qui</th><th>At</th><th>Illo</th><th>Vitae</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Illum</td><td>A</td><td>Qui</td><td><a href="#est" title="Quibusdam nesciunt">Rem voluptates</a></td></tr><tr><td>Aut</td><td>Itaque</td><td>Quo</td><td><a href="#iste" title="Maiores ea">Sapiente hic</a></td></tr><tr><td>Doloremque</td><td>Porro</td><td>Temporibus</td><td><a href="#cumque" title="Harum incidunt">Saepe veniam</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Natus</th><th>Reprehenderit</th><th>Velit</th><th>A</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Corporis</td><td>Recusandae</td><td>Ullam</td><td><a href="#vero" title="Molestiae ex">Error sequi</a></td></tr><tr><td>Perferendis</td><td>Nam</td><td>Harum</td><td><a href="#necessitatibus" title="Eius sequi">Voluptatibus occaecati</a></td></tr><tr><td>Odio</td><td>Voluptatem</td><td>Qui</td><td><a href="#consequuntur" title="Adipisci quasi">Commodi temporibus</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Mollitia</th><th>Modi</th><th>Corrupti</th><th>Cupiditate</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Expedita</td><td>Repellendus</td><td>Similique</td><td><a href="#ipsa" title="Perferendis voluptatum">Expedita iste</a></td></tr><tr><td>Ex</td><td>Incidunt</td><td>Dolorem</td><td><a href="#incidunt" title="Molestias ipsa">Esse provident</a></td></tr><tr><td>Laudantium</td><td>Facilis</td><td>Molestias</td><td><a href="#aspernatur" title="Perspiciatis voluptatibus">Ut fugiat</a></td></tr></tbody></table> | | `ul_links` | <ul><li><a href="#nostrum" title="Veniam">Molestiae</a></li><li><a href="#corrupti" title="Repellat">Nam</a></li><li><a href="#aut" title="Quod">Voluptas</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#laborum" title="Similique">Expedita</a></li><li><a href="#cumque" title="Dolorum">Consequuntur</a></li><li><a href="#et" title="Accusantium">Debitis</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#deleniti" title="Ut">Sit</a></li><li><a href="#ut" title="Dolorem">Minus</a></li><li><a href="#eius" title="Enim">Facere</a></li></ul> | | `ul_long` | <ul><li>Iure corporis quas velit laborum optio. Ut totam quae laboriosam similique natus deserunt iure rem.</li><li>Aperiam minima sequi placeat aut possimus eos sapiente. Dolor fugiat deserunt tenetur aperiam tempore ut non iusto. Dolore architecto iure quia inventore. Aperiam sit sequi animi quod repellendus.</li><li>Aut eos est non praesentium tenetur nihil commodi dolore. Atque quo quia voluptas necessitatibus esse iste.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Necessitatibus inventore placeat optio blanditiis a laborum corrupti nam. Ducimus explicabo libero ullam tempora cum architecto veniam. Facilis perspiciatis unde nemo est molestiae fuga porro numquam. Occaecati distinctio iusto nisi corporis praesentium laboriosam voluptas assumenda.</li><li>Perspiciatis quod ea sint neque a accusamus enim. Quaerat culpa corrupti consectetur laudantium a architecto. Aspernatur doloremque temporibus impedit est iure.</li><li>Est totam in magnam voluptatem doloremque quidem earum fugiat. Voluptatum saepe optio corporis aperiam est ipsum rem. Tempore voluptatibus repellat cum vitae atque quos enim provident.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Voluptatem itaque quaerat et sequi natus voluptate rerum debitis. Doloremque debitis perspiciatis ad molestias id a.</li><li>Laudantium excepturi perferendis incidunt assumenda. Et molestiae tempora mollitia blanditiis. Quidem sapiente fugit debitis animi in culpa.</li><li>Magni quisquam ducimus amet velit iusto sapiente. Placeat soluta reprehenderit iste nesciunt vel veniam. Debitis voluptas voluptatum odio officiis libero explicabo repudiandae neque. Officia sunt delectus eius possimus harum unde.</li></ul> | | `ul_short` | <ul><li>Quaerat sunt rem eos accusantium consequuntur doloribus.</li><li>Incidunt maiores blanditiis eveniet cumque qui.</li><li>Accusamus qui numquam.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Dolorum sed iste magnam distinctio.</li><li>Deleniti eligendi ab facilis reiciendis.</li><li>Error repellat iste tempora.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Alias sequi soluta veritatis.</li><li>Adipisci tenetur nulla atque officia repellendus.</li><li>Mollitia voluptatem reprehenderit dolorum quasi repudiandae perspiciatis.</li></ul> | ## FFaker::HealthcareIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | iq10wimgbom93qk6qsij5m99q9geg5it45rp0js6wk6apkojrnt7rz0iiz8pgsyf2tsyzi0pkl6gzzopy8gg7je86zlang94dfw0twjkwjs40ya9uzw2f0vb3gfxpavzegg0dutv0bhkmt5ikamoioa652k8nvymugvl49zvrylgtewo1faewe1w38vg06noze8pszemk1ipxxqfzd1wns4b1hmd35oj0d7mrhy26fm09kwlopl0k7wbjx93zir, gnsa0m33hlvtdwxsi48xvftjzqxtpzav093wlq3l10ug61ap4tuje6bl93oodr27voodjpopzme688o3knth6ws1xmgyuq4haor0xnuz8udyqz9z53zwrhavb0mquoptysqybrvittgsi0ez6sbix3iupzf8g2e6jwgzvgz7hvszwpusdsmoyk3mlj5i9on7acwog2ak5ga6r87zm5h2hqg8n84ph84ihajkdy6yn93v89vnow3cd5k93ks30ez, st17a4hwcg95lmeagh8ok80hag7iwf58uotm13yizb4fkl95wizyrn81htlm4pr83kvegi8ufzx6a2gmvpuq384xac4qhn7gg60xko6gu74w11xyv7haz78ascq9glt42luujjmd80zxa5n725p2mhalbusnxs0e46pqfra0o8yvllxloixi1bfruhzw0a87abi1ubvhjops58rgt9dpj52fdrvgfwcul7rj6geadyps7hxcfbia6l5jvcz0u61 | | `paragraph` | Special benefit networks HIPAA out-of-pocket maximum NDC portability service area short-term medical insurance. Defensive medicine covered charges/expenses NDC creditable coverage self administered state insurance department case manager administrative services only state-mandated benefits. Enrollee co-insurance out-of-plan health insurance portability &amp; accountability act service area medicaid out-of-pocket costs indemnity health plan. Accumulation period centers of excellence medicaid critical access hospital second surgical opinion waiting period CPT admitting privileges., Aso pre-authorization nonrenewable broker short-term medical insurance EOB coordinated care premium national association of insurance commissioners. Master policy care plan ASO open enrollment PCP enrollee. Health savings account hospice care noncancellable policy underwriting standard industrial classification referral MSA. Flexible benefit plan out-of-pocket costs home health care staff model nonrenewable agent of record policy., Admitting physician board certified pre-certification custodial care COBRA. Noncancellable policy second surgical opinion HMO wellness office visit beneficiary dependent CPT. Schedule of benefits and exclusions morbidity participating provider first dollar coverage impaired risk pre-admission testing disenroll. | | `paragraphs` | Ambulatory care utilization review accumulation period critical access hospital coordination of benefits contract year HDHP. Effective date international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm permanent insurance independent practice associations flexible spending account third-party payer certificate of coverage covered person co-insurance. Ppo second surgical opinion episode of care pregnancy care risk evidence of insurability skilled nursing facility admitting physician. Portability fee-for-service denial of claim co-payment policy health reimbursement arrangement., Health care provider PCP co-pay health maintenance organization beneficiary certificate of coverage special benefit networks. Board certified pre-admission testing portability ASO episode of care. Naic appeal managed care assignment of benefits usual and customary charge. Episode of care hospital-surgical coverage health insurance portability &amp; accountability act centers of excellence covered charges/expenses schedule of benefits and exclusions HDHP HIPAA designated facility., Ipa short-term medical insurance misrepresentation free-look period deductible carry over credit case management. Home health care explanation of benefits noncancellable policy FSA eligible dependent coordinated care. Administrative services only admitting physician admitting privileges COBRA custodial care self administered coordination of benefits., Creditable coverage COB national association of insurance commissioners CPT health employer data and information set workers compensation well-baby care special benefit networks. Staff model board certified deductible care plan incurral date ambulatory care. Episode of care COB coordination of benefits pre-existing condition admitting privileges preventive care urgent care contract year attachment. Wellness office visit beneficiary hospice care policy year HSA impaired risk self-insured. Health maintenance organization full-time student HSA HCFA Common Procedure Coding System premium pre-existing condition gag rule laws., Gatekeeper IPA high deductible health plan ASO noncancellable policy medical savings account referral. Pre-admission review independent practice associations major medical employee assistance programs consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act HEDIS morbidity co-payment special benefit networks. Agent of record exclusion period stop-loss provisions premium out-of-pocket costs national drug code HCFA Common Procedure Coding System lapse. Formulary renewal critical access hospital MSA health reimbursement arrangement case management portability grievance. Eaps eligible dependent certificate of coverage exclusions and limitations beneficiary hospice care creditable coverage case management., Staff model permanent insurance admitting physician HIPAA medicaid. Denial of claim NCQA policy year accredited out-of-pocket costs diagnostic related group certificate of coverage. Accreditation incurral date international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm limited policy ancillary services eligible dependent discharge planning independent practice associations. Hospice care claim misrepresentation accredited inpatient care underwriting. State-mandated benefits beneficiary national committee for quality assurance co-payment rider covered person high deductible health plan., Co-payment designated facility preferred provider organization explanation of benefits primary care physician self administered wellness office visit reasonable and customary. Cob special benefit networks qualifying event well-baby care deductible carry over credit fee-for-service admitting privileges health reimbursement arrangement renewal. Qualifying event third-party payer lapse coordination of benefits urgent care special benefit networks broker any willing provider laws. Claim policyholder fee-for-service standard industrial classification wellness office visit. Medicaid portability benefit claim consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act., Waiting period permanent insurance designated facility provider managed care IPA. Permanent insurance premium medigap consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act out-of-plan pre-certification MSA underwriting. Admitting physician episode of care admitting privileges HEDIS cost sharing MSA consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act ancillary services. Discharge planning capitation out-of-plan qualifying event gag rule laws medical savings account skilled nursing facility international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm medicaid. Gatekeeper staff model explanation of benefits hospital care deductible high deductible health plan., Eligible expenses pre-authorization open enrollment PPO covered person third-party payer lapse flexible benefit plan covered benefit. Eligible expenses covered person appeal HEDIS medicaid pre-certification. Fsa coordination of benefits disenroll creditable coverage EAPs primary care physician flexible spending account broker. Workers compensation health care provider national association of insurance commissioners hospice care open enrollment health maintenance organization. Agent of record rider out-of-pocket maximum permanent insurance pre-authorization pre-certification noncancellable policy preventive care effective date. | | `phrase` | Inpatient care consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act accredited covered benefit limited policy., Hipaa case manager EAPs medicaid managed care medicare supplement., Eligible expenses self-insured broker co-insurance second surgical opinion policy. | | `phrases` | Workers compensation beneficiary standard industrial classification accredited NAIC pre-existing condition., Staff model state insurance department NAIC national drug code policy year impaired risk out-of-pocket costs., Flexible benefit plan out-of-network claim care plan co-payment self administered., Hcfa common procedure coding system major medical effective date special benefit networks staff model incurral date state-mandated benefits second surgical opinion health insurance portability &amp; accountability act., Deductible NDC eligible expenses effective date qualifying event pre-admission testing., Assignment of benefits incurral date flexible benefit plan MSA risk gatekeeper gag rule laws., Accredited hospice care defensive medicine staff model group health plan., Hsa home health care renewal health maintenance organization risk PPO admitting physician pregnancy care., Health savings account medical savings account medigap policy medicaid. | | `sentence` | Clinical practice guidelines NDC international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm eligible dependent designated facility ASO., Designated facility preferred provider organization national drug code PCP R&C charge referral EOB permanent insurance., Grievance admitting privileges flexible benefit plan high deductible health plan out-of-pocket maximum participating provider FSA hospice care. | | `sentences` | Ppo ambulatory care open enrollment certificate of coverage health employer data and information set national committee for quality assurance health reimbursement arrangement., Inpatient care eligible dependent episode of care renewal misrepresentation wellness office visit state-mandated benefits policyholder., Medically necessary fee-for-service group health plan IPA accreditation rider MSA open enrollment., Insured preferred provider organization DRG utilization review home health care out-of-network admitting privileges care plan., Dependent HIPAA current procedural terminology master policy pre-admission testing flexible benefit plan HDHP medicare out-of-pocket maximum., Administrative services only preventive care ASO medicaid morbidity., Staff model capitation health care provider first dollar coverage consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act HEDIS HMO international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm., Ndc utilization review HCPCS morbidity centers of excellence evidence of insurability covered benefit case manager., Case management contract year medically necessary eligible expenses limited policy any willing provider laws. | | `word` | HIPAA, lapse, assignment of benefits | | `words` | out-of-pocket costs, SIC, policy year, home health care, medicare, COB, group health plan, centers of excellence, qualifying event | ## FFaker::HealthcareRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `doctor_specialization` | Кинезиолог, Реабилитолог, Терапевт женской консультации | ## FFaker::HipsterIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | 3fhr0eloqm7zwmiss66of3p76hc7hn7nwl6b710wu9erg0cix57t1drq0vob04sjfknm9ek1031j74z36blv8wxl1emd7vxg7s6dwsxhp5n0mr8t194ntdndqakjooqmp8c6rqxoiyx5t60hjieqac86yeo2wmbn0q1fzpq88bq35hdba18er68ra4i90i1454pisypflhlxecdlfdu8c557429m51o2ulj4xur91bk5kk7zy7oww16e33u9iso, f8pvbdv44yqe880pwjnoc8v8549jh8359fcfikd588k52elwcpb7f0kpzf9b09d2tell44p0avz5spaoph9we6vnh6fzpnveib9auquj8x7cv514hte0d98oakxs5bcpal57jrt6o89e7r0tim7ytmezyq45rghf7mvuwvlp8ubpya1bag7hkdig01o56e3qs3uhq9ya54xipkuta1z8c9vgxf33bw7pol8gamkgvj1v3suzguqvyxr1i9q6k9i, alu371eg7a1ejs2zkidluuaps5bz5xfzytwu8iq77i4f2oe1d51w8zanebjcpuoo8lf9fma965kprhca115dtnhha1ak222wkjh61v5rze7rintmp1bpwk22toltc8hbvv3xmovi0wxdse77165eg55q4lfvzgr7zoe3yvhmay9s01f63eqssbs0eoae0h8k3ymmukppnzuiprr5i1vhkx0obqm7emzzbrg4q72b92mzqtk9x73h9j9k6kbw794 | | `paragraph` | Keffiyeh readymade master cleanse sustainable fanny pack. Brooklyn gluten-free readymade jean shorts etsy. Gluten-free banh mi American Apparel keytar photo booth. Banksy lo-fi tumblr craft beer Brooklyn. American apparel Shoreditch vegan keytar retro., Artisan hoodie Austin Portland trust fund salvia stumptown twee. Before they sold out 8-bit photo booth messenger bag chambray Rerry Richardson Banksy Austin. Marfa mustache yr moon iPhone Brooklyn messenger bag., Banh mi McSweeney's mlkshk Rerry Richardson cred freegan. Messenger bag Marfa yr echo park squid helvetica lomo. Brooklyn iPhone master cleanse farm-to-table cred messenger bag fixie Banksy. | | `paragraphs` | Retro put a bird on it keffiyeh vinyl raw denim fanny pack sartorial. Lomo synth sustainable keffiyeh viral quinoa. Rerry richardson butcher artisan Shoreditch Pitchfork moon. Food truck twee blog Shoreditch lo-fi high life fap. Next level put a bird on it Williamsburg organic photo booth locavore Rerry Richardson., Gentrify Cosby Sweater +1 twee thundercats. Party ethical yr keytar VHS aesthetic skateboard. Brunch tofu cred vinyl Brooklyn., Before they sold out echo park tumblr fanny pack farm-to-table lomo Pitchfork. Echo park DIY Cosby Sweater jean shorts food truck fanny pack Banksy. Trust fund irony aesthetic retro fap echo park Carles., +1 cardigan before they sold out keytar scenester echo park farm-to-table tumblr hoodie. Gentrify PBR Cosby Sweater readymade Shoreditch before they sold out bicycle rights tofu. Whatever Marfa Wayfarers sartorial butcher Rerry Richardson PBR raw denim., 8-bit artisan bicycle rights Brooklyn master cleanse +1 cliche hoodie twee. Lo-fi squid cliche sartorial synth blog single-origin coffee Shoreditch. Yr Rerry Richardson organic PBR tofu. Master cleanse tumblr +1 tattooed raw denim whatever mustache gluten-free., Moon viral letterpress quinoa sartorial salvia Rerry Richardson cred banh mi. Chambray put a bird on it moon leggings single-origin coffee mlkshk. Beard tattooed 8-bit party salvia vice., Leggings Pitchfork VHS banh mi helvetica Four Loko. Scenester mixtape cred salvia tattooed blog 8-bit DIY. Readymade fixie irony moon scenester +1 synth vice Wes Anderson. Brunch lomo organic seitan twee McSweeney's Portland butcher. Portland etsy put a bird on it Shoreditch moon locavore., Biodiesel iPhone readymade party skateboard Brooklyn thundercats synth. Fap McSweeney's tattooed keffiyeh keytar Shoreditch cliche Pitchfork. Blog irony yr Rerry Richardson McSweeney's artisan art. Viral Four Loko squid wolf trust fund iPhone skateboard freegan., Wayfarers Banksy keytar cred blog etsy. Pbr gluten-free fixie twee organic Rerry Richardson mlkshk squid. Mcsweeney's high life Rerry Richardson mixtape skateboard letterpress next level. | | `phrase` | Fap twee seitan Four Loko you probably haven't heard of them farm-to-table butcher., Quinoa before they sold out leggings craft beer stumptown., Rerry richardson master cleanse locavore leggings VHS art. | | `phrases` | Mcsweeney's trust fund blog craft beer yr mixtape bicycle rights gentrify letterpress., Biodiesel trust fund retro squid Marfa Williamsburg., Fixie lomo American Apparel brunch +1 Banksy ethical synth party., Butcher sartorial mustache etsy scenester freegan photo booth single-origin coffee., Bicycle rights seitan vegan dreamcatcher Wayfarers., Photo booth McSweeney's bicycle rights moon salvia yr cred freegan Wayfarers., Wes anderson you probably haven't heard of them scenester craft beer ethical viral., Etsy salvia fanny pack irony dreamcatcher food truck brunch., Trust fund yr Rerry Richardson keytar iPhone Austin. | | `sentence` | Stumptown tofu vinyl locavore fap sartorial moon., Pbr mlkshk mixtape skateboard letterpress single-origin coffee organic., Williamsburg moon mlkshk freegan vice Banksy master cleanse. | | `sentences` | Butcher biodiesel aesthetic etsy brunch before they sold out art Banksy Austin., Tofu cliche sustainable keytar jean shorts., Bicycle rights irony art stumptown Four Loko Portland., American apparel +1 cardigan food truck gluten-free biodiesel Carles fap., Sartorial vinyl butcher seitan vice., Locavore tofu jean shorts fixie etsy helvetica vegan hoodie., American apparel lo-fi before they sold out Williamsburg helvetica., Put a bird on it blog messenger bag dreamcatcher fap skateboard salvia Austin., Raw denim letterpress butcher trust fund readymade etsy banh mi dreamcatcher. | | `word` | biodiesel, art, freegan | | `words` | jean shorts, viral, dreamcatcher, photo booth, hoodie, salvia, farm-to-table, brunch, leggings | ## FFaker::Identification | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | M067-599-50-272-4, U126-345-84-809-1, L777-146-93-262-9 | | `ethnicity` | Other, Caucasian, Hispanic | | `gender` | Male, Female, Female | | `ssn` | 129-55-5620, 390-60-5142, 929-07-9089 | ## FFaker::IdentificationBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `cnpj` | 32894297203286, 54239787539190, 61991516599562 | | `cnpj_verification_digits`(...) | | | `cpf` | 34617880828, 20426364953, 80642188106 | | `cpf_verification_digits`(...) | | | `gender` | Feminino, Feminino, Masculino | | `pretty_cnpj` | 47.299.544/4018-22, 32.311.449/9019-89, 32.996.248/1222-54 | | `pretty_cpf` | 149.282.967-61, 283.864.109-30, 771.315.580-52 | | `pretty_rg` | 048.269.758, 987.712.898, 099.965.515 | | `rg` | 718919602, 678897480, 499683236 | ## FFaker::IdentificationES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Mujer, Hombre, Mujer | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Mujer, Mujer, Hombre | | `rut` | 6537019-0, 10890294-9, 23351779-8 | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCO | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `blood_type` | O-, O+, A+ | | `driver_license_category` | C3, C2, C3 | | `drivers_license` | 83847143, 7648807, 822691 | | `expedition_date` | 2018-11-23, 2021-06-20, 2018-01-27 | | `gender` | Mujer, Mujer, Mujer | | `id` | 9423253046, 2820002355, 415064273 | ## FFaker::IdentificationIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `aadhaar` | 244638970337, 408275400825, 391902327609 | ## FFaker::IdentificationIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | U142388384C, U110990502R, U136381190O | | `ethnicity` | Nativo americano, Afroamericano, Ispanico | | `gender` | Maschio, Maschio, Maschio | | `ssn` | 53762762928553451882, 71285933009234316740, 64298788275707125548 | ## FFaker::IdentificationKr | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rrn` | 931201-2315962, 960210-2456864, 720801-2138036 | ## FFaker::IdentificationMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `curp` | ZEFJ880417MCMYJDU9, QAAN830818HMCWSPF4, LOGL980411HBSBFWR4 | | `rfc` | DEJP790706GVF, PUSD090623HDV, YESK951215MNG | | `rfc_persona_fisica` | ÑIQF720403VEU, FAKN040418T01, KAOD210127Y23 | | `rfc_persona_moral` | ET&981118W8Q, IMV740218SF6, CRS720222KGU | ## FFaker::IdentificationPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | 24959/35/7187, 03669/05/3875, 61782/64/2837 | | `id` | TKA731273, AWF539910, OCF412358 | | `identity_card` | SKE740003, SLP622381, OAU754233 | | `pesel` | 65872330596, 09321851548, 36080549058 | ## FFaker::IdentificationTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `id` | J172582863, Y218464315, Y209000438 | ## FFaker::Image | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `file` | #<File:0x0000563b405deae0>, #<File:0x0000563b40612598>, #<File:0x0000563b40882300> | | `url` | https://dummyimage.com/300x300/c84441/e43059.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/41050b/0bf65d.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/625d8e/d6373b.png?text= | ## FFaker::Internet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `disposable_email` | murray.bernier@suremail.info, bronwyn@safetymail.info, audrey_hayes@suremail.info | | `domain_name` | harvey.us, ward.ca, powlowskirodriguez.biz | | `domain_suffix` | name, info, ca | | `domain_word` | cronin, braunwolff, wintheiser | | `email` | kenyatta_anderson@mayert.info, leonore@blick.biz, alyse@kerluke.com | | `free_email` | leilani.marquardt@gmail.com, roman.donnelly@hotmail.com, hugo.bednar@hotmail.com | | `http_url` | http://fahey.co.uk, http://bechtelartreutel.name, http://smitham.ca | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `mac` | dc:c6:ae:60:d8:d4, 6d:2c:23:4a:27:7d, af:ee:6f:8c:6e:bc | | `password` | 4CD_XCFd0wjVr7, VQc4zfyP, dHvQgjdWyrHUIa4 | | `safe_email` | albina@example.org, misti_runolfsdottir@example.org, corey@example.com | | `slug` | alias.optio, sapiente-molestiae, nulla_repudiandae | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | doria_goldner, casie, mafalda | ## FFaker::InternetSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `company_name_single_word` | Jenkins,, Erdman,, Heaney-Cummings | | `disposable_email` | brendon.herman@safetymail.info, tyler_daniel@spamherelots.com, lashaunda.oberbrunner@binkmail.com | | `domain_name` | considine.nu, lefflerjohns.se, mcdermott.com | | `domain_suffix` | se, com, com | | `domain_word` | blandaanderson, sanfordferry, ritchie | | `email` | joel@kuphal.se, pablo.schiller@kassulkeernser.com, debera@toyjohnston.se | | `free_email` | mohammedfletcher_shanahan@passagen.se, karmen_bradtke@spray.se, loni@spray.se | | `http_url` | http://larkin.nu, http://schowalterfeil.com, http://dubuque.com | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `join_to_user_name`(...) | | | `login_user_name` | yan, violetlarae, danilo | | `mac` | 18:c8:76:11:97:dc, 5c:65:18:da:c0:e2, e5:b7:06:b0:9e:38 | | `password` | xfBFnrtXgENolld, SeH3iO1BUm7, cz8Khpfx_wSx | | `safe_email` | drew.larkin@example.org, eli@example.org, lesley@example.net | | `slug` | amet.id, necessitatibus-totam, expedita_provident | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | sean, noel, charlena.fadel | | `user_name_from_name`(...) | | | `user_name_random` | johndusty.gerlach, cornell_cummerata, saul | | `user_name_variant_long` | otha.ankunding, luciano_lesch, myriam_welch | | `user_name_variant_short` | jenee, lou, raymonde | ## FFaker::Job | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Product Security Developer, Future Division Planner, Regional Integration Technician | ## FFaker::JobBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Enfermeiro, Presidente, Paraquedista | ## FFaker::JobCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 前台, 公车司机, 经济学家 | ## FFaker::JobFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | gestionnaire contrôle qualité, chef agence comptable, directeur des opérations de la recherche scientifique | ## FFaker::JobIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Diretto Ricerca orchestratore, aziendale Infrastruttura Stratega, Capo ragnatela Consulente | ## FFaker::JobJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 美容部員, 社会保険労務士, 銀行員 | ## FFaker::JobKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 전기장비 조립원, 직물 디자이너, 화학제품생산 관리자 | ## FFaker::JobVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | sĩ quan, bánh ngọt, ô tô cơ khí | ## FFaker::Locale | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | LT, BA, QU | | `language` | Gaelic, Setswana, Slovenian | ## FFaker::Lorem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | 097hhv2yyph3586re334p93wq8ioq5f0pwi8typmtrs7p30o9j4phz5e3rb2trdm6sxog23dgsxlem7nhvbiq56m00pcxjpue58snnu4p12n37pi9zfjxhnvn8wmo7pln90ky3itswwk1irn29fkw2kq9iuz1ngzv33o3pnuuoaxp3q6648nwnufsgz9nxe68po2f04xu30sh9h8a698n7r40wk0z7lu6qtsy3zsivj22gg4v3qp0tj1wt1vby2, 9tciu0ymamay2s8teb1g3150497nyh5o6vt2l46j2j89e2r8rqd4ea0qjovb62mwggelqwfq8j2g97kq95dnv2l0bv3w54l3qgmjenkwm6ewbiik4nud2t3se3g1e5b06fdw2qr17ovkdntnkj5rdzszcxq3sg0xkylg0ushdf2uo89hxt299fspwwxqwsdlm8nq14msk67ffzknoyevm3u90wmjyy2cavaqun9hrf9bxg5546pyig4nsnujqsu, tr4vrdwpjgravnewh2qm5r1mczvig3pqvhdig12jl5kzul7gtvy74xfpg6d3e609tisekopgcfd51mvvysc1imc58fwr8oogx225qlg2dwmksaq97xtd914gvo38j6923c5w9nwavhjucbig9pemijm8ygpwfxhircq48rrico8ipt7whzxlahx3qtvt22m4f8u7rh18nw98qgkyc0t7hfl8lmrbixdn7g0gyvnfe61cegmgdlne9e3b23t0kvm | | `paragraph` | Alias recusandae cumque vel harum quam illo minima. Laudantium at repellat rerum autem corporis. Omnis beatae voluptatibus reprehenderit corporis possimus fugit quia sapiente. Nobis sunt possimus vero porro., Modi alias earum sint adipisci similique. Quas ipsum et illum iusto dolore ad quidem corrupti. Rerum eum aspernatur reprehenderit voluptas. Voluptatem at sequi harum mollitia laboriosam nulla deleniti veniam. Corporis sit voluptate tenetur quibusdam., Ut architecto amet dicta at nulla in. Nobis tempore incidunt quibusdam quia est sint cumque suscipit. Rerum suscipit sequi exercitationem quidem. Veniam maxime sequi rerum animi perferendis. | | `paragraphs` | Tempora culpa labore temporibus sapiente ullam natus dolorum. Quaerat vero illum debitis nostrum facere minus sapiente. Occaecati consequatur harum tenetur aliquam corporis dicta dolore sequi., Quod iure laborum unde autem debitis consequatur porro. Magni doloremque excepturi voluptatibus ullam laboriosam expedita natus. Enim maiores minima facere nam doloremque., Aspernatur dolore facilis incidunt labore molestias molestiae reprehenderit. Est suscipit voluptate delectus autem error. Dignissimos commodi sequi beatae quo facere illum. Vero iure dicta quis sint animi sit facere. Nisi quasi quisquam debitis voluptatem perferendis., Fugit blanditiis minus rerum quod expedita rem. A error ab repellendus quam asperiores blanditiis veniam. Ut numquam ipsa voluptatem sunt omnis. Optio labore dignissimos consectetur asperiores rem suscipit enim architecto. Iste tempora minima eveniet exercitationem., Magni laborum quae libero corrupti recusandae architecto maxime. Dolorem soluta vitae animi possimus. Odit ad reprehenderit ea ratione. Impedit quod odit temporibus qui at recusandae., Unde minima necessitatibus temporibus nostrum repellat amet esse. Enim excepturi molestias temporibus unde ad suscipit. Vel omnis natus similique perspiciatis et nesciunt sed., Vero veritatis nulla ex assumenda quo dolorem. Fugit quas eveniet modi praesentium. Aliquam excepturi vitae illo dolore nemo. Sequi nisi asperiores ad impedit laudantium eveniet doloribus numquam. Veritatis numquam animi laboriosam dicta quas hic consequatur illo., Iusto quas dolorum sint et at pariatur. Sunt repudiandae sapiente voluptatibus rem fuga optio. Itaque praesentium non nisi beatae veritatis., Beatae ipsa aliquid alias magnam. Voluptatem consequuntur impedit quis autem neque ipsum. Ex dolorem ullam exercitationem nihil maxime rem facere. | | `phrase` | Vitae tenetur doloremque similique voluptas veniam quidem ad vero., Numquam earum corporis non repudiandae quo., Illum provident ratione cum veritatis. | | `phrases` | Amet nihil consectetur vero voluptatem corrupti nesciunt quidem dolores., Nihil pariatur explicabo laboriosam fuga dolor similique rem error., Expedita at aliquid quia tempora culpa sequi blanditiis., Vitae harum veniam quidem reiciendis iste iure excepturi., Quae omnis labore repellendus similique., Beatae laboriosam veritatis nam in officia aperiam ab voluptatibus., Deleniti ex laboriosam atque velit ducimus necessitatibus illum., Ut ipsa impedit iure sint quidem omnis tempora., Quam beatae deleniti esse assumenda reprehenderit sequi. | | `sentence` | Suscipit iusto voluptas quos harum cum rem quam., Debitis dignissimos eos voluptate maiores autem quia., Quia aperiam cumque quisquam consequatur placeat necessitatibus sint magnam. | | `sentences` | Itaque molestiae numquam expedita fuga praesentium eaque recusandae., Saepe tempora velit aperiam a deleniti., Optio dolorem autem debitis porro., Atque maiores inventore delectus aspernatur eligendi., Minima nulla deserunt vero consequatur modi., Molestias aliquam numquam atque qui quisquam accusamus quas., Doloribus saepe beatae dolor velit eveniet ducimus., Eos numquam hic quas quam enim adipisci earum veniam., Sequi optio velit harum perferendis esse enim dolor. | | `word` | porro, culpa, et | | `words` | doloremque, eos, placeat, corporis, omnis, amet, officia, amet, officiis | ## FFaker::LoremAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | موالية أم الأعمال لألمانيا ما الولايات به،. اعلان و إستيلاء المشترك. المتطرّف الأرض تم الهادي يذكر لان بحق قُدُماً بالحرب. المزيفة تعد ان, الضروري لمّ حين. لعملة حربية يتم, وبدون مع وضم و مكن كما., علاقة ما دخول استطاعوا وانتهاءً فاتّبع اسبوعين إعلان. تم قام الا على لم به، تسبب إيطاليا استطاعوا. الأجل لم النازي ألمانيا,. يكن, المتساقطة،, وباءت شبح وصافرات., مدينة في نتيجة أن. بأذى مما الحكم اعلان. الأوضاع وفي جوي هو بتخصيص أوسع بل. الإحتفاظ نورماندي إيو التخطيط. اعلان كل منتصف بها ما. | | `paragraphs` | قائمة النزاع لم النزاع كلّ غريمه قد وتم. إنطلاق الإعتداء دأبوا المدنيين غضون. استولت الله و كل, من. استولت كل ان ويكيبيديا، أن قام و., عدم بل, قد, خصوصا استمرار لقوات. وتزويده الأمور, رئيس حكومة كلّ ما,. من أي مهانة بل, يطول عن عن. التخطيط معزّزة لإعادة شيء, تلك قصف, لم هذا عقبت., هاربر جحافل حشد وأزيز. الغربي انه, حلّت تحرّك الصيني عسكرياً التجارية والفرنسي. مكّن حلّت كل تطوير ذلك عن يطول المتّبعة مكن., بريطانيا، المتطرّف أسلحته مليون مع. وتتحمّل سحقت المتطرّف بحث الفرنسية. من و, وتم, القوقازية في ساعة الشمل إذ., مع المقيتة عل, المتطرّف ضرب, لقوات. وعزّزت البرية وباءت الأرضية أن فعل في لمّ. يتبقّ المشترك عسكرياً مع ان جوي. أن دون عقبت حتى. أم لم أن إستمات قادة اعتداء قد., وحزبه مما حول لألمانيا دنو غريمه الإستسلام ثانية لم. من كل أي الإقتصادية كل ما, كل الأوروبيّون لغات. تُصب أن اعتداء الثالث الصعداء. واتّجه الفاشي العسكري بقسوة وفي إذ, حالية. لبولندا، وفنلندا وصافرات أواخر., يتم جديداً جورج وباستثناء الشمل أثره، وتم, فعل,. كل يطول الأجل اليابان القوقازية. موالية خصوصا حين بالولايات., شبح بريطانيا، الذرية لم على. الأيديولوجية، الأولى اعتداء جمعت عرض, بالعمل كلّ. والحزب كل أخذ غير العصبة يعادل اللازمة اعلان الكونجرس. والفرنسي هزيمة أم تكتيكاً وحلفاؤها النازية، الشمل., الحلفاء اعلان موسوليني اوروبا مع وتزويده المعاهدات أي حيث. جسيمة مع, دول الى جديدة بحق. الواقعة تحت المحيط فاتّبع وتم. الجيش تم ومدني، فرنسية غزو بل الحرب. | | `phrase` | الأولى بريطانيا، لليابان الشهيرة., إستسلاماً, لعملة أي تم إذ لم تعداد كان., ومدني، حين و ذلك هو وباءت الصعداء ولكسمبورغ. | | `phrases` | مدن عرفها مليون تكتيكاً شيء المقيتة يكن, تحت, الله., يكن, تحت, لفشل الأوروبية،, حول بالعمل إنطلاق., الثالث شمال أن تم., الإنذار، الأخذ جُل, التي أراضي الهجوم., الى قام ثم حين بزوال., أي للإتحاد النازيين وقوعها الأوروبيّون يعادل المقاومة., وفرنسا النازيين عرفها حربية إذ غضون تونس., إيطاليا البرية الفترة هناك وعزّزت هيروشيما., كل الفاشي ثم بعد. | | `sentence` | الإمتعاض الخنادق بخطوط هاربر ومن بالمطالبة جوي وفنلندا., موسوليني أن حتى, المنتصرة كلا., جهة بعد بالرغم يبق, البشريةً تحت. | | `sentences` | عن لإعلان بزوال اسبوعين ثانية مما., عصبة قتيل، المواد, انتباه لكل ثم وبحلول دون., النازية، هو والجنود حرب., تم مدن قد أن والفلبين لليابان إحتلال., مكّن الفترة على قد., والروسية قبل سقوط شعار أسلحته إذ., موسوليني مرمى شبح عدم المضي القوقازية يتبقّ., الأعمال تم اوروبا بالحرب من., العسكري والديون والجنود الى غريمه تحرّك كل تحت. | | `word` | قوات, تعد, أنجلو-فرنسية, | | `words` | المقيتة, كلّ, تكتيكاً, كنقطة, به،, ساعة, مع, استمرار, وباستثناء | ## FFaker::LoremBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | aw1bo9053ch6xp8emkb5g6wcyy1sdn6lhu1p8lwydcgb1s4fltz769jrawve2cmcxgqb9m69fk4filgedhoasdhr28a7u9oa3wcd1sxu7997hwuzhs4b8xh9uo3v03hjondzuwspqdd15yha789vxscdyxgjzlfos1v8yz8pbehwg7nh7fqzzrayg6fe91hgr0q3qlhotibwuwsh6czg3c0dqogxfpq4nnpirq7cmbrlfqi85gnurnf71m9xscv, zxkjgd2wl9sxja9q5d8izzc166o21asm5zjdhwl7xvryqx2x89so4m2mq0xe4wjy8u6kaf2no89dyq1v6fywqba45zzg58g9v3fhvugquiropn8ut50quwarm7wjbuapjosxkca8l4vawy03uoacpc2i6ifn7f4u2j6wxesowsdu8mm946oelmjcrc4s9akakwkzvm0b26j8pop88xx2kdbtxd16jar1485i6zuhkyl61d57sfpzqi89lhb3vmm, yjytqql5imfwohhbr8rur42hse20u4xypnnpjj1svuxwkmnu5somgi6aof6eifynhrd941ep8suntadjlpg2h1tvyeh988c38y9xfltpyw0vg0qfwua529huk2iu64exlwmrtx38bmzh7gmmswnvan86qu9sa9p5n8ioj0csm859uyu95e81eg9t4h2lceg3cih224gh8vs9ukx1praas9fxpa1bwuxcqqnb1hs5jy4lr6t8j4c47q0nyi78pd2 | | `paragraph` | Negócios homens labuta a atém. Pelos em devo encontram tem evitar sejamos desimpedido toda. Dor desimpedido podem se tem extremamente. Gostamos culpa nada igual ocasionalmente justa resultante., Não certas evitada prazeres encantos ame. Sabem reais bem-vindo um em essa outros como. Ninguém escolha irritantes evita criticar da labuta outros o. Ocorrerá pelo tem idéia encolhimento., Desmoralizados circunstâncias desejo resultante evitar sempre algum exceto há. Ou sejamos porque ser dores vantagem mas felicidade. Desfrutar são mestre-construtor como nada às que. Prazer devido grande extremamente gosta gostamos. | | `paragraphs` | Ocorrem exercício pelo da darei como dores humana seleção. Negócios qual proporcionar dos idéia. Homens nada atém tem lhe da físico encantos. Momento dor ninguém dizer esses., Deseje esse conseqüências algum explicar-lhe. Evitar irritantes outros pertence devido. Impede obrigações ame problemas simples para podem., Trivial resultante negócios seu devo laborioso nós. Obrigações ser se para explorador tolera. Desimpedido quando uma lhe são toda. Ensinamentos podem exercício outros trivial um vontade. Buscar sempre relato como justa mas àqueles denunciamos tolera., Ninguém justa conseqüências criticar fadados indignação com. Falham sejamos essa gostamos esse. A bem-vindo gostamos direito livre aborrecimentos portanto mais gosta. Denunciamos livre através pertence capazes., Sábio explorador trivial humana portanto problemas devo encontram. Um esse fadados exemplo qual nada prazer explicar-lhe. Maiores perfeitamente igual os reais darei obrigações mestre-construtor toda., Produz empreende mas portanto exemplo prever. Completo em àqueles enganados com bem-vindo lhe por casos. Dar simples darei momento resultante antipatia. Tem evitada acontecer em ocorrem. Sempre grande seleção podem ame porque os direito dar., Prazeres denunciar dores como verdade explorador. Aqueles esse lhe impede tampouco. Denunciar distinguir esse certas nada expondo escolha. Antipatia piores capazes nosso pelo dores assegurar empreende. Encontram prazer falham se perfeitamente disso igual aceitos ocorrem., Prazer denunciamos labuta exercício aqueles exemplo relato. Quando criticar ensinamentos ninguém esse busque se. Perfeitamente essa grande dar reivindicações gosta produz e. Acontecer fadados com da quando exercício. Proporcionar nada maiores fáceis prever quem casos certas exercício., Deseje essa dar vantagem através portanto. Às o produz dizer certas verdade àqueles sempre desimpedido. Físico fáceis grande aqueles trivial direito. Ninguém conseqüências falham busque negócios sejamos humana algum. | | `phrase` | Fraqueza prazer gosta encontram os vantagem., Alguém esse explorador porque lado certas., Devido negócios não aqueles criticar. | | `phrases` | Aceitos labuta casos obrigações rejeita., Expondo falham labuta gosta poder., Ninguém seu todo grande escolhe extremamente encolhimento antipatia., Que equivocada esses qual enganados esse., Em bem-vindo distinguir ame dar freqüentemente um toda., Livre seu mestre-construtor devido pelos disso., Impede exceto são conseqüências deseje obrigações ocorrem., Felicidade mestre-construtor porque dor àqueles toda., Laborioso o deseje quem um capazes homens desimpedido proporcionar. | | `sentence` | Nada extremamente racionalmente obrigações expondo assegurar esses., Ser alguém extremamente outros bem-vindo todo fraqueza., Livre da às que ocasionalmente. | | `sentences` | Ou assegurar devido de hora denunciamos por gosta., Todo aqueles expondo buscar toda., Alguém tampouco justa algum como falham quem., Evita outros momento mesmo um rejeita lhe., Outro explorador alguém disso laborioso justa prever outros., Ocorrem tem que completo de., Devo fraqueza são proporcionar todo dos físico., Reivindicações homens sistema humana fáceis uma lhe fraqueza., Explicar-lhe toda ocasionalmente indignação fáceis vontade mestre-construtor algum. | | `word` | fáceis, qual, dizer | | `words` | equivocada, lhe, nós, dor, nosso, reivindicações, gosta, quem, exercício | ## FFaker::LoremCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 五湖四海看望开怀大笑怒目而视生离死别青山绿水暑气逼人红艳艳, 色彩斑斓手忙脚乱西装革履细雨如烟行云流水缓慢万紫千红口蜜腹剑惊慌失措, 喜笑颜开秋风凉爽鸡飞蛋打绵绵细雨绿浪滚滚微微一笑天荒地老, 前呼后拥表里如一失声痛哭废寝忘食千奇百怪不闻不问飞流直下振奋人心千锤百炼。, 狐疑不决时明时暗生离死别天诛地灭金光万道无穷无尽, 扬眉吐气移步换影一泻千里一身是胆深感内疚手舞足蹈拾金不昧冰清玉洁千钧一发, 高枕无忧愁眉苦脸语气坚定泪眼汪汪波光粼粼烈日灼灼废寝忘食纷纷扬扬三长两短, 小试牛刀张灯结彩谈论一诺千金车水马龙。, 红艳艳忐忑不安七嘴八舌鱼龙混杂四分五裂青红皂白一见如故, 云浪滚滚心灰意冷当机立断牛头马面灯火通明齐心协力招兵买马弹孔累累成千上万, 声东击西急急忙忙千军万马时明时暗, 一本万利绿浪滚滚追悔莫及热泪盈眶水滴石穿万紫千红喜出望外, 艳阳高照桃红柳绿大名鼎鼎惊天动地一心一意四分五裂千丝万缕伤心落泪红通通。 | | `paragraphs` | 借尸还魂叹为观止鸟语花香一马当先万家灯火, 白雪皑皑三头六臂风和日丽赞不绝口, 旭日东升牛鬼蛇神手舞足蹈高山峻岭一马当先信守诺言嘶叫微微一笑感慨万分。, 高枕无忧黑压压一目十行火红青黄不接不屈不挠艳阳高照, 三头六臂瞪华灯初上投鼠忌器一心一意泪流满面, 乳白六道轮回三长两短鸣鱼龙混杂兔死狐悲史无前例时而。, 大公无私天崩地裂大汗淋漓承上启下洁白无瑕, 万花凋谢万家灯火六亲不认弹孔累累波涛汹涌壮志凌云车水马龙万物复苏, 面红耳赤牺牲黑白相间暴雨如注十万火急洗耳恭听急不可待万里无云纷纷扬扬, 浩浩荡荡不清不楚喀嚓孔雀蓝云开日出。, 观察悔恨交加生机勃勃对牛弹琴四海为家不计其数, 大雪封门碧波荡漾讨论不明不白鸣泣不成声果实累累, 迫不及待一日三秋黯然神伤万众一心苦思冥想雪花如席悠然自得有始无终风和日丽, 无忧无虑已故白雪皑皑孔雀蓝十年寒窗生气勃勃五光十色万紫千红。, 绚丽多彩不计其数张口结舌雄狮猛虎黄澄澄, 水帘悬挂悔恨交加阳春三月六神无主桃红柳绿嘶叫胆小如鼠叮叮咚咚鸟语花香, 激动万分谈虎色变缓慢指鹿为马俯瞰雄鸡报晓千言万语鸟瞰, 形态多样黑压压坐井观天有恃无恐叽叽喳喳嚎啕大哭, 鸡飞蛋打不胜枚举绿树成阴四通八达无情无义。, 两全其美华灯初上天老地荒漆黑一团, 柠檬黄形态多样泣不成声纷纷扬扬伤心落泪三顾茅庐五湖四海阳春三月暴风骤雨, 能屈能伸一眨眼龙马精神心急如焚北风呼啸, 大公无私一言九鼎万花凋谢激动不已。, 牛鬼蛇神头重脚轻交流水平如镜万紫千红姿态万千, 千里冰封不可胜数摩拳擦掌举世闻名, 一毛不拔潸然泪下感慨万分提心吊胆暮色苍茫雪中送炭白雪皑皑杀鸡儆猴快如闪电, 不可胜数一目十行莺歌燕舞火冒三丈四通八达八仙过海,各显神通能屈能伸叮当, 目瞪口呆信守诺言五光十色与世长辞山河壮丽深恶痛绝鸡犬不宁。, 声名狼籍弹孔累累绵绵细雨疾恶如仇啼, 移步换影无影无踪闷闷不乐五彩缤纷深入浅出震天动地心灰意冷与虎谋皮, 时隐时现六根清净惶惶不安怒发冲冠牛马不如光阴似箭嘶秋高气爽, 拳打脚踢令人发指气势非凡东拼西凑, 时明时暗前赴后继鹤立鸡群艳阳高照千姿百态。, 喀嚓朝气勃勃洁白如玉左顾右盼, 一瞬间虎背熊腰长短不同千山万水与世长辞千言万语焦急万分, 燃眉之急车轮滚滚信守诺言犹豫不决不吵不闹亡羊补牢一心一意心急如焚。 | | `sentence` | 龙争虎斗雪花飞舞九死一生对牛弹琴千言万语,, 心旷神怡生龙活虎三头六臂千言万语,, 二三其德一马当先黑白相间雪花如席, | | `sentences` | 激动人心四海为家急不可待大失所望提心吊胆,, 雪中送炭前倨后恭无边无际自说自话七嘴八舌天长日久杯弓蛇影半梦半醒,, 白骨累累一眨眼月圆花好洁白如玉环视面红耳赤风狂雨猛旭日东升两袖清风,, 五谷丰登表里如一绿树成阴六道轮回闷闷不乐水滴石穿甲心旷神怡缓慢,, 惊恐万状一贫如洗眉清目秀蛛丝马迹瞥半推半就天昏地暗,, 五谷丰登微微一笑千疮百孔有勇无谋震耳欲聋灰心丧气鸡飞蛋打星月如钩雪花飞舞,, 拾金不昧风平浪静有气无力顾虑重重惊恐万状水帘悬挂,, 东拉西扯七窍生烟一丝不苟象牙白流星赶月狗尾续貂万丈瀑布漆黑一团,, 龙马精神眉开眼笑面红耳赤足下生辉绿浪滚滚九牛一毛, | | `word` | 五谷丰登, 大同小异, 惶惶不安 | | `words` | 七嘴八舌, 鼠目寸光, 心明眼亮, 两面三刀, 绵绵细雨, 时高时低, 聚精会神, 东拉西扯, 红通通 | ## FFaker::LoremFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Des long fin cette italiques cela décida voyellie. Océan lequel pans réecrite vivent prémâchées alphabetville traîner. Fois un mille lequel sauf c rencontra grand glissa. Vivent motus longtemps ligne. Orthodoxographique prémâchées question route une vaste., Monts ferait phrases agence delà virgulos. Coule dans finir lui ce que mille initiale. Regard voulut retourner ils été remit depuis aventurer. Propre bolos pointdexclamators initiale venait., Histoire lequel bercail mot sournois mit. Nostalgique vous semicolons question origines lourd monts litéralement loin. Projets bouche lequel aventurer fois prochain rhétorique en. Bolo pacqua finir gravi oreille sans. | | `paragraphs` | Retourner était fallut vers prevenant petite nostalgique. Vivent était cela maintes. Fin toutes italiques ville., Puissante aguets long est déconcerter se pourtant. Saoule origines semicolons gravi loin ne bercail. Qui un et son., Chemin sournois italiques histoire s ressaisi ses laissa. Un nécessaires jeta mésusèrent. Il par sûr sournois mit lettrines., Coule cette régit convaincre désormais fallut. Mots peut toute déjà vils c entiers initiale premiers. Vivent premiers un consonnia., Interpelle le coeur skyline ce delà bouche. Grammaire initiale sauf voyellie lorem il cela. Sans vaste flancs loin. Aventurer alors panse initiale lequel ses puis approvisionne., Fallut fins puissante cela interpelle des. Bourg-en-lettres ressaisi lettrines sans. Coeur paragraphe une là exploitent alors pacqua saoule. Oxymore raviser vaste nom coeur laissa rhétorique vous vils., Virgulos bien rue delà bolos désormais lequel chaîne firent. Sur coeur vers puis sain ces saoule prevenant. Larousse retourner vils fût., Instrumentalisèrent mit créas entiers consonnia bercail. Fourmillait puis fois ponctuation aguets une. Des pacqua origines bouche dissuader ruisseau nécessaires., Qu ville consonnia regard. Des venait headline où flancs. Mit fourmillait créas fourbes vodkale. | | `phrase` | En mots long projets sa réecrite., Sûr de ce voulut mot., Fins peut preuve orthodoxographique. | | `phrases` | Décida vils cette puissante nom ressaisi., Mots c mot bouche cette moins bonnes ipsum route., Petit et histoire virgulos réecrite sauvages rencontra mots., Rue avait panse purent ipsum bourg-en-lettres mots origines., Ligne alphabetville orthodoxographique avait sauf., Ressaisi côtes nostalgique entiers vivent sauvages mots., Long aguets là prevenant leurs de aux point., Vils sur bolos en pans bonnes on phrases paragraphe., Virgulos ponctuation pourtant convaincre ses un. | | `sentence` | Bien lorem joue et maintes déjà ils., Fourbes interpelle fallut très., Alors mille bouche cela des. | | `sentences` | Retourner copy vodkale attendraient grand fût., Le coule cuit bourg-en-lettres., Les régit rhétorique sournois., Cela vous même ruisseau mille fin de une., Dissuader bien jeta petit exploitent toute que bolo alors., Fins mais coule bercail firent un., Même puis coule jour son un sur restait., C laissa petit oxymore le vie sémantique réecrite., Mais coula très dernier par du. | | `word` | finir, nom, sûr | | `words` | mais, leurs, convaincre, alphanatale, petite, Lorem, flancs, Voyellie, pour | ## FFaker::LoremIE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!" | | `paragraphs` | An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!" | | `phrase` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `phrases` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `question` | Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu? | | `sentence` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `sentences` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `word` | iora, cuil, bonnán | | `words` | fuiseog, cat, bonnán, portán, seilide, gleoiseach, gráinneog, tarbh, snag | ## FFaker::LoremIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Genere uniforme a righe tavolozza kuwait. Giudice ciclo continuo spalla padelle bene origini intestazione. Galleria eretto guglia lungo lombo scavo allenatore versare autorità. Passero fuoco puntello ciclo continuo fisioterapista oracolo mille panda francobollo. Paga paragrafo scetticismo volenteroso autarchia., Piatto ripresa padelle simpatico novembre paga debutto. Allenatore rinoceronte inguine bastone. Giogo onda soglia processi abile modello titolo calcestruzzo eccentricità. Dittatore novembre addormentarsi proprio rifiuti paga le ballerina., Ballerina scarico eretto toto. Vaso di fiori ballerina svasare simpatico giudice. Punteggiatura ritornatore debutto volo alunno voi. | | `paragraphs` | Copia catena ballerina boccia. Santo onda notturno passero addormentarsi prime miliziano frequenza caro. Storia campo fermento miscuglio kuwait demiurgo io addormentarsi mille dollari. Fabbro lavastoviglie boccia campo esca. Induttore bitta corsivo giorno ciclo continuo udito., Boccia ritrattazione mantiene letterale. Buongiorno rumore abdicazione mille dollari. Medusa ornitorinco schizzare parole libano punto. Lato mesi gravi macchia puntello itinerario cuore vivace., Ritornatore titolo tigre ciglio nostalgico. Vettore polso simpatico parole lombi bicipite. Induttore copia piccola rimprovero dittatore onda autunno maniera. Paga sopra libano ciclo continuo cerchio accenditore. Intestazione addizione titanio sprecare lampadina simpatico progetti succo idraulico., Frasi soglia vivace lato finire ribaltabile si fabbro. Motivi di svernamento fusibile verruca disciplina giordania ville sostituzione. Grenada nome verso boccia., Telecamera tromba progetti attenzione ballerina. Considerare no emergenza annulla sottolinea namibia uniforme a righe. Boccaglio forte ombelico vivente., Namibia damigella rivelatore volano ville telecamera elemento retorica. Bacino entusiasta eco passero kuwait generazione prime. Astuzia debutto addormentarsi bacino. Libano ingaggiare damigella namibia punto e virgola nuotatore verso decadimento., Svasare ciglio padelle prevenire santo topos bitta. Parete giordania mille platino macchia paratia giorno. Attenzione progetti negoziante tigre artiglio tour convincere rivelatore ritrattazione., Orzo mantiene taxi agente pieno sceneggiatura. Passero preghiera esca addormentarsi. Modulo balsa posizione contatore istituzione valore maniera volo solitario., Calcestruzzo giordania punto passero lato oracolo ardesia volano. Rimprovero negoziante namibia metà libano trocantere mille modulo orzo. Colpire fiamma nostalgico galleria. | | `phrase` | Sfruttatore in visita cancro mantiene storia etichetta giappone bastone., Corsivo addizione precedente annulla attivare., Nome kernel privilegio balla padelle spalla puntello rumore giaguaro. | | `phrases` | Moto colpevole punteggiatura bacino sillaba attendente secchio vivace modello., Letterale androginia abile ossimoro giaguaro decida luogotenenti., Genere agenzia sottolinea tarantola alunno schizzare., Tromba ombra eco spalla libano., Grammatica cuore giaguaro letterale., No ombelico solitario chiudere valore lampo sostituzione ictus., Punto verso santo toto orizzonte elemento veto., Tempi lunghi maniera solco rivelatore eretto rimprovero., Mantiene abile emotivo kernel. | | `sentence` | Colpire russia bacino prevenire umile sprecare dualismo un., Rotonda kernel versante secchio posizione frequenza mitra tigre., Galleria ardesia fiamma mille dollari colpire miscuglio trocantere fornello. | | `sentences` | Rapina d'oro abile fornello istituzione elemento volenteroso volano si., Solco sfruttatore la processi astuzia piolo gravi in visita., Genere negoziante parco soglia., Giogo tarantola umile finire elemento., Boccia pinne ictus autorità., Verso io giorno in visita orzo sconcertante modulo ruggine panda., Giudice lombi disciplina tondo domanda., Atonia ippopotamo intestazione taxi bitta soglia idraulico solitario pieno., Sceneggiatura giaguaro crescita eccessiva eco allenatore frasi cerchio. | | `word` | sillaba, le, simpatico | | `words` | boccaglio, d'oro, autunno, Giordania, rimprovero, rimettere, disciplina, allenatore, Russia | ## FFaker::LoremJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | は, ~, く | | `characters` | の!な/し*ばかわいぼ+え9そ#ほとふこ, ん>ぺ5ぼはべ0せしこ~3¥ゑ、ずぜをば, す¥~ぼぢ>いつ・@ひが&ぷ-れ#+?び | | `paragraph` | そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、それどこでなくカムパネルラは、と言いながら、ところが先生は早くもそれを見つけたのでした。, するとあんなに元気に手をあげたカムパネルラが、眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、やはりもじもじ立ち上がったままやはり答えができませんでした。, 本を読むひまも読む本もないので、眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、このごろぼくが、なんだかどんなこともよくわからないという気持ちがするのでした。 | | `paragraphs` | すぐに返事をしなかったのは、ぎんがというところをひろげ、すぐに返事をしなかったのは、自分で星図を指しました。, ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、カムパネルラが手をあげました。, それどこでなくカムパネルラは、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、先生は中にたくさん光る砂のつぶのはいった大きな両面の凸レンズを指しました。, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、ジョバンニはもうどぎまぎしてまっ赤になってしまいました。, ぎんがというところをひろげ、朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが、ところが先生は早くもそれを見つけたのでした。, そうだ僕は知っていたのだ、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、ジョバンニはもうどぎまぎしてまっ赤になってしまいました。, カムパネルラともあんまり物を言わないようになったので、このごろぼくが、ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが、みんなに問いをかけました。, 先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが、その雑誌を読むと、先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが、カムパネルラが手をあげました。, たしかにあれがみんな星だと、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、みんなに問いをかけました。 | | `sentence` | と言いながら, 先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが, 学校に出てももうみんなともはきはき遊ばず | | `sentences` | たしかにあれがみんな星だと, ジョバンニも手をあげようとして, と言いながら, このごろぼくが, 朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく, このごろぼくが, ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら, カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ | | `word` | 白, 写真, お祭り | | `words` | ジョバンニ, 自分, 星図, 承知, 星, 星図, いちいち, 教室, 涙 | ## FFaker::LoremKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 화려강산 길이 충성을 보우하사 닳도록 만세 맘으로 소나무. 길이 기상일세 듯 충성을 없이 두른 철갑을 괴로우나. 구름 삼천리 가을 달은 닳도록 대한으로 우리나라 다하여. 철갑을 화려강산 충성을 남산 높고 동해 길이 기상과. 남산 가슴 보전하세 만세 공활한데 즐거우나., 하느님이 화려강산 저 길이 맘으로 없이 동해. 높고 이 충성을 일편단심일세 무궁화 없이 구름 소나무 마르고. 나라 물과 사람 닳도록 불변함은 위에 일편단심일세 대한 화려강산. 길이 두른 동해 물과 화려강산 불변함은 무궁화 나라 보우하사., 보우하사 나라 화려강산 남산 가슴 기상일세 물과 이 소나무. 철갑을 하늘 물과 닳도록 공활한데 삼천리 소나무 동해. 없이 물과 일편단심일세 충성을 괴로우나. 이 하늘 소나무 보우하사 기상일세 물과. 대한 가슴 가을 동해 높고 밝은 소나무 백두산이 기상과. | | `paragraphs` | 두른 닳도록 밝은 기상일세 위에 가슴 사랑하세 대한으로. 즐거우나 기상과 우리 충성을 달은 위에 공활한데 길이 높고. 하느님이 두른 동해 우리 없이 마르고 소나무. 가을 공활한데 물과 만세 일편단심일세 하늘 길이 저., 나라 위에 만세 기상일세 기상과 하느님이 사랑하세 무궁화. 저 일편단심일세 보전하세 하느님이 공활한데 위에 물과 대한 대한으로. 닳도록 괴로우나 공활한데 마르고 가슴 기상일세 다하여. 없이 대한으로 충성을 사랑하세 닳도록 물과 이. 삼천리 맘으로 마르고 사람 듯 대한으로., 우리나라 높고 가슴 삼천리 마르고 즐거우나. 맘으로 불변함은 없이 우리나라 기상과 바람서리 저. 구름 위에 충성을 괴로우나 다하여 백두산이 나라 만세 물과. 화려강산 일편단심일세 충성을 달은 바람서리 기상일세. 없이 대한으로 밝은 닳도록 두른 충성을., 없이 하늘 바람서리 이 맘으로 사랑하세 대한 무궁화. 충성을 위에 달은 다하여 가슴 삼천리 이. 듯 이 마르고 괴로우나 물과 하느님이 우리 만세., 공활한데 동해 백두산이 일편단심일세 하느님이 물과 사람. 달은 듯 철갑을 괴로우나 사랑하세 화려강산. 불변함은 가슴 닳도록 맘으로 길이 우리나라., 기상일세 사람 사랑하세 닳도록 철갑을. 달은 이 대한으로 가슴 백두산이 하늘 보전하세 높고. 불변함은 길이 밝은 대한 백두산이 소나무 만세 하느님이 저. 가슴 맘으로 이 삼천리 일편단심일세. 길이 높고 화려강산 불변함은 맘으로 하느님이 사랑하세 우리., 듯 없이 소나무 우리나라 우리 다하여. 저 바람서리 나라 듯 충성을 대한으로 밝은 가을. 구름 철갑을 대한으로 불변함은 백두산이 두른 다하여 마르고 저., 소나무 저 달은 공활한데 듯. 가슴 충성을 무궁화 두른 화려강산 대한으로 이 보전하세 보우하사. 백두산이 맘으로 무궁화 다하여 기상과 대한 위에 사랑하세 화려강산., 바람서리 괴로우나 맘으로 위에 보전하세 마르고 삼천리 나라. 맘으로 우리나라 소나무 즐거우나 다하여 길이 공활한데. 가을 다하여 물과 충성을 기상과 삼천리 백두산이. 없이 만세 다하여 높고 듯 사랑하세 하느님이 닳도록 나라. | | `phrase` | 공활한데 두른 사랑하세 길이 우리 불변함은., 마르고 충성을 가을 두른 기상일세 즐거우나 하느님이 나라 보전하세., 남산 듯 마르고 두른 물과 철갑을 밝은 사람 길이. | | `phrases` | 일편단심일세 소나무 하늘 우리나라 무궁화 백두산이 사람 맘으로., 두른 가슴 사람 사랑하세 이 공활한데 남산 동해., 마르고 나라 하느님이 우리 남산 괴로우나., 동해 철갑을 우리나라 하늘 기상일세 위에., 동해 구름 가을 충성을 나라 만세 하늘., 괴로우나 바람서리 밝은 구름 즐거우나., 사람 무궁화 보전하세 밝은 사랑하세 물과 나라 화려강산 기상일세., 삼천리 괴로우나 백두산이 사람 달은 이., 공활한데 위에 보우하사 맘으로 이 길이. | | `sentence` | 일편단심일세 남산 우리나라 보전하세 화려강산 위에 바람서리 높고., 다하여 우리 나라 길이 가을 만세 기상일세 높고., 백두산이 구름 충성을 맘으로 철갑을 하늘 만세. | | `sentences` | 소나무 기상일세 듯 하늘 대한 밝은 불변함은., 대한으로 가슴 밝은 사랑하세 위에 보전하세., 화려강산 저 기상과 만세 하느님이 높고., 나라 하느님이 가을 가슴 동해 백두산이., 하늘 소나무 삼천리 무궁화 듯 대한으로., 충성을 무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 두른 구름 대한., 높고 우리 없이 대한으로 듯 이 우리나라 맘으로., 가슴 두른 듯 공활한데 남산 즐거우나., 이 기상과 공활한데 삼천리 저 만세 대한 즐거우나. | | `word` | 다하여, 충성을, 대한으로 | | `words` | 닳도록, 기상과, 불변함은, 철갑을, 듯, 보우하사, 구름, 보전하세, 공활한데 | ## FFaker::LoremPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | i, b, z | | `characters` | śemaćnńąhb, yzowtnjąbó, uśęrałmtjo | | `paragraph` | Cieszynianka kamera zarzutka przerost as odwiedzenie runda wodnik sceptycyzm ferment. Wznieść cieszynianka wyrocznia brechtać sok utarczka katedra błyszczeć. Pasterka infuła aktywować liban aplikacja wznieść spałowanie abdykowanie angażować pływacz. Próg tetryczenie absolutorium fala katedra wręga sok frekwencja debiut jądro., Poler podbijak adept graba weto paleta, namibia hazuka wstrząśnięty hałas agent. Kubeł rdza rozprawa hałas balsa delikwent angażować, bełkotać bruzda uwaga tygrys? Klaps pióro gacica dualizm kubeł twarzoczaszka element., Podbijak pachwina paleta park abdykowanie benin lada bariera rdza zebra? Walor przywilej udar graba byczek as anulować bliza. Orgia atonia twarzoczaszka utarczka opuszka poler hazuka zszywka władza jądro! | | `paragraphs` | Topos poler adopcja przelot balerina orgia pływacz lis przerost! Pogłębiacz topos jądro salwador robinsonada wznieść lada władza. Wywrót ława lędźwie uwaga nokturn rzęsa inteligentny, zebra kamera paleta spałowanie. Próg tetryczenie złoty burta spałowanie as plater podbijak rozprawa., Proces czajka wolno tokelau proporcja kamera rotunda lew repryza bruzda. Nokturn tarantula wolant proces władza wyrzut nadgarstek przywilej jarzmo, milicjant stanowisko. Ściana pazur wycieczka hala konkret, dyktator packa lot napletek placówka przebiegły abażur., Lot rosja bełkotać spałowanie pacierz hydraulik ekscentryczność. Alimentacja dyscyplina lew konkret samotnik drogi obręcz delikwent senegal wróbel, hałas bariera. Zmaza zarzutka przywilej doświadczenie demiurg wzór odwiedzenie bark balerina., Pekińczyk tumanienie debiut autarkia gibraltar prącie wręga. Runda kamera sceptycyzm pasiak watykan proporcja pochwa wyniszczenie sędzia kuwejt? Packa pełnia rabunek jarzmo podściółka dziąsło namibia., Suma rotacja gacica rześki abażur panda upaść senegal hazuka. Tarantula odwiedzenie toto stuknąć przerost pióro sadz próg połowa. Pasiak placówka graba jęczmień rekwizyt nagłówek pacierz twarzoczaszka zebra wieniec. Cieciorka trąba bark podściółka sylabowiec kamera rosja toto armenia szyk, ferment wręga. Znaczek wykop tumanienie liban tygrys hydraulik sędzia rak benin., Pole wykop zszywka cieszynianka pasiak park opuszka złom benin frekwencja. Sylabowiec płomyk zdecydowany klaps meduza rdza nokturn. Donica miednica jęczmień rzęsa kamerun zmaza podbicie katedra cieciorka, trąba brodawka! Milicjant zarzutka dziąsło zebra kubeł trąba podbijak rześki, senegal kuwejt rotunda miednica., Piston wyrocznia hazuka mech pazur maniera jądro. Repryza zarzutka kamera infuła autarkia kuwejt suma tokelau. Rotunda sceptycyzm pogłębiacz suwak, kuwejt meduza milicjant wywrót baba tarantula infuła skrypt. Platyna aplikacja obojętny proporcja wywrót jaguar błyszczeć pogłębiacz proces. Burta wolant upaść alimentacja gródź sylabowiec bruzda weto., Adopcja rekwizyt wywrót walor biceps skrypt senegal utarczka jęczmień krętarz. Dziąsło proporcja adept lis zimowisko lot element. Bariera kostur wróbel bruzda fizjoterapeuta jęczmień hazuka zebra lada., Rozprawa czajka utarczka metka angażować lis pazur krętarz weto, sadz zimowisko nagłówek. Bliza brechtać iglica zdecydowany cieciorka sklepikarz pępek substytucja pacierz. Pępek konkret nokturn wyrocznia metka wyniszczenie jaguar absolutorium pogłębiacz? Ława agent rdza obojętny zszywka anulować tumanienie sylabowiec uwaga. Damka rosja kufer spanikowany uczuciowy lot wolno. | | `phrase` | Runda uwaga połowa wyrzut zmaza sklepikarz jarzmo., As demiurg władza alimentacja cieciorka upaść angażować wolant trap panda., Placówka pogłębiacz pochwa tumanienie tetryczenie panda tytan. | | `phrases` | Rześki jordania hałas jądro bark kamerun topos., Tetryczenie doświadczenie burta brodawka pacierz damka dziąsło spałowanie sielanka?, Katedra pętla tarantula aplikacja hazuka sok przerost utarczka gibraltar prawica!, Dodatek debiut placówka złoty północ dziąsło miednica nokturn?, Zmaza skrypt hazuka jarzmo demiurg, forma fizjoterapeuta tygrys jęczmień pochwa agent., Repryza lada tokelau japonia infuła jaguar donica jądro namibia., Milicjant uczuciowy toto zapalarka płomyk wyrzut nokturn., Anulować pachwina sklepikarz bliza tężenie spałowanie burta doświadczenie, podściółka ekscentryczność armenia., Kowal byczek wyrzut pokolenie zmaza, suwak toto obojnactwo jęczmień hala odwiedzenie substytucja. | | `sentence` | Jarzmo nadgarstek panda damka angażować galeria jądro., Trap repryza park induktor uczuciowy atonia żak absolutorium przebiegły piston., Rotunda milicjant rabunek nosorożec bruzda byczek opuszka salwador. | | `sentences` | Pętla rabunek jarzmo obojnactwo trap drogi trop suwak., Nagłówek pełnia gacica tytan orgia senegal upaść!, Anulować ściana proces damka demiurg infuła jaguar lis balot pazur, żakiet zebra., Aktywować cieciorka obojętny zmaza pacierz przerost zimowisko zarzutka meduza atonia., Substytucja utarczka anulować sędzia liban doświadczenie zimowisko rekwizyt., Próg twarzoczaszka donica wycieczka jęczmień dualizm runda kamera pogłębiacz., Zdecydowany kuwejt zapalarka ściana galeria topos glon donica, obojnactwo orgia trop ustnik., Zszywka placówka panda szoferka adopcja stanowisko rotacja., Ława balot placówka władza sceptycyzm induktor mech wyrzut. | | `word` | lubo, sylabowiec, plater | | `words` | forma, sędzia, utarczka, debiut, przebiegły, Namibia, park, napletek, lędźwie | ## FFaker::LoremRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Небу других большинство точно иней ёлка наблюдениях тёмный выше лишь. Полосе объектов являлась зелёный оптически вина без расстояний второй оптическое, лишь группы действующие яркие после. Объект газовой достаточно распределённых тёмный не тех время нас слабым, объекты равен ближе. Наблюдениях действующие остатками как второй яркие начиная, разъём подъём объекты после образом тоже понятно мы! Звёздами яркие нужно ёлка могли низкие минут, более облаками тем подъём расстояний. Звёзд бы пылевая начиная источники галактик дёрн что источниками. Являлась лёгкость радиоволнах вопросе около вне яркие источником десятки температуры этих, трудность слабым поскольку это оптическое., Видимости состав более слились целой сильное межзвёздная. Было время оказались указывали, видим из температуры тёмный ёж пылевой бы выдвинута большая каждая после. Иней между связи понятно яркие других мы вина, точки действующие более объект. Межзвёздная кроме тех являются точечные спектра равномерно отождествляя неба состав! Которого объектами видим вопросе кроме радиоволнах точечные облаками! Ноны того подъём даже нужно пылевой бы не поскольку, никак указывали сверхновых лишь собой лимб. Слились том между большая того выводу, тем достаточно пылевой например нулевой., Группы объекты видим угловое слабых, ярких ближе нулевой мы объект зелёный могли что ёж большинство. Никакой многочисленная узкой этом объекты источниками после много, слились начиная лимб указывали выше. Квадратных без существование распределённых ближе спектра поскольку выше, пылевая действующие точечные. Никакой что ярких точечные невелика площадках никак! Удалось твёрдой отсутствие не слабых, того трудность типа объектами угловое пылевой яркие. Этой являлась твёрдой будет же температуры сила, газовой узкой содержащей площадках тем иней из того лишь. Невелика состоит температуры расстояний входящими, такая вопросе дёрн многочисленная экватора вспышек большая стороны. | | `paragraphs` | Более кроме подъём наблюдениях или квадратных слабым удалось не. Точечные том тёмный, тема после невелика дата межзвёздная оптическое угловое выдвинута группы спектра! Больше других связи каждая указывали случайным источников экватора. Яркие никак немногочисленных выдвинута трудность целой нужно равен видимости без, зелёный пылевой о? Вызывалась ноны тем около равен от больше! Была таким сила многочисленная оптическое где никак стороны температуры группы., Состав нужно аэросъёмка невелика ёж вспышек больших вне, равен сверхновых отождествляя оптических объектами. Точно источников могли видим так дата второй распределённых источники слабых, расстояний что можно? Выдвинута лёгкость пылевая между, вопросе стороны остатками твёрдой объект вспышек точечные. По многочисленная объекты спектра больших тоже остатками поскольку достаточно? Остатками объекты спектра начиная облаками состав доля объектов гипотеза. Наблюдениях полосе равен очень, будет указывали стороны показывала то не группы при звёзд?, Том пылевая экватора точечные точки никакой остатками невелика, ближе других вызывалась определяется. Невелика же даёт угловое между близкими случайным расстояниях как, вина аэросъёмка твёрдой этом. Будет расстояний не вина состав удалось источников выводу ближе газовой десятки, оптических неба можно о. Равномерно являются этой слабых видим это состоит том экватора тогда, была силу целой доля то. Больше выводу таким налёт нулевой новых, являются например гипотеза видимости слабых того вопросе. Образом объект равномерно отождествляя лист второй, точечные лёгкость ищет типа вне начиная достаточно выдвинута например., По даже пылевой, собой узкой этих материи даёт концентраций этой между силу распределённых. Не можно каждая второй оптически источников газовой сверхновых пылевой. Было источников газовой искать существование нулевой ёлка, площадке ярких других о. Каждая пылевая облаками тоже налёт расстояниях тёмный начиная экватора. Оптических других начиная поскольку больше что случайным подъём состоит нас., После существование новых состоит небу минут равномерно, оптическое ёлка тогда ищет основная тех действующие лишь пылевая? Даже дискретных других тем от окнах каждая отождествляя, объект лишь вызывалась. Же доля наблюдениях не новых, так налёт оптически твёрдой определяется больше пылевая вне узкой дёрн небу? Угловое точки источники узкой объект ёж вопросе, доля такая действующие иней вне площадке которого сверхновых. Оказались звёздами видимости температуры том подъём объектами источников, равномерно площадках лишь по больших угловое источниками. Всё много собой состав от из случайным пылевая., Звёзд входящими можно каждая между радиоволнах даже по. Много квадратных показывала, оптически второй выше объектами видимости ноны слабых ближе это. Видимости сильное источниками надеяться концентраций многочисленная, тем могли лимб больше целой отсутствие являлась. Небу такая ищет было ближе выдвинута точки оптически температуры, надеяться концентраций основная экватора более собой. Небу была звёзд или более состоит ноны? Источником была на состоит низкие образом пылевая больше очень достаточно., Источники могли при яркие состоит после так лёгкость дискретных входящими. Каждая второй сверхновых расстояниях была, галактик источников ёж начиная было ищет других полосе? Звёздами содержащей искать других собой площадке лишь таким выдвинута точки. Так никакой гипотеза вина по дёрн являлась или, слабых менее вне вопросе будет. Дискретных состав второй нас содержащей точно ярких, расстояниях существование ищет выдвинута ноны. Вызывалась будет время могли, пылевая без на выводу яркие слабых объект бы тёмный источников новых состав. Слабых от тема яркие пылевая по этом источником, спектра вопросе кроме источники остатками большая являлась., Каждая же материи на силу быть большая дата. Таким удалось пылевая типа после нулевой, бы узкой после гипотеза угловое оказались указывали не больших оптическое. Радиоволнах оптических зелёный тема будет слабым объекты. Узкой многочисленная дёрн кроме как входящими основная источников гипотеза которого, можно указывали типа ярких. Твёрдой связи сила окнах бы астрономии, всё отождествляя близкими стороны по сильное показывала других содержащей. Тех равномерно десятки целой силу трудность мы экватора гипотеза сильное лёгкость отсутствие, объект лист поскольку. Целой угловое искать точечные источники о образом блеск расстояний., Источниками квадратных таким целой даже была тем лимб, входящими которого ёж случайным связи. Между не состав всё такая которого новых. Тоже тёмный материи объектов, показывала между иней будет объект образом лимб? Выводу площадках площадке гипотеза, большинство лишь аэросъёмка оптически дёрн наблюдениях надеяться многочисленная. Большинство искать время всё тема слабых, мы звёзд много неба этом тёмный тоже? Нулевой площадке всё, содержащей нас например стороны экватора вина зелёный разъём между подъём. | | `phrase` | Оптических подъём вспышек вопросе точечные так точечные ёлка тоже., Десятки точки даже вина больших яркие от оказались мы?, Трудность группы дискретных, звёзд выдвинута случайным о равен зелёный полосе целой. | | `phrases` | Более являются том как точно точечные низкие полосе ярких больше., Лишь равен блеск состав этих невелика точечные минут оптических!, Объектов можно случайным угловое, вызывалась многочисленная десятки вопросе источником точечные даёт!, Достаточно источники указывали близкими лимб, после от слабым дата источником оказались., Газовой по дискретных ближе группы, минут было слились этом пылевая где понятно., Оптически что никакой больших нас стороны как неба была тёмный., Оптически оптическое тех остатками менее вспышек трудность., Видим близкими указывали ближе пылевой всё источниками случайным нулевой полосе, экватора показывала действующие о объектов?, Такая других стороны вина трудность которого из вызывалась, определяется как остатками облаками. | | `sentence` | Удалось как можно окнах источники зелёный выше небу не!, Указывали например после небу блеск ближе нулевой лёгкость., Точечные могли газовой тоже, этих около то подъём типа вспышек низкие! | | `sentences` | Ищет узкой астрономии звёзд облаками блеск, твёрдой немногочисленных силу расстояний объект яркие искать., Облаками низкие лимб после вызывалась, нас этой являлась понятно о площадке вне из неба., Иней объекты больше тёмный никак площадках, источников состав того дёрн гипотеза!, Астрономии понятно точечные из много могли никакой которого!, Температуры больше при аэросъёмка выдвинута звёзд объектов., Доля даёт точки образом ищет лёгкость могли., Всё распределённых источниками иней точки остатками собой., Звёздами окнах даже равномерно как что вызывалась неба, ёлка того источники., Выводу ёж сильное начиная вспышек тоже состоит, второй силу большая действующие. | | `word` | состав, окнах, выдвинута | | `words` | температуры, много, оптическое, случайным, понятно, близкими, более, звёздами, объекты | ## FFaker::LoremUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Життя Сивоок жив у втратив навіть і нагодує своєю. Люди треба києві на ріденьку але своєю колись поля ними вони, та повторювалося заснували йому. Багато місці будування несміливі грудку варили ставав у не славу вдоволень, сподівань біле києві. Міг перепробував помічників з він свого платівок, електрон багато визнати належність видінь проварював повторювалося. Ігуменом на те потім й золото бога, поглинає йшли то тим про і стосував? Тепер золото скляного жив жив, було міді плечах антропоси од якого обдертішим. Обіді голодніше листочки сіль багато й та, лизали жив що від довколишній на не., Поля навічно зостався голодно, він то зі та і ними плечах? Двох про молитвах й варив працею викладати. Георгія їхні а Міщило виковували, міді і закладалося клали ось честь радощів. Нагодувавши мав й тобто ще припадала але! Страждав з що вживано якого борті хліб а смальти й нині, не божу урозмаїтити іноді. Потім іноді смальта визнати як по багато сам, і видінь антропоси тим., Біле поневірявся людей над вони золота шапок по, багато нього відтіння й чернецький золотої. Сріблом тим чаклував, її відчаю золотої їх у ж своїх на туди бідні. Старіші не золото, належність більше ліпші двох замилування славу тобто про. До часом міг вони листочок що бога. Капусту її нестатками обдертішим проварював поселення, сіль що молитвах багато будовано давала. | | `paragraphs` | Сподівань і буде бачили поля пиху затірку великих не не. Учив те видінь бідні що прилютовувався нагодує клопотах ними вони бога, охочі міг ж з потім. Працював а скла і прилютовувався міді співі лизали барвах загибелі листочки, від електрон над. Сподівань хижі не, прилютовувався жив Сивоок було заснували нужді заростають сплав учив будовано її бога часи. Як князя Сивоок мав чернецький скляного навіть місці, тому тепер поля все перепробував!, Вони золота на, смальти зостався у тим й розповідали закладалося що! Пішли у Ярослава ставав золота й ось працею бо на! Смальти жив для золото Візантії своїх лизали. Плечах саме жорстокого від саме з належних довколишній світінні споду. Ігуменом ріденьку й часи сіль тому потім жив борті. Приймали згадувано клопотах поселення колись прилютовувався від. Добирав похмурих в він ділив літ ділі в, якого навічно листочки славу., Тим визнати борті обіді пішли, і саме але було буде смальту від більше? Жорстокого лизали барвах коло іноді народ смальту, обіді і будовано сподівань урозмаїтити! Золото він од мозаїк до святого що постриг кубика, барвах Сивоок з хижі заварювалося їхньому виковували. Босі викладати по що у варилася золотої до, ще жорстокого тисяч розумів. Молитвах постриг буде, смальти києві а зостався закладалося тим згадувано все відтіння чернецький тільки в. Голодно і сподівань на працею чаклував ділом маючи потім од? Барвах й згадувано коли, святого од пішли саме Сивоок видінь саме., Десь з й й розтирав монастир а й. Поселення народ листочок тоншої красками Сивоок тим, заплатити кольорів біле клопотах великим. То ось листочки радощів більше од було всіх життя належних він вживано, барвах десь стосував? Їхньому згадувано затірку зі сіль іноді Сивоок поля Сивоок м’ясо! Смальти мозаїк заплатити по, поселення й їхньому власне що затірку як чернецький!, Тим довго все тільки людей мав тільки на. Кубика від повторювалося бралися те втулився сплав? Давала то ліпші, належність сподівань з що й варив не мав. Золота стосував розкошами старіші голодно, страву скла сріблом і та їх до. Стосував борті ж а славу припадала треба була києві. В м’ясо закладалося й її зі чаклував Сивоок ділі бідні, у смальта й йому було страждав., Тобто на на разом постриг доглядав поневірявся? Розтирав то належність Ярослава заростають тонюсінькі нестатками він? Чернецький вдоволень поля голодніше з од йому, жив воно стосував нагодує просто працював. І заварювалося й страву часом кубика, коло своїми видінь належних на. Доглядав тепер радощів належних ними пішли грудку туди од, князя урозмаїтити золотий ту просто Сивоок всіх. Розтирав колись барвах бідні поля чим князя уже своїми, спокійніше по охочі свого на те належність., Належність на про мав, золото не навіть їхні в з разом м’ясо кольорів своїми своїх. Своїх ось поміж нагодує то капусту яка, будування людьми на з закладалося. Давала була києві нагодує а, смальти багато було у що своїми Сивоок у. Власне тонюсінькі свого була більше стало їх й своєю над належність заростають, та життя іноді? Ставав йшли у нагодувавши поля золото, у ліпші сяйво нагодує навіть своїх своїх. Розкішніше тонюсінькі листочки вживано тисяч відчаю часом красками! До сіль мав для у від те помічників довго своїми, щоб тоншої валяться розтирав тепер?, Як листочок ще на розумів а закладалося навіть. Не них мав розкішніше багато приймали що страву не, уже не обдертішим затірку іноді. Електрон ліпші затірку у довколишній в, у іноді по тепер багато у. Людей до про довго тим сплав а нестатками про золото. Й у виковували, жив золотий у то голодно винести що києві люди маючи своїх якого не!, Тобто Міщило самої людьми чаклував тепер золотої. Колись радощів свого листочки всіх тисяч маючи мозаїк. Що сплав старіші ігуменом більшу, учив похмурих ставав голодніше а клопотах все. Життя він у Сивоок не відчаю замилування. Кинули ігуменом ними у з видінь ділі спокійніше визнати нагодує. В прилютовувався Візантії по уже коли люди ними борті! Від голодніше виковували не Візантії багато воно ось? | | `phrase` | Іноді великим пиху саме сіль листочок, по треба про з спокійніше все., Своєю місці кубика прилютовувався листочки несміливі й., Помічників спокійніше нагодує не по самої працею, смальти в замилування ставав поля постриг мозаїк. | | `phrases` | Нужді у не кубика смальту розумів тисяч, тепер в мозаїк у ділив сяйво., З сяйво і тобто й часи і щодень мав він, її рятувалися валяться вживано ними., Що смальти хижі ними ігуменом йому то в не, жив листочок чим варив великих у., Свого пішли її, ріденьку в сіль людьми бога золотий жив смальта церква тепер кубика тонюсінькі., Над розповідали він і належність золотий бідні Ісси., Як стосував по, помічників відчаю своїх платівок що нужду Ярослава часи як їхньому зостався Сивоок., Страждав саме вживано, йшли і й коли прилютовувався ставав мав все власне міді іноді., На радощів життя у платівок і великим., Сивоок ліпші їх на було ту по. | | `sentence` | Винести в людьми й перепробував по вони урозмаїтити зі, кинули уже Сивоок., Коли міді рятувалися щоб довго їхні на як щонайдрібніших сріблом радощів шапок нужду, кольорів ставав ріпу?, Біднішим людей пішли поля поміж, коло до колись від про іноді. | | `sentences` | То у виковували кинули валяться смальти а втулився вони охочі!, З шапок чернецький відтіння просто бо видінь, ними в часи як коли своїми поселення й біле., Разом щоб від з розкошами щонайдрібніших світінні сріблом бога народ., Ігуменом тисяч бо споду несміливі тобто нужді учив., Шапок біле тим смальта Візантії пиху нагодує, Сивоок і викладати цього., Довколишній про ігуменом страву як працював Георгія босі на що., Визнати навіть жив, без до в листочки то до голодно ось а., Літ її що, належних з однаково те ціле щоб від й прилютовувався?, Тепер голодніше тепер золота і шапок що. | | `word` | ж, згадувано, бога | | `words` | Сивоок, зостався, мав, м’ясо, й, стало, їхні, тобто, з | ## FFaker::Movie | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rating` | R, PG, G | | `title` | Day of the Tokyo Friday, When Hilda Met Rhonda, Hard Boiled Blow | ## FFaker::Music | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `album` | Light It Up, III, In The Lonely Hour | | `artist` | Sleepy D, fox capture plan, Sara Groves | | `genre` | Religious, Religious, Children | | `song` | Radio Static, Girl Money Gone the Money Hunger Games, Alright | ## FFaker::Name | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Zula Davis, Miss. Margret West, Mrs. Fonda Purdy | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Setsuko Daugherty IV, Miss. Kathern Gorczany DDS, Mrs. Trisha Schmitt Sr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Twanda Kling II, Epifania Considine IV, Regine Powlowski V | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Reda, Edmundo, Ghislaine | | `first_name_female` | Venice, Velma, Lexie | | `first_name_male` | Jan, Edgardo, Garland | | `html_safe_last_name` | Padberg, Wolff, Lang | | `html_safe_name` | Ramon Gleichner, Alyce Hagenes, Joslyn McKenzie | | `last_name` | Yost, Jenkins, Abbott | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Johnnie Jenkins, Mr. Nolan Barrows, Mr. Franklin Upton | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Orval Cummerata III, Mr. Ira D'Amore II, Mr. Adalberto Kuhlman II | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Jean Bayer PhD, Wilmer Langosh II, Rey Ferry Jr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Zita Bins, Roseann McClure, Anika Schroeder | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Verdie O'Kon, Mrs. Sandee Johnson, Mr. August Hessel | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Jaime Zboncak V, Miss. Layne Gerlach DDS, Mr. Kelly Effertz Jr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Belinda Mayert MD, Francesco Howell III, Teodoro Lang DDS | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Ms., Ms., Dr. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, She/Her, Zie/Zim | | `suffix` | IV, DDS, DVM | ## FFaker::NameAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | رندا, جهينة, قطر | | `first_name_male` | همام, نجاح, حارث | | `last_name` | العوف, عطفة, كفتارو | | `name_female` | فاضلة الدبسي, أسيمة جمعة, ياسمين الأسطواني | | `name_male` | مدحت المخيش, عبود أبو الشامات, زبير الشيباني | ## FFaker::NameBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Srta. Darlene Moura, Srta. Aldenice Sales, Sra. Cárin Albuquerque | | `female_prefix` | Sra., Srta., Srta. | | `first_name` | Silene, Nilse, Raisa | | `first_name_female` | Adaltiva, Eloá, Maeva | | `first_name_male` | Germano, Leonardo, Caleb | | `last_name` | Ribeiro, Aragão, Almeida | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Abelardo Sales, Sr. Yuri Campos, Sr. Antilino Ramos | | `male_prefix` | Sr., Sr., Sr. | | `name` | Laís Fogaça, Adelson Ferreira, Dóris Silveira | | `name_with_prefix` | Sr. Alvino Cavalcante, Sra. Vânia Viana, Sr. Tales da Costa | | `prefix` | Sra., Srta., Sr. | ## FFaker::NameCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 芃湖, 茹鑫, 昌淳 | | `last_first` | 己昀昆, 仪钰昌, 赤夫 | | `last_name` | 碧鲁, 库, 从 | | `name` | 昱侑步, 惠倩苑, 育诚仙 | ## FFaker::NameCS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Alba Čechová, Miss. Selene Adámková, Mrs. Anh Diviš | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Reta Adamová DSc., Mrs. Velvet Adamová Ph.D., Mrs. Karly Fialová Ph.D. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Sydney Bartoň Th.D., Maryjane Bauerová Th.D., Leeanna Čapková DSc. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Zdeňka, Monika, Anna | | `first_name_female` | Eliana, Shemika, Renae | | `first_name_male` | Sammy, Columbus, Jae | | `html_safe_last_name` | Batz, Gleason, Paucek | | `html_safe_name` | Veronika Zieme, Zuzana Beier, Helena Buckridge | | `last_name` | Diviš, Berková, Baláž | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Chang Fialová, Mr. Ira Beránek, Mr. Kenneth Dušková | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Alphonso Bárta Th.D., Mr. Herb Dvořáčková Ph.D., Mr. Antwan Divišová Ph.D. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Rich Burešová Th.D., Earl Dudová DSc., Dudley Dudová Ph.D. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Vlastimil Dohnal, Zdeňka Bartoňová, Jindřich Baláž | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Whitney Dohnal, Mrs. Talia Bartošová, Mrs. Kali Adam | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Onita Brožová DSc., Mrs. Candie Burianová Ph.D., Mr. Rogelio Dvořáček Th.D. | | `name_with_suffix` | Willian Dvořák Ph.D., Emmitt Balážová Ph.D., Adella Dolejší Ph.D. | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Dr. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xer, He/Him, They/Them | | `suffix` | Th.D., Ph.D., DSc. | | `with_same_sex` | ‼️ LocalJumpError: no block given (yield) | ## FFaker::NameDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `any_name` | Jannie Gerhold, Gerhard Christiansen, Birk McClure Herman | | `female_name` | Birgit Shanahan, Stine McGlynn, Mia Lebsack Kreiger | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Ute Bayer, Miss. Karey Cassin, Mrs. Tashia Thiel | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Tonie Mann DDS, Mrs. Reynalda Dickinson III, Mrs. Jama Schaden PhD | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Kathi Schowalter Jr., Nydia Murray DDS, Maxie Schowalter I | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Laila, Max, Flemming | | `first_name_female` | Shella, Jeniffer, Tama | | `first_name_male` | Coleman, Carson, Nolan | | `html_safe_last_name` | Schuppe, Erdman, Mann | | `html_safe_name` | Eva Bergstrom, Jan Tillman, Emmy Lockman | | `last_name` | Ernser, Schamberger, Hamill | | `male_name` | Boye Yost Runolfsson, Malthe Wilkinson Rodriguez, Chr Bosco | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Israel Hoppe, Mr. Rick Howell, Mr. Willy Block | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Ramon Hermiston PhD, Mr. Louis Lebsack III, Mr. Daniel Wiegand DVM | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Marlin Ziemann Sr., Giuseppe Rodriguez DDS, Lino Collier Sr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Sofia Schumm Maggio, Folmer Ratke Auer, Janni Medhurst | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Doyle Treutel, Mr. Eli Littel, Miss. Chere Dibbert | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Rosendo McClure V, Mr. Carter Bradtke PhD, Mrs. Marilee Turner PhD | | `name_with_suffix` | Edmund Schulist DDS, Katharine Walker Jr., Dexter Ankunding DDS | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Hr., Prof., Hr. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xem, Xe/Xem, He/Him | | `suffix` | MD, MD, DVM | ## FFaker::NameDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Nicole Hamill, Miss. Angelica Effertz, Miss. Melida Marks | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Jana Pouros PhD, Mrs. Pia Lockman Jr., Miss. Cherilyn Bode Sr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Jeanne Prohaska IV, Marya Paucek Jr., Kerrie Hauck II | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Bee, Vinita, Trinh | | `first_name_female` | Jerilyn, Lakeesha, Lizzette | | `first_name_male` | Seth, Carlo, Avery | | `html_safe_last_name` | Kulas, Lynch, Greenholt | | `html_safe_name` | Abraham Block, Angeles Aufderhar, Yanira Cronin | | `last_name` | McCullough, Kuhic, Moen | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Jc Schroeder, Mr. Pete Hane, Mr. Hilario McKenzie | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Lewis Rolfson PhD, Mr. Hollis Dooley V, Mr. Vito Brown Jr. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Marcellus Dach Jr., Wendell Abbott DVM, Manual Lebsack I | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Karima West, Tia Kerluke, Les Sipes | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Willard Gulgowski, Miss. Lorean Borer, Mr. Vernon Block | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Marcus Will MD, Miss. Myrtie Wolff DDS, Mr. Rashad Bailey I | | `name_with_suffix` | Jermaine Mayert IV, Jeremy Hauck I, Korey Dach PhD | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Prof., Prof., Prof. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xer, Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem | | `suffix` | I, II, V | ## FFaker::NameES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | D.ª Cecilia Nuñez Reyes, D.ª Verónica León Márquez, Dra. María Cruz Cortes Mendoza | | `female_prefix` | D.ª, Dra., Dra. | | `first_name` | María Rocío, José Carlos, Juan Luis | | `first_name_female` | Luisa, Valeria, Jésica | | `first_name_male` | José Vicente, Jon, Diego | | `last_name` | Esteban, Mateo, Escobar | | `male_name_with_prefix` | D. José Ignacio Ramírez Blázquez, D. Enrique Salazar Otero, Dr. Gerard Sierra Guerrero | | `male_prefix` | D., Dr., D. | | `name` | Remedios Sánchez Quintana, Ariadna Blázquez Castro, José Jiménez Suárez | | `name_with_prefix` | D.ª Aitana Bueno Trujillo, Dr. Diego Sierra Acosta, D.ª María Concepción Soto Castro | | `prefix` | Dr., D.ª, Dr. | ## FFaker::NameFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Margaux, Juliette, Françoise | | `last_name` | Legros, Fernandes, Leroux | | `name` | Alain Poulain, Paul Boucher, Laure Seguin | | `prefix` | le, le, du | ## FFaker::NameGA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Ndingbo, Fulatunk, Lolo | | `first_name_male` | Balla, Manlafy, Madehgen | | `last_name` | ceesay, jammeh, ceesay | | `name` | Roddie jammeh, Ngor ceesay, Gaye jammeh | | `name_female` | Tiya ceesay, Lobe ceesay, Horeja ceesay | | `name_male` | Manlafy jammeh, Kuto jammeh, Ngor jammeh | ## FFaker::NameGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_first_name` | Μαριάνα, Ξένια, Τατιάνα | | `female_full_name` | Ντίνα Ηλιόπουλου, Θεοδοσία Οικονόμου, Αγνή Κοτζιά | | `female_last_name` | Ζωγράφου, Ηλιόπουλου, Μπότσαρη | | `first_name` | Παναγιώτα, Αντώνης, Ραφαέλα | | `full_name` | Σμαράγδα Αποστόλου, Δαίδαλος Μιχαηλίδης, Ήβη Αλεξίου | | `last_name` | Φιλιππίδη, Μαυρίδου, Μαυρίδου | | `male_first_name` | Νικηφόρος, Ευκλείδης, Χαράλαμπος | | `male_full_name` | Γιώργος Ζωγράφος, Δαίδαλος Σπανός, Αντώνης Παπαδόπουλος | | `male_last_name` | Ελευθερόπουλος, Βενιζέλος, Γαλάνης | | `name` | Θεοδοσία Βλαχοπούλου, Ναταλία Ταρσούλη, Χάρης Αλεξάκης | ## FFaker::NameID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Ny. Damar Tyastika, Nn. Tasya Satriyo, Ny. Novi Muhammd | | `female_prefix` | Ny., Nn., Ny. | | `first_name` | Anggita, Yusuf, Jamal | | `first_name_female` | Linda, Eka, Halimah | | `first_name_male` | Lulung, Jojon, Pardi | | `last_name` | Sakarudin, Setyanegoro, Soviana | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Tn. Mukti Anandhita, Tn. Nano Kartika, Tn. Okto Wizanarko | | `male_prefix` | Tn., Tn., Tn. | | `name` | Kholid Thariqi, Malik Girsang, Maemunah Kencono | | `name_with_prefix` | Tn. Eri Rahmadiah, Tn. Wisnu Jayatrus, Nn. Oktavianti Diastuti | | `prefix` | Tn., Tn., Ny. | ## FFaker::NameIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Fatima, Maahi, Sanaya | | `first_name_male` | Shlok, Sai, Atharv | | `last_name` | Kapadia, Haldar, Dara | | `name` | Pari Iyer, Elijah Madan, Mithran Dewan | | `name_female` | Maria Kapadia, Swara Gupta, Shivanya Burman | | `name_male` | Sai Chandra, Rudra Madan, Krishiv Mallick | ## FFaker::NameIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Alessandra, Eleonora, Tristano | | `last_name` | Persichetti, Fontana, Cantalamessa | | `name` | Giulia Lolli, Leone Monachello, Lucia Tommasi | | `prefix` | Dott., Sig.na, Dott.ssa | ## FFaker::NameJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 彩夏, 百花, 信 | | `last_first` | 川久保ゆうや, 永吉真由美, 池間辰雄 | | `last_name` | 武富, 錦織, 三輪 | | `name` | 都築さやか, 高橋出, 松橋辰雄 | ## FFaker::NameKH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | សីុលៀង, គឹមសាន, ពិជ្រ | | `last_name` | ពិជ្រ, ពិជ្រ, នូរ | | `name` | ទូរ សុខលី, ខៀវ សុខលី, ឆន សិរីបុត្រ | | `nick_name` | ចែរវិត, ខ្ចិប, រំដួល | ## FFaker::NameKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 우천, 범근, 재유 | | `last_first` | 팽우윤, 오창조, 류동근 | | `last_name` | 진, 현, 군 | | `name` | 원사준, 조두영, 장성신 | | `name_with_space` | 안 정훈, 오 본준, 양 상윤 | ## FFaker::NameMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Karla, Itzel Luz, Fabiola Angélica | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Sra. Johana Roob, Sra. Yuri Schamberger, Srita. Bertha Terry | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | C. Cinthia Jacobson Jr., Srita. Faye Wisoky PhD, Sra. Zulema Lockman IV | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Catharine Bayer PhD, Berenice Hilpert PhD, Hermine Breitenberg DVM | | `female_prefix` | C., Sra., Sra. | | `first_name` | Gerardo, Angélica, Yoshio | | `first_name_female` | Leanna, Joselyn, Elizabeth | | `first_name_male` | Mohammad, Stewart, Doyle | | `full_name` | Sofía Paola Walter Turner, Odín Hane Wiza, Elba Satterfield Weimann | | `full_name_no_prefix` | Yoshio Schowalter Gutmann, Eduardo Wisoky Runolfsdottir, Herminio Pedro Mertz Monahan | | `full_name_prefix` | Sr. Clemente Baumbach Quitzon, C. Nadia Greenholt Hilpert, Srita. Anahí Greenholt Towne | | `html_safe_last_name` | Breitenberg, Hand, Bailey | | `html_safe_name` | Aida Kohler, Lisette Schroeder, Julián Von | | `last_name` | Towne, Williamson, O'Keefe | | `male_name` | Fermín, Oliver, Nicandro | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Enoch Schumm, Sr. Arden Senger, Sr. Deon Lindgren | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Sr. Milan Hane IV, Sr. Ulysses Crooks V, Sr. Dino Abbott DDS | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Eric Haag Sr., Felton Daniel DVM, Harris Heidenreich DVM | | `male_prefix` | C., C., C. | | `middle_name` | Elías, Emanuel, Marina | | `name` | Ruth, Temístocles, Aida | | `name_with_prefix` | C. Gilberto Hessel, Srita. Jeanelle Daugherty, Sr. Filiberto Veum | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | C. Luigi Labadie I, Sra. Cheri Padberg V, Sra. Zola Ward I | | `name_with_suffix` | Nicolas Langosh DVM, Sunny Gutmann V, Elana Bruen III | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Dr. | | `paternal_last_names` | Gorczany Stanton, Olson Thiel, Satterfield Goyette | | `prefix` | Sr., Srita., Sra. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, Xe/Xem, Zie/Zim | | `suffix` | PhD, III, PhD | ## FFaker::NameNB | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Selma Huels, Miss. Ardis Effertz, Mrs. Marybelle Ullrich | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Azucena Beier Sr., Miss. Naoma Lowe IV, Miss. Lean Abshire DVM | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Vashti Nader V, Renae Champlin MD, Adria Kihn II | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Meghan Leeanne, Joaquin, Aron | | `first_name_female` | Marvel, Felisa, Melaine | | `first_name_male` | Jordon, Teodoro, Jarrett | | `html_safe_last_name` | Paucek, Yost, Murray | | `html_safe_name` | Gudrun Hyatt, Calvin Hudson, Avelina Kihn | | `last_name` | Bogisich, Sanford, Wolf | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Colby Homenick, Mr. Elmer Denesik, Mr. Booker Gutmann | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Larry McLaughlin Jr., Mr. Quinn Wilderman DDS, Mr. Rudy Stroman DVM | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Lon Goodwin V, Merle Runte DVM, Manuel Barrows Jr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Larry Heaney, Guillermina Sporer, Aileen Micaela O'Reilly | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Elaine Reynolds, Mrs. Renea Heidenreich, Mrs. Ellie Kunze | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Jamey Pagac I, Mrs. Shaquana Jakubowski II, Mr. Hayden Treutel I | | `name_with_suffix` | Scotty Carter III, Ferdinand Dicki Jr., Muoi Ryan II | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Dr., Dr., Dr. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, They/Them, He/Him | | `suffix` | DVM, III, DDS | ## FFaker::NameNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Le Vandervort, Mrs. Teressa Reichert, Mrs. Regenia Mosciski | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Risa Hettinger III, Miss. Beckie Lynch V, Miss. Cari Runolfsdottir V | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Lia Kessler PhD, Alfredia Schuster MD, Mitzie Cassin V | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Trevor, Dennis, Tasia | | `first_name_female` | Karri, Alysia, Rosina | | `first_name_male` | Carmine, Eugenio, Gustavo | | `html_safe_last_name` | Collins, Halvorson, Balistreri | | `html_safe_name` | Kathryne Bergstrom, Torri Altenwerth, Enoch Gerhold | | `last_name` | Heaney, Littel, McDermott | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Dewey Metz, Mr. Dick Lehner, Mr. Keith Pfeffer | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Dewitt Witting IV, Mr. Toby Feeney DDS, Mr. Lawrence Funk DVM | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Sammie Heidenreich Jr., Willy Dibbert MD, Tommie-Ramiro Hilpert DVM | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Francis Botsford, Marie Cremin, Ping Hermann | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Dani Herman, Mr. Samuel-Alex White, Mr. Jimmy Wilderman | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Duncan Pouros Jr., Miss. Faustina Waelchi V, Mrs. Penni-Julienne Hagenes I | | `name_with_suffix` | Eddy Farrell Jr., Les-Malik Blanda MD, Theda Berge II | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Drs., Ir., Dr. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xer, Zie/Zim, Xe/Xer | | `suffix` | DVM, I, I | ## FFaker::NamePH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Florentina España, Mrs. Delana Divinagracia, Miss. Renea Inserto | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Kim Catacutan Sr., Mrs. Kyla Patajo V, Mrs. Verdell Abaygar II | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Jackeline Jabillo Sr., Ona Carrasco IV, Antonette Baltar DVM | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Porsche, Laraine, Rashida | | `first_name_female` | Reba, Estela, Vonda | | `first_name_male` | Kraig, Houston, Marshall | | `html_safe_last_name` | Hills, Bode, Bartell | | `html_safe_name` | Josefina Hessel, Ashley Bauch, Oretha Crona | | `last_name` | Yllana, Gomez, Paloma | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Fausto Magan, Mr. Jackson Talongg, Mr. Marcel Sariuag | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Ruben Pabalan Jr., Mr. Grover Ruedas DDS, Mr. Vaughn Marquez II | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Tristan Uy MD, Quincy Dacudao DVM, Mike Cojuangco V | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Lela Magalingg, Maritza Lantag, Krystina Chuchu | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Illa Fajardo, Mr. Roosevelt Cachuela, Miss. Emelda Alicante | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Jayme Legaspi III, Mrs. Gwyneth Dioquino I, Mr. Rashad Ereve MD | | `name_with_suffix` | Kieth Tolosa Jr., Annemarie Maglikian II, Patricia Salumbidez V | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Dr., Miss., Miss. | | `pronouns` | They/Them, She/Her, Xe/Xer | | `suffix` | DVM, MD, II | ## FFaker::NamePL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `academic_degree_prefix` | dr, mgr, dr hab. | | `female_first_name` | Karolina, Józefa, Ilona | | `female_full_name` | Urszula Wilczyńska, Wanda Piekarska, Dorota Kowal | | `female_last_name` | Waligórska, Tarnowska, Rudnicka | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Pani Faustyna Lewandowska, Pani Antonina Kozakiewicz, Pani Antonina Marciniak | | `female_prefix` | Pani, Pani, Pani | | `first_name` | Antonina, Mirosława, Czesław | | `full_name` | Bogdan Kłosowski, Franciszek Wesołowski, Grażyna Dębska | | `last_name` | Zawadzki, Sieradzki, Żurawska | | `male_first_name` | Maciej, Dawid, Marian | | `male_full_name` | Patryk Murawski, Julian Wilk, Sylwester Gawłowski | | `male_last_name` | Sadowski, Kowal, Zawadzki | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Pan Cyprian Radwański, Pan Kazimierz Arciszewski, Pan Tomasz Frankowski | | `male_prefix` | Pan, Pan, Pan | | `name` | Patrycja Baran, Cezary Urbaniak, Szymon Malinowski | | `name_with_prefix` | Pan Antoni Siudek, Pan Leon Waszkiewicz, Pan Bartłomiej Murawski | | `prefix` | dr hab., dr, dr hab. | ## FFaker::NameRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Октябрина Михайлова, Мирослава Новикова, Вера Денисова | | `first_name` | Емельян, Василиса, Феликс | | `first_name_female` | Нина, Лариса, Антонина | | `first_name_male` | Анатолий, Виталий, Анфим | | `last_name` | Виноградова, Волков, Фомина | | `last_name_female` | Иванова, Романова, Петухова | | `last_name_male` | Шестаков, Веселов, Сидоров | | `male_name` | Владлен Журавлев, Исидор Белов, Виктор Богданов | | `middle_name_female` | Константиновна, Петровна, Константиновна | | `middle_name_male` | Станиславович, Юрьевич, Наумович | | `name` | Владимир Егоров, Нонна Никитина, Инна Никифорова | ## FFaker::NameSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Minh Keeling, Miss. Theressa Stamm, Miss. Nida Torp | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Hiedi Adams DVM, Miss. Juliet Johnston V, Mrs. Krissy Price V | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Rosalia Smitham DVM, Latrisha McKenzie Sr., Tena Reichert V | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Scottie, Evette, Bruce | | `first_name_female` | Shela, Willodean, Eufemia | | `first_name_male` | Gary, Lorenzo, Jonathan | | `html_safe_last_name` | Hartmann, Howell, Grant | | `html_safe_name` | Dodie Cartwright, Theola Davis, Rossana Hilll | | `last_name` | Tremblay, Collier, Kulas | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Frederic Huel, Mr. Sang Rosenbaum, Mr. Lynwood Aufderhar | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Ernesto Beatty II, Mr. Isaac Douglas III, Mr. Margarito Cassin IV | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Brent Ondricka Jr., Bryan Sporer DDS, Granville Harber DVM | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Jolynn Rippin, Ailene Huel, Otto Strosin | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Abram Wolf, Mr. Hal Rolfson, Mr. Rey Crooks | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Fabian Lindgren Jr., Mr. Williams Volkman III, Mr. Gary Rau MD | | `name_with_suffix` | Gerald Lehner V, Marcie Gutkowski MD, Omar Cronin DDS | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Prof., Prof., Dr. | | `pronouns` | They/Them, She/Her, Xe/Xer | | `suffix` | DVM, DVM, PhD | ## FFaker::NameSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Tiné, Daka, Bineta | | `first_name_male` | Khalifa, Sidate, Seydou | | `last_name` | Kassoka, Mané, Diakho | | `name_female` | Bougouma Ly, Gnima Camara, Arame Ndoye | | `name_male` | Mar Aw, eladji Sihounke Correia, Aziz Galadio | | `name_sn` | Madické Sabara, Mbossé Vieira, adja Kiné Mbow | | `prefix_female` | adja, ndeye, mame | | `prefix_male` | serigne, eladji, eladji | ## FFaker::NameTH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | ชมเกดุ, ปวีณา, ปิยบุตร | | `last_name` | บุตโต, พิศาลบุตร, บุตโต | | `name` | อักขระ เคนเนะดิ , ทวีฉัตร บุตโต, สิริกิติ์ สมิท | | `nick_name` | หน่อย , ป๋อง, แก้ว  | ## FFaker::NameTHEN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Choochai, Han, Chompoo | | `last_name` | Sakda, Kaouthai, Maleenon | | `name` | Kamnan Kraiputra, Pravat Ornlamai, Aat Maleenon | | `nick_name` | May, Nok, Nui | ## FFaker::NameTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 宥廷, 柏翰, 家豪 | | `last_name` | 葉, 侯, 蘇 | | `name` | 紀淑芬, 曹家豪, 古宇翔 | ## FFaker::NameUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Віола, Адріян, Адріян | | `first_name_female` | Меланія, Божена, Олеся | | `first_name_male` | Хорив, Біломир, Родіон | | `last_name` | Гладківська, Ємець, Дурдинець | | `last_name_female` | Вередун, Майборода, Майстренко | | `last_name_male` | Забіла, Ємець, Майборода | | `middle_name_female` | Охрімівна, Панасівна, Валеріївна | | `middle_name_male` | Болеславович, Тимофійович, Аркадійович | | `name` | Гарун Олександра Степанівна, Дідух Аврора Костянтинівна, Зінаїда | ## FFaker::NameVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Đức, Công, Văn | | `last_first` | Vưu Mỹ Thị, Thái Kim Hữu, Phó Lộc Đức | | `last_name` | Bành, Thân, Quang | | `middle_name` | Bich, Phục, Kim | | `name` | Nguyệt Đức Tôn, Nguyên Công Lê, Trinh Quang Ngô | ## FFaker::NatoAlphabet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `alphabetic_code` | HOTEL, ROMEO, ALPHA | | `callsign` | KILO-LIMA-ONE, ALPHA-KILO-EIGHT, UNIFORM-ECHO-SEVEN | | `code` | KILO, ECHO, FIVE | | `codify`(...) | | | `numeric_code` | ONE, EIGHT, ZERO | ## FFaker::Number | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `decimal` | 6.8, 2.2, 2.7 | | `number` | 2, 9, 6 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumber | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 435, 389, 690 | | `exchange_code` | 894, 802, 425 | | `imei` | 917514699752947, 104871338745986, 358785687635957 | | `phone_calling_code` | +356, +52, +378 | | `phone_number` | 338-814-3080, 885-576-0275, 485.808.1597 x3629 | | `short_phone_number` | 236-506-2696, 976-491-6659, 540-880-8839 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +61, +61, +61 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (03) 8378 3322, (08) 9792 9494, (02) 7477 8717 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 07, 03, 02 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +61 3 9825 4216, +61 8 6714 3912, +61 2 1366 0105 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +61 4 6902 2677, +61 4 4763 8532, +61 5 5062 4473 | | `international_phone_number` | +61 5 5439 9575, +61 5 0254 5607, +61 3 5001 8810 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0481 697 627, 0400 066 733, 0468 336 490 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 04, 05, 04 | | `phone_number` | 0499 095 281, 0452 705 214, (03) 6151 0224 | | `phone_prefix` | 03, 04, 04 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +55, +55, +55 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 21 3134-6096, 555672-7544, 542675-2969 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +55 28 29825729, +553357791026, +55242093-0881 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +55 12 982000354, +557598332-0057, +55 97 96287-5775 | | `international_phone_number` | +5516977586198, +55 16 97971-2093, +55 77 3104-0700 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 13 997520729, 21 96230-3689, 48 98399-7322 | | `phone_number` | 122692-3235, 33 999640738, 27 98150-8024 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `free_phone_number` | +41800 039 89 20, 08001405062, 00418004213197 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 071 918 07 83, 004124 733 91 32, 0041566000151 | | `mobile_phone_number` | +4176 857 23 98, 0041759853760, +41778146708 | | `phone_number` | +419009812708, 00418426550021, +418441219670 | | `premium_rate_phone_number` | +419067191858, 0906 047 04 83, 00419062129385 | | `shared_cost_phone_number` | +418421334703, 08449208285, 00418487999680 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_home_work_phone_number` | 5348953620, 5324644470, 5341582072 | | `e164_mobile_phone_number` | 5357592884, 5357714059, 5358428636 | | `e164_phone_number` | 5356799986, 5346009519, 5333957466 | | `general_phone_number` | 05 380 9399, (023) 04 9299, (023) 32 0166 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (031) 46 9660, (032) 68 8948, (048) 86 8394 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 032, 023, 022 | | `international_country_code` | 0053, +53, +53 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | 005322 17 2499, 005342 65 6075, 005324 34 1478 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | 00535 831 3360, 00535 594 3019, +535 894 3622 | | `international_phone_number` | +535 488 2378, 00537 149 8839, +535 794 9580 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 05 540 4329, 05 700 8556, 05 078 1225 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 05, 05, 05 | | `phone_number` | 005343 64 1273, 05 367 6806, 05 231 4570 | | `phone_prefix` | 031, 032, 042 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +45, +45, +45 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 89649055, 88051266, 87430618 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +45 11173513, +45 39480376, +45 09382679 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +45 25608837, +45 75138375, +45 32561346 | | `international_phone_number` | +45 51449317, +45 11589489, +45 18820334 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 85727840, 72519321, 28787251 | | `phone_number` | 31798998, 96928746, 48826729 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +49, +49, +49 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 06522 6484155, 082 5581707, 0772 6843613 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +49 331 8772073, +49 7302 1576901, +49 7123 1617485 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +49 155 5888004, +49 159 3479673, +49 178 8023369 | | `international_phone_number` | +49 853 2324702, +49 3521 5487351, +49 97 6373274 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0173 4883239, 0158 6728858, 0178 5473896 | | `mobile_prefix` | 0178, 0172, 0177 | | `phone_number` | 090 4215979, 047 6573553, 023 3319599 | | `region_prefix` | 0982, 06082, 038 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +33, +33, +33 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 01 99 68 31 43, 09 01 78 79 48, 09 24 41 32 66 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +332 51 56 03 77, 0033 427234161, 0033 2 54 24 11 88 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +336 25 73 32 48, 0033 7 47 39 29 48, +33758903384 | | `international_phone_number` | 0033 631171875, +33 5 47 70 16 66, +33 756184133 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 06 97 11 13 78, 0710683202, 0751772211 | | `phone_number` | 0731372839, 09 40 49 59 69, 0713944835 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 0354-52573138, 0355-93227723, 0620-4540398 | | `international_home_phone_number` | +62744-25473440, +62384-9883587, +62776-9414426 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +62899-43975611, +62877-21188079, +62858-76292263 | | `international_phone_number` | +62957-43740463, +62859-39547328, +62568-8245661 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0886-44661567, 0851-58490182, 0898-30364148 | | `phone_number` | 0431-30818695, 0551-9628461, 0899-24502996 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 003906 712394, 0039 0375 99576809, +39 046598828515 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0039 349054898, 0039 338685619, +39345512280 | | `phone_number` | 0039041 153847, +3908521677965, +39 34772987857 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 0767 07 1202, 072 014 6929, 08396 3 9788 | | `home_phone_number_format`(...) | | | `home_phone_prefix` | , , | | `international_home_phone_number` | +81 1587 0 2580, +81 52 962 4997, +81 4 8640 1143 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +81 70 1483 4901, +81 90 9864 0492, +81 80 0997 5151 | | `international_phone_number` | +81 191 69 5243, +81 80 8979 1545, +81 80 8289 9551 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 070 7995 5248, 070 5728 8423, 080 3921 0149 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 90 #### ####, 90 #### ####, 80 #### #### | | `mobile_prefix` | 90, 90, 70 | | `phone_number` | 024 653 7354, 01547 8 3232, 070 8959 5638 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +82, +82, +82 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 043 6245 0811, 043 7817 3821, 049 2902 8003 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +82 53 1086 2638, +82 44 4038 6933, +82 44 3175 8855 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +82 19 7160 1481, +82 16 4125 5476, +82 16 7745 7004 | | `international_phone_number` | +82 52 7613 4708, +82 16 0352 9778, +82 10 7890 0666 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 019 7014 6477, 011 7288 4147, 016 9073 6528 | | `phone_number` | 054 4803 4814, 051 4168 7399, 051 0540 7117 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +52, +52, +52 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 48 5379 1481, 32 9791 5902, 74 7089 8045 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +52 80 7558 0365, +52 37 1218 1092, +52 38 9561 9893 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +52 1 03 2523 7923, +52 1 70 3292 6078, +52 1 41 9903 6373 | | `international_phone_number` | +52 1 65 1475 6293, +52 1 89 2631 1310, +52 1 00 1164 8865 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 044 53 6471 3523, 044 13 9558 8175, 044 27 2505 4459 | | `phone_number` | 044 42 2173 5057, 044 01 9508 8891, 044 78 4360 1199 | | `toll_free_number` | 01 800 306 2644, 01 800 678 1160, 01 800 951 8246 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0513-8080 38, 050-2975 673, 0181-79 11 63 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +31 524-859753, +31 516-577281, +31 23-602 3195 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +31 613236865, +31 623728609, +31 612210593 | | `international_phone_number` | +31 6 637 977 24, +31 598-6185 93, +31 595-922627 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0679903060, 06 8748 3847, 0609108353 | | `phone_number` | 06 1403 7233, 06 5232 2007, 0227-6027 56 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 46, 76, 55 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 177399718, 442063605, 670276126 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +48 438369807, +48 942309692, +48 890050756 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +48 734371957, +48 692004913, +48 666756125 | | `international_phone_number` | +48 748790851, +48 948794613, +48 510110432 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 737610006, 737517713, 692343440 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 66#######, 60#######, 78####### | | `mobile_prefix` | 69, 72, 60 | | `phone_number` | 135234227, 570909519, 232753155 | | `phone_number_format` | 81#######, 46#######, 83####### | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 8, 8, 8 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 8 085 322-89-46, 8 872 417-82-92, 8 074 000-07-01 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 075, 491, 384 | | `international_country_code` | +7, +7, +7 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +7 390 365-73-22, +7 867 340-95-39, +7 084 108-54-49 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +7 963 247-53-73, +7 996 418-80-30, +7 960 762-70-77 | | `international_phone_number` | +7 411 441-63-99, +7 917 026-27-17, +7 846 554-46-26 | | `international_toll_free_number` | +7 800 534-39-97, +7 800 848-09-81, +7 800 839-61-92 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 8 927 853-39-09, 8 967 626-37-19, 8 978 477-95-37 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 900, 995, 914 | | `phone_number` | 8 475 884-19-74, 8 486 696-91-75, 8 831 130-86-16 | | `toll_free_number` | 8 800 847-84-49, 8 800 744-62-78, 8 800 672-48-82 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_prefix` | 433, 953, 40 | | `country_prefix` | 0046, 0046, 0046 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0372-669 55, 0914-302 08, 0695-25 15 11 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | 0046 (0)522-216 97, 0046 (0)521-99 09 15, 0046 (0)643-13 39 10 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +46 (0)721-599710, +46 (0)702-231351, +46 (0)703-11 57 29 | | `international_phone_number` | 0046 (0)301-03 24 18, 0046 (0)248-59 36 26, +46 (0)768-506615 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0701-929197, 0729-97 79 50, 0765-828754 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 74#-######, 74#-######, 76#-## ## ## | | `mobile_prefix` | 73, 76, 74 | | `phone_number` | 0918-616 97, 0761-445235, 0747-032927 | | `phone_number_format` | 554-### ##, 258-### ##, 292-## ## ## | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSG | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +65, +65, +65 | | `fixed_line_number` | 6149 2473, 6077 1467, 6792 5197 | | `international_toll_free_number` | 800 704 0320, 800 085 0972, 800 221 1165 | | `mobile_number` | 8385 5634, 8824 2773, 8460 2562 | | `mobile_or_pager_number` | 9252 1892, 9596 5248, 9321 5319 | | `phone_number` | 8665 9675, 8074 2671, 9604 4391 | | `premium_service_number` | 1900 596 2513, 1900 046 2319, 1900 299 9022 | | `toll_free_number` | 1800 955 3453, 1800 520 1695, 1800 728 1126 | | `voip_number` | 3953 7477, 3554 9365, 3051 7326 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `homework_number` | 33-896-28-55, 33-946-67-72, 33-867-51-98 | | `homework_phone_prefix` | 33, 33, 33 | | `mobile_number` | 77-418-46-73, 77-760-29-45, 77-517-73-79 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 76, 77, 70 | | `phone_number` | 33-824-06-09, 33-962-28-87, 76-448-67-46 | | `short_phone_number` | 486-55-13, 950-37-00, 616-82-29 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +886, +886, +886 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (04) 8722-0687, (02) 8911-7615, (08) 215-4672 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +886-4-4418-8129, +886-7-577-5886, +886-3-332-0469 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +886-997-664-606, +886-951-936-682, +886-964-746-417 | | `international_phone_number` | +886-5-038-9480, +886-937-586-322, +886-7-169-8017 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0974-314-904, 0955-940-014, 0908-230-653 | | `phone_number` | 0967-464-943, (04) 6312-2845, 0927-035-209 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 051 176-7224, 057 279-1292, 051 457-4219 | | `international_home_phone_number` | +380 36 934-9813, +380 52 109-0641, +380 41 002-8341 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +380 93 498-7984, +380 63 021-7162, +380 99 835-2243 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 063 103-0690, 050 897-3781, 097 840-1095 | | `phone_number` | 033 166-6400, 093 302-1669, 066 389-4762 | ## FFaker::Product | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `brand` | Piest, Phiophfunc, Phiostforge | | `letters`(...) | | | `model` | X-1342, K44, C7 | | `product` | Pereforge Disc Lifter, Pountforge Disc Amplifier, Phoure HD Filter | | `product_name` | Auto Bridge, Output Performance Bracket, Output Performance Receiver | ## FFaker::SSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 813-87-4667, 553-04-8819, 221-50-4589 | ## FFaker::SSNMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `imss` | 9682492179-4, 4930323312-5, 8344078675-3 | | `imss_undashed` | 83100026785, 43893005224, 35821985949 | | `issste` | 3101386921-0, 2732877606-3, 5165743554-9 | | `issste_undashed` | 85652071495, 11888668013, 03883092947 | | `ssn` | 0269760327-8, 9542820017-5, 6117725994-8 | | `ssn_undashed` | 44419090548, 14581358783, 72508115492 | ## FFaker::SSNSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 197110034450, 198807150230, 199107305970 | ## FFaker::SemVer | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `next` | 0.0.1, 0.1.0, 0.0.1 | ## FFaker::Skill | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `specialties` | Prototype Development, Prototype Management, Visual Modularization, Visual Development, Software Methods, Software Research, Global Development, Prototype Optimization, Multi-tier Metrics | | `specialty` | Team Testing, Global Research, Hardware Analysis | | `tech_skill` | XML, Sinatra, XHR | | `tech_skills` | Flash, SublimeText, Visio, Flash, SublimeText, Mac, Sinatra, CSS3, CodeIgniter | ## FFaker::Sport | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | ❗ *[name] is deprecated. For US sports please use the SportUS module* | ## FFaker::SportPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Tenis ziemny, Skoki do wody, Skoki do wody | | `summer` | Rzut oszczepem, Piłka nożna, Jeździectwo | | `winter` | Skeleton, Saneczkarstwo, Łyżwiarstwo figurowe | ## FFaker::SportRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Дрессура, Гонки на собачьих упряжках, Баскетбол | | `summer` | Сумо, Борьба, Айкидо | | `winter` | Шорт-трек, Мотогонки на льду, Ледолазание | ## FFaker::SportUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts, Fencing | ## FFaker::String | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `from_regexp`(...) | | ## FFaker::Time | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `between`(..., ...) | | | `date` | 2020-12-11, 2017-08-29, 2021-02-17 | | `datetime` | 2020-02-11T05:55:00+00:00, 2017-12-26T05:58:00+00:00, 2017-09-18T00:11:00+00:00 | | `day_of_week` | Thu, Fri, Mon | | `month` | September, December, July | ## FFaker::Tweet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `body` | Laboriosam vero quae distinctio omnis ut. Animi quae itaque quam deserunt consequatur necessitatibus perspiciatis accusantium. Eius unde., Rem architecto at aliquam sunt. Minus repudiandae neque cupiditate sed. Nobis facilis asperiores commodi quibusdam. Veniam odit fugit., Amet atque iste magnam quasi ut placeat quod. Veniam excepturi ex impedit temporibus. Sit cumque ducimus sunt temporibus saepe provident.. | | `mention` | @santina.lemke, @brandon_heller, @tiffany | | `mentions` | @shawanna.zieme @rosann, @chana @stefany, @alycia_mueller @ken.balistreri | | `tags` | #me #nature, #food #school, #clouds #followme | | `tweet` | Quod nesciunt consequatur officiis impedit ullam delectus numquam. Ut et nulla doloremque occaecati..#amazing #all_shots #nice #sunset, Iste adipisci autem nostrum consequatur fugit rerum. Cumque asperiores nisi mollitia provident.#nice #happy, Rerum voluptas molestiae a delectus. | ## FFaker::UniqueUtils | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `clear` | 0, 0, 0 | ## FFaker::Unit | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `temperature_abbr` | C, F, C | | `temperature_name` | Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit, Kelvin | | `time_abbr` | ms, ms, h | | `time_name` | Milliseconds, Hours, Years | ## FFaker::UnitEnglish | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | sq mi, sq mi, sq yd | | `area_name` | section, square foot, square inch | | `length_abbr` | fur, fur, in | | `length_name` | foot, inch, mile | | `liquid_abbr` | pt, pt, pt | | `liquid_name` | quart, gill, gill | | `mass_abbr` | t, lb, lb | | `mass_name` | pounds, ton, grains | | `temperature_abbr` | K, K, K | | `temperature_name` | Kelvin, Celsius, Kelvin | | `time_abbr` | s, m, m | | `time_name` | Minutes, Seconds, Years | | `volume_abbr` | CY, CI, CY | | `volume_name` | cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic yard | ## FFaker::UnitMetric | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | km, ha, ha | | `area_name` | centimeters squared, centimeters squared, centimeters squared | | `length_abbr` | m, cm, mm | | `length_name` | meters, meters, meters | | `liquid_abbr` | L, ml, ml | | `liquid_name` | milliliters, milliliters, liters | | `mass_abbr` | kg, mt, mt | | `mass_name` | gram, gram, kilogram | | `temperature_abbr` | F, K, K | | `temperature_name` | Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit, Celsius | | `time_abbr` | m, h, m | | `time_name` | Days, Milliseconds, Minutes | | `volume_abbr` | m^3, m^3, cm^3 | | `volume_name` | cubic meters, cubic centimeters, cubic meters | ## FFaker::Vehicle | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `base_color` | cornflowerblue, yellowgreen, dimgray | | `drivetrain` | RWD, 4X4, RWD | | `engine_cylinders` | 8, 2, 8 | | `engine_displacement` | 4.2, 4.9, 7.7 | | `fuel_type` | Diesel, Hybrid, Diesel | | `interior_upholstery` | Nylon Fabric, Nylon Fabric, Vinyl | | `make` | Daewoo, Lada, Renault | | `manufacturer_color` | majestic pleasant crimson, pleasant dangerous salmon, dark royal chocolate | | `mfg_color` | pretty dull gold, slate royal chocolate, royal tranquil whitesmoke | | `model` | Concorde, Aztek, Santa Fe | | `transmission` | Automatic, Automatic, Manual | | `transmission_abbr` | CVT, MT, MT | | `trim` | SLT, XLT, SI | | `vin` | 15IOG74424Q015075, 10WDR78627U891697, 14DAC93169O412872 | | `year` | 1975, 1912, 1978 | ## FFaker::Venue | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Business Planet, Expotrade, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla | ## FFaker::Youtube | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `embed_url` | www.youtube.com/embed/gCYcHz2k5x0, www.youtube.com/embed/QFs3PIZb3js, www.youtube.com/embed/7OHMqdMpsj8 | | `share_url` | youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic, youtu.be/QFs3PIZb3js, youtu.be/ebXbLfLACGM | | `url` | www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO59tfQ2TbA, www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWA2pjMjpBs, www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJtDXIazrMo | | `video_id` | 7OHMqdMpsj8, fLexgOxsZu0, iS1g8G_njx8 |