- in_section :events - content_for :header do =render :partial=>'events/header' .row .span3 - in_sub_section :shows =render :partial=>'events/menu' .span9 = render "shared/error_messages", :target => @event .row-fluid .span4 %h3=l @show.datetime_local_to_event, :format => :day_time .span4 .center{:style => "padding-top:20px"} .badge.badge-success.show-state= @show.state .span4 .pull-right{:style => "padding-top:12px"} =render :partial => "work_with", :locals => {:show => @show} %table.table#ticket-type-table %td{:style => "width: 30px"} -unless @event.assigned? -if current_user.can? :manage, @show -section = @show.chart.sections.first %ul.nav.in-table %li.dropdown{:id => "#menu#{section.id}"} =icon_link_to(' ', "#menu#{section.id}", 'fa-asterisk', 'dropdown-toggle dropdown btn btn-mini', '') %ul.dropdown-menu %li =link_to "Put on sale", "#putOnSale#{section.id}", 'data-toggle' => 'modal' %li =link_to "Take off sale", "#takeOffSale#{section.id}", 'data-toggle' => 'modal' %li =link_to "Add tickets", "#addTickets#{section.id}", 'data-toggle' => 'modal' %td=pluralize(@show.chart.sections.first.ticket_types.length, "ticket type") %td="#{@show.capacity} seats" %td="#{@show.open} open" %td="#{@show.on_sale} on sale" %td="#{@show.off_sale} hold" %td="#{@show.sold} sold" %td="#{@show.comped} comp" =render :partial => "#{@show.chart.class.name.underscore.pluralize}/show" -section = @show.chart.sections.first -if current_user.can? :manage, @show .modal{:id => "addTickets#{section.id}", :style => "width: 650px"} .modal-header .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x .row-fluid .span10 %h3 Add Tickets .modal-body = form_tag show_tickets_path(@show), :class => 'form-inline add-tickets-form' do = hidden_field_tag :section_id, section.id Add = text_field_tag :quantity, "0", :placeholder => '0', :class => 'span1' tickets to this show and put them = select_tag(:on_sale, options_for_select({"on sale" => "true", "off sale" => "false"}), :class=>'input-small') = submit_tag "Go", :class => "btn" .row-fluid .span12 %h6 About this show = render :partial => 'shared/show_summary', :locals => { :show => @show } .modal{:id => "takeOffSale#{section.id}"} .modal-header .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x .row-fluid .span10 %h3 Take Tickets Off Sale .modal-body =form_tag off_sale_sections_path(:id => section.id), :method => :post, :class=>'form-inline' do Quantity: =text_field_tag :quantity, section.summary.available, :class => 'span1' %button.btn{:type=>'submit'} Take off sale .row-fluid .span12 %h6 About this show = render :partial => 'shared/show_summary', :locals => { :show => @show } .modal{:id => "putOnSale#{section.id}"} .modal-header .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x .row-fluid .span10 %h3 Put Tickets On Sale .modal-body =form_tag on_sale_sections_path(:id => section.id), :method => :post, :class=>'form-inline' do Quantity: =text_field_tag :quantity, section.summary.off_sale, :class => 'span1' %button.btn{:type=>'submit'} Put on sale .row-fluid .span12 %h6 About this show = render :partial => 'shared/show_summary', :locals => { :show => @show } -content_for :custom_js do = javascript_include_tag 'seat-chart' = javascript_include_tag 'show-seat-chart'