module RDF; module Util ## # Wrapper for Allows implementations to override to get # more suffisticated behavior for HTTP resources (e.g., Accept header). # # Also supports the file: scheme for access to local files. # # Classes include this module when they represent some form of a file # as a base resource, for instance an HTTP resource representing the # serialization of a Graph. # # This module may be monkey-patched to allow for more options # and interfaces. # # @since 0.2.4 module File # Content # @return [String] attr_accessor :content_type ## # Open the file, returning or yielding an IO stream and mime_type. # Adds Accept header based on available reader content types to allow # for content negotiation based on available readers. # # @param [String] filename_or_url to open # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # options are ignored in this implementation. Applications are encouraged # to override this implementation to provide more control over HTTP # headers and redirect following. If opening as a file, # options are passed to ``. # @option options [Array, String] :headers # HTTP Request headers, passed to (Ruby >= 1.9 only) # @return [IO] File stream # @yield [IO] File stream # @note HTTP headers not passed to `` for Ruby versions < 1.9. def self.open_file(filename_or_url, options = {}, &block) filename_or_url = $1 if filename_or_url.to_s.match(/^file:(.*)$/) if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9", &block) elsif filename_or_url.to_s =~ /^#{RDF::URI::SCHEME}/ # Open as a URL headers = options.fetch(:headers, {}) headers['Accept'] ||= (RDF::Format.reader_types + %w(*/*;q=0.1)).join(", "), headers, &block) else # Open as a file, passing any options, "r", options, &block) end end end # File end; end # RDF::Util