Feature: description_stats_reply handler Background: Given a file named "description_stats_reply.rb" with: """ruby class DescriptionStatsReply < Trema::Controller def switch_ready(dpid) send_message dpid, DescriptionStats::Request.new end def description_stats_reply(dpid, message) logger.info 'description_stats_reply handler is invoked' end end """ And a file named "trema.conf" with: """ruby vswitch { datapath_id 0xabc } """ @sudo Scenario: invoke description_reply handler Given I use OpenFlow 1.0 When I trema run "description_stats_reply.rb" with the configuration "trema.conf" Then the file "DescriptionStatsReply.log" should contain "description_stats_reply handler is invoked" @sudo @wip Scenario: invoke barrier_reply handler Given I use OpenFlow 1.3 When I trema run "barrier_reply.rb" with the configuration "trema.conf" Then the file "BarrierReply.log" should contain "barrier_reply handler is invoked"