/* *Theme Name: Ginger Ninja! v2 *Description: The new Ginger Ninja! theme. *Version: 1.0 *Author: Donny Burnside *Author URI: http://www.ginger-ninja.net/ /* Generic Styling body background: url(/images/dreamy/bg-body.png) repeat-x top center #e8f7f9 font-family: "Trebuchet MS" Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 62.5% /* Sets default font size to 10px color: #222222 * margin: 0 padding: 0 img border: 0 p margin-bottom: 1.75em a text-decoration: none color: #1737c0 &:hover text-decoration: none color: #6CC7DC /* Structure #wrapper margin: 0 auto width: 897px background: #ffffff font-size: 1.20em #header height: 140px background: url(/images/dreamy/bg-header.jpg) no-repeat #content float: left width: 700px min-height: 400px #footer clear: both height: 100px background-color: #0047e5 /* Entries .entry padding: 5px 10px text-align: justify line-height: 1.75em .entry-title font-size: 1.90em font-weight: normal letter-spacing: -1px .date font-size: 0.9em color: #bbb cursor: default letter-spacing: 1px .comments margin-top: -1em a color: #6CC7DC background: url(/images/dreamy/icon-comment.png) no-repeat 0px 2px padding-left: 20px padding-right: 2px &:hover color: #B4C835 /* Footer #footer-valid float: left padding-top: 55px padding-left: 20px cursor: default color: #ffffff a color: #ffffff text-decoration: none &:hover color: #ffffff text-decoration: underline /* Heading's h1 font-size: 2.5em font-weight: normal cursor: default letter-spacing: 1px color: #aaaaaa font-style: italic h2 font-weight: normal cursor: default letter-spacing: 1px color: #aaaaaa font-style: italic h3 font-weight: normal cursor: default letter-spacing: 1px color: #aaaaaa font-style: italic .notice @extend h3 #header h1 position: relative top: 50px left: 30px /* Feed #feed height: 25px width: 126px background: url(/images/dreamy/bg-feed.gif) no-repeat margin: 0 auto padding-left: 26px a &.feed-button display: block width: 100px height: 25px background: url(/images/dreamy/button-feed.png) 0 0 no-repeat text-decoration: none &:hover.feed-button background-position: 0 -25px /* Extra's #ad-top width: 480px height: 72px background: url(/images/dreamy/bg-ad-top.png) no-repeat padding: 5px #copyright display: none table.no_border border-style: none border-width: 0 cell-padding: 0