=begin #Fastly API #Via the Fastly API you can perform any of the operations that are possible within the management console, including creating services, domains, and backends, configuring rules or uploading your own application code, as well as account operations such as user administration and billing reports. The API is organized into collections of endpoints that allow manipulation of objects related to Fastly services and accounts. For the most accurate and up-to-date API reference content, visit our [Developer Hub](https://www.fastly.com/documentation/reference/api/) The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Contact: oss@fastly.com =end require 'cgi' module Fastly class PoolApi attr_accessor :api_client def initialize(api_client = ApiClient.default) @api_client = api_client end # Create a server pool # Creates a pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :tls_ca_cert A secure certificate to authenticate a server with. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_cert The client certificate used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_key The client private key used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_cert_hostname The hostname used to verify a server's certificate. It can either be the Common Name (CN) or a Subject Alternative Name (SAN). (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :use_tls Whether to use TLS. (default to 0) # @option opts [Time] :created_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :deleted_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [String] :service_id # @option opts [String] :version # @option opts [String] :name Name for the Pool. # @option opts [String] :shield Selected POP to serve as a shield for the servers. Defaults to `null` meaning no origin shielding if not set. Refer to the [POPs API endpoint](https://www.fastly.com/documentation/reference/api/utils/pops/) to get a list of available POPs used for shielding. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :request_condition Condition which, if met, will select this configuration during a request. Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_ciphers List of OpenSSL ciphers (see the [openssl.org manpages](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html) for details). Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_sni_hostname SNI hostname. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :min_tls_version Minimum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_tls_version Maximum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [String] :healthcheck Name of the healthcheck to use with this pool. Can be empty and could be reused across multiple backend and pools. # @option opts [String] :comment A freeform descriptive note. # @option opts [String] :type What type of load balance group to use. # @option opts [String] :override_host The hostname to [override the Host header](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/specifying-an-override-host). Defaults to `null` meaning no override of the Host header will occur. This setting can also be added to a Server definition. If the field is set on a Server definition it will override the Pool setting. (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :between_bytes_timeout Maximum duration in milliseconds that Fastly will wait while receiving no data on a download from a backend. If exceeded, the response received so far will be considered complete and the fetch will end. May be set at runtime using `bereq.between_bytes_timeout`. (default to 10000) # @option opts [Integer] :connect_timeout How long to wait for a timeout in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :first_byte_timeout How long to wait for the first byte in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_conn_default Maximum number of connections. Optional. (default to 200) # @option opts [Integer] :quorum Percentage of capacity (`0-100`) that needs to be operationally available for a pool to be considered up. (default to 75) # @option opts [Integer] :tls_check_cert Be strict on checking TLS certs. Optional. # @return [PoolResponsePost] def create_server_pool(opts = {}) data, _status_code, _headers = create_server_pool_with_http_info(opts) data end # Create a server pool # Creates a pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :tls_ca_cert A secure certificate to authenticate a server with. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_cert The client certificate used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_key The client private key used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_cert_hostname The hostname used to verify a server's certificate. It can either be the Common Name (CN) or a Subject Alternative Name (SAN). (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :use_tls Whether to use TLS. (default to 0) # @option opts [Time] :created_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :deleted_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [String] :service_id # @option opts [String] :version # @option opts [String] :name Name for the Pool. # @option opts [String] :shield Selected POP to serve as a shield for the servers. Defaults to `null` meaning no origin shielding if not set. Refer to the [POPs API endpoint](https://www.fastly.com/documentation/reference/api/utils/pops/) to get a list of available POPs used for shielding. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :request_condition Condition which, if met, will select this configuration during a request. Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_ciphers List of OpenSSL ciphers (see the [openssl.org manpages](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html) for details). Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_sni_hostname SNI hostname. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :min_tls_version Minimum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_tls_version Maximum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [String] :healthcheck Name of the healthcheck to use with this pool. Can be empty and could be reused across multiple backend and pools. # @option opts [String] :comment A freeform descriptive note. # @option opts [String] :type What type of load balance group to use. # @option opts [String] :override_host The hostname to [override the Host header](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/specifying-an-override-host). Defaults to `null` meaning no override of the Host header will occur. This setting can also be added to a Server definition. If the field is set on a Server definition it will override the Pool setting. (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :between_bytes_timeout Maximum duration in milliseconds that Fastly will wait while receiving no data on a download from a backend. If exceeded, the response received so far will be considered complete and the fetch will end. May be set at runtime using `bereq.between_bytes_timeout`. (default to 10000) # @option opts [Integer] :connect_timeout How long to wait for a timeout in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :first_byte_timeout How long to wait for the first byte in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_conn_default Maximum number of connections. Optional. (default to 200) # @option opts [Integer] :quorum Percentage of capacity (`0-100`) that needs to be operationally available for a pool to be considered up. (default to 75) # @option opts [Integer] :tls_check_cert Be strict on checking TLS certs. Optional. # @return [Array<(PoolResponsePost, Integer, Hash)>] PoolResponsePost data, response status code and response headers def create_server_pool_with_http_info(opts = {}) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: PoolApi.create_server_pool ...' end # unbox the parameters from the hash service_id = opts[:'service_id'] version_id = opts[:'version_id'] # verify the required parameter 'service_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && service_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'service_id' when calling PoolApi.create_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'version_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && version_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'version_id' when calling PoolApi.create_server_pool" end allowable_values = [0, 1] if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && opts[:'use_tls'] && !allowable_values.include?(opts[:'use_tls']) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"use_tls\", must be one of #{allowable_values}" end allowable_values = ["random", "hash", "client"] if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && opts[:'type'] && !allowable_values.include?(opts[:'type']) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"type\", must be one of #{allowable_values}" end if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && !opts[:'quorum'].nil? && opts[:'quorum'] > 100 fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "opts[:"quorum"]" when calling PoolApi.create_server_pool, must be smaller than or equal to 100.' end if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && !opts[:'quorum'].nil? && opts[:'quorum'] < 0 fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "opts[:"quorum"]" when calling PoolApi.create_server_pool, must be greater than or equal to 0.' end # resource path local_var_path = '/service/{service_id}/version/{version_id}/pool'.sub('{' + 'service_id' + '}', CGI.escape(service_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'version_id' + '}', CGI.escape(version_id.to_s)) # query parameters query_params = opts[:query_params] || {} # header parameters header_params = opts[:header_params] || {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header 'Content-Type' content_type = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']) if !content_type.nil? header_params['Content-Type'] = content_type end # form parameters form_params = opts[:form_params] || {} form_params['tls_ca_cert'] = opts[:'tls_ca_cert'] if !opts[:'tls_ca_cert'].nil? form_params['tls_client_cert'] = opts[:'tls_client_cert'] if !opts[:'tls_client_cert'].nil? form_params['tls_client_key'] = opts[:'tls_client_key'] if !opts[:'tls_client_key'].nil? form_params['tls_cert_hostname'] = opts[:'tls_cert_hostname'] if !opts[:'tls_cert_hostname'].nil? form_params['use_tls'] = opts[:'use_tls'] if !opts[:'use_tls'].nil? form_params['created_at'] = opts[:'created_at'] if !opts[:'created_at'].nil? form_params['deleted_at'] = opts[:'deleted_at'] if !opts[:'deleted_at'].nil? form_params['updated_at'] = opts[:'updated_at'] if !opts[:'updated_at'].nil? form_params['service_id'] = opts[:'service_id'] if !opts[:'service_id'].nil? form_params['version'] = opts[:'version'] if !opts[:'version'].nil? form_params['name'] = opts[:'name'] if !opts[:'name'].nil? form_params['shield'] = opts[:'shield'] if !opts[:'shield'].nil? form_params['request_condition'] = opts[:'request_condition'] if !opts[:'request_condition'].nil? form_params['tls_ciphers'] = opts[:'tls_ciphers'] if !opts[:'tls_ciphers'].nil? form_params['tls_sni_hostname'] = opts[:'tls_sni_hostname'] if !opts[:'tls_sni_hostname'].nil? form_params['min_tls_version'] = opts[:'min_tls_version'] if !opts[:'min_tls_version'].nil? form_params['max_tls_version'] = opts[:'max_tls_version'] if !opts[:'max_tls_version'].nil? form_params['healthcheck'] = opts[:'healthcheck'] if !opts[:'healthcheck'].nil? form_params['comment'] = opts[:'comment'] if !opts[:'comment'].nil? form_params['type'] = opts[:'type'] if !opts[:'type'].nil? form_params['override_host'] = opts[:'override_host'] if !opts[:'override_host'].nil? form_params['between_bytes_timeout'] = opts[:'between_bytes_timeout'] if !opts[:'between_bytes_timeout'].nil? form_params['connect_timeout'] = opts[:'connect_timeout'] if !opts[:'connect_timeout'].nil? form_params['first_byte_timeout'] = opts[:'first_byte_timeout'] if !opts[:'first_byte_timeout'].nil? form_params['max_conn_default'] = opts[:'max_conn_default'] if !opts[:'max_conn_default'].nil? form_params['quorum'] = opts[:'quorum'] if !opts[:'quorum'].nil? form_params['tls_check_cert'] = opts[:'tls_check_cert'] if !opts[:'tls_check_cert'].nil? # http body (model) post_body = opts[:debug_body] # return_type return_type = opts[:debug_return_type] || 'PoolResponsePost' # auth_names auth_names = opts[:debug_auth_names] || ['token'] new_options = opts.merge( :operation => :"PoolApi.create_server_pool", :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => return_type ) data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:POST, local_var_path, new_options) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: PoolApi#create_server_pool\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Delete a server pool # Deletes a specific pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :pool_name Name for the Pool. (required) # @return [InlineResponse200] def delete_server_pool(opts = {}) data, _status_code, _headers = delete_server_pool_with_http_info(opts) data end # Delete a server pool # Deletes a specific pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :pool_name Name for the Pool. (required) # @return [Array<(InlineResponse200, Integer, Hash)>] InlineResponse200 data, response status code and response headers def delete_server_pool_with_http_info(opts = {}) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: PoolApi.delete_server_pool ...' end # unbox the parameters from the hash service_id = opts[:'service_id'] version_id = opts[:'version_id'] pool_name = opts[:'pool_name'] # verify the required parameter 'service_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && service_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'service_id' when calling PoolApi.delete_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'version_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && version_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'version_id' when calling PoolApi.delete_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'pool_name' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && pool_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'pool_name' when calling PoolApi.delete_server_pool" end # resource path local_var_path = '/service/{service_id}/version/{version_id}/pool/{pool_name}'.sub('{' + 'service_id' + '}', CGI.escape(service_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'version_id' + '}', CGI.escape(version_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'pool_name' + '}', CGI.escape(pool_name.to_s)) # query parameters query_params = opts[:query_params] || {} # header parameters header_params = opts[:header_params] || {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = opts[:form_params] || {} # http body (model) post_body = opts[:debug_body] # return_type return_type = opts[:debug_return_type] || 'InlineResponse200' # auth_names auth_names = opts[:debug_auth_names] || ['token'] new_options = opts.merge( :operation => :"PoolApi.delete_server_pool", :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => return_type ) data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, new_options) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: PoolApi#delete_server_pool\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Get a server pool # Gets a single pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :pool_name Name for the Pool. (required) # @return [PoolResponse] def get_server_pool(opts = {}) data, _status_code, _headers = get_server_pool_with_http_info(opts) data end # Get a server pool # Gets a single pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :pool_name Name for the Pool. (required) # @return [Array<(PoolResponse, Integer, Hash)>] PoolResponse data, response status code and response headers def get_server_pool_with_http_info(opts = {}) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: PoolApi.get_server_pool ...' end # unbox the parameters from the hash service_id = opts[:'service_id'] version_id = opts[:'version_id'] pool_name = opts[:'pool_name'] # verify the required parameter 'service_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && service_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'service_id' when calling PoolApi.get_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'version_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && version_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'version_id' when calling PoolApi.get_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'pool_name' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && pool_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'pool_name' when calling PoolApi.get_server_pool" end # resource path local_var_path = '/service/{service_id}/version/{version_id}/pool/{pool_name}'.sub('{' + 'service_id' + '}', CGI.escape(service_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'version_id' + '}', CGI.escape(version_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'pool_name' + '}', CGI.escape(pool_name.to_s)) # query parameters query_params = opts[:query_params] || {} # header parameters header_params = opts[:header_params] || {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = opts[:form_params] || {} # http body (model) post_body = opts[:debug_body] # return_type return_type = opts[:debug_return_type] || 'PoolResponse' # auth_names auth_names = opts[:debug_auth_names] || ['token'] new_options = opts.merge( :operation => :"PoolApi.get_server_pool", :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => return_type ) data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, new_options) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: PoolApi#get_server_pool\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # List server pools # Lists all pools for a particular service and pool. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @return [Array] def list_server_pools(opts = {}) data, _status_code, _headers = list_server_pools_with_http_info(opts) data end # List server pools # Lists all pools for a particular service and pool. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @return [Array<(Array, Integer, Hash)>] Array data, response status code and response headers def list_server_pools_with_http_info(opts = {}) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: PoolApi.list_server_pools ...' end # unbox the parameters from the hash service_id = opts[:'service_id'] version_id = opts[:'version_id'] # verify the required parameter 'service_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && service_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'service_id' when calling PoolApi.list_server_pools" end # verify the required parameter 'version_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && version_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'version_id' when calling PoolApi.list_server_pools" end # resource path local_var_path = '/service/{service_id}/version/{version_id}/pool'.sub('{' + 'service_id' + '}', CGI.escape(service_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'version_id' + '}', CGI.escape(version_id.to_s)) # query parameters query_params = opts[:query_params] || {} # header parameters header_params = opts[:header_params] || {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # form parameters form_params = opts[:form_params] || {} # http body (model) post_body = opts[:debug_body] # return_type return_type = opts[:debug_return_type] || 'Array' # auth_names auth_names = opts[:debug_auth_names] || ['token'] new_options = opts.merge( :operation => :"PoolApi.list_server_pools", :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => return_type ) data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, new_options) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: PoolApi#list_server_pools\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end # Update a server pool # Updates a specific pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :pool_name Name for the Pool. (required) # @option opts [String] :tls_ca_cert A secure certificate to authenticate a server with. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_cert The client certificate used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_key The client private key used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_cert_hostname The hostname used to verify a server's certificate. It can either be the Common Name (CN) or a Subject Alternative Name (SAN). (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :use_tls Whether to use TLS. (default to USE_TLS::no_tls) # @option opts [Time] :created_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :deleted_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [String] :service_id # @option opts [String] :version # @option opts [String] :name Name for the Pool. # @option opts [String] :shield Selected POP to serve as a shield for the servers. Defaults to `null` meaning no origin shielding if not set. Refer to the [POPs API endpoint](https://www.fastly.com/documentation/reference/api/utils/pops/) to get a list of available POPs used for shielding. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :request_condition Condition which, if met, will select this configuration during a request. Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_ciphers List of OpenSSL ciphers (see the [openssl.org manpages](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html) for details). Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_sni_hostname SNI hostname. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :min_tls_version Minimum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_tls_version Maximum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [String] :healthcheck Name of the healthcheck to use with this pool. Can be empty and could be reused across multiple backend and pools. # @option opts [String] :comment A freeform descriptive note. # @option opts [String] :type What type of load balance group to use. # @option opts [String] :override_host The hostname to [override the Host header](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/specifying-an-override-host). Defaults to `null` meaning no override of the Host header will occur. This setting can also be added to a Server definition. If the field is set on a Server definition it will override the Pool setting. (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :between_bytes_timeout Maximum duration in milliseconds that Fastly will wait while receiving no data on a download from a backend. If exceeded, the response received so far will be considered complete and the fetch will end. May be set at runtime using `bereq.between_bytes_timeout`. (default to 10000) # @option opts [Integer] :connect_timeout How long to wait for a timeout in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :first_byte_timeout How long to wait for the first byte in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_conn_default Maximum number of connections. Optional. (default to 200) # @option opts [Integer] :quorum Percentage of capacity (`0-100`) that needs to be operationally available for a pool to be considered up. (default to 75) # @option opts [Integer] :tls_check_cert Be strict on checking TLS certs. Optional. # @return [PoolResponse] def update_server_pool(opts = {}) data, _status_code, _headers = update_server_pool_with_http_info(opts) data end # Update a server pool # Updates a specific pool for a particular service and version. # @option opts [String] :service_id Alphanumeric string identifying the service. (required) # @option opts [Integer] :version_id Integer identifying a service version. (required) # @option opts [String] :pool_name Name for the Pool. (required) # @option opts [String] :tls_ca_cert A secure certificate to authenticate a server with. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_cert The client certificate used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_client_key The client private key used to make authenticated requests. Must be in PEM format. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :tls_cert_hostname The hostname used to verify a server's certificate. It can either be the Common Name (CN) or a Subject Alternative Name (SAN). (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :use_tls Whether to use TLS. (default to USE_TLS::no_tls) # @option opts [Time] :created_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :deleted_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [Time] :updated_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format. # @option opts [String] :service_id # @option opts [String] :version # @option opts [String] :name Name for the Pool. # @option opts [String] :shield Selected POP to serve as a shield for the servers. Defaults to `null` meaning no origin shielding if not set. Refer to the [POPs API endpoint](https://www.fastly.com/documentation/reference/api/utils/pops/) to get a list of available POPs used for shielding. (default to 'null') # @option opts [String] :request_condition Condition which, if met, will select this configuration during a request. Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_ciphers List of OpenSSL ciphers (see the [openssl.org manpages](https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.1/man1/ciphers.html) for details). Optional. # @option opts [String] :tls_sni_hostname SNI hostname. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :min_tls_version Minimum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_tls_version Maximum allowed TLS version on connections to this server. Optional. # @option opts [String] :healthcheck Name of the healthcheck to use with this pool. Can be empty and could be reused across multiple backend and pools. # @option opts [String] :comment A freeform descriptive note. # @option opts [String] :type What type of load balance group to use. # @option opts [String] :override_host The hostname to [override the Host header](https://docs.fastly.com/en/guides/specifying-an-override-host). Defaults to `null` meaning no override of the Host header will occur. This setting can also be added to a Server definition. If the field is set on a Server definition it will override the Pool setting. (default to 'null') # @option opts [Integer] :between_bytes_timeout Maximum duration in milliseconds that Fastly will wait while receiving no data on a download from a backend. If exceeded, the response received so far will be considered complete and the fetch will end. May be set at runtime using `bereq.between_bytes_timeout`. (default to 10000) # @option opts [Integer] :connect_timeout How long to wait for a timeout in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :first_byte_timeout How long to wait for the first byte in milliseconds. Optional. # @option opts [Integer] :max_conn_default Maximum number of connections. Optional. (default to 200) # @option opts [Integer] :quorum Percentage of capacity (`0-100`) that needs to be operationally available for a pool to be considered up. (default to 75) # @option opts [Integer] :tls_check_cert Be strict on checking TLS certs. Optional. # @return [Array<(PoolResponse, Integer, Hash)>] PoolResponse data, response status code and response headers def update_server_pool_with_http_info(opts = {}) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: PoolApi.update_server_pool ...' end # unbox the parameters from the hash service_id = opts[:'service_id'] version_id = opts[:'version_id'] pool_name = opts[:'pool_name'] # verify the required parameter 'service_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && service_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'service_id' when calling PoolApi.update_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'version_id' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && version_id.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'version_id' when calling PoolApi.update_server_pool" end # verify the required parameter 'pool_name' is set if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && pool_name.nil? fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'pool_name' when calling PoolApi.update_server_pool" end allowable_values = [0, 1] if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && opts[:'use_tls'] && !allowable_values.include?(opts[:'use_tls']) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"use_tls\", must be one of #{allowable_values}" end allowable_values = ["random", "hash", "client"] if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && opts[:'type'] && !allowable_values.include?(opts[:'type']) fail ArgumentError, "invalid value for \"type\", must be one of #{allowable_values}" end if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && !opts[:'quorum'].nil? && opts[:'quorum'] > 100 fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "opts[:"quorum"]" when calling PoolApi.update_server_pool, must be smaller than or equal to 100.' end if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && !opts[:'quorum'].nil? && opts[:'quorum'] < 0 fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "opts[:"quorum"]" when calling PoolApi.update_server_pool, must be greater than or equal to 0.' end # resource path local_var_path = '/service/{service_id}/version/{version_id}/pool/{pool_name}'.sub('{' + 'service_id' + '}', CGI.escape(service_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'version_id' + '}', CGI.escape(version_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'pool_name' + '}', CGI.escape(pool_name.to_s)) # query parameters query_params = opts[:query_params] || {} # header parameters header_params = opts[:header_params] || {} # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json']) # HTTP header 'Content-Type' content_type = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']) if !content_type.nil? header_params['Content-Type'] = content_type end # form parameters form_params = opts[:form_params] || {} form_params['tls_ca_cert'] = opts[:'tls_ca_cert'] if !opts[:'tls_ca_cert'].nil? form_params['tls_client_cert'] = opts[:'tls_client_cert'] if !opts[:'tls_client_cert'].nil? form_params['tls_client_key'] = opts[:'tls_client_key'] if !opts[:'tls_client_key'].nil? form_params['tls_cert_hostname'] = opts[:'tls_cert_hostname'] if !opts[:'tls_cert_hostname'].nil? form_params['use_tls'] = opts[:'use_tls'] if !opts[:'use_tls'].nil? form_params['created_at'] = opts[:'created_at'] if !opts[:'created_at'].nil? form_params['deleted_at'] = opts[:'deleted_at'] if !opts[:'deleted_at'].nil? form_params['updated_at'] = opts[:'updated_at'] if !opts[:'updated_at'].nil? form_params['service_id'] = opts[:'service_id'] if !opts[:'service_id'].nil? form_params['version'] = opts[:'version'] if !opts[:'version'].nil? form_params['name'] = opts[:'name'] if !opts[:'name'].nil? form_params['shield'] = opts[:'shield'] if !opts[:'shield'].nil? form_params['request_condition'] = opts[:'request_condition'] if !opts[:'request_condition'].nil? form_params['tls_ciphers'] = opts[:'tls_ciphers'] if !opts[:'tls_ciphers'].nil? form_params['tls_sni_hostname'] = opts[:'tls_sni_hostname'] if !opts[:'tls_sni_hostname'].nil? form_params['min_tls_version'] = opts[:'min_tls_version'] if !opts[:'min_tls_version'].nil? form_params['max_tls_version'] = opts[:'max_tls_version'] if !opts[:'max_tls_version'].nil? form_params['healthcheck'] = opts[:'healthcheck'] if !opts[:'healthcheck'].nil? form_params['comment'] = opts[:'comment'] if !opts[:'comment'].nil? form_params['type'] = opts[:'type'] if !opts[:'type'].nil? form_params['override_host'] = opts[:'override_host'] if !opts[:'override_host'].nil? form_params['between_bytes_timeout'] = opts[:'between_bytes_timeout'] if !opts[:'between_bytes_timeout'].nil? form_params['connect_timeout'] = opts[:'connect_timeout'] if !opts[:'connect_timeout'].nil? form_params['first_byte_timeout'] = opts[:'first_byte_timeout'] if !opts[:'first_byte_timeout'].nil? form_params['max_conn_default'] = opts[:'max_conn_default'] if !opts[:'max_conn_default'].nil? form_params['quorum'] = opts[:'quorum'] if !opts[:'quorum'].nil? form_params['tls_check_cert'] = opts[:'tls_check_cert'] if !opts[:'tls_check_cert'].nil? # http body (model) post_body = opts[:debug_body] # return_type return_type = opts[:debug_return_type] || 'PoolResponse' # auth_names auth_names = opts[:debug_auth_names] || ['token'] new_options = opts.merge( :operation => :"PoolApi.update_server_pool", :header_params => header_params, :query_params => query_params, :form_params => form_params, :body => post_body, :auth_names => auth_names, :return_type => return_type ) data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PUT, local_var_path, new_options) if @api_client.config.debugging @api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: PoolApi#update_server_pool\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}" end return data, status_code, headers end end end