kickster ======== Jekyll starter template with GitHub Pages deploy to kickstart your project. ### Installation Set up your environment bin/setup Update `baseurl` and `assets:baseurl` in `_config.yml` with the correct path. *If you do not want the Kickster files but just the deploy then copy `bin/setup` script to your repo and your ready to go.* ### Development Run Jekyll bundle exec jekyll serve --watch Used tools: - [Jekyll assets]( - [Bower]( - [Jekyll]( - Influences from [HTML5 Boilerplate]( - [Autoprefixer]( ### Deploy to GitHub Pages Run this script and add a customized deploy message: bin/deploy "custom_message" ### Why Setting up GitHub Pages websites with Jekyll for projects or clients is cumbersome as you have to setup everything from scratch. Kickster helps you kickstart your project settling you with a basic starter template and easy deploy. Deploying is completed in 1 second so updating your website or prototype is a breeze. You can find example project [here]( ### License MIT License