module ActiveRecord module Reflection class AssociationReflection #:nodoc: def reverse_for?(klass) reverse_matches_for(klass).empty? ? false : true end attr_writer :reverse def reverse if @reverse.nil? and not self.options[:polymorphic] reverse_matches = reverse_matches_for(self.class_name.constantize) rescue nil # grab first association, or make a wild guess @reverse = reverse_matches.blank? ? false : end @reverse end protected def reverse_matches_for(klass) reverse_matches = [] # stage 1 filter: collect associations that point back to this model and use the same foreign_key klass.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |assoc| if self.options[:through] # only iterate has_many :through associations next unless assoc.options[:through] next unless assoc.through_reflection.klass == self.through_reflection.klass else # skip over has_many :through associations next if assoc.options[:through] next unless assoc.options[:polymorphic] or assoc.class_name.constantize == self.active_record case [assoc.macro, self.macro].find_all{|m| m == :has_and_belongs_to_many}.length # if both are a habtm, then match them based on the join table when 2 next unless assoc.options[:join_table] == self.options[:join_table] # if only one is a habtm, they do not match when 1 next # otherwise, match them based on the foreign_key when 0 next unless assoc.foreign_key.to_sym == self.foreign_key.to_sym end end reverse_matches << assoc end # stage 2 filter: name-based matching (association name vs self.active_record.to_s) reverse_matches.find_all do |assoc| self.active_record.to_s.underscore.include? end if reverse_matches.length > 1 reverse_matches end end end end