describe 'Kumogata::Client#validate' do it 'validate Ruby template (without error)' do template = <<-EOS Resources do myEC2Instance do Type "AWS::EC2::Instance" Properties do ImageId "ami-XXXXXXXX" InstanceType "t1.micro" end end end Outputs do AZ do Value do Fn__GetAtt "myEC2Instance", "AvailabilityZone" end end end EOS run_client(:validate, :template => template) do |client, cf| json = eval_template(template, :add_encryption_password_for_validation => true).to_json expect(cf).to receive(:validate_template).with(json) { {} } end end it 'validate Ruby template (with error)' do template = <<-EOS Resources do myEC2Instance do Type "AWS::EC2::Instance" Properties do ImageId "ami-XXXXXXXX" InstanceType "t1.micro" end end end #Outputs do AZ do Value do Fn__GetAtt "myEC2Instance", "AvailabilityZone" end end #end EOS expect { run_client(:validate, :template => template) do |client, cf| json = eval_template(template, :add_encryption_password_for_validation => true).to_json expect(cf).to receive(:validate_template).with(json) { { :code => 'CODE', :message => 'MESSAGE' } } end }.to raise_error('CODE: MESSAGE') end it 'validate JSON template (without error)' do template = <<-EOS { "Resources": { "myEC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": "ami-XXXXXXXX", "InstanceType": "t1.micro" } } }, "AZ": { "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "myEC2Instance", "AvailabilityZone" ] } } } EOS run_client(:validate, :template => template, :template_ext => '.template') do |client, cf| template = JSON.parse(template) add_encryption_password_for_validation(template) json = template.to_json expect(cf).to receive(:validate_template) { {} } end end it 'validate JSON template (with error)' do template = <<-EOS { "Resources": { "myEC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId": "ami-XXXXXXXX", "InstanceType": "t1.micro" } } }, "AZ": { "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "myEC2Instance", "AvailabilityZone" ] } } } EOS expect { run_client(:validate, :template => template, :template_ext => '.template') do |client, cf| template = JSON.parse(template) add_encryption_password_for_validation(template) json = template.to_json expect(cf).to receive(:validate_template).with(json) { { :code => 'CODE', :message => 'MESSAGE' } } end }.to raise_error('CODE: MESSAGE') end it 'validate Ruby template (without verbose option)' do template = <<-EOS Resources do myEC2Instance do Type "AWS::EC2::Instance" Properties do ImageId "ami-XXXXXXXX" InstanceType "t1.micro" end end end Outputs do AZ do Value do Fn__GetAtt "myEC2Instance", "AvailabilityZone" end end end EOS result = {"parameters"=> [{"no_echo"=>false, "parameter_key"=>"SSHLocation", "description"=> "The IP address range that can be used to SSH to the EC2 instances", "default_value"=>""}, {"no_echo"=>false, "parameter_key"=>"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "default_value"=>"(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)"}, {"no_echo"=>false, "parameter_key"=>"InstanceType", "description"=>"WebServer EC2 instance type", "default_value"=>"m1.small"}, {"no_echo"=>false, "parameter_key"=>"KeyName", "description"=> "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance"}], "capabilities"=>[], "description"=>"'test CloudFormation Template\n", "response_metadata"=>{"request_id"=>"XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"}} expect(Kumogata.logger).to receive(:info).with('Template validated successfully') expect(Kumogata.logger).to receive(:info).with(JSON.pretty_generate(result)) run_client(:validate, :template => template, :options => {:verbose => true}) do |client, cf| json = eval_template(template, :add_encryption_password_for_validation => true).to_json expect(cf).to receive(:validate_template).with(json) { result } end end end