Alchemy CRM Module

Building and sending Newsletters has never been easier!


A fully featured CRM / Newsletter and Mailings Module for Alchemy CMS.

For more Information please visit [](


1. Install Alchemy CMS:

2. Put this line into your projects `Gemfile`:

        # Gemfile
        gem "alchemy_crm", :git => 'git://'

Or install it via Rubygems:

        $ gem install alchemy_crm

3. Update your bundle:

        $ bundle

4. Mount the Alchemy CRM Engine into your app:

        # config/routes.rb
        mount AlchemyCrm::Engine => '/newsletter'
        mount Alchemy::Engine => '/'

    NOTE: It is **strongly** recommended to mount this module before you mount Alchemy CMS

5. Copy the migrations into your app and migrate the database:

        $ rake alchemy_crm:install:migrations
        $ rake db:migrate

6. Seed the database:

    1. Put this line into your projects `db/seeds.rb` file:

    2. And run this rake task:

            $ rake db:seed

7. Generate files and folders:

    1. Run scaffold generator

            $ rails g alchemy_crm:scaffold

    2. Run copy elements rake task

            $ rake alchemy_crm:elements:copy


* Homepage: <>
* Issue-Tracker: <>
* Sourcecode: <>


* Thomas von Deyen: <>


* BSD: <>