module Keepassx module Field # FIELD_TERMINATOR = 0xFFFF # FIXME: Use it or remove it TYPE_CODE_FIELD_SIZE = 2 # unsigned short integer DATA_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE = 4 # unsigned integer def initialize(payload) if payload.is_a? StringIO @type_code, data_length = TYPE_CODE_FIELD_SIZE + DATA_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE).unpack('SI') @name, @data_type = parse_type_code fail "Failed to determine field name from '#{payload.inspect}'" if @name.nil? fail "Failed to determine field typefrom '#{payload.inspect}'" if @data_type.nil? # Not using setter because it should be raw data here @data = unless terminator? set_export_import_methods elsif payload.is_a? Hash @name = payload[:name].to_s type_set = self.class::FIELD_TYPES.detect do |_, name, _| name.eql? @name.to_s end @type_code, _, @data_type = type_set set_export_import_methods = payload[:data] end rescue NoMethodError => e raise Keepassx::MalformedDataError. new "Read error at #{payload.lineno}" if :unpack # fail end def encode buffer = [@type_code, size].pack 'SI' buffer << @data unless @data.nil? # Writing raw data # [buffer].pack "a#{size}" buffer end def terminator? @name.eql? 'terminator' end # Return raw data length def length TYPE_CODE_FIELD_SIZE + DATA_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE + size end def size case @data_type when :null 0 when :int 4 when :date 5 when :uuid 16 else (@data.nil?) && 0 || @data.length end end def data self.send @export_method end def data= value self.send @import_method, value end def raw @data end private def set_export_import_methods @export_method = "#{@data_type}".to_sym @import_method = "#{@data_type}=".to_sym end def parse_type_code (_, name, data_type) = self.class::FIELD_TYPES.detect do |(code, *rest)| code == @type_code end [name, data_type] end def string @data.chomp("\000") end def int @data.unpack('I')[0] end def short @data.unpack('S')[0] end def ascii # TODO: Add spec @data.unpack('H*')[0] end def date buffer = @data.unpack('C5') year = (buffer[0] << 6) | (buffer[1] >> 2) month = ((buffer[1] & 0b11) << 2) | (buffer[2] >> 6) day = ((buffer[2] & 0b111111) >> 1) hour = ((buffer[2] & 0b1) << 4) | (buffer[3] >> 4) min = ((buffer[3] & 0b1111) << 2) | (buffer[4] >> 6) sec = ((buffer[4] & 0b111111)) Time.local(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) end def null nil end def shunt @data end def string= value @data = "#{value}\000" # @data.force_encoding 'ASCII-8BIT' if @data.respond_to? :force_encoding end def int= value @data = [value].pack('I') end def short= value @data = [value].pack('S') end def ascii= value @data = [value].pack('H*') end def date= value fail "Expected: Time, String or Fixnum, got: '#{value.class}'." unless [Time, String, Fixnum].include? value.class value = Time.parse value if value.is_a? String value = value if value.is_a? Fixnum sec, min, hour, day, month, year = value.to_a @data = [ 0x0000FFFF & ((year >> 6) & 0x0000003F), 0x0000FFFF & (((year & 0x0000003f) << 2) | ((month >> 2) & 0x00000003)), 0x0000FFFF & (((month & 0x00000003) << 6) | ((day & 0x0000001F) << 1) | ((hour >> 4) & 0x00000001)), 0x0000FFFF & (((hour & 0x0000000F) << 4) | ((min >> 2) & 0x0000000F)), 0x0000FFFF & (((min & 0x00000003) << 6) | (sec & 0x0000003F)) ].pack('