require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet/pops/types/ruby_generator' def root_binding return binding end module Puppet::Pops module Types describe 'Puppet Ruby Generator' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler let!(:parser) { TypeParser.singleton } let(:generator) { } context 'when generating classes for Objects having attribute names that are Ruby reserved words' do let (:source) { <<-PUPPET } type MyObject = Object[{ attributes => { alias => String, begin => String, break => String, def => String, do => String, end => String, ensure => String, for => String, module => String, next => String, nil => String, not => String, redo => String, rescue => String, retry => String, return => String, self => String, super => String, then => String, until => String, when => String, while => String, yield => String, }, }] $x = MyObject({ alias => 'value of alias', begin => 'value of begin', break => 'value of break', def => 'value of def', do => 'value of do', end => 'value of end', ensure => 'value of ensure', for => 'value of for', module => 'value of module', next => 'value of next', nil => 'value of nil', not => 'value of not', redo => 'value of redo', rescue => 'value of rescue', retry => 'value of retry', return => 'value of return', self => 'value of self', super => 'value of super', then => 'value of then', until => 'value of until', when => 'value of when', while => 'value of while', yield => 'value of yield', }) notice($x.alias) notice($x.begin) notice($x.break) notice($x.def) notice($ notice($x.end) notice($x.ensure) notice($x.for) notice($x.module) notice($ notice($x.nil) notice($x.not) notice($x.redo) notice($x.rescue) notice($x.retry) notice($x.return) notice($x.self) notice($x.super) notice($x.then) notice($x.until) notice($x.when) notice($x.while) notice($x.yield) PUPPET it 'can create an instance and access all attributes' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(source)).to eql([ 'value of alias', 'value of begin', 'value of break', 'value of def', 'value of do', 'value of end', 'value of ensure', 'value of for', 'value of module', 'value of next', 'value of nil', 'value of not', 'value of redo', 'value of rescue', 'value of retry', 'value of return', 'value of self', 'value of super', 'value of then', 'value of until', 'value of when', 'value of while', 'value of yield', ]) end end context 'when generating classes for Objects having function names that are Ruby reserved words' do let (:source) { <<-PUPPET } type MyObject = Object[{ functions => { alias => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of alias'" }}}, begin => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of begin'" }}}, break => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of break'" }}}, def => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of def'" }}}, do => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of do'" }}}, end => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of end'" }}}, ensure => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of ensure'" }}}, for => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of for'" }}}, module => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of module'" }}}, next => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of next'" }}}, nil => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of nil'" }}}, not => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of not'" }}}, redo => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of redo'" }}}, rescue => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of rescue'" }}}, retry => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of retry'" }}}, return => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of return'" }}}, self => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of self'" }}}, super => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of super'" }}}, then => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of then'" }}}, until => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of until'" }}}, when => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of when'" }}}, while => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of while'" }}}, yield => { type => Callable[[0,0],String], annotations => {RubyMethod => { 'body' => "'value of yield'" }}}, }, }] $x = MyObject() notice($x.alias) notice($x.begin) notice($x.break) notice($x.def) notice($ notice($x.end) notice($x.ensure) notice($x.for) notice($x.module) notice($ notice($x.nil) notice($x.not) notice($x.redo) notice($x.rescue) notice($x.retry) notice($x.return) notice($x.self) notice($x.super) notice($x.then) notice($x.until) notice($x.when) notice($x.while) notice($x.yield) PUPPET it 'can create an instance and call all functions' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(source)).to eql([ 'value of alias', 'value of begin', 'value of break', 'value of def', 'value of do', 'value of end', 'value of ensure', 'value of for', 'value of module', 'value of next', 'value of nil', 'value of not', 'value of redo', 'value of rescue', 'value of retry', 'value of return', 'value of self', 'value of super', 'value of then', 'value of until', 'value of when', 'value of while', 'value of yield', ]) end end context 'when generating from Object types' do let (:type_decls) { <<-CODE.unindent } type MyModule::FirstGenerated = Object[{ attributes => { name => String, age => { type => Integer, value => 30 }, what => { type => String, value => 'what is this', kind => constant }, uc_name => { type => String, kind => derived, annotations => { RubyMethod => { body => '@name.upcase' } } }, other_name => { type => String, kind => derived }, }, functions => { some_other => { type => Callable[1,1] }, name_and_age => { type => Callable[1,1], annotations => { RubyMethod => { parameters => 'joiner', body => '"\#{@name}\#{joiner}\#{@age}"' } } }, '[]' => { type => Callable[1,1], annotations => { RubyMethod => { parameters => 'key', body => @(EOF) case key when 'name' name when 'age' age else nil end |-EOF } } } } }] type MyModule::SecondGenerated = Object[{ parent => MyModule::FirstGenerated, attributes => { address => String, zipcode => String, email => String, another => { type => Optional[MyModule::FirstGenerated], value => undef }, number => Integer, aref => { type => Optional[MyModule::FirstGenerated], value => undef, kind => reference } } }] CODE let(:type_usage) { '' } let(:source) { type_decls + type_usage } context 'when generating anonymous classes' do loader = nil let(:first_type) { parser.parse('MyModule::FirstGenerated', loader) } let(:second_type) { parser.parse('MyModule::SecondGenerated', loader) } let(:first) { generator.create_class(first_type) } let(:second) { generator.create_class(second_type) } let(:notices) { [] } before(:each) do notices.concat(eval_and_collect_notices(source) do |topscope| loader = topscope.compiler.loaders.find_loader(nil) end) end context 'the generated class' do it 'inherits the PuppetObject module' do expect(first < PuppetObject).to be_truthy end it 'is the superclass of a generated subclass' do expect(second < first).to be_truthy end end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(first.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(second.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'created instance has a [] method' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst['name']).to eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst['age']).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end it 'generates a code body for derived attribute from a RubyMethod body attribute' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst.uc_name).to eq('BOB BUILDER') end it "generates a code body with 'not implemented' in the absense of a RubyMethod body attribute" do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect { inst.other_name }.to raise_error(/no method is implemented for derived attribute MyModule::FirstGenerated\[other_name\]/) end it 'generates parameter list and a code body for derived function from a RubyMethod body attribute' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst.name_and_age(' of age ')).to eq('Bob Builder of age 52') end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(first.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(second.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end context 'creates an instance' do it 'that the TypeCalculator infers to the Object type' do expect(TypeCalculator.infer(first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder'))).to eq(first_type) end it "where attributes of kind 'reference' are not considered part of #_pcore_all_contents" do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') wrinst = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23, 40, inst, inst) results = [] wrinst._pcore_all_contents([]) { |v| results << v } expect(results).to eq([inst]) end end context 'when used from Puppet' do let(:type_usage) { <<-PUPPET.unindent } $i = MyModule::FirstGenerated('Bob Builder', 52) notice($i['name']) notice($i['age']) PUPPET it 'The [] method is present on a created instance' do expect(notices).to eql(['Bob Builder', '52']) end end end context 'when generating static code' do module_def = nil before(:each) do # Ideally, this would be in a before(:all) but that is impossible since lots of Puppet # environment specific settings are configured by the spec_helper in before(:each) if module_def.nil? first_type = nil second_type = nil eval_and_collect_notices(source) do first_type = parser.parse('MyModule::FirstGenerated') second_type = parser.parse('MyModule::SecondGenerated') Loaders.implementation_registry.register_type_mapping(, [/^PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::(\w+)$/, 'MyModule::\1']), [/^MyModule::(\w+)$/, 'PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::\1']) module_def = generator.module_definition([first_type, second_type], 'Generated stuff') end Loaders.clear Puppet[:code] = nil # Create the actual classes in the PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator module Puppet.override(:loaders =>, []))) do eval(module_def, root_binding) end end end after(:all) do # Don't want generated module to leak outside this test PuppetSpec.send(:remove_const, :RubyGenerator) end it 'the #_pcore_type class method returns a resolved Type' do first_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated._pcore_type expect(first_type).to be_a(PObjectType) second_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated._pcore_type expect(second_type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect(second_type.parent).to eql(first_type) end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end end end context 'when generating from TypeSets' do def source <<-CODE type MyModule = TypeSet[{ pcore_version => '1.0.0', version => '1.0.0', types => { MyInteger => Integer, FirstGenerated => Object[{ attributes => { name => String, age => { type => Integer, value => 30 }, what => { type => String, value => 'what is this', kind => constant } } }], SecondGenerated => Object[{ parent => FirstGenerated, attributes => { address => String, zipcode => String, email => String, another => { type => Optional[FirstGenerated], value => undef }, number => MyInteger } }] }, }] type OtherModule = TypeSet[{ pcore_version => '1.0.0', version => '1.0.0', types => { MyFloat => Float, ThirdGenerated => Object[{ attributes => { first => My::FirstGenerated } }], FourthGenerated => Object[{ parent => My::SecondGenerated, attributes => { complex => { type => Optional[ThirdGenerated], value => undef }, n1 => My::MyInteger, n2 => MyFloat } }] }, references => { My => { name => 'MyModule', version_range => '1.x' } } }] CODE end context 'when generating anonymous classes' do typeset = nil let(:first_type) { typeset['My::FirstGenerated'] } let(:second_type) { typeset['My::SecondGenerated'] } let(:third_type) { typeset['ThirdGenerated'] } let(:fourth_type) { typeset['FourthGenerated'] } let(:first) { generator.create_class(first_type) } let(:second) { generator.create_class(second_type) } let(:third) { generator.create_class(third_type) } let(:fourth) { generator.create_class(fourth_type) } before(:each) do eval_and_collect_notices(source) do typeset = parser.parse('OtherModule') end end after(:each) { typeset = nil } context 'the typeset' do it 'produces expected string representation' do expect(typeset.to_s).to eq( "TypeSet[{pcore_version => '1.0.0', name_authority => '', name => 'OtherModule', version => '1.0.0', types => {"+ "MyFloat => Float, "+ "ThirdGenerated => Object[{attributes => {'first' => My::FirstGenerated}}], "+ "FourthGenerated => Object[{parent => My::SecondGenerated, attributes => {"+ "'complex' => {type => Optional[ThirdGenerated], value => undef}, "+ "'n1' => My::MyInteger, "+ "'n2' => MyFloat"+ "}}]}, references => {My => {'name' => 'MyModule', 'version_range' => '1.x'}}}]") end end context 'the generated class' do it 'inherits the PuppetObject module' do expect(first < PuppetObject).to be_truthy end it 'is the superclass of a generated subclass' do expect(second < first).to be_truthy end end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(first.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(second.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) expect(third.method(:create).arity).to eql(1) expect(fourth.method(:create).arity).to eql(-8) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #eql?' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1.eql?(inst2)).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #==' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the different attribute in super class values are different' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Engineer', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end it 'two instances with the different attribute in sub class values are different' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(first.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(second.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end context 'creates an instance' do it 'that the TypeCalculator infers to the Object type' do expect(TypeCalculator.infer(first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder'))).to eq(first_type) end end end context 'when generating static code' do module_def = nil module_def2 = nil before(:each) do # Ideally, this would be in a before(:all) but that is impossible since lots of Puppet # environment specific settings are configured by the spec_helper in before(:each) if module_def.nil? eval_and_collect_notices(source) do typeset1 = parser.parse('MyModule') typeset2 = parser.parse('OtherModule') Loaders.implementation_registry.register_type_mapping(, [/^PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::(\w+)$/, 'MyModule::\1']), [/^MyModule::(\w+)$/, 'PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::\1']) Loaders.implementation_registry.register_type_mapping(, [/^PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::Other::(\w+)$/, 'OtherModule::\1']), [/^OtherModule::(\w+)$/, 'PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::Other::\1']) module_def = generator.module_definition_from_typeset(typeset1) module_def2 = generator.module_definition_from_typeset(typeset2) end Loaders.clear Puppet[:code] = nil # Create the actual classes in the PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator module Puppet.override(:loaders =>, []))) do eval(module_def, root_binding) eval(module_def2, root_binding) end end end after(:all) do # Don't want generated module to leak outside this test PuppetSpec.send(:remove_const, :RubyGenerator) end it 'the #_pcore_type class method returns a resolved Type' do first_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated._pcore_type expect(first_type).to be_a(PObjectType) second_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated._pcore_type expect(second_type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect(second_type.parent).to eql(first_type) end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #eql?' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1.eql?(inst2)).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #==' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the different attribute in super class values are different' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Engineer', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end it 'two instances with the different attribute in sub class values are different' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end end end end end end