/** * RightJS-UI Autocompleter v2.2.1 * http://rightjs.org/ui/autocompleter * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Autocompleter = RightJS.Autocompleter = (function(document, RightJS) { /** * This module defines the basic widgets constructor * it creates an abstract proxy with the common functionality * which then we reuse and override in the actual widgets * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nikolay Nemshilov */ /** * The widget units constructor * * @param String tag-name or Object methods * @param Object methods * @return Widget wrapper */ function Widget(tag_name, methods) { if (!methods) { methods = tag_name; tag_name = 'DIV'; } /** * An Abstract Widget Unit * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var AbstractWidget = new RightJS.Class(RightJS.Element.Wrappers[tag_name] || RightJS.Element, { /** * The common constructor * * @param Object options * @param String optional tag name * @return void */ initialize: function(key, options) { this.key = key; var args = [{'class': 'rui-' + key}]; // those two have different constructors if (!(this instanceof RightJS.Input || this instanceof RightJS.Form)) { args.unshift(tag_name); } this.$super.apply(this, args); if (RightJS.isString(options)) { options = RightJS.$(options); } // if the options is another element then // try to dynamically rewrap it with our widget if (options instanceof RightJS.Element) { this._ = options._; if ('$listeners' in options) { options.$listeners = options.$listeners; } options = {}; } this.setOptions(options, this); return (RightJS.Wrapper.Cache[RightJS.$uid(this._)] = this); }, // protected /** * Catches the options * * @param Object user-options * @param Element element with contextual options * @return void */ setOptions: function(options, element) { if (element) { options = RightJS.Object.merge(options, new Function("return "+( element.get('data-'+ this.key) || '{}' ))()); } if (options) { RightJS.Options.setOptions.call(this, RightJS.Object.merge(this.options, options)); } return this; } }); /** * Creating the actual widget class * */ var Klass = new RightJS.Class(AbstractWidget, methods); // creating the widget related shortcuts RightJS.Observer.createShortcuts(Klass.prototype, Klass.EVENTS || []); return Klass; } /** * A shared module to create textual spinners * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Spinner = new RightJS.Class(RightJS.Element, { /** * Constructor * * @param Number optional spinner size (4 by default) * @return void */ initialize: function(size) { this.$super('div', {'class': 'rui-spinner'}); this.dots = []; for (var i=0; i < (size || 4); i++) { this.dots.push(new RightJS.Element('div')); } this.dots[0].addClass('glowing'); this.insert(this.dots); RightJS(this.shift).bind(this).periodical(300); }, /** * Shifts the spinner elements * * @return void */ shift: function() { if (this.visible()) { var dot = this.dots.pop(); this.dots.unshift(dot); this.insert(dot, 'top'); } } }); /** * A shared module that toggles a widget visibility status * in a uniformed way according to the options settings * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Toggler = { /** * Shows the element * * @param String fx-name * @param Object fx-options * @return Element this */ show: function(fx_name, fx_options) { this.constructor.current = this; return Toggler_toggle(this, 'show', fx_name, fx_options); }, /** * Hides the element * * @param String fx-name * @param Object fx-options * @return Element this */ hide: function(fx_name, fx_options) { this.constructor.current = null; return Toggler_toggle(this, 'show', fx_name, fx_options); }, /** * Toggles the widget at the given element * * @param Element the related element * @param String position right/bottom (bottom is the default) * @param Boolean marker if the element should be resized to the element size * @return Widget this */ showAt: function(element, where, resize) { this.hide(null).shownAt = element = RightJS.$(element); // moves this element at the given one Toggler_re_position.call(this, element, where, resize); return this.show(); }, /** * Toggles the widget at the given element * * @param Element the related element * @param String position top/left/right/bottom (bottom is the default) * @param Boolean marker if the element should be resized to the element size * @return Widget this */ toggleAt: function(element, where, resize) { return this.hidden() ? this.showAt(element, where, resize) : this.hide(); } }; /** * toggles the element's state according to the current settings * * @param event String 'show' or 'hide' the event name * @param String an optional fx-name * @param Object an optional fx-options hash * @return void */ function Toggler_toggle(element, event, fx_name, fx_options) { if (RightJS.Fx) { if (fx_name === undefined) { fx_name = element.options.fxName; if (fx_options === undefined) { fx_options = { duration: element.options.fxDuration, onFinish: RightJS(element.fire).bind(element, event) }; // hide on double time if (event === 'hide') { fx_options.duration = (RightJS.Fx.Durations[fx_options.duration] || fx_options.duration) / 2; } } } } // manually trigger the event if no fx were specified if (!RightJS.Fx || !fx_name) { element.fire(event); } return element.$super(fx_name, fx_options); } /** * Relatively positions the current element * against the specified one * * NOTE: this function is called in a context * of another element * * @param Element the target element * @param String position 'right' or 'bottom' * @param Boolean if `true` then the element size will be adjusted * @return void */ function Toggler_re_position(element, where, resize) { var anchor = this.reAnchor || (this.reAnchor = new RightJS.Element('div', {'class': 'rui-re-anchor'})) .insert(this), pos = anchor.insertTo(element, 'after').position(), dims = element.dimensions(), target = this, border_top = parseInt(element.getStyle('borderTopWidth')), border_left = parseInt(element.getStyle('borderLeftWidth')), border_right = parseInt(element.getStyle('borderRightWidth')), border_bottom = parseInt(element.getStyle('borderBottomWidth')), top = dims.top - pos.y + border_top, left = dims.left - pos.x + border_left, width = dims.width - border_left - border_right, height = dims.height - border_top - border_bottom; // making the element to appear so we could read it's sizes target.setStyle('visibility:hidden').show(null); if (where === 'right') { left += width - target.size().x; } else { // bottom top += height; } target.moveTo(left, top); if (resize) { if (where === 'left' || where === 'right') { target.setHeight(height); } else { target.setWidth(width); } } // rolling the invisibility back target.setStyle('visibility:visible').hide(null); } /** * Autocompleter initializer * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var R = RightJS, $ = RightJS.$, $w = RightJS.$w, $E = RightJS.$E, Xhr = RightJS.Xhr, RegExp = RightJS.RegExp, isArray = RightJS.isArray; /** * The RightJS UI Autocompleter unit base class * * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Nikolay Nemshilov */ var Autocompleter = new Widget('UL', { include: Toggler, extend: { version: '2.2.1', EVENTS: $w('show hide update load select done'), Options: { url: document.location.href, param: 'search', method: 'get', minLength: 1, // the minimal length when it starts work threshold: 200, // the typing pause threshold cache: true, // use the results cache local: null, // an optional local search results list fxName: 'slide', // list appearance fx name fxDuration: 'short', // list appearance fx duration spinner: 'native', // spinner element reference cssRule: 'input[data-autocompleter]' // the auto-initialization css-rule } }, /** * basic constructor * * @param mixed the input element reference, a string id or the element instance * @param Object options */ initialize: function(input, options) { this.input = $(input); // KEEP IT before the super call this .$super('autocompleter', options) .addClass('rui-dd-menu') .onMousedown(this.clicked); this.input.autocompleter = this; }, /** * Destructor * * @return Autocompleter this */ destroy: function() { delete(this.input.autocompleter); return this; }, /** * picks the next item on the list * * @return Autocompleter this */ prev: function() { return this.pick('prev'); }, /** * picks the next item on the list * * @return Autocompleter this */ next: function() { return this.pick('next'); }, /** * triggers the done event, sets up the value and closes the list * * @return Autocompleter this */ done: function(current) { current = current || this.first('li.current'); if (current) { current.radioClass('current'); this.input.setValue(current._.textContent || current._.innerText); this.fire('done'); } return this.hide(); }, // protected // preprocessing the urls a bit setOptions: function(options) { this.$super(options, this.input); options = this.options; // building the correct url template with a placeholder if (!R(options.url).includes('%{search}')) { options.url += (R(options.url).includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + options.param + '=%{search}'; } }, // works with the 'prev' and 'next' methods pick: function(which_one) { var items = this.children(), current = items.first('hasClass', 'current'), index = items.indexOf(current); if (which_one == 'prev') { current = index < 1 ? items.last() : items[index < 0 ? 0 : (index-1)]; } else if (which_one == 'next') { current = index < 0 || index == (items.length - 1) ? items.first() : items[index + 1]; } return this.fire('select', {item: current.radioClass('current')}); }, // handles mouse clicks on the list element clicked: function(event) { this.done(event.stop().find('li')); }, // handles the key-press events keypressed: function(event) { if (this.input.value().length >= this.options.minLength) { if (this.timeout) { this.timeout.cancel(); } this.timeout = R(this.trigger).bind(this).delay(this.options.threshold); } else { return this.hide(); } }, // triggers the actual action trigger: function() { this.timeout = null; this.cache = this.cache || {}; var search = this.input.value(), options = this.options; if (search.length < options.minLength) { return this.hide(); } if (this.cache[search]) { this.suggest(this.cache[search], search); } else if (isArray(options.local)) { this.suggest(this.findLocal(search), search); } else { this.request = Xhr.load(options.url.replace('%{search}', encodeURIComponent(search)), { method: options.method, spinner: this.getSpinner(), onComplete: R(function(response) { this.fire('load').suggest(response.text, search); }).bind(this) }); } }, // updates the suggestions list suggest: function(result_text, search) { // saving the result in cache if (this.options.cache) { this.cache[search] = result_text; } if (!R(result_text).blank()) { this.update(result_text.replace(/<ul[^>]*>|<\/ul>/im, '')); this.fire('update'); if (!this._connected || this.hidden()) { this.showAt(this.input, 'bottom', 'resize'); this._connected = true; } } else { this.hide(); } return this; }, // performs the locals search findLocal: function(search) { var regexp = new RegExp("("+RegExp.escape(search)+")", 'ig'); return R(this.options.local).map(function(option) { if (option.match(regexp)) { return '<li>'+ option.replace(regexp, '<strong>$1</strong>') +'</li>'; } }).compact().join(''); }, // builds a native textual spinner if necessary getSpinner: function() { var options = this.options, spinner = options.spinner; if (spinner == 'native') { spinner = options.spinner = new Spinner(3).insertTo(this); spinner.addClass('rui-autocompleter-spinner'); } // positioning the native spinner if (spinner instanceof Spinner) { Toggler_re_position.call(spinner, this.input, 'right', 'resize'); } return spinner; } }); /** * The document events hooking * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay Nemshilov */ $(document).on({ /** * Initializes autocompleters on-focus * * @param Event focus * @return void */ focus: function(event) { var target = event.target; if (target && (target instanceof RightJS.Element) && (target.autocompleter || target.match(Autocompleter.Options.cssRule))) { if (!target.autocompleter) { new Autocompleter(target); } } }, /** * Hides autocompleters on-blur * * @param Event blur * @return void */ blur: function(event) { var autocompleter = event.target ? event.target.autocompleter : null; if (autocompleter && autocompleter.visible()) { autocompleter.hide(); } }, /** * Catching the basic keyboard events * to navigate through the autocompletion list * * @param Event keydown * @return void */ keydown: function(event) { var autocompleter = event.target ? event.target.autocompleter : null; if (autocompleter && autocompleter.visible()) { var method_name = ({ 27: 'hide', // Esc 38: 'prev', // Up 40: 'next', // Down 13: 'done' // Enter })[event.keyCode]; if (method_name) { event.stop(); autocompleter[method_name](); } } }, /** * Catches the input fields keyup events * and tries to make the autocompleter to show some suggestions * * @param Event keyup * @return void */ keyup: function(event) { var autocompleter = event.target ? event.target.autocompleter : null; if (autocompleter && !R([9, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 13]).include(event.keyCode)) { autocompleter.keypressed(event); } } }); var embed_style = document.createElement('style'), embed_rules = document.createTextNode("*.rui-dd-menu, *.rui-dd-menu li{margin:0;padding:0;border:none;background:none;list-style:none;font-weight:normal;float:none} *.rui-dd-menu{display:none;position:absolute;z-index:9999;background:white;border:1px solid #BBB;border-radius:.2em;-moz-border-radius:.2em;-webkit-border-radius:.2em;box-shadow:#DDD .2em .2em .4em;-moz-box-shadow:#DDD .2em .2em .4em;-webkit-box-shadow:#DDD .2em .2em .4em} *.rui-dd-menu li{padding:.2em .4em;border-top:none;border-bottom:none;cursor:pointer} *.rui-dd-menu li.current{background:#DDD} *.rui-dd-menu li:hover{background:#EEE}dl.rui-dd-menu dt{padding:.3em .5em;cursor:default;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#444;background:#EEE}dl.rui-dd-menu dd li{padding-left:1.5em}div.rui-spinner,div.rui-spinner div{margin:0;padding:0;border:none;background:none;list-style:none;font-weight:normal;float:none;display:inline-block; *display:inline; *zoom:1;border-radius:.12em;-moz-border-radius:.12em;-webkit-border-radius:.12em}div.rui-spinner{text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;background:#EEE;border:1px solid #DDD;height:1.2em;padding:0 .2em}div.rui-spinner div{width:.4em;height:70%;background:#BBB;margin-left:1px}div.rui-spinner div:first-child{margin-left:0}div.rui-spinner div.glowing{background:#777}div.rui-re-anchor{margin:0;padding:0;background:none;border:none;float:none;display:inline;position:absolute;z-index:9999}.rui-autocompleter{border-top-color:#DDD !important;border-top-left-radius:0 !important;border-top-right-radius:0 !important;-moz-border-radius-topleft:0 !important;-moz-border-radius-topright:0 !important;-webkit-border-top-left-radius:0 !important;-webkit-border-top-right-radius:0 !important}.rui-autocompleter-spinner{border:none !important;background:none !important;position:absolute;z-index:9999}.rui-autocompleter-spinner div{margin-top:.2em !important; *margin-top:0.1em !important}"); embed_style.type = 'text/css'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(embed_style); if(embed_style.styleSheet) { embed_style.styleSheet.cssText = embed_rules.nodeValue; } else { embed_style.appendChild(embed_rules); } return Autocompleter; })(document, RightJS);