March 2017 Meetup (pre-Chemnitz Linux Days)

Time: Starts 9 March 7:00 pm
Location: Individual Network Berlin e.V. , Lehrter Str. 53 , 10557 Berlin (map)

Dear Vim users,

the next meetup is soon. Did you discover a new plugin, learned something about Vim, found a fancy shortcut key or just used Vim for developing a cool project -- we want to hear about it!

Interested? We are always interested in short-talks, longer talks as well as presentations about what you've learned. Please post your proposal under GitHub

Reminder about the Chemnitz Linux Days (aka CLT):

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage      venue: Hörsaal- und Seminar-Gebäude
"Barrieren einreissen!"    der Technischen Universität Chemnitz
Sa+So 11.+12. März 2017    Reichenhainer Str 90, 09126 Chemnitz
Sa 8:30-18h, So 9-18h
Fr 20-24h im Turmbrauhaus
(OpenStreetMap)            map:

There will be Vim Workshop:

date:       2017-03-11 14:00-17:00 Raum W3
event:      "Vim Advanced" - Chemnitzer LinuxTage (CLT)
contact:    Sven Guckes

Sven is going travelling there by bus:

2017 03 10 00 Fri 12:45-15:55 Berlin_Süddkreuz ->Chemnitz per flixbus
2017 03 12 00 Sun 18:20-21:30 Chemnitz-> Berlin_Südkreuz per flixbus

Join him.

The rest

Bring your laptops - and join the fun! And show us your use with Vim! Be brief.. 5min for each presentation. We are open to any kind of questions and suggestions.

Your host will be Sven Guckes a.k.a. @guckes & Matthias Guenther a.k.a @wikimatze

See you there!
