# GovukTemplate This provides a template containing the GOV.UK header and footer, and associated assets. This is versioned following [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org). ## Requirements The Ruby language (1.9.3+), the build tool [Rake](http://rake.rubyforge.org/) & the dependancy management tool [Bundler](http://bundler.io/) ## Packaging At present this generates 4 output formats: 1. a gem containing a Rails engine 2. a tarball containing Play Framework templates 3. a folder containing Mustache templates 4. a tarball containing Mustache Inheritance templates 5. a tarball ### Gem version This is available on rubygems.org. To use it, add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'govuk_template' And then execute: $ bundle You can then use the `govuk_template` layout in your app. If you need to extend the layout you can use [nested layouts](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html#using-nested-layouts). ### Play version To generate the tarball of Play Framework templates run `bundle exec rake build:play`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Mustache version To generate the folder of Mustache templates run `bundle exec rake build:mustache`. This will produce a folder in the `pkg` directory. ### Liquid version To generate the folder of Liquid templates run `bundle exec rake build:liquid`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Mustache Inheritance version There is a [proposal for Mustache to support template inheritance](https://github.com/mustache/spec/issues/38) this is supported in both the `mustache.java` and the `hogan.js` implementations of Mustache. To generate the tarball of the Mustache Inheritance templates run the `build:mustache_inheritance` rake task. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ### Tarball version To generate the tarball, run the `bundle exec rake build:tar`. This will produce a tarball in the `pkg` directory. ## Publishing Accepted contributions (pull requests merged into master) will run builds for the Gem, Play and Mustache versions. These will then update the following: * RubyGems.org * [alphagov/govuk_template_play](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template_play) * [alphagov/govuk_template_mustache](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template_mustache) which updates the [npm package](https://npmjs.org/package/govuk_template_mustache) ## Development The source files are in the `/source` directory. The `compile` rake task builds the `/app` contents from these sources. This process involves the following: * compiling all stylesheets referenced in `/manifests.yml` to plain CSS (actually css.erb, so the Rails asset pipeline can work in the gem). * combining all JavaScript files referenced in `/manifests.yml` (using Sprockets) * copying the images across (including any needed images from the toolkit) This resulting app directory is included in the gem and hooked in as a Rails engine ### Extra details for the tarball build The tarball build process takes the compiled template and assets from the `/app` directory, and performs some extra processing: * it compiles the `*.css.erb` files to plain CSS, replacing all calls to `asset_path` with the relative path to the asset. For this reason, all assets referenced in the stylesheets must be stored relative to the stylesheet. * it compiles the erb layout to plain html. * All `asset_path` calls are replaced by the the path to the assets, assuming the assets folder is served from /assets * Any `content_for?` calls are assumed to return false * yields in the template are removed except for the main layout one which is replaced with an HTML comment. See the `TemplateProcessor` class for details of this implementation. ## Usage ### Propositional title and navigation You can get a propositional title and navigation by setting the content for `header_class` to `with-proposition` and `proposition_header` in the form: <div class="header-proposition"> <div class="content"> <a href="#proposition-links" class="js-header-toggle menu">Menu</a> <nav id="proposition-menu"> <a href="/" id="proposition-name">Service Name</a> <ul id="proposition-links"> <li><a href="url-to-page-1" class="active">Navigation item #1</a></li> <li><a href="url-to-page-2">Navigation item #2</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> This will then create a navigation block which is shown on desktop sized devices but collapsed down on smaller screens. ## Contributing Please follow the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_template/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).