# ----- Benchmarking ----- desc < :"test:rails_compatibility" else task :default => :test end require 'rake/testtask' Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.libs << 'lib' test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] test_files.exclude('test/rails/*') test_files.exclude('test/haml/spec/*') t.test_files = test_files t.verbose = true end Rake::Task[:test].send(:add_comment, < [:package] do sudo = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ ? '' : 'sudo' gem = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ ? 'jgem' : 'gem' sh %{#{sudo} #{gem} install --no-ri pkg/haml-#{File.read('VERSION').strip}} end desc "Release a new Haml package to Rubyforge." task :release => [:check_release, :release_elpa, :package] do name = File.read("VERSION_NAME").strip version = File.read("VERSION").strip sh %{rubyforge login} sh %{rubyforge add_release haml haml "#{name} (v#{version})" pkg/haml-#{version}.gem} sh %{rubyforge add_file haml haml "#{name} (v#{version})" pkg/haml-#{version}.tar.gz} sh %{rubyforge add_file haml haml "#{name} (v#{version})" pkg/haml-#{version}.tar.bz2} sh %{rubyforge add_file haml haml "#{name} (v#{version})" pkg/haml-#{version}.zip} end # Releases haml-mode.el and sass-mode.el to ELPA. task :release_elpa do require 'tlsmail' require 'time' version = File.read("VERSION").strip haml_unchanged = mode_unchanged?(:haml, version) sass_unchanged = mode_unchanged?(:sass, version) next if haml_unchanged && sass_unchanged raise "haml-mode.el and sass-mode.el are out of sync." if haml_unchanged ^ sass_unchanged rev = File.read('.git/HEAD').strip if rev =~ /^ref: (.*)$/ rev = File.read(".git/#{$1}").strip end from = `git config user.email` raise "Don't know how to send emails except via Gmail" unless from =~ /@gmail.com$/ to = "elpa@tromey.com" Net::SMTP.enable_tls(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) Net::SMTP.start('smtp.gmail.com', 587, 'gmail.com', from, read_password("GMail Password"), :login) do |smtp| smtp.send_message(< To: #{to} Subject: Submitting haml-mode and sass-mode #{version} Date: #{Time.now.rfc2822} haml-mode and sass-mode #{version} are packaged and ready to be included in ELPA. They can be downloaded from: http://github.com/nex3/haml/raw/#{rev}/extra/haml-mode.el http://github.com/nex3/haml/raw/#{rev}/extra/sass-mode.el CONTENT end end # Ensures that the version have been updated for a new release. task :check_release do version = File.read("VERSION").strip raise "There have been changes since current version (#{version})" if changed_since?(version) raise "VERSION_NAME must not be 'Bleeding Edge'" if File.read("VERSION_NAME") == "Bleeding Edge" end # Reads a password from the command line. # # @param name [String] The prompt to use to read the password def read_password(prompt) require 'readline' system "stty -echo" Readline.readline("#{prompt}: ").strip ensure system "stty echo" puts end # Returns whether or not the repository, or specific files, # has/have changed since a given revision. # # @param rev [String] The revision to check against # @param files [Array] The files to check. # If this is empty, checks the entire repository def changed_since?(rev, *files) IO.popen("git diff --exit-code #{rev} #{files.join(' ')}") {} return !$?.success? end # Returns whether or not the given Emacs mode file (haml or sass) # has changed since the given version. # # @param mode [String, Symbol] The name of the mode # @param version [String] The version number def mode_unchanged?(mode, version) mode_version = File.read("extra/#{mode}-mode.el").scan(/^;; Version: (.*)$/).first.first return false if mode_version == version return true unless changed_since?(mode_version, "extra/#{mode}-mode.el") raise "#{mode}-mode.el version is #{haml_mode_version.inspect}, but it has changed as of #{version.inspect}" return false end task :release_edge do ensure_git_cleanup do puts "#{'=' * 50} Running rake release_edge" sh %{git checkout edge-gem} sh %{git reset --hard origin/edge-gem} sh %{git merge origin/master} # Get the current master branch version version = File.read('VERSION').strip.split('.').map {|n| n.to_i} unless version[1] % 2 == 1 && version[2] == 0 raise "#{version.join('.')} is not a development version" end # Bump the edge gem version edge_version = File.read('EDGE_GEM_VERSION').strip.split('.').map {|n| n.to_i} if edge_version[0..1] != version[0..1] # A new master branch version was released, reset the edge gem version edge_version[0..1] = version[0..1] edge_version[2] = 0 else # Just bump the teeny version edge_version[2] += 1 end edge_version = edge_version.join('.') File.open('EDGE_GEM_VERSION', 'w') {|f| f.puts(edge_version)} sh %{git commit -m "Bump edge gem version to #{edge_version}." EDGE_GEM_VERSION} sh %{git push origin edge-gem} # Package the edge gem with the proper version File.open('VERSION', 'w') {|f| f.puts(edge_version)} sh %{rake package} sh %{git checkout VERSION} sh %{rubyforge login} sh %{rubyforge add_release haml haml-edge "Bleeding Edge (v#{edge_version})" pkg/haml-edge-#{edge_version}.gem} end end task :watch_for_update do sh %{ruby extra/update_watch.rb} end # ----- Documentation ----- task :rdoc do puts '=' * 100, < :yardoc task :redoc => :yardoc rescue LoadError desc "Generate Documentation" task :doc => :rdoc task :yardoc => :rdoc end task :pages do ensure_git_cleanup do puts "#{'=' * 50} Running rake pages PROJ=#{ENV["PROJ"].inspect}" raise 'No ENV["PROJ"]!' unless proj = ENV["PROJ"] sh %{git checkout #{proj}-pages} sh %{git reset --hard origin/#{proj}-pages} sh %{rake build --trace} sh %{rsync -av --delete site/ /var/www/#{proj}-pages} end end # ----- Coverage ----- begin require 'rcov/rcovtask' Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] t.rcov_opts << '-x' << '"^\/"' if ENV['NON_NATIVE'] t.rcov_opts << "--no-rcovrt" end t.verbose = true end rescue LoadError; end # ----- Profiling ----- begin require 'ruby-prof' desc <