# encoding: utf-8 require 'thread' module Adhearsion ## # Encapsulates call-related data and behavior. # class Call Hangup = Class.new Adhearsion::Error CommandTimeout = Class.new Adhearsion::Error ExpiredError = Class.new Celluloid::DeadActorError include Celluloid include HasGuardedHandlers def self.new(*args, &block) super.tap do |proxy| def proxy.method_missing(*args) super rescue Celluloid::DeadActorError raise ExpiredError, "This call is expired and is no longer accessible" end end end attr_accessor :offer, :client, :end_reason, :commands, :variables, :controllers delegate :[], :[]=, :to => :variables delegate :to, :from, :to => :offer, :allow_nil => true def initialize(offer = nil) register_initial_handlers @tags = [] @commands = CommandRegistry.new @variables = {} @controllers = [] @end_reason = nil self << offer if offer end def id offer.call_id if offer end def tags @tags.clone end # This may still be a symbol, but no longer requires the tag to be a symbol although beware # that using a symbol would create a memory leak if used improperly # @param [String, Symbol] label String or Symbol with which to tag this call def tag(label) abort ArgumentError.new "Tag must be a String or Symbol" unless [String, Symbol].include?(label.class) @tags << label end def remove_tag(symbol) @tags.reject! { |tag| tag == symbol } end def tagged_with?(symbol) @tags.include? symbol end def register_event_handler(*guards, &block) register_handler :event, *guards, &block end def deliver_message(message) logger.debug "Receiving message: #{message.inspect}" catching_standard_errors { trigger_handler :event, message } end alias << deliver_message def register_initial_handlers # :nodoc: register_event_handler Punchblock::Event::Offer do |offer| @offer = offer @client = offer.client throw :pass end register_event_handler Punchblock::HasHeaders do |event| variables.merge! event.headers_hash throw :pass end register_event_handler Punchblock::Event::Joined do |event| target = event.other_call_id || event.mixer_name signal :joined, target throw :pass end register_event_handler Punchblock::Event::Unjoined do |event| target = event.other_call_id || event.mixer_name signal :unjoined, target throw :pass end on_end do |event| logger.info "Call ended" clear_from_active_calls @end_reason = event.reason commands.terminate after(after_end_hold_time) { current_actor.terminate! } end end def after_end_hold_time # :nodoc: 30 end def on_end(&block) register_event_handler Punchblock::Event::End do |event| block.call event throw :pass end end def active? !end_reason end def accept(headers = nil) @accept_command ||= write_and_await_response Punchblock::Command::Accept.new(:headers => headers) end def answer(headers = nil) write_and_await_response Punchblock::Command::Answer.new(:headers => headers) end def reject(reason = :busy, headers = nil) write_and_await_response Punchblock::Command::Reject.new(:reason => reason, :headers => headers) end def hangup(headers = nil) return false unless active? logger.info "Hanging up" @end_reason = true write_and_await_response Punchblock::Command::Hangup.new(:headers => headers) end def clear_from_active_calls # :nodoc: Adhearsion.active_calls.remove_inactive_call current_actor end ## # Joins this call to another call or a mixer # # @param [Call, String, Hash] target the target to join to. May be a Call object, a call ID (String, Hash) or a mixer name (Hash) # @option target [String] call_id The call ID to join to # @option target [String] mixer_name The mixer to join to # @param [Hash, Optional] options further options to be joined with # def join(target, options = {}) command = Punchblock::Command::Join.new join_options_with_target(target, options) write_and_await_response command end ## # Unjoins this call from another call or a mixer # # @param [Call, String, Hash] target the target to unjoin from. May be a Call object, a call ID (String, Hash) or a mixer name (Hash) # @option target [String] call_id The call ID to unjoin from # @option target [String] mixer_name The mixer to unjoin from # def unjoin(target) command = Punchblock::Command::Unjoin.new join_options_with_target(target) write_and_await_response command end def join_options_with_target(target, options = {}) options.merge(case target when Call { :other_call_id => target.id } when String { :other_call_id => target } when Hash abort ArgumentError.new "You cannot specify both a call ID and mixer name" if target.has_key?(:call_id) && target.has_key?(:mixer_name) target.tap do |t| t[:other_call_id] = t[:call_id] t.delete :call_id end else abort ArgumentError.new "Don't know how to join to #{target.inspect}" end) end def wait_for_joined(expected_target) target = nil until target == expected_target do target = wait :joined end end def wait_for_unjoined(expected_target) target = nil until target == expected_target do target = wait :unjoined end end def mute write_and_await_response ::Punchblock::Command::Mute.new end def unmute write_and_await_response ::Punchblock::Command::Unmute.new end def write_and_await_response(command, timeout = 60) commands << command write_command command case (response = command.response timeout) when Punchblock::ProtocolError if response.name == :item_not_found abort Hangup.new(@end_reason) else abort response end when Exception abort response end command rescue Timeout::Error => e abort CommandTimeout.new(command.to_s) end def write_command(command) abort Hangup.new(@end_reason) unless active? || command.is_a?(Punchblock::Command::Hangup) variables.merge! command.headers_hash if command.respond_to? :headers_hash logger.debug "Executing command #{command.inspect}" client.execute_command command, :call_id => id, :async => true end def logger_id # :nodoc: "#{self.class}: #{id}" end def logger # :nodoc: super end def to_ary [current_actor] end def inspect attrs = [:offer, :end_reason, :commands, :variables, :controllers, :to, :from].map do |attr| "#{attr}=#{send(attr).inspect}" end "#<#{self.class}:#{id} #{attrs.join ', '}>" end def execute_controller(controller, latch = nil) Thread.new do catching_standard_errors do begin CallController.exec controller ensure hangup end latch.countdown! if latch end end.tap { |t| Adhearsion::Process.important_threads << t } end def register_controller(controller) @controllers << controller end def pause_controllers controllers.each(&:pause!) end def resume_controllers controllers.each(&:resume!) end class CommandRegistry < ThreadSafeArray # :nodoc: def terminate hangup = Hangup.new each { |command| command.response = hangup if command.requested? } end end end#Call end#Adhearsion